Pioneer Knight

Chapter 177:

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Every hundred palaces, at the end of the passage, there will be a vast Tibetan temple hiding the palace behind.

Turning to the Tibetan Scripture Hall, it will be a climbing ladder about 100 meters high. When you step on the ladder, it will be a 200-meter wide passage. At the end of the passage is still a magnificent Tibetan Scripture Hall, which is more than the previous one. It is grand and majestic. After that, each of the Tibetan Buddhist temples will be more magnificent than the previous one, and the majesty of the other one hundred palaces standing on both sides of the Tibetan Buddhist temple will be stronger.

Hughes walked step by step and found that the first hundred palaces had no logos, empty, as if no one had been in them for thousands of years, and they were silent and isolated, but the majesty actually existed.

"What could it be inside?" Hughes swept the first hundred palaces in confusion, and finally suppressed curiosity and continued to move forward.

Turning to the Tibetan Scripture Hall, climbing up the ladder, and looking around, I saw the ancient wood lush green outside the Xuanlong Hall, full of flowers and plants, a magnificent view of the magnificent scene, could not help but a kind of world-only feeling.

"No wonder the aristocrats like to make the houses extremely large and extremely high. Sure enough, it's refreshing!" Hughes has been reading all kinds of books for ten years, and has a very clear understanding of worldly customs, mainland customs, and hierarchical division. At this time, standing on the 100-meter-high climbing ladder, looking at the beautiful scenery in front, could not help but feel infinite emotion.

After stopping to watch, Hughes continued to walk forward.

Climbing the climbing ladder, there are another hundred palaces separated on the two sides like dog teeth in front, and a Buddhist temple in front.

Hughes found that the second one hundred palaces still had no logo. They were almost the same as the previous one, except that the majesty was more majestic and the building was more majestic.

Until he walked to the fifth hundred palaces, he saw that the palace lintel was marked with three golden characters of "Holy Dragon Hall", and there were two small characters in the lower right corner of the three large characters, followed by " "A one", "A two", ... "A nine", "A ten", "B one"..."B ten"... all the way to "Ren ten". The name of the Tibetan Scripture Hall was also changed to "Bible Hall".

"Holy Dragon Hall, Bible Hall, is this the palace where the Holy Land lives?" Hughes looked at the names and guessed. There are no logos in the four hundred palaces in front. Although the architecture of the whole palace is magnificent, the color of the palace is obviously darker than that of the hundred palaces here, and the majesty is quite different.

Obviously, the 500th palace is a dividing line, with a lower level in front and a higher level in the back. Therefore, Hughes would have such a guess.

In addition, the previous four hundred palaces, Hughes can easily walk through, and the increasing majesty seems to him like the increasing wind, and it is not worth considering. But when he arrived here, he had to raise his fighting power to resist the mighty majesty. And every step forward, the majesty increases exponentially.

By the time he reached Block 543, Hughes was sweating and panting.

His physical strength is now comparable to 9th-level Warcraft, and his combat power has reached 8th-level warrior level. However, in the face of the majesty exuded by these palaces, he still felt a tremor of heart and had to release his magic. , Resist together.

"If this is really the residence of the Holy Land, that is to say, my current body combined with combat power and magic power can resist the attack of the common Holy Land?" Although Hughes' body struggled hard, his heart was Is quite excited. If his guess is correct, it means that he is now strong enough to resist the majestic squeeze of the Holy Land.

It should be understood that the production of majesty is actually a mild attack method condensed by the power of the soul, and it is also the attack method that most easily defeats the fighting spirit of the other party. Think about it, the two haven't started yet, and as a result, one side directly released the majesty to suppress the other so that it can't move. Does the other still have the guts to fight the fighting spirit? If you want to continue, you are either dead or a fool!

Hughes can resist the majesty issued by the sanctuary, so can't he ignore the majesty below the sanctuary?

Thinking of this, Hughes couldn't help but burst into joy in his heart, and immediately released all the combat power and magic power, and continued to move forward.


One hundred and fifty-one!

Block 592!


Block 596!

"There are four more, and I can reach the Bible Temple." Hughes's robe was soaked with sweat, and his body was tired and weak, but his eyes were staring tightly at the front, clenching his teeth and insisting, "Listen Grandpa Murd said that each of the Tibetan scripture halls contains some little-known cheats and treasures. The first four Tibetan scripture halls, which I have already seen, are all about the body refining method, the introduction of top combat skills and magic skills, etc. Wait, I don’t know what kind of books it will be, will it be a book read by the powerful in the Holy Land?"

Thinking in his heart, Hughes continued to move forward.

However, it seemed that it was only necessary to walk through the four palaces to enter the Bible Temple, but these four palaces seemed like a huge insurmountable ravine in front of Hughes. No matter how he gritted his teeth and even raised his strength to the limit, he could only walk to the 598th palace, and it was already difficult to go further!

There are two huge stones squeezed in the middle of the chest, it seems that he will be pressed into a compressed cookie! His feet also seemed to be heavily leaded and could not lift his feet.

"Cough..." Hughes' feet didn't move, his body moved forward, and instantly caused a severe cough. "It seems that my limit can only stop here! However, compared to ten years ago, only When I walked to the tenth palace, my progress was already great! It was nearly sixty times stronger!"

After reassuring himself, Hughes turned around and returned to the ascending ladder, suddenly sitting on the ladder, gasping for breath.

"Is this the palace where the Holy Land resides? Ask Grandpa Murd, he certainly won't say it! Every time I smile mysteriously and say:'You will know later!'" Hughes rested after a while, I couldn’t help thinking of what Old Mand had said to him, and I couldn’t help but learn the tone of his speech, and then I couldn’t help but laughed and secretly said: “When I break through to the seventh magician, I will try again. Give it a try and believe that at that time, I will be able to enter the Bible Temple! Go back!"

Hughes wanted to go along the same path. There was a very low sigh in the Bible Temple behind him, and he did not know whether he was sighing for his trap, or that Hughes could not enter the Bible Temple, or Hugh's persistent sigh.

No one knows anyone but him! He just uttered a low sigh and fell into silence again.

Hughes quickly walked to where he lived, and he wanted to take advantage of the afternoon to hit the level 7 barrier again to see if he could make a breakthrough.

"Master, you..."

As soon as he entered the hall, he heard a cry from Morans in front. Seeing that she was looking at herself with surprised eyes, Hughes looked down at her eyes in confusion, and found that she was still dripping from the water, and the clothes were still dripping, and she couldn't help laughing. "Oh, I Just went to test my strength and found me..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Morans taking a dry clothes with a bit of grievance, and he had to reach out to help him take off his sweaty clothes. Seeing her haunted wrist, crystal clear, and her beautiful face in front of her, Hussden's eyes were dumbfounded, and his body was also stiff, and he was left to serve Morans.

"Master, you practice too hard..."

The word "Fen" hadn't been exported, and Moran suddenly choked up, because she saw Hughes's foolish eyes, and there was a burst of joy in her heart, and another wave of confusion, like a deer hitting, and her breathing became thicker. Her eyes were deeply intertwined with Hughes' eyes.

Hughes was very confused and panicked, banging up and down.

He didn't know what was wrong with him today, why did he like to stare at Morans so much, there was a hint of sweetness spreading in his heart, and he even wanted to look at her like this for thousands of years!

Although Moran was two years older than Hughes, and had seen the scene of love between men and women when she was a slave in the Frostman family, but at that time she still did not understand the sentiment. At this time, looking at Hughes's eyes, she seemed to sense a feverish enthusiasm contained in it. However, in addition to the panic and sweetness in her heart, she only had the same expectations as Hughes. This kind of staring will last forever and never stop!

Unfortunately, their beautiful wishes are always ruthlessly broken by the "black unicorn".

"Little master, go, I will take you to see three people!"

Hearing the sound of Elder Maud ringing outside the hall, the two of them immediately hurriedly opened their eyes, and the panicked look was like doing something inexplicable. The two people's faces instantly felt hot and burning, and they suddenly turned red to their ears.

"Little Master, are you caught in trouble? His face is so red!" Old Mand asked anxiously when he saw Hughes' face. He knew that Hughes could not do fire magic, nor had he learned any fire fighting skills. All he could see was red, and he could only go out of his way!

"Did I really get out of control, so I lost my self-control? Certainly!" Hearing the words of Old Mood, Hughes seemed a little enlightened, and then thought again: "Why Moran Has Si lost her self-control? I looked at her like that. She didn’t seem to be angry at all. Instead, she showed a sweet look like me. Did she also "get out of flames?"

Thinking of this, Hughes couldn't help but look back at Moranth, but saw that she was looking back too. The eyes of the two touched in the air, and immediately moved away in a panic, his heart was pounding.

The novelty was a little stimulating, and even the old Mr. Mood around Hughes felt it. He looked at them dumbstruckly. He clearly felt the difference between them, but he didn't know what was different.

"Grandpa Murd, don't you want to take me to see three people. Let's go!" Hughes finally recovered, and hurriedly urged.

"You today... weird!" Elder Maud shook his head and took Huss out of the Xuanlong Temple, and walked towards the green bamboo forest.

Along the way, Hughes is still thinking about the scene just now, and her mind is full of Moran's beautiful shadow. Her soft hair, beautiful face, and crystal bright wrist are very clearly presented in her mind. He couldn't help but shook his head, he wanted to throw it away, don't think about it again, who knows that Moran's figure is getting clearer and clearer, and the idea of ​​wanting to see her again immediately is getting stronger and stronger!

"I must be "getting into trouble". It must be that the practice of the strong wind punch is too involved in the morning, and it hurts the meridians. There is also just too brave, just to resist the powerful majesty! So that the old injury increased, so it would be so. Consistency!" Hughes never had such a situation. His thoughts would not be under his control. He would be flustered, restrained and awkward, and could not help worrying.


In the green bamboo forest behind the Xuanlong Temple, three people are sitting cross-legged on the ground, breathing and vomiting.

"They..." Hughes looked at the three people in shock, looking at the old Mr. Mod in disbelief, and then at the three sitting on the ground cross-legged.

Ten years ago, he had been looking for the traces of these three people, and had asked the old Mr. Mood, but he kept hiding. Unexpectedly, the three actually practiced in this green bamboo forest.

To his surprise, he has visited this green bamboo forest countless times in the past ten years. He has been practicing wood-based magic here for a year, and he has never found three people practicing here.

"It's weird, isn't it?" Elder Maud smiled softly. "Actually they are always here. However, don't forget that this space is what I imagined. I want them to appear when they appear, and want them to disappear." It disappears, even if it is a character who is even more powerful than me, I still want to find them, not to mention that you are a child who has not reached the sanctuary!"

Seeing Elder Mood complacent, Hughes was shocked in his heart, secretly saying: "What kind of master is Grandpa Mood? He can even imagine the space, and it is like the real one, even here. The trees, flowers, and rare birds and beasts he came up with. It’s incredible! I don’t know when I will practice to his level.”

"Don't think about it for a long time, as long as you work hard, you will definitely surpass me!" Elder Mood seemed to see through Hughes's mind and smiled. Then he walked in front of the three men and gave them a slap.

Those three were Harry Kuf and others who had not seen Hughes for ten years. They have been tempering their bodies all the time, and have never stopped for ten years. This is also why Old Mand is afraid that they will be unable to withstand his bone-building skills all at once, so it will take ten years to temper their bodies.

He had been there just now, and when they saw them, they were all done, so he quickly returned to the Xuanlong Temple and called Hughes.

"Quick, before they wake up completely, drop a drop of essential blood on top of their heads to make them completely your puppets!" Old Man Mod saw the three men waking up soon and urged immediately.

"Puppets? I don't want them to be my puppets!" As soon as Hughes heard the word puppet, he remembered his miserable childhood and involuntarily developed resistance.

"There is no time!" The old Maud will not consider how miserable Hughes' childhood was, nor whether it would hurt Hughes's hurt heart. He only knew that doing so would bring immediate attention The three of them are more loyal to his little master. After the Xuanlong Ring, his little master will be safer.

I saw that he took Hughes's hand and swiped his right hand on his finger. At that moment, three drops of essential blood were forced out by him, and fell to the tops of Harry, Adi and Mila respectively.

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