Pioneer Knight

Chapter 101: 102. Conspiracy

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Suddenly hearing the sound, Hughes was deeply hostile in surprise, looking alertly at the source of the sound, and a fat man calmly emerged from the darkness.

"Actually, I only intend to be upset, I thought you were bullied by this guy, and then I will bravely rescue you from fire and water." When the fat man spoke, he followed the gesture with a ridiculous appearance, "You don't want to be so distrustful Looking at me, my favorite person in my life is unease, I really have no bad purpose, really, I swear." As soon as the fat man appeared, he kept talking and talking.

Defensiveness is indispensable. How could Hughes be distracted by the other party's few words?

The fat man shook his head a bit annoyed, and waved his hand: "Ah, forget it, today's luck is really bad, save people instead of being misunderstood, regret, remorse." The fat man said, disappearing into the air.

Now Hughes was tense. He didn't expect the other party to be a master. I'm afraid he already has the level of condensed gas. He is careful to guard the Quartet. As long as there is any abnormal noise, he will give the Thunder a blow. Since getting the secret of the troll's advanced practice, he has successfully achieved the level of training muscles after many days of training, and then cooperated with the sword to break the snow, which is no problem for the ordinary river and lake thieves.

Blood flowed from the small wounds drop by drop, converging in the concave ground, silent and silent in the dark, adding unknown danger.

The **** smell was pungent and stimulated people's nerves to be more tense. Hughes was alert for half an hour, but no more accidents happened.

"Did the fat man really go?" Susie quickly disappeared into the darkness with a little doubt.

Cisl pills, synthesized from 73 or so precious drugs, can strengthen the body and enhance the body's five elements of air. What's more valuable is that Cisl pills contain heart powder, a kind that is only researched and taught by the Guangming religion. No matter how powerful Neidan is, anyone who swallows heart powder will have edema first, and then the internal organs will rot, and the skin will come out in another month. Concentrated water, at this time, the person has become ill, and the skin will rupture in a few days, and the muscles will drain away like thick water, and only a skeleton will remain.

While eating heart powder slowly invades the motor nerve, it also strengthens the tactile nerve. In the later period, even if someone can't stand the torture of the mind and body, when he intends to commit suicide to relieve himself, he will be horrified to find that the chance of suicide has no mercy. The ground was confiscated, and people could only watch their bodies fall out like **** one by one, and they could only endure pain until they died.

Bright religion has long been at the pinnacle of the world. In addition to a set of missions that confuse the masses, it also has powerful means of force and darkness.

It is easy to formulate the St. Sage water, but the Sicil pills cannot produce a few in a year, which is really precious. If Guangming teaches mass production of Sismaru, it is estimated that the entire world has completely mastered it.

The sky was blue, and the yellow leaves fell out of thin air, covering the whole manor. Sima Nan stood alone and stood quietly against the fence, with a distressed look on his face.

"I didn't expect to make another big mistake this time! At that time I was stunned by Hughes's ghost, and I just wanted to torture him in the most cruel way, so that I swallowed his precious Sisl pills. "

"This time I brought the Sisir pill, the intention was to let Batan devour, and then the Guangming religion considered whether to support the other party with all my strength. Now that I have been messed up by myself, the thing has not been found, and it is estimated that Batan will have to put it aside. "

"For more than 30 years, I have never made such a big mistake like this. It's all the **** little devil. I want you to die better than you!"

"It seems that I have to go back to the headquarters again, but how can I explain the Sisill Pills. In order to continue the plan, where do I have to go to get a pill again, it seems that I have to find the old man, It's inevitable to be scolded this time."

"Perhaps, I should have lied, and it would be better to report to the top, and the pill was given to Ba Le."

Ba Le is the younger brother of Ba Tan. He treats people with sincerity and handles things steadily. He is the second-bone character besides Ba Tan, and also the No. 1 figure that Guangming wants to harvest.

The rarity of the Sismaru also led to the fact that anyone blessed to enjoy the Sismaru is definitely not something in the pool, but a small Xiaolingdong district in the north has attracted two places of Guangming, which is really impressive.

"It seems that this method can only be used! However, before going back, you have to teach the troll imp."

Sima Nan thought, making a light gesture, a figure flashed immediately outside the manor, his toes passed, and no sound was made.

A medium-sized man, a dark night suit wrapped his whole body up and down tightly, and at this time he was kneeling respectfully on one knee. The dry piece on the ground was swayed into the air by his rushing, just like being pulled by invisible force, rolling over continuously.

Pull out a roll of portrait from the sleeve and gently wave it. The portrait swishes into the muddy ground. Sima Nan's expression is as if speaking to the air indifferently, "Shenfeng 89, you go to paint The kid brought me, remember, must live!" He would not let Huss die so easily, so he must be alive, and he can slowly torture.

The flame flew up and down, grilling the thick oily juice, the aroma was like holding the shackles around the nose. Hughes swallowed hard while turning the branch.

When Hughes couldn't wait to send the roast into the mouth, there were angry and violent sounds in the distance.

Not thinking about the golden roasted chicken, nor about extinguishing the hot red flames, Hughes quickly dived into the darkness as soon as he heard the strange noise, like a startled bird.

The sound of the battle is getting closer and closer, maybe a little light in the mountains makes people feel at ease, the two sides of the battle deliberately or unintentionally approach the only fire in the mountains

The flame kept jumping and crackling, and the golden roast chicken slowly turned black and gradually burnt under the flame grill. It was a pity dinner.

It’s just that Huss didn’t put out the fire when he left. One fire wasted a little time, and the other two was in the mountainous area where he was currently unable to show his fingers. His match had already exposed his position, even if he put out the fire now, He can't hide his trail, it is better to hide in the dark, let the flames burn, and perhaps expose the other person's figure.

Shadows constantly changed positions in the air, shouting and killing one after another. Gradually, the shadows became clearer and clearer. One of the fat men danced with his left hand sword, rushing left and right in the crowd. Looking closely, it turned out to be the fat man who had a relationship with Hughes.

The fat man stood on the ground with a long growl, like a thunder, blowing the figure of everyone in a daze, exuding a huge mountain-like air wave all over him, and even more so that they did not dare to move.

"When did the Dark Star group become so degraded that they even used the poison of San San." The fat man's eyes flickered, and he said to the people with a straight face, but the right hand fell down, shaking slightly, and the whole palm was black as if it were still Pheasant roasted in flames.

What a pity a fat hand.

? ? ? ? ?

Oh, Hughes is hungry. When he sees the meat, he will inevitably think of eating it. When he thinks of eating, he will sigh.

The Dark Star Group is the intelligence department of the Lingdong government, specializing in holding hostile spies and various local organizations hostile to the Lingdong Army.

"To deal with you against the giant thieves, no matter what means." Kou Xingxing said, with a look of contempt on his face, their official organization looked down on those thieves from the bones.

The fat man's brows were low, as if he was disgusted with the other's words. He planned to persuade him a few more times. The harsh circle saw that the encircling circle had been reorganized, and he commanded the brothers to attack with a wave of his hand.

The icy irons continually astounded from around him, and under the blaze of the fire, the weapons glowed dazzlingly and engulfed in blood. The fat man kept drinking, and the left hand sword danced dripping.

Every fat man's move gives a heavy illusion and gives everyone a sense of suffocation. Hughes knows that it is an effect that includes the attributes of earth.

The battle is getting more and more fierce. Due to the light, the dark star group is no longer fighting each other and fearing to hurt their companions as they just did. They trapped the fat guys in advance or retreat. The fat man looked at the people who had evidence to move in and out, and a tingling pain came from his right hand, and he was a little worried, and the strength on his left hand became heavier and heavier.

In the weeds not far away, the darkness swallowed everything for a long time, and Hughes narrowed his eyes, watching everything carefully.

As a bystander, Hughes always feels that the fat man seems to be merciful under his hands. Sometimes in the key efforts, the fat man always gives the opponent a life-saving blow.

"Maybe your eyesight is not high enough, or there is any conspiracy of the fat man." Hughes guessed, but in his heart he preferred the former, because the battle scene was very chaotic, "maybe this made me illusion ."

However, the results of those people from the Dark Star group who could only be injured and died still told another possibility, what the fat man was worried about when he shot.

The flames were burning harder, as if not swearing to squeeze out the last life.

"You struggle so hard again, I'm going to take a heavy hand." The fat man shouted after fierce fighting.

Harsh Star sneered a little, and died when he was about to die! However, he saw that the fat man's movements became more and more fierce, and he was worried that his brothers would not be able to stop him. He left eight brothers to guard the Quartet separately, and he greeted the fat man with a spear.

The harsh star makes the stone drum gun pierce the main points of the human body, and with the assistance of others, it increases its power. The fat man is forced to be left and right, dangerous. The morale of the crowd is even greater, and the situation of the fat man is even worse.

The fire light kept jumping in the air, reflecting the fat body breathing violently in the forest of swords and guns; the fire light flashed suddenly and secretly, and the shadow of the fat man was stretched so long that it seemed to reach the corner of the earth and the edge of the sky.

"Such a desperate situation, maybe a few words can be settled, but..." There was a trace of regret in the fat man's eyes, "Out of the unspeakable secret, he constantly shot and killed many good brothers, although for the ultimate great cause. They are definitely worth the money, but so many flesh and blood brothers are sacrificed by themselves as a tool for promotion. The pain in their hearts that can never be revealed is so suffocating."

"I really don't want to go down this road anymore, but what is the burden on my shoulders, in order to repay the grace of knowing what to do? Do you have any choice? If you now back away, what about those sacrificed brothers? , Can they die? No matter how difficult this road is, no matter how much hatred or regret in my heart, I have no turning back, forever, until the successful side!"

The fat man's gaze grew firmer.

Hughes sighed slightly. Because he had a relationship with the fat man, he naturally hoped that the fat man could escape. However, he does not intend to help fat people. He is not that kind of love-spreading person, nor a stupid person. Harsh Star has the primary strength of condensing gas, and it is also a good hand in human practice. The strength of the quenched body is simply not something Hughes can resist.

"If I have a chance, I will definitely avenge you, this group of **** batan minions."

Hughes made preparations for retreat, and it can be seen from the fact that the star Kuxing specifically left eight people on guard to show that the star Ku must have guessed that there were people around him. In case he killed the fat man, he would inspect the surroundings again. It's too late to run away.

"Brother, come and help!" the fat man cried with excitement and excitement in the direction of Hughes.

At the moment when the fat man made a noise, Hughes was suddenly shocked with sweat, and he almost turned around impulsively and ran. But everyone's eyes glanced over one after another, forcing Hughes to dare not move.

"How did the fat man know that I was hiding here!" Hughes's eyes were startled and angry, and he cursed the fat eighteen generations' ancestors over and over again, hoping that the fat would be torn apart immediately. It's just that these 18th generation ancestors haven't been scolded, and incredible changes have taken place on the scene.

When the star of the fire saw the fire at the beginning, he knew there were people nearby, just to avoid trouble, so he did not search the Quartet. At the moment when the fat man made his voice, Harsh Star immediately retreated and turned to look at the situation behind him. He is the leader, so he must understand the latest situation and make arrangements in the first situation.

Harsh Star's original intention was to withdraw from the battle under the cover of the brethren, but when the fat man uttered his voice, most people turned their eyes to the back of Harsh Star, but the people around the fat man did not look too much. People who are far away from fat people turn their heads over. Maybe the fat man is already poor, and he has not been taken seriously.

The fat light flashed in the fat man's eyes. At the moment when everyone's eyes were scattered, he suddenly blew a tornado, blowing everyone upside down, and then split into the harsh star with the pressure of Taishan. The fat man's actions were done in one go, as if he had been planning for a long time.

When the star turned around but did not find any abnormalities, his heart was unclear, and then when there was an energy change next to him, he immediately felt something was wrong. He is also an old river and lake, and rolls backwards without any pause.

It's just that no matter how hard Star Star struggles, first of all, he has lost his first chance, the two fat guys let go of all the burdens, and regardless of the huge poison in their right hand, they try to attack the Star Star. Harsh Star only took three strokes, and was held in the neck by the cold iron sword, and the spear in his hand was also taken off.

All of this was done in the blink of an eye. It was so fast that everyone had no time to react. Even Hughes, who had been staring at it, only faintly saw the figure shaking. "Sure enough, people at the level of condensed gas are simply not able to fight against them." Hughes was surprised by the sudden result, and secretly decided in his heart that he should never hesitate or show mercy in the future, especially above the level of condensed gas. Guy.

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