Pioneer Knight

Chapter 146:

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"Where did you get it from, and where did you change it from just now?" Monasqin took the bead and asked in surprise.

"Slowly tell you later!" Hughes' body shook gently, and all the dust and hay sticking to his clothes fell immediately. Looking at the spotless clothes, Hughes couldn't help but secretly praise: this snow rabbit clothing really deserves its name!

"I need to know now!" Meng Nasiqin has always been so eager, the secrets you want to know must be known immediately, otherwise you will think about this for days and nights.

"Okay, I said, this is the case,..." Hughes explained how to find the Millennium Snow Frog and how to get the beads while walking forward, even the dragon eye ring. .

Meng Nasqin had never heard of the dragon's eye ring, and did not know its magic, and Hughes did not mention it. Therefore, on the way, Meng Nasqin only asked about the ins and outs of the bead beads. For the dragon's eye The ring was ignored. Although I heard the Dragon Eye Ring at first, I felt a little strange, but listening to Hughes said that it is an ordinary ring with storage function, just like the storage kit, storage bag, storage bracelet, there is nothing strange! She didn't pay attention anymore.

The two said while walking, unconsciously that night had come, but fortunately they were not far from the town of Yemo. The town of Yemo, like Jinjiang Town, is under the jurisdiction of Ulank City. Meng Nasqin had been here with the owner of Ulank City before. He is no stranger to this place, so he does not worry about losing his way when walking at night.

Yemo Town is different from Jinjiang Town. Jinjiang Town is a border town with hundreds of thousands of troops stationed around it, so there are few village farmers in the surrounding area, and there are no paddy fields or vegetable fields. The town of Yemo is just the opposite. Everywhere in the village, rice fields are intertwined, and there are many creeks.

Hughes and Meng Naqin were walking on the crooked fields, listening to the sound of frogs in the rice fields, and the sound of crickets in the grass. Meng Nasiqin happily catches fireflies everywhere. Hughes raised a thousand-year-old scaly fish and looked for crickets everywhere.

The two were playing happily, and suddenly heard a fierce fighting sound from a village not far away. The sound of ping-pong and ping-pong was endless in their ears, and there was also a scream of sorrow among them.

"Let's go, let's go and see!" Meng Nasiqin hugged Hughes and exhibited floating technique and flew past.

I saw a fifth-level water magician standing on an open area in the middle of the village, and a wind-level magician of the same fifth level floating on his head. The two were fighting each other's lives.

The powerful magic power impacted all around, and the houses around a few hundred meters all collapsed and turned into ruins! The villagers who had no time to escape from the house were also crushed alive and made a terrible scream.

"The magic of these two people is stronger than us, we will watch here!" Meng Nasiqin hug Hughes floating about two hundred meters outside the village, did not fly forward.

"Is this a battle between magicians? The destructive power is so great!" Hughes said, looking at the ruined village with a grunt. Although he had learned magic skills with Meng Nasqin, but they didn't have a life fight, and Meng Nasqin didn't do their best, so the battle between the two of them was still not very destructive, just destroyed the garden.

At this time, Hughes saw thousands of families in the village, but they were all destroyed. There were collapsed houses, broken trees, and dead villagers! The closer the water magician was, the more terrible it was, and even terrible ravines appeared on the ground! More terrible than Ahler's beckoning knife!

"Vasti, how about we fight in another place?" the water magician standing on the ground roared.

"Humph! Piero, I just want you to see your village ruined in your hands, just to let you hear the screams of the death of your villagers!" The wind system floating in midair Cried the magician viciously.

"Why are you so cruel?" A thick layer of mist emerged from Piero, chopped under the endless wind blade, swayed, and seemed to break at any time.

"Don't talk nonsense! Unless you give me the Sixth Level Warcraft, the Magic Crystal of the Fire from the Pig, I will let you go, otherwise you will be dead tonight!" Vasti floated in mid-air, shaking left and right, avoiding Pie At the same time, Luo shot the ice cone, and at the same time, he continued to use the wind blade to split him.

"Huh, that magic crystal was obtained by my desperate efforts to kill Huoli Pig. Why should I give it to you!" Piero shouted, and Ice Cone was also issued continuously.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The magic skills of the two kept colliding with each other, making a deafening sound, and the earth was shaking violently!

"Huh, you are now the end of the crossbow. If you don't hand over the magic crystal, you will be blamed on me!" Vastier said coldly.

"Okay, here you are!" Piero suddenly threw a round thing at Vasti, and he couldn't see clearly what it was in the dark.

Vasti took it, was about to check it, and suddenly heard Piero yelled "Explosion!"


In an instant, everything in his hand burst immediately. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, and when he heard Piero's yelling, he immediately threw out the things in his hand. But the powerful explosive force still blasted him to the ground, half of his arm had been broken into pieces, and there were still flashes of light on his body. However, the fate of being killed on the spot was avoided.

When Piero saw him fall to the ground, he immediately froze, trying to freeze Vasti.

But at this moment, Vasti also threw a round thing. Piero thought that such a powerful explosive force should stun him, but he did not expect him to have the power to fight back. Without precautions, he was also blown to the whole body and his clothes were broken!

"What are they throwing out?" Hughes asked curiously.

"Magic storage stones, one of them throws out thunder magic storage stones, and one fire magic storage stones." Meng Nasiqin said.

"I know that the stone is called Baihu Zijinyu!" Hughes said, "I have a hundred!"

"The white tiger purple gold jade is the lowest-level magic storage stone. They threw a high-level storage stone-Linghan Stone! Let's go down!" Monaskin held Hughes and fell between Piero and Vasti.

Monasqin looked at the two people lying on the ground, and saw Piero's body burnt black, which had been blown up only out of breath, Vasti's right hand was blown into pieces, bloody, and there was still one on his body. After the electric light flashed, he was already in a semi-coma state!

"Sius, do we want to..." Monas didn't finish talking, and found that Sius was already scratching Piero's body, and he could not help laughing and cursing: "It seems that you are born to be a murderous little thief. !"

"Haha, anyway, they are dying too, and it's useless to stay with them!" Hughes was completely influenced by Laziborg. Over time, he actually formed a "seeing the eye" character.

Hughes found that Piero had eight storage kits on his body. Obviously, he had also done homicide and merchandise. This time, the search was more comfortable.

"Anyway, he also robbed others. I just made a fortune. What's wrong with it?"

There are also great gains for Monasqin over there. A wind taboo magic book has already made her ecstatic. Unexpectedly, Vasti also has a sixth-level wind magic crystal, and there is also a bottle of Bilingdan!

As soon as Hughes looked at the bottle of Bi Ling Dan, he thought of Sophie who was killed by himself. "Is this guy also a child of the Ritchie family, one of the seven major families?"

I was about to wake up Vasty in the past, asking clearly, and suddenly heard a clutter of horseshoes outside the village, and the sound of "deserved" came to the entrance of the village instantly.

When Hughes fixed his eyes, he saw that the eight of the village quickly turned out, all wearing war armor, with fierce eyes and black faces, and at a glance they could be seen as fierce men with knives licking blood.

"These are all eighth and ninth-level fighters. Let's be more careful!" Monasqin walked to Hughes and whispered.

The eight soldiers hurricane ran to the open space in the middle of the mountain village, and immediately surrounded Hughes and Mengnasqin in the core.

"Children! Did you see a flaming pig run across from here?" One of the bald men, with a big axe in his hand, screamed fiercely.

"No!" Monaskin guarded Hughes behind him, but his eyes patrolled the eight soldiers back and forth.

One of the stout warriors flew off the horse, walked to Piero and Vasti lying on the ground, looked around for a while, then pointed to Piero's body, and said to the bald man: "Brother, this kid is to grab The water magician who chased Huoli Pig in front of us! However, he is already dead!" Then he pointed to Vasty's body, "It seems to be fighting with this guy, and they all die!"

"He's not dead yet!" Susie suddenly pointed at Vasti.

"Oh? Wake him up!" the bald man shouted.

The stout warrior immediately walked in front of Vasti, punching him in the heart.

Vasti was smitten with a punch and spit out a bruise, and his consciousness woke up. When he looked around, he saw a group of fierce warriors around him, all watching him, and he was not afraid, his face There was no change in his expression. Only when he saw Piero who was burnt and dark, and he didn't know his life or death, he laughed and said: "Piero, tell you to give me the magic crystal of the fire from the pig, you don't give it, this is Your end!" The laughter was extremely fierce, and everyone was shocked.

"Who are you? Who killed the Huoli Pig?" The bald man saw Vastier ignoring him, and couldn't help but furiously shouted.

"Well, a group of eight-level fighters dare to arrogant in front of me! It’s okay to tell you, my name is Vasti Rovic, one of the seven major families of the black-gold empire, the Revich family, the fifth-level wind magician, and even more First Count of the Empire! Did you hear it clearly? You can get away if you heard it!" Vasti stood up and shouted.

When Hughes heard his words, he thought to himself, "It really belongs to the Ritchie family! What is the count?"

"Earl is a kind of imperial knighthood, in general it is an official. From high to low there are knighthoods such as king, prince, prince, hou, bo, son, and male! Each knighthood is divided into three ranks. This person must be dead, you wait I will never forget to attack them with magical storage stones. I just counted, there are a total of 25 Linghan stones in the eight kits!" Lazibague explained.

"Well, I know!" Hughes nodded, but his eyes kept watching the changes in the field.

At this moment, he saw the short warrior, without a word, he punched Vasti directly. The powerful boxing wind swept away the originally swaying Vasti!

"Boom!" With a sound, Vasti was blasted into the broken walls and knocked down countless broken walls.

After seeing Vasti buried in the collapsed mud, the eight warriors did not pay any attention to him, but looked at both Hughes and Monaschen with their eyes.

"Say, who killed the Huoli Pig?" the bald man shouted.

"I don't know!" Meng Nasqin stared at the eight people with a pair of wonderful eyes, and each hand pinched a fire magic storage stone-Ling Hanshi, which had just been found from Vasti, as long as the eight people were slightly wrong, She threw it out immediately, and took Hughes to the sky to escape.

"Big Brother, Huoli Pig is dead. We will definitely be heavily punished when we go back. It is better to take these two children back, or to make a business trip!" a black-faced soldier yelled behind.

"Yes! Bring them back! Especially the beautiful girl, maybe the young master is not only not punishing us but rewarding us!" another warrior, who was as small as a slit, shouted.

"Okay! Brothers brought them back, and the one lying on the ground also brought back!" the bald man ordered. Then someone grabbed them from Hughes.

"Go!" Meng Nasiqin immediately threw out the two Linghan stones in her hand, then read the spell, cast a float, and prepared to hug Hughes to fly upward.

However, time is still too late!

Although her two Ling Han stones exploded the two soldiers who came to arrest them, they had been sitting on horseback and had no hands on the bald man. They screamed loudly. The light of his axe struck Menasqin and Hughes.

As soon as Meng Siqin picked up Hughes and flew off the ground, she was dropped to the ground by the kite that was hit by the axe like a broken line, and blood spewed in her mouth!

If it weren’t for Meng Nasqin’s display of the wind defense model, the armor of the wind, at the last moment, to resist some of the power slightly, otherwise the two of them might be killed on the spot!

"How are you, Hughes?" Monasq asked with concern as he wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

"I'm fine!" Hughes vomited more blood. He is much weaker than Monasqin in both magic and physique. Although most of the power of the axe light is endured by Monasqin, he is still seriously Internal injuries, fortunately, he had eaten more than 20 beads of ecstasy, the wound recovery ability is super strong.

"Let's go!" Hughes still went out with seven or eight thunder magic storage stones. These storage stones are more powerful than the one thrown by Monas Qin just now, and these thunder magic skills also have the effect of paralyzing the enemy. .

This time, three or four soldiers were blown up! In the end, only the bald man and the stout warrior were left unexploded. Both of them were 9th-level fighters, and they moved very fast. They shook left and right to avoid the strong airflow caused by the explosion!

"Dead!" The bald-headed man was furious, holding a plate axe, and exhibited his lifelong stunt "electro-optical axe technique", which is a kind of super martial art. The stout warrior was also spitting fire in his eyes, hoping to smash them with a punch!

Dense axe light, interlaced fist shadows, flew towards Hughes with a strong air current, wherever they passed, flying sand and rocks, there was no sky.

"Storm wind!" At this moment, a huge voice sounded behind Hughes and Monas, followed by a violent whirlwind!

"Golden bell cover!" Hughes suddenly shouted, and before the arrival of the axe light, fist shadow, and whirlwind, a golden shield was cast around him and Monas Qin! At the same time, Meng Nasiqin also exhibited the "Armor of the Wind".

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