Pioneer Knight

Chapter 145:

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"Compared to the dragon's eye, the position of the head of the family is too important!" said the old man with white beards. "The little slave Huss dare to walk out of Ulank city alone. With such a good opportunity, I can't let Revich The family takes the lead!"

These two men are the elders of Ahler Frostman and Eisengel.

"Kedev sent someone to inform the Ritchie family two days ago that they shouldn't find Hughes so quickly!" Eisengel said.

"Hum Dragon Eye Ring, I'm bound to get it!" Ahler's original light and windy face was covered with greed.

At this moment, the jade ring in Eisenger's hand came again with a scream: "Grandpa, take revenge for me!"

"No! Pabo, they are in danger!" Eisenger stood up and looked at the sky to the south.

"They must have been exposed and killed! It's just that the eight iron guards can go to help them avenge their revenge!" Ahler was still sitting still, and his expression on his face also returned to the bland lightness, as if the expression was sad The yelling did not happen the same.

"Ginister, you go to stop Hughes too!" Eisengar shouted loudly, and continued to practice.

Behind the Bamboo Garden, four magic swordsmen wearing golden robes and long swords are practicing, and one of Eisengar’s screams was heard. Flying south!

There is a vast city in the northernmost part of the black-gold empire. In the northernmost part of the city, there is an extremely wide square. A sculpture with a height of 100 meters stands in the middle of the square. The sculpture depicts a warrior, a sharp-eyed, well-shaped warrior!

The soldier was holding a giant war knife in his hand, the point of the knife point, glowing with cold dark purple light!

Everyone passing by here will stand for a moment respectfully, looking up at the handsome and handsome face of the soldier, feeling his powerful and powerful fighting force and his charming personality.

At the moment, a hundred meters in front of the sculpture, stood an 18-year-old boy in ragged clothes, tired look, but firm and sharp eyes. He raised his head and looked at the face of the sculpture with his eyes, whispering: "Great ancestor, I, Sou Revich, vowed before you that he would be a holy warrior in fifty years, just like you, Become the pride of the family!" After that, he bowed respectfully, then turned and walked behind the sculpture.

Behind the sculpture, there is a line engraved from top to bottom: "The great ancestor of the Revich family, Vasilov Revich, the soldier of the Holy Land!"

Soon, Suo Wu came to the gate of a magnificent building. I saw two mighty male lions in front of the house, with their teeth spreading their claws. Behind the male lion is a wide dark purple gate, revealing the majesty of the killing, so that people do not dare to come close at will. The gate is directly above a large gate lintel with six large characters of silver hook iron painting "Duke of Ritchie".

Within the gate, there are sixteen strong soldiers separated on both sides, heroic and cool, eyes sparkling, and apparently the combat strength of each one is not weak.

"Little Master!" the sixteen strong soldiers saw Suow and nodded immediately.

"Call me nine young masters in the future!" Suowu shouted. Because these soldiers always thought of him as a child, the fighting power in his body spread violently.

"Yes!" Feeling that powerful combat strength, the sixteen elite warriors couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, and they didn't dare to whisper after Soo left:

"How did the young master cultivate? I haven't seen it in three years. The combat power has already made me feel trembling! I am a level 4 peak warrior!"

"It's also called Young Master, don't kill you! I think he must have practiced the family's special martial arts skills before he can improve so fast!"

"Maybe Master Nine is a magician, and then he changed his combat skills, so he can practice so fast!"

"I want to say that because he was born well, he was able to take the panacea since he was a child, and he will naturally practice faster than those of us!"

"You are all in the heart of a fox. You can't see anyone stronger than you! Didn't you see Master Nine's ragged clothes? And his tired look? Obviously he has been working hard for three years, so it will be short. In just three years, it has transformed from a third-level fighter to a master who feels trembling even now!


Sauwu ignored the comments behind him and went directly to his independent court. After changing his clothes, he went to the main court to greet the host, Wade Ritchie.

"Dear Master Wade, the news I tell you is true! Your grandson Sophie was indeed killed by a little slave named Hughes..."

As soon as Soo walked to the door of the main yard, he heard a stranger's voice, and even his grandfather screamed:

"Enough! How strong a slave is, and ultimately a slave, how can I kill my grandson!"

"He killed Sopho because he learned the special martial arts skill of your family-Gale Boxing!" said the strange man.

"Breakfist?" Sowu immediately ran into the main hall lobby and asked Wade, then he asked a strange man beside him: "How did he learn galefist?"


Before the strange man finished his speech, Wade interrupted: "Suowu, my good grandson, you just came back, you don't know something, I will tell you later!" Then, he looked like an arrow Usually shot at the strange man and shouted, "You said, how long did that little slave learn, where are people now?"

The strange man was glared by him, and his whole body seemed to fall into the ice cave, shaking continually, and quickly said: "He has learned... for two months... for months, now, in... in the southern part of the empire... ...Ulanc City!"

With a big wave of hand, Wade directly issued a guest order: "Okay, let's go, remember to say hello to your homeowner for me!" Say hello, but the tone is cold and emotionless!

But no matter what the head of the family heard that his children and grandchildren were killed by a slave, of course there would be no good looks!

After the strange man had left, Suowu asked: "Grandpa, who was that man just now? Is he saying it true?"

"He is a messenger sent by the Flosman family, saying that your brother Sophoe was killed by a slave! Well, the Flosman family dared to insult my Ritchie family so much, who is not easy to say, it is actually a lowly The slave killed my grandson!" Wade said angrily. "Humph! I will let their family know sooner or later how serious the consequences of insulting my Ritchie family!"

After a while, he calmly said: "However, your fifth brother did steal the family's special martial arts-"Breeze Boxing", it is said that he is now in the military camp of Jinjiang Town. I guess he I wanted to escape the investigation of the family, so I ran so far."

"What! The fifth brother dare to marry the family's super martial arts skills! Why did he do this?" Suow asked in shock.

"I don't want to prove in front of me how talented he is!" Wade sneered.

"Grandpa, do you want me to get my fifth brother back?" Suo asked.

"I've sent someone to look for it, and I should come back to report this time!" Weed just finished speaking, and he walked into a big man outside the door.

As soon as the man entered the door, he bowed and prostrate to the ground and cried, "Homeowner, the five young masters have been killed!"

"Who was killed?" Wade sighed in shock.

"A month ago, he was killed by a slave named Hughes. This Hughes is only six years old, but he is already a first-level gold magician! And, I heard that there is a sixth-level gold magician behind him to help him. Back up!" Dahan said with tears.

"Impossible! I lived for more than two hundred years, and have never heard of becoming a magician when I was six years old! Say, did you hear the word and have no actual investigation?" Widhoe stood up and exclaimed strong majesty. .

"The subordinates don't dare! He has indeed become a first-level magician, and indeed killed the five young masters! The bodies of the five young masters were buried by the subordinates themselves! The subordinate saw a huge hole in the heart of the five young masters, obviously it was Stabbed by the first-level gold magic flying needle technique!" the man said with a trembling shock.

"It turns out to be true!" Wade fell on his chair, his face sad, and then he showed a fierce look in his eyes. He shouted, "Susius, you dare to kill my descendants of the Ritchie family, I will let you Ten thousand pieces of corpse! No, let you taste all kinds of torture and endure endless suffering, I want you to die alive!"

Seeing Wade's appearance, Suow listened to his words, and there was a sympathy for Hughes in his heart. He knows that Wade's character is completely a person who must be rewarded, and has a fierce means!

"Suowu, you immediately took someone to take me to Hughes. I want to let him know the taste of life is better than death!"

"Yes, grandchildren will go immediately!" Sowu responded loudly, and then turned to leave, suddenly listening to Weed and said again, "You take my chain of Warcraft, and, I let you Grandpa Brooke too Go with you!"

"Chain of Warcraft, that is the two-level eight-level Warcraft, is it necessary to take it?" Suowu looked at Wade in shock.

"Isn't he still supported by a sixth-level magician? I will let him know what despair is!" Wade said viciously. "Go! If you meet someone from the Flosman family, you can also teach them a lesson." , It doesn’t matter if you kill!"

Suowu nodded and said: "Yes!" But he thought: "I am now a sixth-level pinnacle warrior, and a sixth-level magic swordsman. With the chain of Warcraft and Grandpa Brooke, the little slave is absolutely impossible to fly. !"

At this moment, an old man with a gigantic face suddenly walked out of a side hall on the left, looked at Suowu with a smile, and said with a smile: "Little Suowu, I haven't seen you in three years. You have grown into a master of the family! Sixth-level peak warrior, intermediate magic swordsman, hehe, yes, good!"

"Grandpa Brooke!" Sow cried in surprise.

"Brother Brook!" Wade, who was still angry, saw the old man and immediately stepped down from the seat of the Duke and nodded to him.

Brook nodded to Wade and said to Sou: "You rest for two days. After two days, we will go to the south! Now, tell us about your three years of experience!"

"Good!" Sow answered, then, he told Brook and Wade about his three years of cultivation process, and said that he didn't turn back to his own courtyard until Huadeng first came.

Two days later, Suowu was wearing a strong suit, carrying a long sword, hanging a chain on his waist, riding a two-meter high lion with Brooke, and rushing towards Ulank City!

The black-gold empire is located in the southwest of the golden phoenix continent. Between the mountains in the southeast of its territory, there are two figures marching fast along a mountain road.

"Yes, we have ran for fifty miles, and then ran for another twenty miles, and we arrived at the town of Yemo. We will stay there overnight at night!"

Running in front was a 15- to 16-year-old girl. I saw her landing lightly and gracefully, like a breeze in the mountains. She didn't feel tired at all during the run. She turned back and urged the little boy who was falling behind.

About twenty or thirty meters away from her, she is a 6- to 7-year-old boy with a thin figure, a clumsy running posture, and breathlessness. His clothes are also sweaty, and his expression is exhausted. He feels every step of running Legs are shaking. However, he did not stop to rest, still clenching his teeth, his eyes fixed in his eyes.

Perseverance is victory! Perseverance can play a role in sharpening will! adhere to!

The little boy kept cheering himself up and cheering!

"Good thing, Hughes! If you want to learn martial arts, a strong body is the foundation. Without a strong body, it is impossible to learn superior martial arts! And if you want to have a strong body, you must continue to exercise and constantly sharpen your musculoskeletal! Said the girl, running back.

The little boy was too tired to speak, and nodded to understand.

After running another five or six miles of mountain roads, the little boy couldn't hold on, and stumbled under his feet. With a puff, he fell to the grass beside the mountain road.


When the girl heard the noise, she quickly turned her head to look at the little boy, and saw that his hands and face were cut with sharp grass and leaves, and blood was flowing. The girl hurried to his side, took out a silk scarf from her body, and helped him wipe the wound.

"It's just some skin trauma, don't hinder!" the boy said tiredly after taking a few deep breaths.

"The wound is small, but there is a lot of blood! Hmm? What kind of scent is this?" The girl suddenly smelled a dizzying fragrance and quickly held her breath. It was also at this time that she was surprised to find that the wounds on the boy's hands and face were healing quickly at a rate visible to the naked eye!

It took only half an hour for all the wounds of the little boy to heal, and the dizzying fragrance had disappeared.

"Shus, what kind of good food did you eat? I was very surprised before, but you kept telling me, saying, what good food did you eat?" the girl shouted deliberately.

"Oh, it's okay to tell you!" After the boy rested for half an hour, his tiredness was much more relieved. His right hand suddenly turned over and clenched into a fist, saying, "Look!" Then he shook his right hand in front of the girl. Then he opened his fist and saw a white bead appearing in his palm.

"This is... the fascinating bead!" the girl shouted at the bead in shock. She used to go to the Mo Lin Xuan to buy things. She had seen such beads, so she could recognize them at a glance.

"Oh, Miss Monasqin, this bead is for you!" The little boy stood up and handed the bead to the girl, "It's the reward of teaching me martial arts!"

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