Pioneer Knight

Chapter 118:

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The thin Hughes had a great advantage, constantly traversing back and forth from the crowd, and soon walked out of the cave.

His father Mark and Uncle Reese were not so lucky.

Mark is carrying a huge cowhide basket, and it is very difficult to walk. In addition, there are a lot of slaves on the road. He does not want to trample and hit his companions, so the speed is even slower. Although Reese squeezed forward vigorously, the front was already crowded, unable to squeeze in.

The two had to intersperse left and right inside, not only to avoid the stones falling from the beginning, but also to avoid the slave counseling and trampling.

At the beginning of the cave, only fine dust and gravel fell, and then a large stone, and finally a huge "bang" sounded, and the whole rock on the top of the cave was directly smashed down.

The cave was completely filled in an instant, and the entrance was sealed to death. The screams in the cave were continuous. I did not know how many slaves were crushed. I saw blood flowing everywhere on the ground, and white brain floating on it.

"Dad! Daddy! Uncle Rees!"

Hughes stood outside the cave and was nervously looking at the entrance of the cave. Suddenly a mountain collapsed and the cave in front of him was crushed and filled by the rock. It took a while for him to react, crying desperately at the already sealed hole.

All of a sudden, the entire Iron Spring Valley was full of screams of slaves.

The soldiers standing on the side are indifferent, and the life and death of the slaves are like floating dust for them, worthless!

Just as the slaves in the whole valley were immersed in great sorrow, an extremely tragic roar came suddenly from the distance, shaking the whole valley.

This time, the entire mountain in the west, south and north of the Tiequan Valley collapsed! Those hillsides that have long collapsed have collapsed a few meters down! The stones on the mountain rolled down sternly and crushed many slaves who had just escaped from the cave.

The already sad valley is even more sad!

Fortunately, there was a huge rock at the location of Hughes to help him block the falling rock without causing much damage.

Hughes cried to the hole again and again: "Dad, Dad, Uncle Reese, Uncle Reese, where are you?"

He has been crying for more than two hours and has not heard any response. His heart suddenly cooled a lot, and his whole body was sluggishly sitting in the hole, not knowing what to do.

The slaves of the whole valley didn't care about the huge roar two hours ago. Only the soldiers noticed that it was a roar full of unwillingness and grief, which was only on the verge of death.

Morton Yakes, the fourth-level warrior wearing black armor and wearing a top iron helmet, was standing on a boulder thinking about whether to report what happened to the owner. Suddenly, he heard the roar, I wondered with surprise in my heart: "This sound seems to have come from the battlefield of Jinjiang. Who could it be? A roar can actually make the earth tremble eight hundred miles away, is it a holy warrior, or nine levels? Magician?"

He just guessed it in his heart and did not delve into it. Two hours later, he was so busy because of the sudden collapse of the valley that he had forgotten that sorrowful roar.

As he counted the number of deaths, the only exit in the valley, around the east corner, suddenly came a sweet voice, although it was not big, but Morton heard clearly: "Little girl, I see where you are going !" He quickly turned to look east.

I saw a white light flashing around the corner on the east side and fell on a boulder. With a "bang" sound, the stone instantly turned into powder and flew all over the sky.

The sound instantly spread throughout the sad valley.


All the surviving slaves and warriors in the valley looked over in amazement. Only the little slave, Hughes, was indifferent and kept lying on the ground crying sadly.

Morton Yakes even more solemn, a few jumps to the mouth of the valley, want to explore what is the department, what level of magician.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the mouth of the valley, he saw a white line shoot like a meteor at his door, Morton hurriedly backed away. The moment the white thread passed through his eyes, he clearly saw it was a snow-white spirit fox.

As soon as the spirit fox leaped past, another white light rushed out. Morton clearly felt a cold air scrape across his face, making his face faint and painful, and then heard a "bang" sound behind him, Looking back, his face was pale.

There was originally a big rock less than five meters behind him, which had turned into dust at this time and was flying around. There was still horrible cold air in the flying stone powder.

"This is water magic, it is the skill of the ninth-level magician. It is actually a ninth-level magician!" Morton was shocked.

He knows very well that the magician in Golden Phoenix mainland is quite rare, and it is estimated that only one in every 100,000 people.

The vast majority of magicians only stay at the junior and intermediate levels below the sixth level and cannot enter.

Being a high-level magician is definitely a rare character, and becoming a ninth-level magician is even rarer!

The reason why it is so rare is that to practice magic, you must have magic talent.

Magic talent is the innate ability to sense the finest element particles in nature.

Only those who can sense elemental particles can hope to become magicians.

Therefore, the magician has a transcendent status throughout the continent.

As long as it is a magician who has reached level 4 or above, it is all sweet and sour. No matter whether it is the imperial royal family, bureaucratic nobles, or various families and businesses, they will vigorously recruit them and will give them special and generous treatment.

Advanced magicians who reach level 7 or above are even more unrespectable characters. Like the patron saint of the country, they are admired and respected by the entire empire!

Now comes a ninth-level magician, that is like a sun and moon.

The shock in Morton's heart, the joy of joy is like a surging river: it is also a great honor to see a ninth-level magician who is high in a lifetime!

However, with him as a fourth-level warrior, in the eyes of the ninth-level magician is nothing more than a weak ant.

This is the gap between the warrior and the magician, and it can be described as a difference!

Morton was sighing in his heart, and suddenly heard a sweet voice from his head: "If the people in the valley listen, whoever catches that spirit fox, this magician will realize one of his wishes!"

The sound came, and the whole valley immediately fell into madness! Whether it was a slave who had just escaped from death or a soldier in full armor, he frantically moved towards the white line.

Just kidding, it can make a ninth-level magician realize a wish.

It can be said that it was the blessings that he had obtained in eight lifetimes by burning high incense. For the slaves, this is an opportunity they want to dream, an opportunity to restore freedom.

However, can the dexterous spirit fox be seized by these slaves who have been squeezed by heavy labor to have only skinny skin?

Even those warriors who have been trained and absorbed the energy of heaven and earth just make it jump a little slower.

To grasp it, it is a fool's dream to the soldiers, and it is a delusion to the slaves.

Even more terrifying is that this spirit fox is actually a magical warcraft!

Not to mention the rapid speed, it will also emit a deadly attack magic, and any slave or warrior that is in front of it will not withstand its attack and eventually turn into dust.

Nonetheless, all the warriors and slaves rushed to the spirit fox one after another, because if they can get the chance for the magician to realize his wish, even death is worthwhile.

The swiftly fleeing Spirit Fox saw more and more people coming around, unable to kill. The magician, who was chasing after him, came after him in a hurry. He dared not use the magic technique to force a breakthrough, fearing that it would affect the speed, so he chose to use roaming tactics.

I saw the spirit fox in the crowd like wearing flowers and butterflies, light and fast, suddenly left and right, figure flickering. When the slaves thought it jumped towards themselves, they reached out subconsciously and grabbed it, only to find that it was only its afterimage.

However, the speed of the Spirit Fox was still affected, and it slowed down a little bit.

This is a little bit, but it is quite satisfactory to the magician who has been chasing after.

This is an eighth-level Warcraft about to break through!

If it can get its magic crystal, then she is expected to impact the realm of the sanctuary magician, she has been in the ninth-level magician stage for too long.

She is desperate for a breakthrough! breakthrough!

In fact, this is not the most important thing, more important is the ring dangling in the mouth of this spirit fox.


"Yes, that's it. Blocking the way of Linghu, you will be able to catch it."

Encouraged by magicians, people who have already fallen into madness are more passionate, and their speed seems to have increased by a few points.

Linghu suddenly felt that the space for free jumps was shrinking. Although he could use attack magic to make the person who came to catch it into dust, it would inevitably affect the speed more, so he was caught by the magician behind him.

"How to do?"

Linghu swiftly interspersed between the slaves and the warriors, while cleverly avoiding the magic of the magician, thinking nervously.

Although the magic issued by the magician at this time is no longer attack magic, but frozen magic, this is even more dangerous. Once hit, it will immediately become an ice stick and cannot move.

"All the soldiers listen to the orders and line up according to formation!"

Just when there was chaos in the valley, and the soldiers and slaves were independent, Morton's roar suddenly stabilized the chaos.

There are about two thousand warriors in the whole valley, except for those killed by the spirit fox and frozen by the magician, there are more than 1,600 people left.

These soldiers had received military training and fought **** the battlefield. Therefore, upon hearing Morton's order, they immediately responded accordingly.

As the warriors withdrew, the number of people crowded on the flat ground of the valley decreased a lot, and the space for the spirit fox to jump increased a lot, but when it broke through the crowd and ran up the mountain, it was found that all the roads were blocked by the warriors died.

Although you can use the attack magic to rush out, but in that case, you will be frozen by the magic magic of the magician.

"The formation shrinks!"

Morton roared again. The soldiers standing on the periphery immediately contracted toward the middle in an orderly and rhythmic manner, and stepped closer to the Spirit Fox.

The surviving slaves were still frantically grabbing the spirit fox.

This is the opportunity they dreamed of, how could they not grasp it desperately?

If Hughes’ father Mark was there, it would be even crazier. He has been desperate for this opportunity for many years, and now the opportunity is in front of him, how can he not fight for death?

Unfortunately, he was sealed in a cave at this time. His absence also caused Hughes to be indifferent to the opportunity before him, still crying sadly at the hole.

Over time, the slaves who chased the spirit fox were mostly frozen by the magician's magic, and the surrounding warriors stepped around the spirit fox step by step.

Although the number of people chasing is decreasing, the space for Linghu to avoid is shrinking, and the chance of being caught is increasing sharply.

"How to do?"

Linghu thought anxiously, his small eyes searching around, hoping to be born in Jedi.

When nothing happened, I suddenly found that a child was crying in front of a hole not far away. The hole is very small, it is absolutely impossible for humans to get into, but it is not a problem for its spirit fox.

At the next moment of seeing the hole, Ling Fox turned into a white line and shot towards the little hole.

It is a pity that its intention was discovered by a magician who has been hotly pursued.

Almost at a moment when the Spirit Fox and Hughes crossed, the magician's frozen magic also happened by coincidence, directly freezing the Spirit Fox and Hughes together.

In the freezing, Hughes just opposite his hands, stopped at the neck of Linghu, and Linghu's head was just buried in Hughes' collar. From the outside, Hughes just grabbed Ling Fox's neck, anyone would think he caught Ling Fox.

"Haha, little girl, you still can't escape my palm!"

The magician landed on the ground, stooped and lifted the spirit fox and Hughes together with a smile, the white light flashed in his hand, the ice was melted away, his left hand stretched out quickly, grabbed the neck of the spirit fox, and Hughes was free It fell to the ground, but fortunately it wasn't high, it didn't cause much damage, but the **** fell in pain.

At this time, people only saw the true face of the magician Lushan.

I saw that she was wearing a pure white long skirt with tight tops and loose tops, perfectly showing her uneven figure. Her long white hair poured down like a waterfall, setting off a snowy face like a hibiscus.

Everyone saw her as if she saw a piece of art carved with transparent and shiny white jade, which is warm and dreamy.

"Little slave, I'm the Lina Ace magician, you helped me catch the Linghu, what do you want me to help you achieve?"

Lina Ace looked at the skinny Hughes and smiled.

Her brows and smiles weren't for Hughes. In her eyes, Hughes was like a little chicken and a duck, but a fragile little life.

She laughed because she finally hoped to break through the neck to reach the realm of the sanctuary magician, thus becoming the myth of the entire continent.

The entire Golden Phoenix continent has not seen the Sanctuary Magician for more than 5,000 years. If she can break through, she is definitely the first magician in the mainland! It is an absolutely detached character, a character that everyone must look up to!

Can she not smile?

Especially the ring in Ling Fox's mouth made her feel as if she had overturned the honey pot, sweet.

The slaves on the side listened to the magician's words, but felt a flesh of pain and hatred: "Why didn't I catch the spirit fox, if that's the case, I must ask the magician to help me escape the sea of ​​suffering and eliminate my slaves Identity."

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