Pioneer Knight

Chapter 143:

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Laziborg was also stunned by the huge number. That day, he asked Hughes to put the millennium snow frog into the eyes of the dragon. He didn't know the specific value of the millennium snow frog, but he felt that it should be very valuable in the vagueness, but it was such a huge wealth!

He was even more shocked by the wound healing ability after eating the psychedelic beads. He had only heard of eating these white beads before, which can enhance the element absorption ability and can enhance the body's toughness, but I don't know if it is so magical and fast Wound healing ability! Moreover, eating more of these beads can actually change the fragrance of the human body and make the human body emit a fascinating fragrance. This is an excellent protection!

"Don’t forget the truth about wealth in the future, otherwise it’s easy to lead to a scourge of death! Today you first took out the pink gold jade stone under the large public, and secondly you talked about leaking in front of Ylang, thankfully you didn’t Promise to trade immediately, otherwise your possession of the dragon's eye ring will also be exposed, which will definitely cause the entire continent to hunt! At that time, can you escape with your first-level magician?" Lazibague calm Afterwards, the voice shouted coldly.

"Ah!" As if he fell into the ice cave, Hugh shivered and said, "Isn't it okay?"

"Ylang is the deacon of Morinxuan, and should be trustworthy, and will not be promoted everywhere. But the fact that you took out the pink gold jade stone under the large public may cause some trouble, but fortunately those who saw it As long as the soldiers below level 5, you can still cope with it, unless they come to grab your jade stone at the same time, it will be dangerous!" Lazibague said.

"Don't they do that?" Hughes asked worriedly.

"Well, do you know what the pink gold jade stone means in Morinxuan? The gold deposits in Morinxuan are divided into five colors, black, gray, white, pink gold, and gold, of which pink gold and gold represent VIP, otherwise how could Miss Ylang be so polite to you, a six-year-old!" Lazibague said, but found that Hughes was confused, obviously he didn't quite understand the meaning of VIP, Lazibague could not help feeling. I was speechless for a while. I thought that I must let him learn braille and read more books. I don’t understand it. I don’t understand it. I’m tired of explaining it later, let alone some of it. Unspeakable things!

"VIPs are rich people, do you understand?" Lazibague explained.

"Oh! They saw that I had money, so they wanted to steal my money!" Hughes finally figured it out, but a suspicion rose in his heart: Why do these people want to steal my money?

Lazibague sensed his doubts, but did not explain. This kind of thing will only be understood after experience, and it is unclear because the heart is complicated and difficult to paint!

Hughes took a bath, and his body was immediately refreshed. The wounds on his body had already healed, and the faint fragrance radiated a refreshing feeling. If someone smells the fragrance, it will be overwhelming and lethargic!

This fragrance is like a thorn on a hedgehog, protecting yourself and attacking others!

Hughes threw the tattered and smelly clothes into the trash bin, then sat on the wide bed with a white bath towel on his knees and began his first soul training in a month.

He held Long Zhi's eyes between his palms, closed his eyes slightly, and gradually entered a state of meditation.

The rooms in the Molin Xuan are luxurious and relatively few, so they are only provided for VIP stays, and each room is decorated with top-quality sound insulation materials, that is to say, whether it is a mountain tsunami outside or a gong and drum noise, The room was still silent. Moreover, the services of Morinxuan are also passive. Only when guests call, they will provide services, otherwise they will never step into the door.

Groups of golden, yellow, and cyan elements surged toward Hughes, and gradually formed a thick cloud around him. The golden, yellow, and cyan lights interlaced and flew around, illuminating the spacious rooms with colorful , Bright.

The curtains of the guest rooms have been closed by Hughes, and there is no sign of what is happening inside, nor the light inside. Because these curtains are drawn with the finest World of Warcraft fur, they have a light-absorbing effect, and the light can't penetrate through it.

In the middle of the thick cloud, Hughes closed his eyes slightly, his face showing a happy expression of hunger when he suddenly ate a bowl of hot gruel. The body of the soul suspended in the depths of his mind is also comfortable with spasms, like the earth that has been drought for hundreds of years, absorbing gold, wood and earth elements quickly!

Because Hughes has been performing the magic of the gold system since this month, the invisible soul is more skilled in the use of gold elements, and he is also 100% affinity of the gold system. Therefore, in the process of element absorption In the middle, the body of the soul naturally absorbs more of the gold element, and much less of the wood element and the earth element.

These elements absorb more or less subtle changes, and gradually affect Hughes' character. After all, everything in the world is formed by the combination of the elements of the world and the earth. The same is true for a person. When a certain element of a person increases, his body and character will also be affected by this element.

This is like painting. There are cold tones and warm tones. When you deepen the cool colors of cyan, green, and blue, then the original picture of the cold and warm balance of the whole picture will be broken, thus becoming mainly cold tones!

Hughes is like this at this time. He was originally gentle, unwilling to fight, and doing good with others, but with the increase of golden elements, his character will become sharp, combative, and even unruly!


The practice of Hughes continued, and the seven or eight soldiers who were waiting in a dark corner outside the gate of Mo Linxuan had already waited impatiently.

"His grandmother, this kid went in from dusk, and he hasn't come out until midnight. Is he kidnapped inside?" The warrior with a sharp-billed monkey chewed angrily.

"Isn't this kid warm jade in his arms, staying in it?" Another wretched warrior, full of wretched thoughts, smiled happily. He also didn't want to think about how a six-year-old child was warm, and he just opened the river according to his virtue.

"It's possible, there is a room on the third floor of the Moulin Xuan dedicated to staying with VIPs. The kid was able to take out the pink gold jade stone, which obviously has reached the standard of Moulin Xuan about VIPs. It seems that we can't wait tonight He came out, or else brothers scattered?" said the middle-aged soldier who likes to sell Guanzi.

"His grandmother, let Laozi drink the northwest wind in the middle of the night, really his grandmother's sulking, the next time he touched him, Laozi absolutely cut him into two pieces with a knife!" A strong man like a tower scolded angrily, First step away. Then one or two followed.

"Let's go, I won't go. Such a big fish without any danger, it is worth even waiting three days and three nights! At that time, Lao Tzu is spicy and spicy, don't be greedy!" Shouted the soldier.

There were not many people around at this time, and his voice was not afraid of others knowing, so he dared to shout so arrogantly. However, his shout also caught the footsteps of the few soldiers who just wanted to leave. The middle-aged warrior and the wretched warrior, and one or two warriors also stayed and waited.

There is a hotel opposite the Molin Xuan. In the room on the third floor of the hotel facing the Molin Xuan, two soldiers are also closely watching the Molin Xuan. It is the two brothers Pabo and Patti.

"Brother, why didn't the little slave come out?" Patty said anxiously as he sat at the window.

"Don’t panic, he will always come out. Our task is to monitor his every move and report to Grandpa and Elder Eisengel. After half a year, after the injuries of Grandpa and Elder have been cured, it is the little slave’s Dead!" Pabo sat on the sofa in his room, but his eyes looked at the opposite Mo Lin Xuan.

"Brother, did you say that the Ritchie family came? Didn't Uncle Kedf say that he would ask someone from their family to deal with the little slave?" Patty suddenly asked.

"It's been a month since the last failure, and their people should be here too! If they do, we will watch next to each other. Once we find that the little slave is in danger, we will go up and **** the dragon from him. Eye ring, don't let that baby fall into the hands of the Ritchie family, otherwise it will be troublesome to get it back!" said Pabo, his eyes glowing insidiously.

"Big brother wise! Little brother listens to big brother's instructions." Patty is a typical person with developed limbs and simple mind.


In the first room to the left on the third floor of Morinxuan, a thick cloud of elements wrapped a small figure, which was motionless, like a millennium ancient clock, silent and silent.

Suddenly, the cloud next to the figure shrank suddenly, and was instantly sucked in by a ring in his palm. After more than ten seconds, the thick cloud appeared from the ring. The little figure wrapped.

However, within half a minute, the thick cloud shrank again, was sucked in again, and then released again. It sucked in and out again and again, and it seemed to never stop.

Time passed slowly. When the first light appeared on the east side, the elemental cloud of gold, yellow and green in this room was once again sucked into the eyes of the dragon.

Just this time, when the ferocious elements hit the soul body deep in Hughes's mind again, a series of slight sounds of eggshell burst suddenly burst out.

"Click! Click! Click!..."

After a series of noises, Hughes’s body of soul suddenly doubled outward, then retracted again, then expanded again, then retracted again. After so many times, the body of soul finally became quiet. . At this time, when you look at the body of the soul, you will find that it has increased a circle than before, and the toughness is much higher than before. The bigger change is that there is a light element pattern around the body of the soul, just like Wear the same clothes around the body of the soul!

"The second-level soul body, you have successfully broken through to become a second-level magician!" Laziborg looked at the soul suspended deep in the mind of Hughes and said in surprise.

Hughes is still absorbing the elements of heaven and earth at this moment, unable to speak distractedly, but his joyful feeling is difficult to depress straightly into his mind, infecting Lazibuge who is attached to the soul with sweetness.

"However, your body of soul seems to have mutated!" Laziborg said suddenly. Hughes's heart also giggled, and the feeling of worry was instantly transmitted to the soul.

"Don't worry, this is a good thing! I once told you, whether it is a magician or Warcraft, when they reach level 3, they will produce a magic crystal in the depths of their souls, but this magic crystal is very small And it is also very thin. Only when it reaches level 7 or higher will a crystal pure and hard magic crystal be formed. At that time, the soul will be able to enter and exit the body at will, and the soul can succeed!"

"Because the magic crystal is generated inside the soul and needs the protection of the soul, the soul at that time was strong but it was easy to be injured and thus fell into weakness. This is why the magician must go through a long period after being injured. It’s only time to recuperate!"

"But you are different, because your soul has mutated. Not only the time of birth is earlier, but the place of birth has also changed! Others will only produce magic crystals when they reach the third level, but you produce them when they are the second level. The magic crystal of others is generated inside the soul, but your magic crystal is generated outside the soul, that is to say, the magic crystal that should be protected by the soul has now become a barrier to protect the soul!"

"Now, your magic crystal is still very thin, just a chance element pattern, and the protection is very small. However, as your magic power increases, your magic crystal will become harder and harder, just like putting on the body of the soul. Like a piece of armor, the chance of injury will be greatly reduced, and even if you are injured, you don't need a long time to cultivate, because you don't need to warm up your magic crystal!" Lazibague said Kankan.

He was envious and shocked in his heart. This kind of soul mutation is very rare, it can be said that only one case will be seen for tens of thousands of years! However, this case was encountered by him, and it was he who tuned it out. If it was not because of the heart of deception and exploitation at the beginning, he really wanted to teach him all he had learned in his life, and he also wanted to see Seeing how far such a genius will grow!

Unfortunately, he still can't break that knot. This may be the stubbornness or paranoia of the gold magician. After the first identification, it is very difficult to change!

"So, don't I have to worry about the soul being hurt in the future?" Hughes has stopped practicing, and his body of soul is completely stable. It took him only ten days to become a first-level magician, but it took a month and five days to become a second-level magician. However, because of such a long time of cultivation, he actually mutated his soul. This is him. Unexpectedly, of course, I was happy!

"Everyone's soul will be injured, but the degree of injury is different. After you practice to a high-level magician, the degree of injury may be less than others, but it does not mean that you don't have to worry about the soul being injured. You should worry about the injury of the soul, because once your soul is injured, it means that there is a problem with your condensed magic crystal. So, you are either not injured, and the injury may be heavier than others! Said.

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