Pioneer Knight

Chapter 102: 103. Everywhere

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"You all give me back!" The fat man shouted at everyone else who wanted to rush after successfully controlling the harsh star.

Everyone sees me and what I see you is overwhelmed by this sudden change.

"!" said the fat man gritted his teeth, while tightening the sword on the neck of the harsh star, a trace of blood traced out on the neck of the harsh star.

Everyone had no choice but to take a few steps back.

"Hand over the antidote, I can kill you." The fat man said to the harsh star when he saw everyone retreating.

"Ha ha ha... kill if you want to kill, how can there be so much nonsense." Burning anger in his eyes, the harsh star replied toughly.

"Antidote!" The fat man emphasized again with a tone that he couldn't refuse. "Don't resist, otherwise I can still find the antidote from you after killing you."

The hatred in his heart and the desire for life were entangled in the darkness, and the star Ku finally succumbed to the latter. He reluctantly pulled out a small black porcelain bottle from his arms.

The fat man slowly took the small porcelain bottle with his dark right hand and smelled it carefully. After confirming that it was a real antidote, he said: "Very well, now you let everyone else back away, and I promise to let you go."

Harsh Star no longer resisted this time, and waved his hand gently, and the people took another seven or eight steps backwards.

There is an antidote in hand, but it is not surrounded by people. It is certainly not a problem to escape with the fat man's repair. A stone dangled in my heart finally let go, and the fat man felt relieved: "Well, you swear now, I won't be entangled after I let you go, don't come to me for at least three days."

"I swear, within three days, I will never be entangled with you, or my head will be in a different place!" said Kui Xingxing cheerfully.

I have done everything I have to do, and I have said all I have to say. The Fatty Sword pointed at the harsh star and stepped back step by step.

The thin cheeks flickered in the light of fire, and when survival was no longer a luxury, honor and hatred once again conquered the entire brain of Harsh Star.

The hatred of the prisoners of the ranks, the blood feud of the brothers, the blow of defeat, the desire to regain honor, and a conspiracy with luck, forming a huge **** giant cocoon to encircle the cruel star cluster.

Ku Jixing suddenly madly rushed over with empty hands, and the fat man's sword was pointed at the other party. As soon as Ku Jixing moved, the tip of the sword punctured the opponent's heart nest slightly.

Suddenly, the fat man could not bear to see it, and watching the other party pounce empty-handed, he was naturally not afraid of what the other party would do to himself. The left hand flicked and punctured the opponent's chest an inch from the centrifugal nest.

The cruel face of the harsh star twisted and deformed in the firelight, and it was especially terrifying. His hands were facing the fat man, and two short arrows were suddenly shot in his sleeves. The blue arrow pointed out to the world about its viciousness and terror.

At such a short distance, the fat man didn't have any chance to evade. In a flash, the fat man swept his right hand, two short arrows fiercely pierced into the already black right hand, two black blood burst like fireworks in the air.

"Go to death, dog mongrel!" After this mutation, the fat man shouted angrily at the harsh star, holding the sword in his left hand to cut the other's transverse chest.

Harsh Star had already prepared to escape when he shot two short arrows. When the fat man just wanted to work hard, he had retreated. The long sword withdrew from the star's chest, and a stream of blood was spurred on the fat man's face by the arrow of the star of the star. The fat man had no choice but to lift the sword and sweep the blood arrow.

The members of the Dark Star group watched the Star of the Stars perform a good show, cheering for them in unison, and at the same time, everyone surrounded the fat guys again.

The fat man looked coldly at the harsh star supported by four people and quickly retreated. He couldn't help but mocked with a smirk: "It's mean!"

The two poison arrows were also mixed with thrombin, a powder that specifically prevents blood from coagulating. For a period of time, people can bleed more than a few times when they are injured. Forcing, it is estimated that consumption can also consume the fat man's blood.

In order to prevent the fat man from coming over again like last time, the harsh star retreated far away and disappeared directly into the darkness.

Looking at the faces of bloodthirsty and hatred, the fat man could not help but ripples again.

"This time it really seems to be overturning in the gutter. Would you like to tell things to live?"

"While my fat man is not an upright man, he is not a coward who is greedy for life and death!"

"After killing so many brothers, how can I live alive! If you die, you must die. When you arrive in Yincao Difu, you must pay your brothers."

Hughes watched the Harpy Star being approached step by step with someone's help, first of all wanted to escape, but fearing that he would be found when walking, he had to crawl down his body as much as possible and try his best to minimize his breathing.

"Go talk to your brothers and try to catch as much as you can." Harsh Star said weakly.

"Yes." One of them ran quickly to the encirclement.

Looking at the harsh star near by, Hughes thought of the dead people, and remembered the night full of blood and fire, a hatred swelled in his chest, and the impulse to kill became more and more difficult to control. Anger starts from the heart, evil grows toward the courage. At this time, Hughes is not afraid of any danger, and he changes his usual plan and moves.

After glancing at the harsh star with no resistance, there were three others who were staring at the battle. Hughes sprinted up ghostly, and the snow-knife unsheathed silently.

Despite the weakness of the star Ku, the long-term struggle Shengya still gave him a little understanding. He turned his head and saw a murderous show face, and there was a little ripple in the sky.

The snow-knife crossed quickly, without even leaving the sound of breaking the air, and the star did not feel any pain, but his head slipped from his neck. Seeing the ground getting closer and closer, looking at the body sitting on the ground, looking at the big cutout on the neck of the neck, the harsh star wanted to yell in horror, but his mouth was forced, and the blood "poofed" from The wound spewed out, suddenly unconscious.

"Cool Captain..." A cry of exclamation crossed the sky, full of incredible and angry.

The exclamation spread far away, attracting everyone's eyes across the venue.

Hughes was indifferent, turned the snow knife, and slanted it into the chest of the nearest person. The other two roared angrily, slashing their swords frantically at Hughes. Hughes waved his sword without fear, and the sparks of steel and iron continuously flashed in the darkness.

Hughes and the two fight three tricks. With two clicks, the weapons of the two were cut by the snow knife. While the two looked at the opportunity of interrupting the blade with their hands, Hughes made two knives. Cut the chest and abdomen of the two.

Due to the dim light, everyone in the Dark Star group only saw sparks, roughly saw three people fighting, vaguely saw the corpse of the harsh star fell to the ground, and suddenly rushed to Hughes.

After killing four people in a row, Hughes decisively disappeared into the darkness. Due to the lack of condensate level, the approximate location of Hughes was felt. Although everyone in the Dark Star group chased around, they could not touch Hughes.

In a desperate situation, the fat man looked at everything suddenly in disbelief, thinking of the knife marks that had just flashed in the dark, and a surprised look appeared in his eyes.

Although the fat man can't see the other person's face, but with the characteristics of the snow-breaker, he vaguely knows that it is the Hughes who just separated.

Suddenly feeling dizzy, the fat man knew that this was the result of too deep poisoning and excessive blood loss. He gratefully looked at the direction in which Hughes disappeared, and fled to the distance quickly.

The lake in the early morning is smoky, like a beautiful woman covered with a charming layer of gauze, revealing an infinitely calm temperament in the haze, making people want to stop. Occasionally, a few white clouds floated across the sky, light and ethereal, and the green lake was littered with flat boats, and the water was rippling.

Hanshan Lake is located in the territory of Lingdong. The area of ​​the lake is not large, but the lake is rich in aquatic products, and has raised more than half of the residents of Lingdong City. The northern part of the country is arid, as the only reservoir in Lingdong District, its importance can be imagined.

Ten years ago, the flag floating on Hanshan Lake was still a cheerful carp playing in the water, belonging to a territory called Lin Zhongshan.

Although Lin Zhongshan didn't do much in his life, he didn't dare to neglect it. He managed Hanshan Lake to be considered as Cathay Pacific people's security, and also had a little prestige in the hearts of the people.

In the middle of Tianyue 2114, a team of sturdy troops rushed into this fairyland-like territory as a subsidiary of Lin Zhongshan-a small tribe that was not even a city at the time, and suddenly went to Hanshan Lake Open sharp minions.

At that time, Batan’s father, Ba Yu, under the slogan of peace, secretly gathered all the forces, escaped the border patrol by sending relatives, and suddenly launched a fierce attack on Lin Zhongshan. With conscious intentions, Lin Zhongshan's army was killed without even having time to resist.

In order to protect the hard-won industries, in order to prevent Lin Zhongshan's troops from counterattacking, Ba Yu ordered a crazy slaughter order, the anti-dare to rebel-kill! On the contrary, it is related to Lin Zhongshan-kill!

That night, roaring, trembling, shouting, and crying for help continued to sound in this fertile land. In less than three hours, the Hanshan City was violently tortured, and the body became a mountain, and Lin Zhongshan died directly. The clan of the bloodline of the direct line and the side line were even killed. Hanshan City was killed overnight.

Ba Yu's iron blood stimulated a rebound of some ambitious people. Under the leadership of Yuan Kai, he organized a group of anti-Bafulin rebels, the Blood Mountain Regiment, with Lin Zhongshan's young girl as the call.

The new nobles who benefited from the rebellion, grateful to the old forces of Lin Zhongshan's affection, both fought openly or secretly in Hanshan City.

The Blood Mountain Regiment guerrillas hurriedly and hurriedly, and Ba Yu, blood and blood, suppressed them coldly and continued to perform in Hanshan City.

This turmoil lasted for three years. No matter how hard the Blood Mountain Group tried, Bayu firmly controlled Hanshan City with his blood.

In Tianyue 2117, Bayu traveled and was assassinated on the dragon boat. In the same year, Batan inherited Bayu's grand rule and renamed Hanshan City as Lingdong City. Batan seems to be ushering in a new future with a brand-new name and creating a new situation. At the same time, in order to let the people get rid of the memories of the past and devote themselves to the embrace of the new owner.

With the passage of time, with the death of Ba Yu, and the newly appointed Ba Tan adopted a series of Huairou policies conducive to the national economy and people's livelihood, the residents of Hanshan City slowly agreed with Ba Tan's rule.

However, the blood mountain group with great vigilance against the Pak group was not influenced by the Batan’s policy. Instead, they believed that this series of measures was just to confuse the masses. They deeply believed that the gang relied on The **** blood flowing in his body is always the dirtiest of the guys who have won by vile means. They can never get rid of the vicious and bloodthirsty nature. They are convinced that only they can be the masters of this land, and only they can give this People on the land bring happiness.

But as the people's minds turned, the blood mountain group's life became more and more difficult. At the same time, the blood mountain group's senior officials also held the dark psychology of hating iron and not making steel, and extremely hated the change of heart of those ignorant people.

And with the experience of Bayu, they simply believe that relying on a vicious powerful hand bowl can scare the people. Some even thought that "even if the people can't help themselves willingly, then let them serve themselves diligently." So the Blood Mountain Group imposed a hearty ambition and threat on those who turned.

Tianyue was a turning point in August 2119, and Clay led the Lingdong Army straight to the headquarters of the Blood Mountain Regiment. After three months of **** battle, Yuan Kai lost to defeat and his main force was also killed. Since then, the blood mountain group had to transfer the remaining forces to the dark. At the same time, the policy of the Blood Mountain Regiment also slowly changed, from a direct guerrilla confrontation, to a slow assassination of the top of the Lingdong Army.

The night was cold and windy, lonely, Hughes was floating in the deserted wilderness, the quiet darkness made him feel no bondage, he was immersed in rare relaxation.

Suddenly he tripped over something, and Hughes kicked it angrily, only to find it seemed to be a human thigh.

Hughes jumped a little back in shock, and the snow-breaker came out of the sheath. "Who!" The deep drink passed without any echo.

After Hughes quietly stared, making sure that the other party had no response, he took out the flint and took a slight photo.

Pale round face, eyes closed, mouth twisted in pain, turned out to be the fat Luo fled. It turned out that Luo Fatzi escaped safely, but he was comatose halfway through the poison and blood loss.

Hughes frowned slightly, and was a bit troubled in the end whether he would save him or not.

Suddenly remembering the funny look of the fat man at the first meeting, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Hughes finally decided to put in another hand.

The sun was white and dazzling. The fat man opened his heavy eyelids with difficulty. Under the ground was cluttered with dry branches and hay. A round short wood was used as a pillow to support his head. Looking around again, I found a figure sitting lonely under a cliff. The bright sunlight around him seemed to insulate him, and nothing was shining on him.

The fat man opened his mouth and wanted to cry, but only made a "coo".

"Wake up?" Hughes heard the sound, and came over and asked indifferently to the fat man.

"Thank you..." The fat man said with an ugly smile.

Hughes knew that the other party wanted to express his life-saving grace and replied unkindly: "Well, don't say thank you first. I don't know if your life can be retrieved. The poisoning is too deep. It's estimated that it won't last for a few days. "

The fat man closed his eyes and felt the condition of his body. Sure enough, he found that the situation was not so bad, and his right hand had no consciousness.

"Can you... please... one thing." With a gasp of breath, the fat man finished his words with difficulty.

Hughes didn't reply. He thought about it. He must have helped him. It's just that the poison on the fat man is very difficult to save. One is equine, which directly damages the nervous system and paralyzes the central control system such as the brain stem, which makes people lose breathing ability. The other is naphthalene balls, which damage red blood cells and damage the kidneys. , Causing nausea, vomiting, headache, anemia, fever, and coma. To solve these two poisons is a very troublesome thing.

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