Pioneer Knight

Chapter 119:

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The soldiers even saw fierce eyes, scolding in their hearts: "Little Bunny, wait for the magician to go, I must make you know that robbing Lao Tzu's Spirit Fox means death!"

Although Morton never thought about catching Linghu in his heart, he saw that a little slave had caught Linghu in the end. He was also very uncomfortable in his heart, frowning, and wondering what he was thinking.

Hughes looked sadly at the magician who was standing in front of him, and then he suddenly froze.

This is simply a fairy, the peony flower blooms, and a very refreshing feeling of joy immediately rises in my heart.

Hughes glared for a while before coming back, respectfully: "Great Master Magician, I hope you will save my dad. He was crushed by the stone in this cave." Although he knew in his heart that this was an elimination Great opportunity for slave status, but compared to saving my dad, my own freedom is too important.

"Okay, I promise you."

Rina Ace didn't irritate Hughes' rudeness, but instead felt a little happy in her heart.

Even a little slave was fascinated by her beauty, showing how great her charm was.

Women never complain that they are too attractive.

Lina Ace ordered all the people to retreat far away, and only then began to transport the magic wand and quickly flick one stone after another.

Her move made everyone in the valley stunned. Even Morton, the strongest in the valley, couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "This is the power of the ninth-level magician. The catty boulder is in their eyes. Just like a small rock, you can fly freely. It is more than a thousand times more powerful than me!"

Just a quarter of an hour, the completely sealed cave was opened by the magician Lina Ace.

The tangy **** smell made Hughes' heart cold.

He followed the magician, quickly walked into the cave, looked around, and finally found a familiar figure behind a large stone. When he walked over to see Rees, he was still alive!

"Uncle Reese, what about my dad?" Hughes asked anxiously.

"Your father, he?"

Reese was lucky, just caught in the gap between the two big stones, except for some skin trauma on his body, he did not suffer much.

"What's wrong with my dad?"

Seeing the black and gold broken stones scattered all around him, and his small shovel, Hughes suddenly felt like he was pressing a stone in his heart.

"Your dad is behind this stone, presumably..." Reese's voice choked a little.

"Great Master Lina Ace, can you help me remove this big rock?"

Hughes pointed at the big stone that Reese had told him, and said weakly.


Lina Ace also seemed to be touched by Hughes' filial piety, without any hesitation, using the magic wand to lighten the big stone.

The big stone instantly turned into stone dust, scattered all over the place.

Hughes was shocked, and there was an inexplicable excitement in his heart. From small to large, this was the first time he saw a magician, but he did not expect that this first time brought him great shock.

A white light flashed, and I turned into a popsicle with Linghu, and could not move; then, like a game, he took a huge stone to fly, and easily opened the cave closed by the mountain; at this moment it is a hand. He turned a big rock into stone powder.

"The magician is so powerful! I'll be able to become a magician in the future!" This powerful power gave Hughes the desire for the first time.

Hughes quickly awakened from the shock and worked with Reese to shave off the stone powder covering his father.

Soon, Mark's pale face appeared.

He was covered in blood, lying on his back in a pool of blood, and there was a crushed head next to it, who didn't know who it was, and his brain was flowing all over the place.

Hughes shook Mark's flesh and blood, shouting sadly, and his voice stirred layers of sad echoes in the cave.

Rees carefully checked Mark’s injury and found that there was no fatal injury except for a deep wound on the knee of his left thigh and blood gurgling out. He could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Don’t cry, your father is not dead. Let’s carry him home first.”

"Really, Uncle Reese?"

Tears hung on Hughes's cheeks, but he was ecstatic.

"Yes, let's hurry up. Your father bleeds too much and needs to stop bleeding immediately and rest." Reese picked Mark and ran out of the cave.

Hughes hurriedly followed, and when he passed the magician of Lina Ace, he looked up at her again and said respectfully, "Thank you, great magician. I will definitely reciprocate in the future Your!"

Lina Ace nodded, did not speak, turned around and walked out of the cave, directly carrying Linghu Fei and walked away.

The other slaves and warriors saw the magician gone, and all left with a loss. Those warriors who wanted to trouble Hughes saw that he did not ask for the release of the imprisoned magic to restore their freedom, and they thought: There will be opportunities in the future, and they will be lost.

Morton Yakes stood at the entrance of the cave until he went away, and whispered: "Fortunately, there was no big mess." Then he continued to investigate the casualties of the whole valley with a low expression.

Hughes's house is very dilapidated. It is simply built with branches and thatch. It can't be regarded as a house at all. It can only be said to be a nest that can barely shelter from the wind and rain.

Reese put Mark on the bed and checked his injury again, and found that the wound on the left leg knee was deep into the bones, and this leg was considered invalid. There was a great sorrow in his heart, and he could not help crying.

"Sue, you look at your father, I'll get you some food and medicine." Lisi asked in a sad expression and hurried away.

"Dad, you wake up!"

Hughes sat by the bed, looking at the unconscious father, calling softly over and over again, unconsciously and leaning over to fall asleep on the bed.

He is indeed exhausted!

After digging the black gold in the morning, I was shocked by the collapse of the cave, and worried about my father’s life and death. I am afraid that the other six-year-old children would have fainted.

However, he has been supporting until now. It wasn't until I learned that my father was still alive that my tense nerves relaxed. Only then did I feel a moment of heavy fatigue coming and fell asleep.

When Reese came back with food and medicine, he found Hughes toppled on the bed, breathing lightly, and fell asleep. He quickly put down the food and medicine he brought lightly, and then put Hughes upright, covered with a quilt, so that he could sleep comfortably.

Looking at the skinny and frugal Hughes, Rees sighed: "It's a really life-threatening child!" He shook his head and sighed for a while before he applied Mark lightly.


Hughes slept comfortably until he woke up at noon the next day. When he woke up, he found that his father had not been awake, so he crept down into the bed, brought a pot of water, and wiped the blood on his face with a shabby black towel.

Suddenly, a loud noise of "Bang" startled Hughes and looked back quickly. The wooden door of the thatched house was kicked by someone, and then a soldier came in from outside.

"Yo, I slept soundly. I got up early in the morning, and you are still here. Get up!"

The soldier was checking the number of injured people yesterday. I didn’t see the scene where Mark was rescued. I didn’t know that he was crushed by a stone. His blood loss was too much and he was unconscious. On him.

"Don't hit my dad, he hasn't awakened yet because of his injury."

Seeing the warrior beating his father, Hughes hurried away the warrior with his body.

"Little bastard, dare to hit your uncle, and see me not killing you."

The warrior thought that a second-class warrior had been nearly knocked down by a small slave, and he was so embarrassed that he raised his whip violently and pulled it to Hughes.


Hughes just wanted to avoid, but thought: "If I do, the whip will hit my dad. Dad is injured now, I can't let him hit dad again."

So he didn't dare to lie on Mark, and let the soldiers lash.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!..."

The warrior never took slaves seriously, so each whip was full of power, and it hit Huspi with flesh and blood.

Hughes didn't hum, just stared at the soldier with a pair of eyes.

The warrior originally came to inform Hughes’ father that Morton, the warrior leader, was looking for him. However, he didn’t find it in the cave. He found that he was lying at home, suddenly burning, and wanted to vent. A little slave almost knocked down, and his anger was more intense. He had completely forgotten the purpose of coming to Mark. His heart was only thinking of killing this little slave. Results him quickly.

So, "snap, slap, slap..."

The sound of the whip on the meat was continuous.

In Tiequan Valley, and even the entire Golden Phoenix continent, any warrior and magician can slaughter slaves at will. Because they have the strength to compensate three silver coins in that area.


Hughes was dying, his mind was confused, blood was dripping all over his body, but the warrior seemed to be unsettled and kept whipping.

Suddenly, a strong golden light emanated from Hughes, who had fallen into a coma.

The golden light instantly illuminates the entire small thatched house, and the strong light is transmitted through the gap of the thatched house, dyeing the whole valley to a golden color.

All the people who saw the golden light felt frightened, the soldiers were okay, but the slaves were paralyzed by the majesty hidden in the golden light.

After the golden light disappeared for a while, the surrounding soldiers dared to rush here to find out.

In the thatched house, another strange thing happened.

A particularly sharp light in Jinguang Dasheng shot straight towards the soldier.

The warrior was playing happily. I didn't expect that Hughes would suddenly emit a light. Before the time to dodge, he was hit by the light and he fell straight to the ground without a hum. A pool of blood flowed out.

Obviously that sharp light had penetrated his head.


Morton Yakes, the warrior leader of the Iron Springs Valley, was writing a casualty report. Suddenly, he saw a golden light shoot from the house of Hughes, and his heart was shocked again.

"Golden Sanctuary Magician! Didn't you say that it hasn't been seen in five thousand years? How can this kind of mythical character appear here? Is it going to happen again?"

Thinking so in his heart, the man had walked carefully to the Hughes' house.

For him, the Sanctuary Magician is a high god, and he can't afford to offend.

However, after a long time, when the golden light completely disappeared, he did not see the figure of the magician.

"The magician of the sanctuary is so powerful, coming and going without a shadow, even in the daytime, he can't even see the shadow!"

When Morton came to Hughes' house cautiously, he found that the soldiers were already standing inside. He quickly put away his worried expression, put on a serious expression, and shouted, "What happened?"

"I don't know, head! When we arrived, Kinsat was killed, and the two slaves in the bed were in a coma, and they couldn't wake up for a while," replied a soldier.

Morton walked into the room and saw the corpse of the soldier on the ground at a glance. There was a deep black hole in his forehead, and there was a smoky black smoke out! Behind the head is a pool of blood and white brain plasma.

"Who did this?" Morton snorted, but thought to himself: "Why should the Sanctuary Wizard kill a second-level warrior?"

"I guess it was the person who gave out that golden light. But when we arrived, there was no one but the two slaves on the bed." A soldier close to Morton replied.

"I can't see the magician of the sanctuary. It's strange that you can see it as a second-level warrior." Morton thought to himself, went to the bed and checked the situation of father and son Qiusi.

When he saw the lash marks on Hughes' body, he understood the whole process.

"The reason why the holy magician killed Kinsart must be to save the little slave." Morton thought with certainty, but, the next moment, he wondered again: "Why does the holy magician want to save this slave?" , Is it because of the ninth-level magician yesterday?"

Morton thought about it and thought that things would not be so simple, so he said to the four soldiers around him: "I don't think we can handle this matter. The four of you went to find a carriage to bring Jinsat The corpse and the two slaves were taken to Jinjiang Town and handed over to the owner."

"Yes." The four soldiers beside Morton responded, and quickly went to find a carriage. After lifting the three people's bodies on the carriage, they pulled towards Jinjiang Town.

A large horse-drawn carriage bumped forward on the spacious stone road in the mountains, and the scenery on the roadside could not help back.

Sitting in the carriage's driving position are two heavily armed soldiers, both of whom are in dark black armor.

"How do you say that the little slave is so lucky that the two magicians who can't look up are actually related to him?" said a black-faced warrior in the driving position.

"Are you envious? I thought it was a disaster. Yesterday I saw a magician of the ninth level. His father was crushed in the cave and his life and death were unpredictable. He was not awake until he was rescued. Today, when he saw the magician of the sanctuary, he also I was almost killed alive, and I was comatose at this time.” Another warrior said with a slack mouth. “So, this high-level magician is not a low-level warrior like you and me looking up!”

"That's the same thing. Do you remember the power of the ninth-level magician... Gee... The huge boulder was turned into a powder by her a little bit, if it is on you and me, it is really..." After a chill, I dare not go on.


There were also two warriors in dark black armor sitting in the carriage, but they did not chat, only looked at the three bodies in front of them, and did not know what they were thinking.

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