Pioneer Knight

Chapter 167:

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Like Laziborg is different, his magic crystal is generated inside the body of the soul, so the injury is heavier than Hughes, and recovery is slower, and it cannot be recovered without ten days and a half months!

"Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo..."

Hughes closed his eyes and sat on the ground. In his mind, the particles of the three elements of earth, wood and gold swarmed toward the body of the soul.

He had a hunch that if it had been absorbed in this way, within five days, he could break through again, and he would be a third-level magician. There will also be real magic crystals outside his soul. Now, the body of his soul is only surrounded by some element patterns. It can already help him resist the poison of Soul Eater, and can also block the soul of some magic swordsmen. erosion.

If it becomes a magic crystal completely, can it ignore the soul of the magic sword warrior?

This made Hughes very much looking forward to it, and wanted to break through more urgently.

However, just when he was quickly absorbing the elements of the world, and wanted to break through to become a third-level magician, and then returned to the Warrior Academy to continue training, a string of talk about him came over.

"According to the news released by the organization, that boy Sis disappeared here, he should still be here! We look around."

"I don't think it's necessary. It's been eight days. If you were you, would you stay here all the time? I think we still have to look elsewhere."

"You don't have to find it anymore, I know where he is?"


"At the Imperial Warriors Academy. Why do you think Benz Jersey challenges three eighth-level peak magicians? It's not just to ventilate the boy. Since Benz Jersey has won, Hughes must go back. "

"He didn't go back. My eyeliner report at the Warrior Academy said that he had never seen him in eight days. Moreover, no trace of him was found anywhere else, he must still be here!"

"You said, how many people did this Huss offend, and why so many people hired us to kill him. There are many powerful characters who will look for him again! If my life would allow those powerful characters to find me everywhere, then I won’t live in vain!"

"Let's dream less! Hurry up and find it, otherwise you will find nothing if you want to find it!"


Hughes heard several sounds like five people, two of them female.

"Listening to what they say, there are a lot of people wanting to kill me now, presumably to take my dragon eye ring. But why hire someone to kill me?"

Hughes wondered. However, although he secretly guarded himself, he was not worried. The place where he is now is a very hidden cave. Not to mention humans, even Warcraft who is good at tracing people may not find this place.

As a result, he continued to practice without stopping, and he wanted to break through to level 3 magician.

Jinfeng calendar August 2, 990, this day is destined to be a calm day.

The imperial capital of the black gold empire-outside the eight gates of the city of Saskono, there are millions of troops temporarily drawn from various places, and each gate has two nine-level soldiers, one eight-level The magician sits with an eighth-level magic swordsman.

The entire emperor was guarded like an iron bucket, as solid as a golden soup.

Anyone who wants to enter the city must go through many checks before entering.

Even 9th-level warriors, 8th-level magicians and magic swordsmen are subject to inspection without exception!

These people are all dominating the party, and the people who are well-known in the mainland, how can they be searched casually, and they are searched many times. sound.

However, these quarrels and explosions are still within the scope of control, and the imperial royal family did not care too much.

What they care about now is their "Prince Emperor"-Ben Jersey? Bahri. He was still in a weak soul. After eight days of cultivation, his magic has recovered a lot, but his soul has not fully recovered. According to his own estimation, no two or three months of rest can not be recovered!

Seeing more and more powerful people entering the imperial capital, everyone in the royal family, from the king to the servants, was more and more worried.

And this worry finally reached its peak when the sun went down.

The imperial city ushered in two nine-level peak magicians at once!

These two are exactly Lina Ace and Obrota. The time of departure for each of them was first-come-first-served, but the time of arriving at the city of Sascono met very coincidentally. However, the gates entered are different, one is the north gate and the other is the southeast gate.

Both of them planned to disguise and secretly entered the city of Saskono to compete with Benzerez, but when they saw that there was a long line of people outside the city gate, they were undergoing multiple checks one by one. Restored its original face, released the powerful soul power, and instantly covered the entire imperial capital.

The entire emperor had millions of troops, tens of millions of city dwellers, and those who stood in long lines felt the power of that soul-stirring soul, all falling into silence at the same time!

Yes, it is silence! The entire broad imperial capital, and the eight gates of the imperial capital, are silent!

Because they simultaneously sensed the powerful soul power of two ninth-level peak magicians. In today's Golden Phoenix continent, the ninth-level peak magician is the top character on this broad continent, with supreme power!

As long as one such person sits in an empire, he can keep peace forever, and can even invade other countries and become a hegemon. Just like the five major empires on the mainland, it is because of such characters that they have achieved their hegemony!

As long as you encounter one, it is already a shocking thing, and now there are two at the same time! If two people accidentally fight, the entire emperor will disappear on the mainland, and the people of the emperor will also be turned into ashes!

This is their terrifying power. It is also the reason why all people feel that their soul power is silent.

At the beginning, Benz Jersey collided with the old black sword to turn all the creatures in the sixty-mile radius into ashes, and even the hilltop was flattened several times! This is also the energy impact of a 9th-level peak magician and two 8th-level magicians!

If it is a battle between two 9th-level pinnacle magicians, it is absolutely ruined!

Everyone in the royal family of the Black Gold Empire also sensed the power of these two souls, and each one was more trembling, and the old king was directly scared to death! He is just a fifth-level warrior. He was able to become king not because of his combat power, but because he was good at governing the country. He thought about how to manage large and small black gold mines!

If he governs the country, for ordinary people, he is a good king, but from the perspective of cultivation, he is not a talented person, nor a diligent cultivator. Therefore, under the co-extrusion of two powerful souls, he is wailing.

The sudden collapse of the king made everyone in the royal family even more anxious and couldn't help but pin their hopes on Benz Jersey. That is to say, if Benz Jersey also fell, the black gold empire will fall into a fragmented situation, and will be the first empire to die in 5,000 years!

"Chairman Benz Jersey, I heard that you have reached the sanctuary, which is really gratifying!" Lina Ace and Obrota did not compete with each other, as everyone guessed, but received their souls The power, then rushed directly into the Warrior Academy.

After sensing their powerful soul power, no one dared to reach out and stop along the way, even the eighth-level magician and the eighth-level magic swordsman sitting at the gate of the city were only sucking at the corners of their mouths. Step forward to block.

"Haha... It turned out that Master Lina Ace and Master Obrota came to our Imperial Warrior Academy. The arrival of the two really made our college flourish!"

It wasn't Benz Jersey that came out to greet, but two old guys, Mang and Marlow, who were often struggling with him. Although the two of them usually like to work against Benz Jersey, at this critical moment, they are quite united and focus on Benz Jersey everywhere!

Today, Benz Jersey is in a state of weakness and inconvenient to meet guests. If you let them know Benz Jersey's physical condition, it is estimated that it will cause greater trouble immediately. Therefore, the two of them volunteered to greet two "friends" who came from afar.

"What about Ben Jersey?" Lina Ace and Obrota met them and were greeted by two eighth-level magicians. They couldn't help but look angry, and naturally released a majestic majesty, toward Manger and Marlow pressed.

The so-called majesty is actually the power of their outgoing soul, but it is more condensed and more targeted.

As long as the power of the soul reaches level 7, when the soul can be separated from the body, it can gradually condense the power of the loose soul, and then form majesty. For magicians of the same level, this majesty may not have much effect, but for magicians lower than their own level, it has the effect of suppressing the magic of the other party.

At the beginning, when Brooke released their majesty against Hughes at the Royal Park Hotel, not only did Ramazan and Hughes feel chest tightness, but even the wine glasses were crushed. However, it has little effect on the two brothers of the same level, Bamon and Bath. The reason is here.

Mang and Marlow didn't expect the other party to be so rude, as soon as they came up, they suppressed their magic with majesty, and they couldn't help being furious, and they suddenly rose to compete with each other!

It is a pity that both of them are far away from each other in both magic power and soul power, and soon they are settled down.

Seeing both Mang and Marlowe look pale and low, Lina Ace and Obrota did not continue to impose majesty, but said in a bad tone: "Go and ask Benzerz to come out and see us!"

"Two old friends..." Benzer suddenly appeared, and when he was about to speak, he heard a series of huge roars outside the East City of the imperial capital, and the earth was shaking violently at this time, obviously seven or eight Magicians or warriors above the level are fighting!

Lina Ace, Obrota, and Benz Jersey all immediately released the power of the soul to investigate outside the east city, and at the same time, they also sensed that hundreds of thousands of soul power inside and outside the imperial capital were released there. In the past, the speed and degree of condensation were far from them.

Obviously, those people are just some magicians and magic swordsmen of level seven or eight.

As for the warrior, it is impossible, even the 9th level peak warrior cannot release the power of the soul, because they have never practiced the power of the soul.

"That little slave? It's really him!" Lina Ace dropped a sentence that made others confusing, and flew towards East City instantly.

Obrota saw Lina Ais leave so anxiously, although she didn't understand why, she immediately followed.

Ben Jersey did not leave the Warrior Academy, but he knew in his heart why the two had hurriedly left. He didn't want to take shelter of the little boy, but for the entire empire, he could only keep the handsome car. He looked down at Dongcheng in a lonely expression and whispered, "I hope you can escape this robbery!" After that, he went back to rest quietly.

Mang and Marlow glanced at each other, and they both saw the confusion and confusion in each other's eyes. However, the two of them thought about it, and finally ran to the East City.

The instructors of the Warriors Academy also stopped training, and they all discussed what happened just now and the fighting in Dongcheng.


Sixty miles to the east of the city of Saskono, there was a roar in the already desolate and ruined valley.

The seven or eighth-level magicians and magic swordsmen who heard the sound from the inside and outside of the capital stood on the top of a mountain that had been cut halfway and looked forward.

I saw a melee battle in the valley, among magicians, magic swordsmen, warriors, magicians and magic swordsmen, etc., the figure and the sword light flew together, magic skills and battles Dance together, just like fireworks bursts, roaring again and again.

Everyone couldn't tell how many forces there were in the valley, and they didn't know why they were fighting. I saw one of them was wearing a white robe, white beard and white hair, and his skin was white and reflective. From a distance, it looked like a white mist , Flying up and down, back and forth, just heard him yell and shouted: "Good boy, no matter who you are, the old man is welcome!"

"Less nonsense! Bad old man, you think you are too many, we will be afraid of you! To tell you the truth, we are here for the kid, no one wants to take him away from us!" A middle-aged man with a gray robe and a thin face, but showing a fierce color, a long sword was floating in front of him, and the sword was piercing the old man in white robe.

"Humph, I don't know what is dead or alive!" The old man in white robe had not spoken yet, but he heard an old man in silver robe screaming behind him.

The people standing on the top of the hill followed the prestige and saw that the old man in silver robe and the old man in white robe were similar in age and appearance, but the skin was dark, as if split by thunder, and the body was sparkling with light and round eyes. Open, as if Thor was born.

"They turned out to be the "white old monster" and the "Lei old monster" of the Ritchie family! I heard that there are three old monsters in the Ritchie family, the young and old-Brooke Ritchie, but unfortunately, it was Benzsey eight days ago. Killed, the old white monster—Buffel Ritchie, the old monster Lei—Bugaso Ritchie, the two of them must have come to avenge Brooke!” Among the hilltop crowds, one person was suddenly surprised Shouted.

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