Pioneer Knight

Chapter 152:

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"Grandpa Benzei, so many articles, I can't remember it, can you make it simple?" Hughes frowned, carefully speaking out the pain in his heart, and his hands made a relative compression in the air with great cooperation. Gesture.

"No! To get from rookie to peak in ten years, you have to be extremely demanding! You just read so much, but it's actually a'night and day training that never stops until you become the peak!'" Benz Jersey refused coldly Hughes’ request, after a while, seemed to feel a bit unsympathetic to a six-year-old child, so he said mildly, “In the first three years, I can relax the requirements, but in the next seven years, you must strictly abide by them. My training plan, at the same time, I am afraid that you will not remember, I will make a new plan for you every year, today this is even a master plan!"

"Ah?" He didn't add it. Fortunately, this addition made Huston feel like the world was spinning and his head dizzy. How will he live in the future! Although he is eager to have strong power, and hopes to rejuvenate the glory of the family through his own efforts and let his father live a noble life, but his efforts are limited. If it is at the cost of life and freedom is the bargaining chip, it is He absolutely doesn't want it.

However, at present there is no choice for him, who would call him a dragon eye ring? Who asked him to care too much about the safety of Mengasiqin, so that he was subject to others?

"This afternoon, we will start training. The first subject of the training is "How to strengthen your body and build muscles." You first prepare, I will come to you again this afternoon!" Benzei turned out of the dormitory with a smile.

Just as Benz Jersey had just walked out of the room, the smiling face that Hughes could hold immediately turned into a blue bitter gourd.

Looking at the little host's painful expression, Moran Si's delicate face was also full of sadness, and said softly: "Master, the pain will always pass, happiness will come, Moran will always accompany you to practice!"

Hughes turned to look at Moranth, and suddenly said with audacity: "You are right, isn't it harsh training? Anyway, I have a dragon eye ring, and I don't worry about the weakness of my soul. Then I will come to him. Ten years of hard work in dim and dark days and nights!"

In the early autumn afternoon, the sunlight was still blazing, and the deciduous leaves on the ground were instantly curly and dry.

Even in such hot weather, the spacious training grounds of the Imperial Warriors Academy are still overcrowded, each of which is passionate and sweating and training hard.

The whole training ground can be described as dusty, shouting loudly!

Even in the usually very cold arena, there are also ongoing battles that are hot and a bit bloody.

The reason why such an abnormal situation occurs is because the students and instructors heard that this afternoon, the college’s chairman of Benz Jersey, the only ninth-level peak magician in the black gold empire, will come to the training ground to inspect and accompany him. The dean and deputy dean, both of whom are nine-level fighters.

How can the trainees and instructors perform well when such three powerful and highly weighted people come to the training ground? This is a rare opportunity. In case any one of them is fancy, it is definitely a lot of benefits and promising!

Because everyone is so spirited, they try their best to show off, so that everyone has some extraordinary play, the combat power is far higher than usual, some of the boxing skills that are usually difficult and difficult to fully play, but now they can use it freely and easily. Unwillingly spare no effort to show off.

However, when they saw the two little farts who followed the three giants to the training ground, all of them were shocked with infinite anger and suspicion.

Especially a 15- to 16-year-old fat man on the fifth level training ground, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

"Huh, boy, you wait, I can take a day off in half a month, and you will feel good at that time!" The fat man clenched his hands, showing too pale with too much effort.

The two little fart children in their eyes are Hughes and Moran. The earth-shattering stories of the two have already spread throughout the college, and even the entire city of Saskono already knows that if the college prohibits outsiders from entering, said Every day, countless people will line up to pay tribute to the legendary “Playboy who spends a hundred gold coins to buy a female slave”.

It is said that he has been erroneously accosted, and has evolved into a romantic and princely prince, who is so handsome and handsome, and he has countless money, and even some inferior embryos describe him as "the first person to pick flowers, hunt Super invincible chasing girls in Xiang Shi Mushuang!

Seeing countless angry eyes and complicated expressions on the field, the three giants certainly knew what they meant, and inadvertently glanced at the two little fart children behind them, but they saw that the eight-year-old girl was wiping the little boy. Going to drop the dead leaves on his head, the posture and movement are quite ambiguous. If they are matched with their "famous reputation", it really can't help but doubt the boy's intention to buy the female slave. .

In fact, the Imperial Warriors College does not prohibit students from bringing domestic slaves privately. After all, more than 80% of the students in the whole college are from super families and huge chaebols. They have been spoiled since childhood and live in clothes to reach for food and open their mouths. One or two domestic slaves followed them to take care of their daily life, and it is estimated that not many would feel at ease to practice.

Because of such considerations, although the college clearly stipulates that domestic slaves cannot be taken privately, the implementation is to open and close the eyes, and then let it go.

The focus of all eyes, Hughes, did not feel the slightest consciousness. Apart from being uncomfortable staring at everyone like a monkey, he didn’t feel much discomfort, and he still stood next to Morans unhurriedly. Walk behind the three giants. Moranth is no longer in the eyes of the accident world. Since he was bought back by Hughes for 100 gold coins and helped her to release the imprisonment of the soul, there is only Hughes in the center of her eyes. It is difficult for anyone to be caught by her. Take a look.

Seeing such a scene, the three giants just shook their heads secretly and did not say much. They nodded and smiled to the trainer instructors on various training grounds for a while, and then took Hughes and Morans directly to the ninth level training. The field walked.

The entire Academy currently does not have a 9th-level warrior or magician student, not even a 8th-level student, so this one is the most spacious, luxurious and equipped with the most complete training field. Compared with other training grounds, this is like a remote corner that has been forgotten for tens of thousands of years.

"What are they doing directly at the ninth level training ground? Do the three giants of the college also have to train?"

"They are already level 9 peak warriors and magicians. They don't need to train anymore, they just need to meditate. They must go and inspect the equipment that has not been used for a long time!"

Just as the trainers of the students were guessing, a scene that surprised them with their chin dropped to the ground appeared in front of their eyes.

I saw that on the ninth-level training ground, the three giants separated into three parties, forming a triangle, and in the middle of them stood the "super invincible chase girl" that attracted all eyes.

Suddenly, everyone saw that the three giants had risen to a strong combat power, and the majesty even the trainer instructors on the first-level training ground furthest away from the ninth-level training ground felt suffocated on their chests, and their breathing was unimaginable. How much pressure the "Super Invincible Chasing Girls" between them will bear!

This is not over yet!

They saw that the three giants actually used their powerful combat power to control the shape of a whip, constantly whipping the little boy in the middle. The little boy was drawn like a gyro, spinning back and forth between the three, body, face, hands Instantly there are scars of varying severity!

"Haha... It's really hate-relieving! Young guys who want to learn how adults "pay money to buy incense" at this young age should be whipped hard to let him know that people can't learn to be so indecent!"

"Hey...Yes, although this kid has been here for less than three days, he was so famous and famous all over the city. I don’t think my flower veteran has been famous for him for so many years. It really made me feel uncomfortable! hit!"

"You know what a fart! That's how the three giants used their combat power to help the boy refine his body! If I could get such a love from the three giants, I would be willing to die immediately!"

"What! The three giants help him to temper his body at the same time!! What is the origin of this kid, who has such a big face?"

"So, we'll be more careful in the future and offend him, maybe one day we will be unknowingly... Ka!" The man made a gesture of wiping his neck with a heavy face, and suddenly surprised everyone around him.

Just as everyone exhaled, the discussions were overwhelming, and the inexplicable surprise, the fat man Ramazan standing on the fifth-level training ground was buzzing, his face red and white, his eyes showing a look of despair.

Who is he?

Why did the three giants value him so much?


Compared with the three giants, my family dare not offend easily. How can I recover my lost face?

Ramazan's hysterical shouts repeated over and over again, but he was at a loss, clueless.

At this time, a thin warrior in his twenties came next to him, his eyes deep, let people know at a glance that this is a master of conspiracy.

Sure enough, he walked to Ramazan and whispered, "It's easy to get rid of your eyes!"

When Ramazan heard this, he immediately asked happily: "How?"

"You attach your ears!" When he heard the warrior's words, Ramazan quickly turned his ear to the side, and then he heard the warrior whisper an extremely vicious trick. He heard Ramazan's heart bursting with joy and smile!

Not to mention the ruthlessness of the tricks here. Let me first talk about Morans on the ninth-level training ground. When he saw the little master's bruises and bruises all over his body, he couldn't help covering his face with his hands and could not bear to witness. My heart hurt like a knife twist, and tears flowed, so I wanted to stop it loudly. But she also knows that this is the training subject for the little master, and she must persevere, so she has to endure hard.

She remembers that Benz Jersey once said: "Practice combat skills, you must temper the body! There are many ways to temper the body, the most commonly used are drug soaking and quenching, taking immortality and whipping quenching. Because of cultivation Sri Lanka is still small. Taking too much medicine may cause adverse effects on body development. Drug soaking and whipping are feasible, and whipping is the most suitable one. This will not affect future development. Secondly, it can enhance the body’s health. Fighting ability! Third, the use of invisible fighting power can also change the musculoskeletal structure of the human body, so that it will not be excessively enlarged in the future!"

Whipping continues!

The whip of “Papa Papa…” spread through the training ground with a whip, so that all the trainee instructors changed from the initial schadenfreude to the cruel cruelty at this time. Fortunately, I have not received such "good treatment"! As a result, they did not have the passion they had just when they were training, and everything returned to their normal state.

five minutes!

ten minutes!

Half an hour!

One hour!

Three hours!


Many trainer instructors have finished training and left the training ground, but the sound of the whip is still going on!

Although Moran told himself over and over again that the three giants were helping the little master to practice, but when they heard the sound of the whip of the "pappa..." whip, there was also a small face that saw the little host's pain and distortion and him With the growing number of bruises and bruises on her body, she couldn't help but roared: "Don't fight anymore!"

However, the three giants ignored Moran's cry and still whipped whip, but the strength of their combat power was very clever, from outside to inside, from skin to bone, and gradually soaked! It will not hurt Hughes' internal organs or his blood, but will allow his skin, meat, tendons, membranes, and bones to be tempered.

Of course, the reason why the three giants have been whipping for so long is that they see Hughes quickly recover from his injuries! And as the whipping continues, the speed of recovery is still accelerating! Even the scars that have just recovered are more shiny and smooth than the previous skin!

This discovery surprised the three giants!

They are all well-informed people who read books, naturally knowing that this is the reason why Huss has taken the ecstasy beads, but they have guessed how much Huss has taken and how many years the ecstasy beads have been taken. Not out!

However, they knew that Hughes still had a lot of psychic power in the soul beads, so they whipped for so long, just to promote the absorption of the power and change Hughes' physique!

The cruel whipping didn't stop until nightfall. In addition to the five people on the training ground, there are no other figures on the training ground, and even the ants foraging on the training ground have tiredly returned to their nests.

The three giants slowly put away their fighting power and wiped the fine sweat beads on their foreheads. They thought, "This is really a tiring job!"

Fortunately, they didn't declare it to the mouth, otherwise the little boy who was paralyzed on the ground would instantly flare up: "What kind of world is this, and it's too tired to hit people?" However, watching him lie on the ground like a dead dog. It is estimated that even if the three giants spoke out, he would not be able to deal with it.

"After going back, use this bead to soak in the water, and then immerse the whole person in it. It can help you continue to refine your body!" Benzerie smiled with a usual smile on his face, slightly shaking his sore arm and reaching out. Handed the little boy a pale golden bead, "This bead is the elemental crystal of the fourth-level gold-based Warcraft'Broken Golden Wild Wolf'. After my condensing, the brutal elemental energy has been removed and you can use it with confidence! In the future, if you want to continue to use this method to refine your body, you must buy Warcraft Crystal yourself and then condense yourself. As for the condensed method, you can go to the College Library to check!"

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