Pioneer Knight

Chapter 178:

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Harry and the three of them had naked bodies all over them covered by a black smoke, but after the drop of essential blood dripped in, the black smoke around the three of them instantly turned into a black cloak wrapped around them, and their closed eyes Also opened.

Looking blankly at the old and young, they felt like they had a long nightmare. In the dream, they endured the torch of the blazing flames, and the whole body gave pain like tears.

"How are you feeling?" Hughes asked when they saw all three woke up. Although he was a little reluctant to the actions of the old Mood, he was helpless when the matter was over, but he told himself in his heart that he must not be treated as a puppet in the future!

"Who are you?" Ten years ago, Hughes was just a skinny little **** boy, but now he is already a sturdy handsome guy about 1.8 meters tall, of course the three Harry didn't know.

"I am Hughes Liku, your young master!" Hughes said in amazement, and then realized that he had changed so much that they could not recognize it.

"Young Master? Have you grown up? How long have we slept?" Mira asked, looking at the teenager in surprise, puzzled.

"It's been almost ten years! However, don't worry about it. After ten years here, it's actually only ten months outside!" Hughes said with a smile.

"My body has become stronger! A terrible breath, it's more than a thousand times more powerful than my previous body!" Adi suddenly shouted, punching a green bamboo beside him, that green bamboo There were no scars and no shaking, but after a while, the green bamboo turned into ashes and disappeared.

"Huh? I also feel that the physical strength is very strong! What's going on?" Harry heard the screams of Adi, and Harry grasped both hands, and there was a burst of "crackling" joint friction. He is filled with body and seems to be broken at any time!

Even more surprised was Mira. She used to be a seventh-level wind magician and never practiced combat skills. Her physical strength was very weak, but now she feels that her physical strength is no less than that of an eighth-level warrior. The toughness is comparable to the seventh level of Warcraft!

"Ten years of tempering, the tallest one in your body has just reached the bronze intermediate level, what's so happy?" Seeing the three people shocked and rejoiced, the old Mr. Mod suddenly sarcastically said.

"Grandpa Murd, what does it mean to reach intermediate bronze level?" Hughes asked.

"This was a secret that only the Sanctuary could know. But as long as you don't pass it on, it's okay to tell you." The old Mr. Mod nodded when he saw the three of them, and said that he would keep it confidential.

"Whether it is a magician, warrior or magic swordsman, they are nothing more than body and soul. The level of soul cultivation will not be discussed first. I will only tell you the level of body cultivation."

"The body is the carrier and protective cover of the soul. You must be very clear about this. As long as the body of the sanctuary dies, the soul will soon die, unless it is a success, but it is not easy to say that it is easy to win, so many Without a body, a person means no life. So, the body is vital!"

"Predecessors are aware of this, so they will continue to practice the body, even more so than the soul. This also produces a hierarchy of body cultivation."

"Body training is divided into five levels: pig iron, bronze, silver, gold, and black jade, and each level is divided into three levels: primary, intermediate, and advanced. After a general warrior reaches the sanctuary, his body can reach the intermediate level of pig iron, while magic Masters and Swordsmen are just primary bodies of pig iron!"

"What? Only the intermediate level of pig iron in the sanctuary? The physical strength below the sanctuary is not..." Hearing the words of the old man, the other four were shocked. Adi was so shocked that he didn't know how to express his shock.

"Why the Sanctuary Warrior can sweep all the people below the Sanctuary, because his body is too strong! A boxing out, silent, but the strength is very powerful!" said the old man, "Mira, of the three of you The previous body was too poor. Although I have been tempered for ten years, it has just reached the primary level of pig iron. Adi is a senior pig iron. The best is Harry. He has reached the bronze intermediate level. However, none of them have met my expectations. height!"

"What about me?" Hughes asked.

"You..." Elder Maud hesitated for a moment, and suddenly asked: "You test your strength today, and in front of which palace?"

"The fifty-ninth seat!" Hughes replied.

"How about physical strength alone?" asked the old man.

"It seems to be the 505th seat!" said Hughes. "What is the strength of my body?"

"Reluctantly!" Elder Mood nodded somewhat dissatisfiedly, and then turned his head to teach Harry how to self-refine. The specific level of Hughes' physical strength is not mentioned, which makes Hughes guess: Is my physical strength too poor, Grandpa Murd afraid to hurt my self-confidence? Or my physical strength is too good, Grandpa Murd is afraid that I will be proud and complacent?

In fact, the old Mr. Mood is just like what he thought behind him. He is afraid that he will be complacent. After all, young people are easily stunned by success. He was also very surprised in his heart that Hughes had not been tempered by his unique bone-building skills, and his physical strength was even equivalent to that of Adi, reaching the level of advanced pig iron.

However, he later thought about Hughes’s experience over the past decade and his past experiences when he was six years old, and he understood. The reason why Hughes's body can be so strong is because he once received the nourishment of "life micro-energy" and the "soul beads" of the thousand-year-old snow frog, plus his ten years of diligent cultivation, so he will grow bigger than others. Faster!

"Go, let's go back! The three of you continue to practice as I just said!" Elder Mood ordered, pulling Hughes out of the green bamboo forest. Of course, Hughes is constantly asking about the specific level of his physical strength. Old Man Mo is really entangled, so he has to say: "It is worse than Adi! But you should not be proud, you must know that you have not reached the sanctuary!"

He didn’t say anything. Fortunately, Hughes was more excited and shouted: "Just kidding to reach the Sanctuary Warrior before he became a pig iron intermediate. I am now just an eighth-level warrior. I am already a pig iron senior. If I reach the Sanctuary, It is not possible to reach the bronze intermediate level, even the silver junior level! It is really great, haha..." When I thought about the excitement, I couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Hughes' smugness, Old Mood frowned, and said in a cold voice: "Don't be too happy! The road ahead is still far away!"

"Yes!" Although Hughes promised on the surface, he still couldn't suppress his happiness, and the muscles on his face seemed strange because of the smile.

"A child who has not experienced hardship is always easy to satisfy! Let him be excited for a few days!" Old Man Mod sighed and walked into the palace where he lived.

Hughes looked at the back of the old Mr. Mood suddenly, with a deep curiosity, and the emotion of excitement also diminished a lot.

"Why is Grandpa Mod suddenly so sad, is it because I'm so proud? Or is my strength not so satisfying to him? Or..." Hughes thought of this and couldn't help looking up at the thousandth palace towering into the sky Go, he remembered that there was a thick voice there ten years ago that made him reach the ninth level peak magician and then go to him.

Except that time, he has never heard that voice in ten years. He had asked the old man about the mysterious man, but the old man did not answer, but he glanced at the palace with great respect and sadness every time.

Hughes didn’t understand what it meant before, but after reading a lot of books for ten years, he also thought of the majesty issued by each palace and the invisible seal wall in the mysterious dragon ring. He vaguely felt that the mysterious man might be Sealed in that palace and unable to come out, and the old Mr. Maud is likely to be the servant of this mysterious man, just like Moran's relationship with him!

"Grandpa Murd, I will definitely practice well! You used to like to call me a little master, and I want to come because the mysterious person made you call it that way! Since that is the case, then I will rescue him from the seal!" Xiu Si secretly said, then he ran into the palace where he lived. The palace he lived in, like the 399 palaces in the back, had no sign.

Rushing into the hall, Hughes went directly to his bedroom, and shouted to Morans that there was nothing important to do not disturb him. He would hit the barrier of the third-level seventh-level magician again!

After hearing Moran's crisp promise, Hughes immediately sat cross-legged on the bed and quickly entered a state of meditation.

After a while, three colored clouds of wood, earth and gold gathered around him. Ten years ago, because he had been dominated by the gold practice system, the clouds at that time were dominated by gold. Now that the fellow initiates of the three systems have become the same, the colors of the three clouds around them have become the same. The colors of cyan, yellow, and gold are superimposed and merged with each other, making the colors more dazzling.

Morans leaned quietly on the door of Hughes' bedroom. A pair of eyes looked deeply at Hughes's naive child's gradual dissipation, and his steadfastly growing face, deep inside was filled with the sweetness of a young girl's love.

"Master, I haven't seen you in two years. You have become so beautiful!" Moran's eyes were clouded by a nympho. To say that ten years ago, she was good to Hughes because of gratitude, then from now on, her goodness to Hughes will add a different kind of emotion. It was a lingering and intoxicating emotion. Especially when she remembered that Hughes looked at her, she couldn't help blushing.

Hughes knows nothing about Moran's emotional changes. He was only attributable to why he liked to stare at Moranth, but he did not expect it to be caused by the deep feelings in his heart. Therefore, his cultivation at this moment is completely without confusion, and there is no slight emotional wave in his soul, and his fear of getting rid of fire is completely conquered by his determination to break through the seventh-level barrier.

As the elements of the three lines of heaven and earth rushed into his mind, Hughes gradually touched the familiar barrier.

It is an invisible transparent but tough and tough taboo energy barrier. No matter how violently Hughes used elemental particles, the barrier did not show any signs of breaking.

Hughes felt like a bird trapped in a birdcage now. The sky is blue and wide outside. As long as you rush out of the birdcage, you can fly high and let the sea jump with me. However, this birdcage is like a cast iron made of copper, which is difficult to break!

In fact, he had already touched the seventh-level barrier of the gold system as early as seven years ago. At that time, he could also make a breakthrough in one fell swoop. However, Old Man Mod suggested that he should not break through first, and wait for the wood and soil systems to reach the sixth level peak, and then break through at the same time.

Who knows, this class is seven years!

Today, although the three series of gold, wood, and earth are all at the sixth-level peak level, the magic skills displayed are more than 100 times more powerful than the magicians of the same level, but the seventh-level barriers he faces are also tougher than others. It is more than a hundred times, and the difficulty of breaking through is much greater than others.

It is precisely because of this that Hughes vaguely has a kind of enlightenment: "Once I break through to become a seventh-level magician, the strength can definitely be comparable to the eighth-level peak magician, and maybe it can also compete with the ninth-level magician."

boom! Bang! Rumble!

After repeated shocks and repeated failures, Hughes couldn't help feeling annoyed.

"When I was upgraded from level 2 to level 3, I suffered tremendously because of the cracks in the fragments of the magic crystal, so I haven't dared to be too aggressive in my cultivation. Is it true that I have to give it a go today without hesitation? Hope for breakthrough?" Hughes thought.

In the past ten years, without the help of the Xuanlong Ring and the shadow in his heart, he has been practicing more conservatively. Once he encounters difficulties or encounters barriers, he chose not to go all out, but to retreat temporarily and discuss long. However, fortunately, his magic talent is good enough, from level 1 to level 6 is very smooth, without too much trouble.

However, the sixth grade to seven grades has become an insurmountable gap!

This is the third time he has hit a seventh-level barrier. Moreover, until now, he has driven the element of heaven and earth to hit the barrier for tens of thousands of times, but there is still no sign of breakthrough. If the number of the first two impacts is added, the barrier has been subjected to at least millions of impacts.

You know that he is now a three-line fellow initiate and a sixth-level peak magician. One impact of the heaven and earth elements is enough to destroy a small town with a population of one million. Millions of shocks are enough to destroy all towns on the entire continent. Such a powerful force still can't break the barrier, and one can imagine how tough that barrier is!

Hughes also knows that it is difficult to upgrade from level 6 to level 7 because in this process, the extremely condensed magic crystal will produce a ray of soul.

Soul spirit can help the soul to condense the power of the soul and make it majestic; at the same time, it can also help the magic crystal to better purify the elements of the world, especially people like his three-line fellow practitioners, need the soul to help purify, otherwise they cannot Give full play to your strength. However, the generation of souls is like a rebirth of Nirvana, and it must be subjected to all kinds of hardships before it can degenerate; it is like a butterfly that breaks pupae, and it can only fly through the pain of tearing.

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