Pioneer Knight

Chapter 112:

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Andre is really hesitant to make troubles. If he stays, Hughes and Rob Zhong will definitely escape. If they don't stay, Yu Qingyi will not make sense.

"Miss let you get away, why are you staying here!" Rongmao was even more amused to see the other party's trouble. Others tried their best to find a chance to protect and approach Miss Anna. Sorrowful face!

"Then retreat first." Andrea hesitated and finally decided to hunt down Huss first. Although these red dust women are famous, they are also a group of red faces in his eyes. If they die, they will die!

"Go!" Andre ordered directly.

The brigade left in an orderly manner.

The sequelae of the spirit bite appeared, and Hughes' blood and buoyancy in the running, and his vision flew, and this feeling became stronger and stronger.

"How is the brother?" Rob Zhong looked around alertly, caring.

"It's okay, hurry up." Hughes took a few breaths quickly, leaning on the wall.

"Let's go back to the Italian jewelry store first." Rob Zhong looked at Hughes and thought about it.

"I'm afraid it's not safe there, let's go out of town directly," Hughes vetoed directly.

Robber thought for a while and said, "No, your current strength is not suitable for long journeys." If you choose the road out of the city, you must run as far as you want after you leave the city.

"But I think Andre knows your identity very well. If you go to a jewelry store, it must be a self-investment." Hughes continued to object.

"You can rest assured that I will not choose without the necessary certainty. There is a secret road under the Dali jewelry store that can go directly outside the city, which is also more convenient and safe than our hard way through the city gate, and it can also cover up the whereabouts. Role." Robber's self-channel.

Although there is a secret path that seems safe and convenient, Hughes has another idea. Before Andrei did not set up the layout, how far did he go and how far did he face, but in the face of many people Andre Is the most direct and effective way. Although it looks safe to hide, it is easy to show off under the dark star's pervasive investigation network.

As long as he escapes to the remote mountains, even if Andre has more manpower and material resources, it is impossible to find the two big living people.

Husband wanted to oppose it, but his body of blood was rolling again, and his eyes were even darker. He almost fainted. He thought about it and nodded.

Under the shadow of the night, the Dali Jewelry Store lay quietly on the Zhuanghong Street, reducing the noise and the flow of people during the day, and adding a lot of tranquility and serenity.

Robber walked quietly through the wall with Hughes, and came to a utility room without disturbing anyone.

The spider web crawled with dust, and the tattered decoration showed no one had lived for a long time.

Hughes stood in this messy and messy house, and there was always something wrong.

"Unexpectedly, this messy house will be our only secret room." Rob in the triumphant taste,

"I know!" Hughes suddenly called.

Robber was startled. "Whisper, what are you doing!"

"You deliberately messed up this room so much that you wouldn't deliberately tell others. Is there any secret in this room?" Hughes said.

"We have gone through a lot of choices, who would doubt such a clutter room." Luo Zhongzhong asked rhetorically.

"For such a high-end jewelry store, there is such a messy broken room, don’t you find it strange? If the opponent is someone else, it’s okay, but if André leads him, he will be sure. Zi discovered the unique secret." Hughes shook his head and said.

Upon hearing this, Robber nodded solemnly, "Yes, if you meet Andrea, it will easily expose the target."

Luo Zhongzhong came outside and lit three incense sticks on the earth stove. "We will go first."

After a while, a thin old man with a shrewd and competent look came in. He frowned and looked at Hughes, talking endlessly.

Robber waved his hand, "My brother, you can rest assured."

"Is there anything urgent to hire me?" Supervisor Wei Zi asked. An incense was burned on the earthen stove to indicate that something was calling. If three incenses were burned, it would be a 100,000 anxious event.

"You will arrange an honest person to clean this clutter room now!" Rob Zhong ordered.

"Yes." Although he didn't understand the purpose of Robber, he nodded immediately.

"It's estimated that it's not safe here anymore. You arrange personnel and prepare to retreat immediately." Luo Zhongzhong continued. "Especially in terms of funds and treasures, all that can be taken away."

"Yes!" Wei Zi answered.

"Go." Luo Zhongzhong waved his hand and Wei Zi left quickly.

Lao Wei is an elderly person who is honest and peaceful. Although he usually nags, he still gets along well with everyone.

When Lao Wei finished his day's work and slowly arranged the quilt to sleep, he was called by the supervisor.

"Lao Wei, you have to clean the clutter room of the East Room first." Supervisor Wei Zi simply explained.

Lao Wei didn't think too much, anyway, what did the supervisor call him, as long as he didn't violate the law and discipline.

This clutter room hasn't been cleaned in a long time. Lao Wei also proposed to tidy up this room, but the supervisor seems to be unwilling, and this has not been so messy.

Lao Wei took the broom to disturb the cobwebs in the corners, then patted the walls gently, and waited for the four walls to be almost cleaned. Then he started to sort out the debris on the ground and cleaned it while carrying the debris. ground.

The main mansion is located at the intersection of Cangdong Road. At this time, the main mansion is brightly lit, and people are always busy. In an Accord, Andre frowned to see the information from all directions.

According to the news sent by the city defense team, no one has gone through tonight, so they still hide in the city in Robber?

It stands to reason that they should leave the city at night, and then how far away they run. Although the environment in the city is complicated, it must be like a cage that can trap people firmly. Unless they have any conspiracy...

It seems that there haven't been any major events in the Blood Mountain Regiment recently. What a single flagman can do?

Did you guess wrong, but the feedback from the field also said that no one secretly left the city tonight. The news from the City Defense Team Andre would not believe it, but the news from the squad he brought with him was much more reliable.

Or is there any conspiracy! Andre guessed.

There is also the matter of Fremont, which is really not easy to deal with. Andre has a very bad idea faintly. It is estimated that Freimo's strength has reached the aura. God, when he thought of it as a master in the gas world, Andrea was one big and two big!

We can only wait for the members of the Pole Star team to come over and then plan the evil plan. Now let’s get the group of Rob among them!

Andrea ordered three thousand people and rushed to the Dali jewelry shop. In fact, Andrea had already had a real idea of ​​the true identity of the Italian jewelry store, but just holding the idea of ​​not beating the snake, he has not cracked down the Italian jewelry store. So after he saw the identity of the owner of the Nagari jewelry shop in Rob Zhong, he began to doubt the insiders of the Blood Mountain Regiment, so he decided to be one of the eight major flag bearers.

As for the jewelry store, Andrea has always sent someone to monitor, so when he got a message "Tonight, two figures sneaked into the Dali jewelry store", he immediately rushed over with a large force.

This line is so long, it's time to close the net! Andre stood in front of the jewelry store and said to himself.

Officers and soldiers poured into the gate like a tide, holding each important position with great efficiency. Andrei nodded slightly as he watched the actions of the officers and men.

"Search any corner carefully, and report any abnormalities immediately." Andre commanded to his men as he entered the gate.

"Adult..." Ma Sui wanted to speak verbally.

"Say it," Andre encouraged softly.

"I'm afraid that my hands and feet are not clean." Ma Sui said in a small voice, the things in the jewelry store are valuable, it is inevitable that some people will take the opportunity to fish in the water, and take some things in the pocket when searching.

"If you order it, anyone who dares to take things privately will be dealt with a felony." Andre said lightly, so far, it depends on how they decide whether to choose their own life or jewelry.

The torch burst into flames, illuminating the whole world. Andrea's face was especially calm and calm under the firelight, as if everything was under his control.

"When will Zhu Wei arrive?" Andre asked the horse attendant next to him.

"I sent someone to inform Master Zhu an hour ago that he should be here soon." Ma Sui respectfully said.

Zhu Rao is Andre’s right and left hand. He is good at tracking escape methods. He also has a certain understanding of the secret rooms of the organization. The most important thing is that he masters a line of work, which is to explore the secret cave.

When the four officers and soldiers rushed into the glove room, Old Man Wei only cleaned the room nearly half. Facing a big man like a tiger, Old Wei was so scared that he could not move the broom. The officers and men looked suspiciously at this clutter room. They were still cleaning at this late hour. Is there a problem? Two people were left to guard the gate, and another person was sent to report directly to the superior, while Old Man Wei was taken away by the remaining one.

All staff such as waiters and cleaners in the jewelry store were quickly taken to the front yard. Andrea looked at them. These are the small fish and shrimp at most. The real big fish must have been hiding at this time. All I have to do now is dig the ground three feet and dig out all those cat holes and dog holes. However, when he received a suspicious debris room, he followed directly to inspect.

The bumpy walls are slightly blue, and the dry air looks a little dull.

Hughes sat motionless on the ground, his breath becoming smooth and orderly under his control. Unexpectedly, Lingyan's counterattack was so powerful that it forced him to exercise hard to heal.

In fact, Hughes should be fortunate. Generally, the strength without Qi Realm can't use spirit bite at all. If someone takes a risk to try it, the one who is lighter will be disabled and the heavier will be directly killed! Like Hughes now, it's just blood and blood, and the golden eyes are the lucky ones.

Although his life was saved, Hughes needed a little time to adjust. However, now is the moment of crisis, and the greatest need is time.

Rob Zhong listened to the movement outside with breathlessness, and could not help crying secretly in his heart. Wasn't that stealing the chickens without killing the rice, and pretending to be clumsy, instead attracted Andre's attention.

"Brother, how's it going." Rob Zhong could not wait to hug Hughes and run away.

Hughes wanted to open his eyes to speak, but his eyelids moved a few times, and his eyes hadn't opened yet, and his breathing became turbulent again.

"Focus on the exercises!" Rob Zhong reminded immediately.

I couldn't help but secretly worry, what would I do if Andrea came over.

This kind of luck is the most disturbing, or you can run away with him.

Alas, according to Hughes's toughness, if he still has a choice, he will definitely not sit down and heal the injury, unless the injury is too late to choose. Robber can only be secretly anxious in his heart.

Looking at this narrow space, as long as there is a person guarding, no matter how many people come, don't want to break in. Fight! Lieutenant General Rob's fat appearance put a great force on his husband.

Andrei came with a large number of personnel.

"It's still being cleaned so late. There must be something wrong here." Ma Shou stood in the doorway and looked in.

"Not so stupid in Rob, would he deliberately leave clues for us to drill?" Andre shook his head, vetoing, "Did the cleaning servant ask anything."

"That servant's surname is Wei, and he has lived in Dunhe City for generations. His identity should be no problem, and there is no evidence that he has anything to do with the Blood Mountain Group." Ma Sui also said the other party's identity, and then said: " He just said that he was scheduled to clean the room, and the rest would not know."

"It's true and false, Fatty Luo must have guessed that we are coming, so arrange a little trick for us to drill, so as to waste our time." Andre said confidently, "we don't have to control it."

"Adult is wise." Ma Sui patted the butt.

Rob Zhong stood quietly in the middle of the secret passage, constantly adjusting his state to meet the endless fight. Didn’t he consider that he would escape first, but Hughes rescued him several times, this time when the other party encountered difficulties, would he just care about his escape?

How can I be worthy of my conscience, how can I be at ease! You die if you die, anyway, this life was also picked up by the blessing of Hughes, and I should be happy to live a few more days!

Unexpectedly, my fat man Luo will eventually dedicate himself! Robber sighed into the empty tunnel.

This secret road leads directly to the corner of the east courtyard, where there is a well. After a distance of about ten meters, you will reach another secret road. Of course, you can also choose to jump directly from the wellhead to escape at the time of the dangerous machine, and dive to the left. It is a secret room directly connected to the debris room, and another secret road appears directly to the right of the diving tour, which can be directly connected to the outside of the city. This secret passage was built after careful consideration. The most wonderful thing is that when the enemy chases the secret passage of the utility room all the way to the bottom of the well, he will doubt that he has escaped from the wellhead, but in fact just dive in Another secret road will appear after swimming ten meters.

It is difficult for ordinary people to snorkel for twenty meters in one breath, and this design has the beauty that when ordinary people are exhausted, they can sneak up in the middle to take a few breaths and then continue to snorkel for ten meters to escape into another Secret passages.

As long as you can swim across the bottom of the well, the safety can be many times greater than here, alas, it's just a little worse! Secretly thinking in the Rob Center, did he risk taking Hughes to swim across the bottom of the well? The Robber Center is starting to make trouble again. This is not that he is greedy for life and fear of death. Staying here must be death or arrest. Although diving through the bottom of the well is also very dangerous, at least there is hope for survival.

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