Pioneer Knight

Chapter 173:

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The road under his feet is even more magical. Originally there were bushes and bushes in front, but as long as his feet stepped forward, those bushes and bushes would automatically move to the sides, leaving a blue stone path.

"What's the matter?" Hughes raised his foot in amazement and stepped around, and found that as long as he stepped on, there will be a stone road leading to the front. At the same time, it shocked him and made him playful. Morans, who was on the side, also laughed happily.

"Is it fun?" Just when they both had fun, an old voice suddenly sounded behind them.

Both were startled, and turned their heads immediately, and saw a tall and mighty old man in a golden robe standing kindly not far behind them, looking at them with a smile.

"Grandpa, who are you?" As soon as Moran saw the old man, he asked Hughes behind him and asked politely.

"Oh, the little girl loves your master quite a bit." The old man said with a smile, an old face full of crisscrosses showing an appreciation, and then asked Hughes again: "Child, what is your name? ?Tell me, how did you get my Xuanlong Ring?"

"My name is Hughes Liku. What was the Xuanlong Ring you just said?" Hughes saw that the old man was so kind and kind, and his guard's heart disappeared immediately.

"Xuanlong ring is the ring hanging on your chest!" the old man pointed at Hughes' chest and said with a smile.

Looking down at his chest, Hughes found that the dragon's eye ring was completely covered by the clothes and could not be seen at all. But the old man's finger clearly pointed to his chest, and he also said there was a ring hanging there. This surprised Hughes how the old man knew. Does he have a perspective function?

"Don't guess. I sensed the Xuanlong Ring's breath, and I knew it was hanging on your chest." The old man saw through Hughes' thoughts and said softly, "You said how you got it !"

"It turns out this ring is Xuanlong Ring, it's yours!" Hughes took out the dragon's eye ring and said happily. He has always wondered who made this magic ring, and has imagined that person's appearance countless times. The most appearing in his mind is his grandfather Laziborg, and Lina Ace, because these two are the most powerful in his mind.

What he didn't expect was that this real owner would let him meet in a wonderful valley. At the moment, I was excited to talk about the whole process of getting the dragon's eye, and said its magical effect.

"Haha... Really God's will, God's God!" After listening to Hughes's words, the old man in black robe suddenly looked up at the sky and smiled, tears in his eyes.

Both Hughes and Moran looked at him with strange eyes, unable to understand why he suddenly cried and laughed like a child.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm so happy, you will understand in the future. Let's go in!" The old man in black robe smiled for a long time before stopping. After wiping his tears with excitement, he took Hughes they walked deeper into the valley.

"Grandpa, those trees and flowers seem to know me, and they greet me when they see me. Why is this?" Walking on the road, Hughes suddenly pointed to the trees on both sides and asked curiously.

"That's because you have the Xuanlong Ring! The grass and trees here are all I imagined, so of course they have to show respect and welcome to the most powerful things I have made myself!" Go back and pinch a small flower, don't put it on Moran's bun, and say with a smile.

Morans had long wanted to pinch a flower on his head, but he was afraid that the old man in black robe said, so he endured.

This will see that the old man in black robe seems to see through his mind, and actually inserted a flower for her by himself. Moran's heart couldn't help but be surprised and surprised. Just wanting to thank, suddenly felt that the flower on his head radiated a fierce energy straight into her mind. With a bang, Morans fainted.


Suddenly seeing Morans paralyzed to the ground, Hughes froze for a moment before recovering, and quickly reached out to support her, shouting anxiously.

"Don't worry, she's okay! Just fainted. When she wakes up, you will thank me!" said the old man in black robe softly.

"Morans, you wake up!" Hughes didn't hear what the old man said. After glaring at him, he called again and again.

The old man in black robe didn't care about Hughes' glare, but when he saw that he was crying anxiously for Morans, the old man in black robe twitched very vaguely, and a beautiful figure suddenly appeared in his heart. Figure, but then this beautiful figure was frozen in a blood mist.

Thinking of this, the old man's body shivered lightly, and the figure was erased by him in this tremor.

"Okay, Hughes, let's go!" The old man in black robe walked to Hughes, hugged Morans, and continued to walk into the deep valley.

Hughes followed behind the old man.

After a period of shouting and temptation, Hughes also found Morans just fainted, with no other harm, and no longer irritated.

After walking for a while, the old man in black robe suddenly turned back and said to Hughes: "My name is Medelijeki? Krizanasi, you can call me Grandpa Murd later. You know how this world came Is it?"

"I don't know." Hughes shook his head.

For him, he didn't understand how the world came, but how he came.

"Would you like to know how the world came from?" asked the old man Mod with a smile.

"Think!" Hughes's curiosity was already very strong. When he was with Laziborg before, he often asked questions, his favorite thing was to break the casserole and ask!

"Well, I'll tell you a story, okay?" asked the old Modd again.

"Well, okay. I like listening to stories the most!" As soon as Hughes heard the storytelling, his head lit like a rattle and his eyes shone with excitement.

Seeing the expression of Hughes, the old Mr. Mood couldn't help but smile, thinking to himself: "It's really a lovely child, just don't know if he can help me return to the spirit world in the future."

Seemingly to sort out the clues, or to get rid of the cranky thoughts in the heart, the old man Mod looked up at the sky and said quietly: "A long time ago, the world was still in chaos. At that time, there was no world at all. . Surrounded by dark smoke of chaos. But in this chaos there is a soul."

"I don't know how long it has passed. Suddenly, one day, this soul made a voice:'Sun and Moon Boundaries'. Suddenly, light appeared inside the chaos that was originally on the dark side, and there was a day and night change. Night There is a moon in it, and there is a sun during the day."

"After a long period of time, this soul suddenly made a voice again:'Heaven and Earth Boundary'. Suddenly, the originally chaotic smoke differentiated into two components, the light air rose into the sky, and the heavy cloud air Down to earth. Since then, there has been heaven and earth in chaos!"

"The sun and the moon alternate, and the world is separate. But this chaotic world is empty and chaotic, so the soul, after a long silence, made another voice:'Mountains and Mountains' boundary. The world and the world began to have The difference between lakes, rivers, and mountains and rivers has a variety of topography."

"It took a long time for the soul to feel that the world was too monotonous, and there was no anger, so he made another voice:'Spiritual Faction'. As soon as he finished speaking, various things appeared in the world. There are all kinds of creatures, flowers and trees, vines, as well as those swimming in the water, flying in the sky, and crawling on the ground. For a time, the original chaotic world has become what we are now."

"However, after a while, the soul discovered a problem again. He found that all living things in this world have not changed, will always be the same, nor will they grow up, nor will they age, nor will they disappear or Increased. This puzzled him, and later I realized that it was because there was no time limit and promotion. So, he made a voice again:'time sector'. After that, all living things began to happen with the passage of time Changes in life and death."

"At this point, everything seems to be perfect. However, after a long time, the soul found that the world is not vivid enough. Everything was created by himself, and there has never been anything that makes him feel new. Very tedious. So, another voice: "Wisdom sector". As soon as his voice is heard, those creatures have their own souls and wisdoms, but they are more or less different. We humans are the most intelligent, souls It is also the most powerful creature."

"With the world, the sun, the moon, the mountains, the creatures, the wisdom, and the time, the world has become extremely perfect, and at this time, the soul who has lived for an unknown amount of time is also tired, so he wants to rest After a while, there was a voice again:'Elysium Farewell', and then he rested in Elysium."

After finishing speaking, the old Mr. Mood did not speak for a long time, and seemed to have gone to rest in the Elysium. Hughes, who followed him, tilted his head, thinking about some of the esoteric language in the old man's story.

For a time, both of them fell into silence.

After a long time, the old Maud asked with a smile: "Is the story good? Do you now understand how the world came?"

"I didn't understand!" Hughes answered truthfully, and the old Mr. Mood almost choked on. He was so hard to talk about such a big push. This little boy didn't understand a sentence. It's a waste of tongue!

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand it, you will know it later!" Elder Mood coped with a sentence at will, but then asked again: "Really didn't understand a sentence?"

"I just remember that you said that this world was created by a soul, and that soul made a sound, and the world will change. I still remember that the soul said a total of seven sentences, namely,'Sun and Moon Boundaries',' Heaven and Earth Boundary, Mountain and River Boundary, Living Soul Boundary, Time Boundary, Wisdom Boundary and Elysium Boundary. But..."

Without waiting for Hughes to finish his speech, the old Mr. Maud laughed haha: "I haven't understood it, remember it! Haha... do you know the meaning of these seven sentences?"

"I don't know. What am I going to ask you?" Hughes said blankly.

"Then do you know the sanctuary?" Old Man Mod induced Hughes step by step.

"I know this. I heard Grandpa Lazibague said that after the ninth peak is the Sanctuary. I also heard from Elder Carrick that the Golden Phoenix continent has not seen the Sanctuary for five thousand years. He said it might be It was cursed, and only eight dragon eye rings could break the curse, so that the Golden Phoenix Continent appeared again in the sanctuary." Hughes was a little depressed by the old Mr. Mood before. Now it's hard to hear a word that I can understand, and immediately it's like a fried bean, Bibi Boom Boom Boom Boom.

"It turns out that there has been no sanctuary for five thousand years. No wonder no one responded to the message I sent two thousand years ago!" The old Mr. Mood heard Susie's words, but his expression suddenly became very low.

A wide meadow has come between the two.

"Wow, so beautiful!" Hughes shouted, looking at the scenery in front of him.

I saw fragrant flowers and weeds in front of me everywhere, rare exotic animals running back and forth, clear streams slowly drifting, hazy smoke around. At the end of the grass is a magnificent palace, scattered high and low, magnificent and magnificent, looking from a distance like a golden dragon head to the sky, is about to leap into the sky, soaring around the world.

"Where is this?" After being shocked, Hughes was puzzled.

"Come with me if you want to know!" Elder Maud first walked to the palace. Hughes quickly followed.

After a while, the two went to the palace. In the distance, Hughes already felt that the palace was very tall, and when approached, he felt that the whole palace was like a mountain as high as ten thousand.

Only three large, glittering characters were written on the spacious door. Hughes learned a few words from Moranth and recognized them as "Xuanlong Temple".

"Xuanlong Temple? Where will this be?" Susie lifted his foot in doubt.

Walking into the palace, Hughes found that there was no one here, and there was no one. It was very quiet. In words, the echo could be heard far away. He couldn't help but quickly follow the old man.

"Do you think these things are fake or real?" Old Man Mod suddenly asked another strange word.

"Is this fake?" Hughes couldn't help his scalp numb.

"Haha... These are all I imagined! Do you want to know the truth?" said the old Mood, laughing. "Did you see that room? Walk in and you will know the truth!"

Hughes looked through his fingers and saw a palace not far in front, exuding a cold breath, taller than other palaces. There were also three words on the gate of the palace, but Hughes did not know it.

"Am I going in alone?" Hughes asked, seeing the old Mood standing still.

"Yes!" Old Mand nodded.

Hughes didn't doubt too much, but walked back to the palace slightly nervously step by step.

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