Pioneer Knight

Chapter 166:

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After the explosion stopped, Ryan slowly stood up, looked at Brook that had turned into ashes, and said bitterly: "When I win the power of the black gold empire, I will let your Ritchie family die for the first time!" said At the end, he dragged his frail body around the imperial capital and returned to his manor outside the southwest city of the imperial capital.

"Master, you are awake!" Shortly after Ryan left, about a thousand meters below the valley, a cry of surprise came from a little girl.

"Am I still alive?" the little boy opened his tired eyes and asked silly.

"Master, you are still alive, huh..." The little girl Morans shouted excitedly when she saw Hughes wake up.

"Who saved me?" Hughes clearly remembered that when that mighty punch hit him in the body, he immediately felt that his body no longer belonged to him, and it seemed that he would be turned into ashes in an instant. 'S soul also showed signs of torn apart at that moment. That was the moment that his consciousness was completely lost, and nothing was known about it.

"It was a cyan water column that saved you!" Moran said the scene he saw at the moment, and then asked curiously, "Master, what is that cyan water column?" Where did it come from?"

"That should be'life micro-energy', and I don't know where it came from." Hughes slowly stood up and looked around.

After learning that the dragon's eye ring has a wide space, he often observes the speculation and divides the space inside into different areas. According to their own imagination, each space is shaped differently, including small buildings, lofts, pavilions, manors, study rooms, etc., and even small bottles and decorations such as small vases and medicine bottles.

It was so magical that he also had fun.

However, he didn't know enough about the whole space, especially in the misty smoke surrounding the space, he knew nothing about it.

He once touched all around and found that behind the smoke was an invisible wall, which was difficult to push no matter how hard he tried. Tap with your finger on it, but you can hear the drum sound of "Dong Dang Dang". Obviously there is still a space behind, but I can't break the invisible wall and can't get in.

Knowing that there is another space in the dragon's eye that seems to be wider, Hughes was very excited. He used various methods to bombard that wall, but he couldn't break it. Ask Lazibague, he also knows nothing, just guess that this wall may be a taboo under the seal of a holy domain master!

Since it is a taboo, there must be a way to crack it. It is a pity that even if Laziborg, who has lived for hundreds of years, has reached the peak of the ninth level of magic, he has no choice but to think of a good solution.

They had also thought about inviting the magician of the ninth level to crack, but then thought about it, in case that the magician of the ninth level broke the seal and found that there are countless rare treasures and even magical skills in the sanctuary, What should you do if you are fighting skills and magic swordsman practicing secrets, and have the idea of ​​snatching? With Laziborg and Hughes, they can't resist the soul erosion of the ninth level magic swordsman.

So, in the end, they had to lament the wall, thinking that there was only one way to do it: let Hughes improve his strength as soon as possible. Maybe when he reached the ninth peak magician, it was not necessarily possible to break this seal.

Now, Hughes looked at the misty smoke around him, remembering the previous methods, and laughed at himself: "My strength is still too weak!"

In terms of strength, he is indeed too weak.

The power of the soul is still at the second level, and the combat power is only at the first level, but the body's toughness has reached the level of the third level of Warcraft after being nourished by the "life micro energy".

However, such strength matches his age, it is very scary. From the fact that everyone knew that he was a magician and was shocked and speechless, we can see how perverted such a person is on the entire continent!

It is several times more powerful than super genius, even dozens of times!

You have to know that although the sanctuary has not appeared in the entire continent for five thousand years, this has caused many top talents to have a desperate mood, but on the other hand, it has inspired many people to compete for the reputation of the first person on the mainland, for example, The first magician Hughes saw—Lina Ace, and the ninth-level pinnacle warrior—Ahle, and Elder Carrick, as well as his Grandpa Lazibague, all wanted to fight The first person to become a sanctuary.

These people used to be super geniuses who made a name for the mainland, but compared with the current Hughes, they were inferior. Even Laziborg had to admit that he envied or envied Hughes' magical talent and cultivation speed!

A six-year-old child, who has only been practicing for less than three months, is already a second-level magician. This is indeed the super-cultivating speed of those who have never come before. Of course, most of them are thanks to his own dragon eye ring, this magical treasure.

If he is allowed to practice normally like other people, it is estimated that he is still struggling to realize the element of heaven and earth, and he cannot be considered a magician at all.

But even with this super speed of cultivation, Hughes still feels unsatisfied, and his life is still threatened at all times!

In the past three months, a variety of things have been happening constantly, so that he didn't have much time to settle down and practice.

This time, looking at the misty smoke around him, he suddenly found that what he lacked was not strength, but time. As long as he had enough time, he could definitely become a ninth-level peak magician.

However, now the Frostman family and the Ritchie family are constantly chasing and killing him. Although protected by Ben Jersey, it is impossible for Ben Jersey to protect him all the time.

Just like in the Royal Park Hotel, if he had the magic crystals in reserve, it was estimated that Brook had been killed with a punch. And this time, if it weren't for the moisturizing of'Life Micro Energy', he would have been beaten to ashes by Punch!

Strength is the king of everything!

"Grandpa Lazibague, are we going back to the Warrior Academy to continue training, or are we leaving the Imperial Capital and avoiding the pursuit of the two big families?" Hughes asked.

"Go back and continue training. With the protection of the old guy of Benz Jersey, you can quickly improve your strength. If you leave the Imperial Capital, you may be chased everywhere and hide!" Lazibague said.

"Okay, let's go back!" Hughes squeezed his fist and made the final decision.

Then he sat cross-legged on the ground and began to absorb the elements of the world to restore his injuries.

However, what makes him strange is: outside cultivation, the dragon's eye will help him gather the heaven and earth elements; cultivation in the dragon's eye will not only help him gather the heaven and earth elements, and the only heaven and earth elements are also very thin .

This allows Hughes to wake up once every time he practices less than an hour or two, and rest for more than an hour before he can practice again.

Moreover, when his soul is in a state of exhaustion, Dragon Eye no longer emits mysterious power to protect his soul, which also makes him very surprised and scared, thinking that Dragon Eye was damaged after being punched by Ryan!

After worrying about this for three days, and after his soul had recovered a bit, he exhibited the golden sword technique and began to dig up the ground. His manual digging is much slower than the big golden cone surgery.

Golden cone surgery can penetrate a thousand meters in one breath, but he dug it manually for two full days. In other words, he dug out of the ground one kilometer only five days after his injury.

Back on the ground, Hughes immediately drilled out of the dragon's eye and found a secluded place to continue practicing. This practice is much faster than practicing in the dragon's eye. Moreover, Dragon Eye also helped him gather the rich elements of heaven and earth. Similarly, when his soul felt tired, Dragon Eye would also send out a mysterious power to protect his soul. Everything is the same as before. He just put down the fear of the past five days!

This time, there was no need to wake up for an hour or two, but three days and three nights.

On this day, on August 2, 990, the Golden Phoenix calendar, eight days have passed since the battle between Benz Jersey and the three eighth-level peak magicians.

During these eight days, the entire emperor was immersed in sorrow and shock. The death of hundreds of thousands of people, the collapse of the city walls, Benz Jersey broke through into the sanctuary, Hughes has the'treasure of the world', and the news of the death and serious injury of the three eighth-level pinnacle magicians is constantly on the streets, restaurants and restaurants. talk.

At the same time, the news spread throughout the continent at an incredible speed.

"Holy Domain? The Black Gold Empire has a holy domain magician! A holy domain that hasn't appeared in five thousand years has appeared again. Such a big person, I must go and visit!"

"I heard that after a person wins a house, his strength will drop by three or four levels. Even if the little fart boy who has the'treasure of the world' is lost by a ninth-level peak magician, he is now only a fifth- or sixth-level magician. There is no threat to me. Such good things do not belong to one's own, it is beyond reason!"

After hearing this news, a lot of people came up with the two ideas mentioned earlier.

Either to visit Benz Jersey, or to **** Hughes' "treasure on earth", anyway, in just eight days, the number of powerful people who came to the Black Gold Empire suddenly increased several times than before.

Moreover, there are many powerful people who are either on the road, or waiting, or watching, all looking at the southwest of the mainland-the Black Gold Empire.

Even the enemies of Laziborg—Lina Ais, Obrota, and other nine-level pinnacle magicians have quietly entered the black gold empire. 'Here. They all know what the so-called'treasure of the world' used to attack Lazibuge for this treasure.

In addition to these individuals, some organizations, families, and empires also secretly sent people to the imperial capital of the Black and Gold Empire.

The Ritchie family, who controlled the three northern provinces of the Black and Gold Empire, was furious after hearing about Brook’s death. Duke Weed, the owner, immediately summoned millions of troops in three provinces, preparing to raise the flag to rebel.

The "white old monster" and "Lei old monster" who also called the three old monsters of the Revich family with Brook also immediately brought a dozen family elites to the Royal Capital to avenge them, including Brook's best Sou Revich. Here.

Duke Ryan, who lives in the southwest of the imperial capital, also led the family members back to the three southwestern provinces of his sphere of influence. He was constantly recruiting horses and preparing for rebellion.

Ahler Frostman originally wanted to support Kadev and Ryan to fight for the position of homeowner. However, after learning that Black Blade II and Ryan were seriously injured and the loss of the Warcraft chain, they suddenly became envious of the enemy. For the family Internal enmity and grievances were also put aside.

Not only did he send the Eight Guardians again, but he also sent out four of his friend Elder Eisengel's four disciples.

The purpose of their twelve is only one: kill Hughes, recapture the dragon eye ring and the Warcraft chain.

Five other families in the seven major families of the Black Gold Empire are also preparing for their own, and have sent secret agents.

In addition to these families, the countries around the Black and Gold Empire are also secretly preparing. Among them, another powerful empire bordering the Black and Gold Empire, the Xifeng Empire, has invested millions of troops on the Jinjiang battlefield almost overnight, and it has just settled in. The posture of Jinjiang Town.

After the First Empire and the Moran Empire were unwilling, they not only sent spies to sneak into the Black Gold Empire, but also instructed its home countries to increase their troops to the border of the Black Gold Empire!

The Yeruk Empire and the West French Empire are also gathering troops, ready to attack the Black Gold Empire in the southwest.

After all, the black gold veins owned by the black gold empire are jealous of any empire, but it is a great asset!

For example, the Iron Spring Valley is just the smallest black gold mine in the Black Gold Empire with the lowest gold content, but its monthly income is also tens of millions of gold coins. There are thousands of black and gold mining areas in the entire black and gold empire. If all the income is added up, what a terrible figure! !

For a time, the entire continent changed, and chaos began to emerge.

This situation greatly exceeded Benz Jersey's expectations. He originally thought that after showing his mighty power, he would act as a deterrent, allowing those who harbored ghosts to take over or give up their evil thoughts. However, ironically, his actions not only failed To the deterrent effect, it has played a promoting role, so that a war spreading across the continent is about to burn!

Just as the royal family of the Black and Gold Empire, the Bahri family and their loyal followers, were busy coping with various crises, Hughes was nervously practicing.

He knew nothing about changes in the outside world, and he did not want to know. Today, there is only one thing in his mind: improve his strength as soon as possible!

As for the fact that one of his once lowly slaves had become a key figure in changing the situation on the mainland, he did not care at all, nor would he be proud of it. He just cultivated quietly in a valley sixty miles away from the imperial capital.

He has absorbed the elements of heaven and earth for three days and three nights here. His wounded body has been healed by the moisturizing of'life micro-energy', and his weak soul has recovered almost within these three days.

This is also because his soul has been mutated, and the magic crystal is generated outside the body of the soul, so that his soul is not injured much, and the degree of weakness is not high, so it recovers quickly.

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