Pioneer Knight

Chapter 172:

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Thinking of this, he immediately looked around in the grave. What disappointed him was that no matter how carefully he searched, he did not find anything special. In addition to the numerous air vents, the entire tomb is only the millenium bilefish inlaid on the stone wall. Moreover, those scaly fish heads actually melted directly into the blue-grey stone wall, and could not get it down at all.

Those blue-grey stone walls also contain soul fluctuations. It is estimated that like the stone walls outside, they were blessed by the nine-level magic swordsman.

After looking at the stone walls and the floor, Lazibague took a closer look at the dark coffin.

Under this review, he was suddenly shocked. Such a huge bite of black coffin was actually built with the most precious lock stone and Xinanmu on the mainland!

The lock stone is the main material for making Warcraft chain and soul seal spar. The entire continent is only found on an island in the south alone, and only the sanctuary can enter that island. For five thousand years, no one on the mainland has retrieved the lock stone from the island, which has also caused the price of the Warcraft chain and the soul seal spar, as well as the lock stone itself.

Laziborg didn't know much about Xinanmu, but only knew that this kind of wood is very scarce. It is said that it can only be found in the original wild forests with barren deserts. Therefore, its price is very expensive, and people can sell ten million gold coins at such a high price.

As for its role, because there are very few introductions to it in the world, Laziborg also only knows that it can make the corpse never rot.

In fact, the real role of this kind of wood can only be known to those who reach the sanctuary, and it can only be played.

It is a pity that there has been no sanctuary in the mainland for five thousand years, and there is not even a book left over from the sanctuary. Therefore, over time, no one will know its true role.

Laziborg settled his mind, groped back and forth over the dark bushes, looked around, and found nothing but a strange pattern carved on it.

"Shus, Grandpa Lazibague hurt you!" Laziborg floated on the black coffin with a stunned expression, his expression very low.

After Hughes's death, he could not live too long unless he was able to find a soul that he could rely on. However, his soul is very weak now, even if there is a soul that can let him depend, he can't get in! Without the Dragon Eye as a medium, he has lost his ability to seize the house.


The tomb is 10,000 meters below the ground. I don't know the passage of time. The gleaming fishes around it radiate a sparkling light, and the tomb is very terrible.

But for Laziborg suspended in the air, there is no impact at all.

He had eased from his initial sorrow and depression, and he was suspended in the air and practicing with peace of mind. Since listening to Carrick half a month ago that the soul can also be cultivated alone, he has been thinking about how to cultivate the soul.

However, more than half a month later, he did not come up with a method of soul cultivation.

He followed the conventional cultivation methods, first gathered the elements of the world, and then absorbed the elements into the soul, so that the body of the soul was soaked in the elements, nourished, grown, expanded, and strengthened. However, just after a while, his soul shuddered, and it seemed that he was about to burst.

He thought about it carefully and realized that the amount of brutal violence contained in the elements of heaven and earth did not pass through the body's filtration, but rushed directly into the soul, which caused the soul to tremble and violently.

To know that the soul is the purest place, the magic crystal produced in it is also the purest energy aggregate. Do not tolerate a little impurities. If you add a little bit, you can never practice to an advanced level, and the soul will slowly fall.

It was precisely because he could not think of a way to filter the elements of heaven and earth, so Laziborg never dared to practice alone. It was during the cultivation of Hughes that he cultivated the soul through the elements that Hughes absorbed.

At this point, Hughes had been crushed to death, and he had not yet recovered his ability to win the house, so he had to boldly levitate in the air and slowly try to practice.

Each practice is just a time that you can't breathe, because beyond this time, his soul will tremble, and he will give a warning of expansion.

Although the cultivation time is so short, in order not to die, in order to be able to live, he had to practice a little bit. Fortunately, no one came here, and he would not be disturbed! So, Laziborg practiced like this.


When Hughes was crushed to death and Laziborg was forced to practice little by little, the entire Golden Phoenix continent ushered in its biggest chaos in 5,000 years.

The origin of the chaos is the battle between Benz Jersey and the two old black swords, and the three Brooks. The fuse is the "treasure of the world" on Hughes.

On the night of August 2, 990, Jin Fengli, the night when Hughes was crushed under the coffin.

When all the super masters who came to the black gold empire for the "treasure of the human body" on Hughes, learned that Obrota and Laziborg bet, they were very angry and insulted Lazibuge in the heart. Only a cunning old fox, Obrota is an outright villain.

It doesn't seem to be a big deal to swear like this. However, these super masters do not stop there.

They spilled all their anger on the soldiers outside the gate. At first, they did not dare to be too presumptuous. After all, there was a strong man who was said to have reached the sanctuary. Then, after an hour or two of trouble, Benzers never appeared, so the troublemaker's courage It is also getting bigger.

Gradually, all the gates of the city of Saskono had riots and they were fighting endlessly. But Benz Jersey has never appeared.

It wasn't until dawn on August 3 that Benz Jersey appeared at the head of the city, exuding the power of the soul to the square, trying to suppress the riots, but unexpectedly aroused the fighting spirit of Obrota still in the city, After some battles, of course, Obrota won, and destroyed most of the imperial capital!

Those riots are even more arrogant. If the royal family had many loyal and powerful people, it would have been destroyed long ago.


On August 10, 990, the dawn of the Golden Phoenix came a little late, not because of the delay of time, but because of the thick dark clouds blocking the light of the dawn, making the entire black-gold empire delayed for more than an hour before seeing the shimmering morning light .

It was also this morning that the army of the three northern provinces under the control of the Ritchie family raised the banner of rebellion and attacked the imperial capital with great force. The three southwestern provinces under the control of the Frostman family also announced their departure from the control of the black and gold empire almost at the same time, and also led the army to seize the territory.

After the other families of the Black Gold Empire got the news, they also made corresponding measures, some announced neutrality, some announced continued loyalty to the royal family, and some announced alliances with the Ritchie or the Flosman family!

What is more worrying is that, just after the Ritchie family, the Flosman family raised the flag and rebelled, and the southeastern frontier of the empire also ignited a raging war. The 30 million army of the Xifeng Empire launched a war of aggression. It broke through the defense of the Jinjiang battlefield in less than an hour. The morale rushed straight into the rainbow. .

At this time, the royal family of the black-gold empire was the Six Gods without Lord. The sudden death of the king, the retreat after the defeat of Benz Jersey, the panic of the ministers, the princes pushed me to let me, and for a moment, no one stood up to deal with the current crisis.

The turmoil in the Black Gold Empire also attracted the attention of the First Empire in the North. Master Upson took the trouble first. In just a few hours, he controlled all the princes in the entire Moran Empire, forced the king back, and successfully became the king of the Moran Empire.

On the fifth day of becoming king, Master Upson launched a war of aggression against neighboring countries. He started recruiting talents as early as 20 years ago, so now he does not feel that there is a scarcity of talents.

The other West French empire and the Yeruk Empire also waged war.

In the autumn and winter of 990, the entire Golden Phoenix continent felt extremely cold!

The eight provinces and sixteen states of the Black Gold Empire are filled with smoke, iron hooves, and displaced people everywhere.

But in a grave 10,000 meters below the ground in the nameless valley east of the city of Saskono, it is quite silent, just like every day of it for more than 10,000 years. However, if you look closely, you will find a cave in the right corner of the tomb. There is a golden smoke floating next to the cave. There is a golden magic crystal in the smoke. face.

This old man is Lazibague? Yale Kovac. He had no idea how long he was suspended in this tomb. He only remembered that as time passed, his body became smaller and smaller, and now there was only a little ghost outside the magic crystal.

If he can't think of a way to cultivate his soul alone, his soul body will completely disappear, until only one magic crystal remains in the ancient tomb ten thousand years ago, and he will be completely Wither away!

But how easy it is to want to rely solely on oneself to enlighten the soul to practice the law from the sky alone!

However, in order to survive, he must think hard and keep experimenting. Never give up, otherwise life will disappear.

In this way, while thinking hard about the cultivation method in order to live, he accumulated the body of the soul little by little by the conventional cultivation method. It seems to have merged with the ancient tomb.


In the center of the ancient tomb, there is a large dark black coffin with some dark light circling on it.

Beneath it was a push of bone, but it was not visible outside.

That day, Hughes was blown into the groove by a hurricane, and he saw the huge coffin crashing down quickly. He couldn’t help but panic. The Six Gods had no master and shouted: “Grandpa Laziborg saves life.” However, everything came too fast As soon as Hughes's cry came out, the coffin was pressed tightly and seamlessly.

Just before the coffin was pressed down, Hughes thought of the dragon's eye ring, and his body entered the dragon's eye at that moment.

However, what surprised him was that the scene that caught his eye was not the smog surrounding him, about the space of a noble mansion, but a valley with beautiful mountains and rivers.

The valley is full of lush old wood and old vines. In the depths of the lush old wood, the roar of the waterfall and the spring can be heard, and there are crisp and sweet birds. The refreshing fragrances came from inside along with Shu Wan's mountain breeze, making people feel as if they were in a beautiful painting circle.

However, for the six-year-old boy Hughes, such a scene made him feel particularly afraid. He panicked along a path under his feet and slowly walked into the valley, looking around from time to time.

Suddenly, a black bird flew over the top of his head, causing his tense nerves to collapse at once, with a sharp roar in horror: "Ah!" The tears were blindfolded in an instant, and the eyes would be big Cry for a while.

At this moment, a little girl's voice rang behind him: "Master! Master! Where are you?"

As soon as Hughes heard the tender voice, it was like the drowning man saw a straw, and ran toward it instinctively. After turning around a few turns, I found a little girl of 8-9 years old shouting and looking around in a cluster of flowerbeds, looking nervous, worried and scared.

Hughes immediately ran over and cried with a hug hug the little girl.

The little girl's expression was tense, and when she saw Susie, she was so happy that she wanted to cry. She would hear Huss's crying. Instead, she refrained from crying, but patted Huss's thin back and comforted. : "Master, don't cry! Morans is always by your side!"

"Really?" Hughes was comforted by the little girl for a while, and she was calm in her heart, with tears on her face, but she smiled and looked into the girl's eyes.

"Yes, as long as the owner won't let me go, I will never go!" Moran nodded firmly.

"I won't let you go!" Hughes said, holding Moran's hand. In Morans, Hughes, who had never been cared for by the opposite sex, experienced a warmth of motherhood. How could he be willing to let her go. It's like a child can't live without a mother!

Maybe when he grows up and comes into contact with more opposite sex, this kind of heart will change. However, he still does not have that kind of consciousness, and he is still at the stage of the oedm of young children.

After Morans wiped his tears, Hughes asked curiously, "Morance, where are we? And Harry, the three of them? Where did they go?"

Morans glanced around and shook his head. "I don't know where this is. I and Harry have been staying in the dragon's eye ring. I suddenly saw you rushing in from the outside in a hurry. By my side. It was at this time that a cloud of black smoke followed, covering us all. At that time, I was very worried about you, and you just fell beside me, so I wanted to grab your hand But, when I first caught your hand, there was a strange wind blowing in the black smoke. After that, we came here! They should have come to this valley too, Harry, just don’t know them where."

"I also sensed that they were not far away. Let's go find them!" Susie's soul moved a little, and he sensed that Harry was in the valley, so he pulled Morans and walked deep into the valley.

With Morans' companionship, Hughes's courage has also been strengthened a lot, and he no longer shrank away from walking as he just walked, and his expression was no longer so panic. Smell it.

After walking nearly three or four miles, Hughes suddenly felt that the valley was very wonderful.

Those old trees, dead vines, and old trees seemed to know him. When he saw him coming, they would make a rustling noise, as if to greet him. There are wildflower herbs on the roadside. When he bends down and wants to pick one, those wildflower herbs will shake quickly, listen carefully, and will hear a rustling sound.

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