Pioneer Knight

Chapter 111:

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"Demon...Demon Race?!"

Another series of exclamations.

Ju Mang slowly shrank and returned to his right hand. Only after this change, everyone's eyes on Hughes have changed from envy to fear!

"Brother, your right hand..." Robber's mouth was so surprised that he could swallow a big duck egg, watching the brother he deeply trusted suddenly turned into this terrible look, and his heart was more incredible than surprise.

Facing the repulsive eyes of everyone, Hughes felt as if he had returned to the past. At that time, the clan never looked at him directly. At that time, the clan would always show disgust of non-my clan in his eyes!

Shouldn’t I really be in this world? Is it really redundant? No, no one can deny my existence, I am me!

"I am me!" Hughes's eyes became deeper, and his muffled voice seemed to be sonorous and powerful, but listening to everyone's ears was inexplicable. Without Hughes's experience and feelings, how can he understand such a simple but meaningful sentence?

"Don't get me wrong, my little brother is definitely not a Demon Race, he... he just had adventures." After being surprised, Rob Zhong explained to everyone loudly. With his trust and gratitude to Hughes, Rob Zhong Stand on the side of Hughes without reservation.

"I believe him too!" Anna also said aloud, in a simple sentence, which included trust in a person.

Hughes never thought that a person's trust would be so valuable. Under the disgusting and fearful eyes of everyone, the trust was so touching!

"Thank you!" Hughes solemnly and forcefully thanked.

"I think he is the Demon Race!" Wang Hurry suddenly stood up and shouted, "How can ordinary people have the kind... the kind of arms that will become huge."

"There is nothing strange in the world, how can you be sure that there are no frogs at the bottom of your well." Luo Zhongzhong replied that if you let everyone form Hughes as the Devil's idea, then no matter how Hughes clarifies, it will be difficult to be recognized by others, so Luozhong The words have become sharp, and those blame must be destroyed in the embryo.

"I'm a frog at the bottom of the well. I've eaten more salt than you have eaten! I'm a frog at the bottom of the well?" Wang hurried angrily.

"Do you want to make gestures?" Rob Zhongzhong forced a step.

"Don't quarrel, I also believe that this little brother is not a demon." Andre said lightly.

For many years, I once again felt the warmth of being trusted and caring. Hughes felt a warm current in his heart, wherever it flows, it will be warm and comfortable!

"Haha, if the little brother is brave." Barlow came up and shouted, and Andrea, the dark star group director, assured that who would dare to pick his tongue again. If you want to do business in Lingdong, the senior officials of Lingdong still have to frustrate, so Andrea basically ruled out the assumption that Hughes is the devil.

Susie, who was moved, suddenly felt a cold, a strange feeling of staring at the prey, he rolled forward without thinking.

At the original position of Hughes, countless thin filaments suddenly appeared on the ground, intertwined and woven diagonally into the sky.

The thin silk was endless, and in the crowd's exclamation, the silk twisted the Barlow beside Hughes into a mummy.

The silk was lightly tightened, and blood spattered from the cracks, and then the thin pieces of meat were squeezed out of the cracks, and finally a person was squeezed into bones.

Faced with the expectations and pressure given by everyone, Hughes made a bold decision.

Hughes quickly ran on the ground with his own understanding, dragging the knife from time to time to draw a simple pattern on the ground. Until nine hundred and ninety-one patterns were drawn, Hughes bit his lip, and the red blood spewed out, suddenly turned into blood mist, which diffused throughout the space. The patterns shone slightly, and immediately absorbed the blood mist.

The earth wobbled as if drunk, and the whole ground slowly turned red and bloody.

The mud suddenly became sticky, and when the silk passed through the ground, the speed was slowed down a lot, and it was no longer dangerous to everyone.

Susie suddenly sensed the existence of Freymo. It turned out that Freym had just been moving at high speed underground. The speed was so fast that even Huss could not sense it. Now because of the deterioration of the soil, Freym's movement speed is suddenly slow. , Hughes immediately sensed the other party's mobile line again.

Several strange monsters crawled out of the blood-red mud. Those monsters had no hands and feet, and their bodies were like snakes and smoke, and they curled in the air. Hughes spit out blood again, and the blood turned into blood mist as soon as it touched the air. Those monsters happily ate the blood mist of Hughes, and the smokey body also revealed a substantial feeling. The monsters sensed Hughes' thoughts from the blood and slammed back into the ground.

The earth trembled more violently, as if the earth-shattering battle was going on below. With a loud thunderous noise, the earth returned to calm.

Spirit bite is a profound technique, which uses its own blood as an introduction, and summons the souls of Hanoi to help. Originally, the current strength of Esius was far from meeting the requirements of Spirit Devouring. Only after being admitted by the power of fate, after being irrigated with that peculiar liquid, his blood contains a special function. The biggest feature is-Hughes’ blood is like no money, and can be vomited casually. !

Don't see that Hughes only spit out two mouthfuls of blood, which were all concentrated and strengthened, and one mouthful of blood is worth the blood of the average person's body!

Andre's eyes flickered, and the spirit bite was obviously the skill of the troll race. So, what is the identity of Hughes. Andre has a kind of enlightenment. Even if the half-blood of the troll and human Batan is looking for is not Hughes, it must be closely related to Hughes.

There is nowhere to go after breaking through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to come. There are discrepancies in the heart digging event, and it is estimated that the hybrid of trolls and humans has also fallen!

"It ran away." Hughes said weakly, and he was about to fall at any time, and Luo Fatzi immediately came to support him,

"How about it, is there any problem, or let's go back to rest first." Rob Zhong said that he would help Hughes back.

"Wait..." Andrea shouted immediately, "This little brother's bravery will surely cause Freimo's fear, maybe Flemo will come to the door specially, it is too dangerous for him to leave, It’s better to let us provide protection.” Andrei, as an official, said this sentence is reasonable, but Rob Zhong, who knows his identity, does not think so.

Provide protection? I'm afraid it's just surveillance! Rob murmured secretly, but gratefully replied: "Thank you Brother An for your kindness, but my brother is solo and does not like to stay with others."

"Fry Demon God is out of the ghost. Without the help of the Aden brothers, I am afraid that Miss Anna will not sleep well." Andre pulled Anna out, and with the help of Anna's safety, he can win everyone's support. If the other party does not agree, it is only the other party who is responsible. "You don't think it's a great honor to stay and help us protect Miss Anna."

"This..." Robber said poorly.

"I desperately need a quiet place to heal!" Hughes concealed in a simple way, obviously lacking in air, but Hughes still raised his head firmly and stood upright, not letting his body appear weak.

Andrea smiled apologetically, and just wanted to speak, Anna's crisp and sweet voice sounded at the right time: "Brother Ya has helped me a lot. Can't let him protect me harder, let him go back to rest. ."

"Miss is really considerate, the little brother waits a little longer, I will send someone to bring some supplements, it can be regarded as a little compensation for you." Andrei said again.

Andre has been looking for excuses to delay, what the **** he wants to do!

Robber finally understands Andre’s conspiracy, he is also a good figure, so think about Andre’s abacus so carefully, the location of Guangxing Garden is important, as long as it happens, the City Defense Army will definitely be the first Time is coming, so what Andrea is doing now is nothing more than trying to drag himself to the moment the officers and soldiers arrive.

Robber gave Hughes a gesture of immediate departure.

Hughes looked at Rob intently and nodded slightly.

"Fremer is here again." Hughes suddenly looked at Anna's position in horror and exclaimed suddenly.

It has always been through the induction of Hughes that defeated Freymon, so everyone believed in Hughes' words. Just listening to the alarm of Hughes’ horror, everyone’s nerves were raised at once, including Rob Zhong and Andre.

"Go!" Hughes sighed and ran towards the darkness first. Robber was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that the kid was playing a conspiracy. Rob Zhong quickly caught up and sighed while running: "The kid is really cunning."

"Stop!" Andrea also immediately awakened. The flying knife had jumped between his fingers, and the air machine firmly held Huss. As long as Huss continued to run disobediently, he would shoot out the flying knife in his hand. .

Fatty Luo sensed Andre's actions, "Andre, what do you know, even helped Frey against us." The roar in Robber focused everyone's eyes on Andre.

"Su Ji, how can you run away in disregard of Miss Anna's safety." Andre said against a hat in Robber's hat, the flying knife in his hand was about to pull the air machine.

"Fremor might only be against me this time. I left you safe!" Hughes stopped and stared at Andre.

This is called using his spear to attack his shield. Andre just wanted to threaten Hughes with the danger of Fremont to everyone, so that Hughes would not leave, and Hughes simply used everyone's safety this time. Respect for reasons.

These correct answers are in everyone's ears, and I can't help but have a sincere admiration for Hughes!

"It's too dangerous for you to leave like this. It's better for me to accompany you on a journey." Andrei went up again and again, because Lai made up his mind not to let Hughes leave his vision.

"What's the use of staying with you! One more goal and one more burden! Don't do it too!" Hughes replied coldly, one by one, and then kept on moving forward without looking back.

Once upon a time, Andrea was called cumbersome. He couldn't help but want to laugh, "Careful? Okay! Okay!"

After a few breaths, Hughes and Rob have disappeared from the corner.

Andrea hesitated and sneered slightly. Since he arrived in Dunhe City, would he still let you fly away? What if you run now, I will definitely dig you out again!

"We are the fifth brigade of the Dunhe City Guards, and all the miscellaneous personnel flashed away." A strong man in chain armour commanded three hundred strong soldiers to rush.

Andre sighed slightly, only a little bit, if this team of horses came a little bit ahead of time, he would have absolute certainty to leave Hughes and Rob among them, but unfortunately... It's too bad, what's the fun of playing it?

Andre took out the token of the deputy team leader of the Dark Star group and shook it. The team leader shrank his head like a mouse and saw a cat, hesitated: "I don't know if the team leader is here, the small one will surprise you!"

The Dark Star Group, as a secret agent organization, will also monitor local officials while investigating hostile intelligence, so ordinary officials will see the Dark Star Group's people short, and they are even more terrified to see the Dark Star Group's senior personnel. .

The captain saw Andrea's blood stains, and at first glance he was injured. This made him more frightened. The head was so low that it almost touched the ground.

"You are just here. Someone wants to do harm to Miss Anna, so you are instructed to protect them." Andrea said to the captain, since people always come to use it, and protecting Anna's safety is also a top priority. If something happened under Anna's eyelids, it was not only difficult to explain internationally, but also unable to explain to Batan.

"Team Ann, we don't need you to arrange staff." Anna suddenly objected.

Andrea was stunned, not understanding why the other party said this.

"What's the use of a group of shrimps and crabs, but it's a hindrance." Rong Ma said bluntly, in the face of Frey's stabbing, it is really difficult for ordinary people to play a role.

Andrea pondered and said, "I will immediately contact the elders of the Pole Star Group. As for this time, I still have to grieve the young lady first."

"Listening to Team Leader An, what other important tasks do you seem to have?" Anna asked.

"Huh, what's more important than protecting my young lady!" Rong Ma asked politely, facing the Fremor's stabbing again, I'm afraid only Andrea could start the role a little bit, "You don't think to stay It’s a great honor to come down to help us protect Miss Anna!” Rong Mammoth sneered and said what Ande just said.

When Rong saw that Andrea had been in trouble for Hughes, she felt angry. No matter what identity Hughes was, she only knew that thanks to him this time he could lift the crisis. Lymo was seriously injured. The most abominable is the Andre in front of him, and it's time for trouble.

Andre couldn't help being a little bit big, and had a terrible feeling of lifting a stone and hitting his foot. Anna's reputation in the world is really offending, and he is really inconvenient to offend, but he has important things to do. This time it is rare to encounter a person of the troll family. It is a pity if he misses it. Andre couldn't help but hesitate.

"It's late at night. Leader An please come back. It's not a day or two for the concubine to roll in this red dust. There will be a way to protect herself." Anna saw the other's hesitation and said lightly. Anna is the character of Xu Xu, who usually wants to be approached by others. This time it is good. First, he hit a soft nail in front of Hughes, and this time he was nailed in front of Andre.

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