Pioneer Knight

Chapter 144:

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"All right!" Hughes said in frustration.

Just when he wanted to continue to move forward, there was suddenly a frivolous laughter behind him: "Haha... Is it too hard last night, too much consumption, today I feel the waist and knees are sore! Don't worry, the uncle comes to let you relax, haha ..."

Then, there was a burst of laughter at the front: "Little doll, grandpa gives you candy, how about following me, haha..." Then there were laughter on the left and right.

Hughes looked around for a week and found that he had been surrounded by the center. There were two fourth-level fighters in the front, a papaya face, and a jaw monkey gill. On the left was a middle-aged fifth-level fighter. Level 4 warrior.

Three level four fighters, two level five fighters!

Huh, if it was before yesterday, Hughes might be afraid, but after he became a second-level magician last night, these people are not his opponents at all!

"What do you want to do?" Hughes knew they had an unscrupulous attempt, but because of his character, he asked aloud.

"Little doll, leave the valuables on you, grandpas are not difficult for you!" said the warrior with a sharp-billed monkey gill.

"Why are you robbing me of my money?" This question has troubled Hughes for a long time, and he couldn't help asking.

As soon as he said this, he immediately drew laughter from the five soldiers.

"This kid is really stunned, and actually asked such a question! Well, uncle told you, because we want to rob you, we rob it. Whoever calls you weak, but has so much money, is casual. You can take out the pink gold jade stone!" said the big-headed warrior.

"Let's talk less to this idiot, let me chop a bit, brothers go to Mianchunlou to have fun!" The wretched soldier raised his sword and slashed to the top of Hughes!

"Death!" Hughes didn't turn his head back, and he flicked a "golden nail".

Being abused by Meng Nasiqin for a month, the power of the soul did not increase much, but the control of the soul was greatly improved, especially the first-level flying needle technique, which actually reached the point of "instant" in his hand.

This is also because under the strong magic force of Meng Nasqin, he had to resist, and the only magic skill he could perform was flying acupuncture. So, after a month, he continued to exert, constantly thinking about improvement, constantly Accelerating the speed, suddenly one day he realized that since the magic technique is the skill of using the power of the soul to control the display of the elements of the world, when controlling the display of the external elements, you need to recite spells and swing gestures. If you **** the element into the body, then Is it possible to use the power of the soul to control it into a magical form?

After several trials, he actually succeeded!

In other words, other people's magical skills are to control the external elements, but his magical skills are to absorb the elements, and then display them. It seems that the steps are one step more than others, but the speed is increased countless times, almost like "instant"!

However, his method of performing magic has two disadvantages. One is that the power of the magic becomes smaller, and the other is that it is easy to cause bodily injury if accidentally. If the magic is performed with great power, it may be life-threatening. Of course, there are two advantages, one is the speed, and the other is that you can change the shape, size and direction of the magic skills as you like!


"Golden Nail" was cut off by the wretched warrior. When he wanted to laugh at a few words, he heard other warriors shouting: "Be careful!" Immediately, he also heard the wind behind his head, and he immediately wanted to avoid his head. , But it's too late!

"call out!"

A "golden nail" directly penetrated his head!

The wretched warrior's eyes were wide, and he fell forward straight, pouring out a pool of red and white things. What he remembered before he died was not regret or hatred, but the smooth skin of the ladies in Mian Chun Lou!

"His grandmother's, this kid will put a hidden weapon!" The pointed-billed monkey-gill warrior screamed, lifted the knife and slashed to Hughes, while calling on other warriors to join him.

The other soldiers saw that the wretched soldier didn't even touch Hughes, and was killed. The shock in their hearts was indescribable. They didn't know if Hughes was too powerful or the wretched warrior was too bad.

In their eyes, they did not see Hughes chanting a mantra, nor did he see his wiggling gestures, and he never thought he would be a magician, only the same thought as the pointed-billed monkey gill warrior: "This kid will put the weapon!"

"kill him!"

The remaining three warriors also want to hug Sisi!

"I don't know life or death!" Hughes shouted, and suddenly issued hundreds of "golden nails" while shooting them!

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding......"

The four warriors just split a dozen golden nails, and then they encountered the same fate as the wretched warrior, and their heads were penetrated through a big hole!

"Ah! He turned out to be a second-level magician!" To the death, these warriors knew the true identity of Hughes, if they knew how they dare to follow along?

"Well, I want to kill me, but you are not qualified enough!" Huss followed Laziborg's teachings and carefully searched the five corpses, except for a few black spirits. The sword scores of this martial arts and the big swords in their hands are of some value. These warriors are really poor and poor.

Hughes threw everything into the dragon's eye ring. The space in the dragon's eye ring was huge anyway, so nothing took up space. Of all the "troubles", a book of the wretched warrior caught his attention. He was illiterate, but the bells and whistles of the picture were understandable, but he didn’t understand what it meant, and he felt like a man and a woman. fight. After seeing it for a while, he still didn't understand, so he threw the book into the eyes of the dragon.

"Brother, do you see what martial arts the little slave is performing? So powerful, the five soldiers were killed without being within three meters of him!" Behind a mountain stone about a mile away from Huss, a curly hair The burly fighter asked in shock.

"He's not a martial art, but a magic skill-gold flying needle technique! However, he can issue magic skills without reading a spell, which is really incredible!" Another warrior with a steel needle frowned. Said.

"What are you two doing sneaky here?"

Suddenly, they heard the voice of a sweet but cold girl in the air, immediately turned their heads to look around, and yelled, "Run!" The two immediately fled to the mountain.

"It turned out to be the two of you! I said that I would let you see that you are sneaking to death. If you don't repent, you can't blame me!" The girl floating in the air immediately waved her gesture and read. Move the spell, and after a while, a wind knife will slash down from the void towards the two warriors!

The two soldiers resisted only a few breaths, and their heads were severed, and they died in the barren mountains. These two fighters were the two brothers Pablo and Patti that Ahler sent to follow Hughes.

Before dying, Pabo screamed at the silver jade ring on his **** before dying, shouting, "Grandpa, avenge me!"

"Well, the two tier 6 warriors also want to escape under my hands. I'm not too faceless!" The girl floating in mid-air flew to Hughes directly, not paying much attention to Pabo's final call. The wilderness and wilderness here are barren, and no one will hear it even if thousands of people shout. His dying shout is an unwilling performance for the girl.

Hughes was about to leave, but he heard the sound of battle coming from behind. Looking back, he saw the girl floating in midair performing the wind blade technique, and yelled, "Broken!" and immediately ran up the mountain.

Because there are rocks on the mountain that can block or avoid, the official road is empty and easy to be caught!

"Little brother, you are really naughty. You didn't return home overnight, which made your sister find you so hard to find! Fortunately, someone told me at noon today that you have appeared in the Morrison, and I just asked to chase it all the way!" The girl floating in mid-air did not fall, flying all the time in the sky, but her eyes looked straight at Hughes hiding everywhere.

"Miss Monasqin, why do you bother me?" Seeing how to hide and not escape the girl's eyes, Hughes simply stood still, no longer hiding, and asked angrily with his head raised.

In fact, when he saw Monasqin chasing at first glance, there was a hint of joy in his heart, perhaps because no one had ever run through since childhood, a little afraid, if there was an acquaintance around, there was also some dependence and safety For the sake of feeling!

"If it weren't for me to haunt you, you would have been killed by someone else! Those two men were level six warriors!" said Monasqin.

Yesterday, after she found Hughes escaped, she was very sulky, but she didn’t see Hughes back at night, but she began to worry again, and she couldn’t find it. She was so anxious that she stayed up all night. Floating outside the city of Ulanq and looking everywhere, still no result, she couldn't help crying.

Fortunately, someone came to report at noon today that someone had seen Hughes at Morinxuan, so he hurried away, but he was empty again, and Hughes had already left. But I got the news that Hughes went north, and she immediately started floating and chased after her. She happened to see that Pabo and Patti were sneaky. She had seen the two brothers walking back and forth unwillingly outside her house, her eyes constantly looking into the room. At that time, she thought that the two of them were just little thieves who came to step on the point, so they didn't care too much after teaching them a meal.

When I met this time, I found that the two actually wanted to play Hughes' idea, so they killed them mercilessly!

"Two six-level fighters? Are they here to grab money?" Hughes is only a second-level magician. It is more than enough to deal with fighters below the fifth level, but it is difficult to deal with the sixth-level fighters.

Because the magician absorbs the world elements more finely and controls the attacks of external elements, the power is four levels higher than that of the warrior. In other words, the first-level magician can suppress the soldiers below the fourth level, and the second-level magician can suppress the soldiers below the fifth level, but it is not absolute. After all, the magician takes time to perform magic, but the warrior does not need too much to display combat skills. The time can be displayed directly.

For example, Hughes' fight with Sopho, a muscular man, was because he was too late to show his magic skills.

The reason why this time was able to kill five warriors so quickly, especially the two fifth-level warriors, was because: 1. Those warriors did not know that he was a magician, and they disregarded their enemies. Second, the speed of Hughes’s magical skills is too fast, completely eliminating the time for chanting spells and swinging postures; third, Hughes’ strength has also just increased, which is a bit higher than them. Therefore, those five soldiers were killed before they were close to three meters in front of him!

But the sixth-level fighters are different. They are first of all stronger than Hughes, and their speed and combat power are almost twice as high as those of the fifth-level fighters! With neither strength nor speed, how can Hughes be undefeated?

"I don't know, I think they are sneaking and killing! This is called exempting from trouble!" Monaskin floated in the air and stared at Hughes coldly, "Come on, let's go back!"

"I'm not going back, I'm going to travel the world!" Hughes said, striding toward the official road.

"Travel the world? You are so weak and you want to travel the world? I dare not go! Are you dead?" Mona Siqin fell beside Hughes and said in shock.

"Don't you dare! I walked straight and walked straight. Who are you afraid of?" Hughes said suddenly with pride.

"Okay! Sister accompanies you to travel the world!" Meng Nasi Qin Ben is an unsettled winner. Hearing that Hughes and a second-level magician dare to travel the world, how can she be a fourth-level peak magician? Shrink? So he quickly hugged Hughes's shoulder and said.

"Ah! You go too? Forget it, you go back! I'm not afraid of others, I'm afraid of you..." Hughes said with a sad face.

"Afraid of me?" Monasq asked Stare at Hughes.

"I'm afraid of you... I can't endure hardships!" Hughes said slyly. He wanted to say "I'm afraid you're making trouble", but in the end he changed his tongue, because he remembered that Mona Siqin was originally a person who likes to make trouble, and I'm afraid I'm not afraid of it. How much is necessary, she will provoke or will provoke, it is useless to say!

"Look for a fight!" Meng Nasiqin was going to fight, Hughes of course ran away, and the two escaped and chased on the official road, and began their life on the world!

This day is Jinfeng calendar June 28, 990, the summer season!


The imperial capital of the Black and Gold Empire, there is a broad manor not far from the southwest gate of the city of Saskono. In the front of the manor is Mai Lang, the trees and trees, and a vitality. The middle is a vast and continuous building, with white walls and gray tiles, a 30-story pavilion, and a rockery courtyard. In the back is the bamboo forest and green hills, which stretch for hundreds of miles.

There is a bamboo garden among the green hills of the bamboo forest, which is fresh, elegant and beautiful. An old white-bearded man in front of Zhuyuan sits cross-legged and is breathing. There is also a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged on a futon in the bamboo garden, and also practicing with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, the voice of a warrior came from a jade ring on the **** of the middle-aged man: "Grandpa, Hughes walked out of Ulan City by himself, as if to go somewhere in the north. A soldier followed him, it seemed that he wanted to rob him..."

The middle-aged man ignored the voice on the jade ring, but the white-beard old man outside the bamboo garden suddenly screamed, and then eight ghosts appeared around him.

"You immediately set off for Ulank City and intercepted a little slave named Hughes. He was only six years old and was a first-level gold magician, but there was a sixth-level gold magician behind him. Of course, For eight of you, killing them is not a problem. After all, you are all sixth-level magicians or eighth-level warriors!" said the old whitebeard.

"Yes!" A simple word, eight people then disappeared into the bamboo forest as a gust of wind.

"Aren't you going to help Kedev get the position of homeowner? Is it appropriate to send such a powerful force now?" The middle-aged man finally said.

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