Pioneer Knight

Chapter 153:

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"Originally, there were a few items that needed training this afternoon, but we found that your body's recovery ability is super fast, and it is still increasing. This shows that you have eaten a lot of psychedelic beads, and many of the medicine has not been used. Therefore, we temporarily change the training program to help you stimulate the medicine in your body." An old man with a white beard standing on the right hand side of Benz Jersey said kindly, "After an afternoon of whipping, the medicine in your body was also stimulated. Less than one-tenth, so in the future you must often whip yourself to promote the power of medicine. I think if the medicine in your body is fully stimulated, your future injuries will be completely between one or two breaths Back to normal!"

Hughes knew that the old man with a white beard was the vice president of the college, called Morion Fazquez, and had a deep background. Hearing his brows when hearing what he said, he asked, "Does the ecstasy bee eat more, the faster the wound recovers?"

Standing on the left hand side of Benz Jersey is a balding middle-aged man, who is the dean of the college-Libert Wallis. He has a serious and solemn expression on his face, and hears Hughes' inquiry. , The voice said indifferently: "The soul beads come from the snow frog. Its biggest effect is not to repair the wound, but to make it into the incense fragrance, because the effect of repairing the wound must be eaten into the belly to play it out. If the soul is not strong enough People who eat Ecstasy Beads will instantly be repulsed and become dementia, so many people dare not take it. Why you take it is okay, we don’t know, but this does not mean that the more you eat, the better!"

Hearing the bald middle-aged man, Hughes suddenly thought that the mutation of his own soul must be related to eating the soul beads.

The fact is the same. He was bruised and bruised every day by Mona Siqin. In order to heal the wound, he only served twenty or so beads of ecstasy.

If it were not for his soul to be protected by the mysterious power of the dragon's eye, he would have become a dementia like everyone else.

It is precisely because he wants to resist the strong repulsion of the psychedelic beads, so his soul produced the magic crystal prematurely, and it still occurred outside the soul!

When he saw Hughes' contemplation, the three giants didn't say anything more, but when they left the training ground, Benz Jersey dropped a sentence: "The future training depends on you. I will only come for a month Check your cultivation situation. We came here this afternoon, in addition to helping you temper your body, in fact, we want to tell the students and instructors that you are our important people, so as to avoid them from having trouble with you in the future! Ten years is very long, ten The year is also very short, you must understand in your heart!"

After the three giants completely disappeared into the night, Morans walked over to help the little master, and while asking about his injury, he gently patted the floating dust and fallen leaves for him.

"Except for a little pain, it doesn't matter!" the little boy said casually. He gradually fell in love with this feeling of being cared for and served, especially by the opposite sex, which made him feel a kind of warmth of maternal love.

He lived with his father from an early age and had never been in contact with the opposite sex. Later, he met Monas and Monas. Although they are very good to him, Monas gave him a little sister's feeling, and Mona Siqin gave him a feeling like a playmate, a buddy, there was no such kind of gentleness and intimacy at all. !

However, Moran made him appreciate the unique warmth of the opposite sex. Although they didn't know each other for less than three days, they didn't know much about each other, but very strangely, Hughes felt that kind of intimate feeling, maybe it was Mo Lansi is also a slave, perhaps because he lacks maternal care.

"Master, you are so strong!" Morans could not help complimenting, looking at the indifferent expression of the little boy.

"Go, let's go back!" Hughes smiled happily. The bruises on his body had subsided in this time. However, the pain of drilling into the bones had not completely disappeared, and every time he moved, he would hurt his teeth.

"I'll carry you!" When seeing the little master's distorted little face, Morans couldn't wait for the pain to be borne by herself, and there were tears in her eyes.

"No!" Hughes enjoyed Morans' warm care, but he insisted on leaving.

The purpose of training is to temper the body in addition to tempering the body.

Pain can make the body stronger, and it can also make the will stronger!

Hughes once heard Meng Nasiqin say this, and he also agrees with it. So, he has always resisted himself, and he never borrows from others!


Back at the dormitory, Hughes immediately walked into the bathroom, filled a large bucket of water, and tossed the pale gold beads into the water, then took off his clothes and jumped into the bucket.

"Shu-clothing -"

Suddenly covered by the potion, Hughes felt a little bit of numbness in his body, which made him feel dizzy comfortably.

In the afternoon, while the three giants were whipping him, they were also warming up his body with strong fighting power.

At this moment, inspired by the potion, the lurking warmth began to flow madly, constantly moisturizing Hughes' skin, meat, tendons, membranes, and bones!

In addition, the power of the psychedelic beads that have not yet been fully stimulated also emanates at this moment, intersecting and blending together with the warm combat power and the potion's power to nourish Huss's body together.

However, just when Hughes felt his body became more and more tenacious, his soul appeared briefly confused. Fortunately, the dragon's eye ring issued a mysterious force in time to keep the soul awake.

"What's the matter?" Hughes immediately looked inside and found that outside the soul, there was a fierce light gray substance surrounding his soul body, which seemed to be impacting the protective film of the mysterious power.

"This is because the whiplash in the afternoon was too much, which caused too much energy from the ecstasy beads, so there was a phenomenon like this now!" The sound of Laziborg came out of the light gray matter. "Quickly enter the state of meditation and absorb the elements. The particles may be able to neutralize the power of the ecstasy beads."

Hughes did not hesitate, immediately took down the eyes of the dragon and put it in his palm to start practicing!

After a while, Dragon Eye gathered all the gold, wood, and earth elements around Hughes, and then filtered through Dragon Eye into Hughes’s mind.

But the vision appeared again!

The elements that originally surged into the mind are no longer wrapped directly around the soul as before, but a large part of it has penetrated into the blood vessels, nerves and cells of the brain, and then spread through the blood vessels, nerves and limbs. Five internal organs, skin and meat fascia bone, nourish the cells there!

"What's wrong with this again?" Hughes was frightened by the ensuing vision, somewhat at a loss.

"Don't worry. You used flying needle technique before, first absorbed the gold element into the body, and then cast it. Because of this, many gold elements remained in your body, and today the three super masters used their combat power After a whiplash, the gold element that stayed sinking was also excited and penetrated into your blood vessels and nerves. Now, the element of heaven and earth enters your body fiercely through the eyes of the dragon, just communicating with the gold element, so it follows yours Blood vessels and nerves have entered all over your body!" Lazibague explained slowly.

"Is there any consequence?" Hughes was most worried about this issue.

"Consequences? To say there are consequences, that is, you will become more and more powerful!" Lazibague joked rarely.

"Really!" Seeing Laziborg's relaxed smile through the light gray matter, Hughes also showed a reassuring smile, and his previous worries swept away.

"The warrior absorbs the heaven and earth aura. What is the heaven and earth aura? It is not composed of the heaven and earth elements. Now, your body is directly nourished by the finest element particles, which is much higher than the soldiers. It will also be much better than others! So, I have to say that your kid is the darling of the Holy Spirit, the arrogant of heaven, and everything you do is good!" Laziborg shook his head and said enviously, "First of all, gold The elements are 100% affinity, then the soul beads of the Millennium Snow Frog, then the soul mutation, and now the body mutation! I really don’t know how powerful you will be when you become a 9th-level peak warrior or magician! "

"You said a little less, I was fortunate to have met you. It was you who lifted my imprisonment magic and restored me to freedom. It was you who taught me magic that gave me self-confidence and dignity, and you have always been with you. I will have everything I have now!" Hughes said excitedly.

Hearing the heartfelt language of Hughes, Laziborg's old face suddenly showed a trace of shame, and was moved again! A click was heard, and the rail was broken in his heart for a long time. The corner of his mouth flicked and said, "Sue, there is something, I always want to tell you!"

Hearing the guilt of Grandpa Lazibague, Hughes looked at him in surprise.

"Huss, do you remember what I said to you for the first time two months ago?" Lazibague looked at Huss slightly apologetically, and a trace of shame appeared on a transparent old face. Flushing.

"I remember. You said a lot of things that time. You told me that someone was chasing you down. You helped me lift my soul. You asked me if I wanted to learn magic!" Hughes recalled his head in a serious way. The scene that day was filled with joyful smiles in the eyes and corners of the mouth.

That day was indeed his happiest day. Not only did he regain his freedom, but there were people willing to teach him magic. How could he not be happy? To know that these are all his dreams.

The days when dreams come true are the happiest and happiest, so Hughes always remembers clearly.

"What else?" Lazibague asked with a sigh.

"Also? Oh, by the way, you said that learning magic would be boring and difficult. Ask me if I can persevere. I said yes!" Hughes said of it, and suddenly looked at Lazibague with some anxiety. Asked softly: "Grandpa Lazibague, do you think my performance during the past two months?"

Hearing Huss’s inquiries, Laziborg slightly stunned, and then nodded: "You are great! You can be so hard-working and tenacious at the age of six, I have never seen it!"

Seeing that Hughes heard the bright smile on his complimenting small face, Laziborg also secretly said: "He is just a child! I have the heart to deceive him, seriously..." Can't help but feel more ashamed. After taking a deep breath, Raziborg raised a wrinkled, transparent old face and said to Hughes: "That day, I said that my soul will be absorbed by your soul. Do you remember this sentence?"

"Ah? Sorry, Grandpa Laziborg, I forgot!" Hughes' happy smile instantly turned into deep guilt, apologizing, "You said that as long as I learn magic, your soul will not be absorbed by me , I... Grandpa Lazibague, will my soul mutation absorb your soul now?" At the end, Hughes's tone was urgent and fast, and his expression was extremely worried.

Hearing Hughes’s words and watching his face with anxiety, Laziborg was deeply moved, thinking: "This child is so kind and sincere! If I said that I had lied to him, he would definitely My heart is very uncomfortable. Forget it, since I have decided to train him wholeheartedly in the future, why should he let him know the unhappiness of the past?" With such a thought, Laziborg's heart suddenly opened up and smiled, "No! I just Remind you to practice harder in the future, and don’t live up to my expectations for you!"

Hearing Lazibague’s answer, Hughes put his heart back again, raised his face, and said firmly, “You can rest assured, I will work hard!”

"Well! I also believe in you! Since Elder Carrick let you take on the responsibility of lifting the curse of the entire continent in ten years, you should work harder! In addition, I will also teach all my lessons!" As soon as his heart knotted, Laziborg stopped hiding.

He didn’t know that the soul can be cultivated before. Therefore, he kept thinking about the soul taking away, so he always asked Hughes to quickly upgrade the power of the soul, regardless of whether a six-year-old child can withstand the backlash of the elements, or urge a six Are there any seedlings for the year-old children?

All his thoughts are just to quickly restore to the power of the seventh-level soul, and then take the rebirth. Not even teaching some basic golden magic skills of Hughes!

If it weren’t for Elder Carrick’s words, it is estimated that he would continue to destroy Hughes and continue to desperately ask Hughes to upgrade the power of the soul as soon as possible.

Fortunately, he met Elder Carrick and made him awake.

Let him know that even if he succeeds in winning, he will not necessarily become a sanctuary.

Moreover, he also knows that there is a great risk of soul seizure!

First of all, a good body is not easy to find. If you get a body with no magic talent or a very low talent, then he can never become a sanctuary magician.

In addition, even if you find a good body, it will still be a problem if you will be bitten.

At the beginning, when he wanted to seize Hughes' body, he was almost repulsed. If he didn't return to the dragon's eye in time, otherwise he would have vanished.

In addition, everyone who succeeds in winning the house will lose three or four levels of strength, that is to say, he is now at the peak of the ninth level. Once the success of winning the house, he will become an intermediate magician of level five or six.

It is impossible to get revenge!

He understands all these reasons, but it is generally impossible to see through the ghosts! He didn't wake up until he met Elder Carrick and learned that the soul could be cultivated alone.

Plus tonight, after hearing Hughes' undisguised heartfelt words, he finally got rid of the obstacles in his heart, and he completely communicated with Hughes!


"Great!" Hughes had long wanted to learn more magic skills, such as "Golden Bell", "Golden Cone Technique", "Great Golden Cone Technique" and so on.

"In the future, I will arrange your magic training, as for the combat skills, just like the old kid from Benz Jersey!" Laziborg smiled lightly, "You are now happy to practice wholeheartedly, I don't feel like a few God, you will break through again! Cultivation!"

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