Pioneer Knight

Chapter 183:

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Unfortunately, it is very regrettable that even after a long five thousand years, I didn't find any books left by the Holy Land, let alone the remains of the Holy Land. Of course, some people found the weapons left by the sanctuary, but unfortunately no secrets about the sanctuary were recorded.

Since then, everything about the Sanctuary has become a mystery.

If no one has ever solved this mystery, then the vast continent of the Golden Phoenix Continent will slowly lose confidence in cultivation, and will slowly sink into it.

This is indeed the case. After five thousand years of peace, the blood of the human race has once again set off, and there are constant wars everywhere. People who are forced to be displaced are everywhere. However, the hegemons of all parties have turned a blind eye to these people. They are pursuing power and supreme power. Since cultivation has no way out, they will strive for the highest position in the world and enjoy the glory and wealth!

On July 5, 991, the Golden Phoenix calendar experienced a ten-month dogfight, and the distribution of human power on the Golden Phoenix continent gradually became clearer.

The Moran empire ruled by Master Upson was the most powerful. In one fell swoop, he annexed thirty or forty countries in the northern part of the "human territory" to achieve the true reputation of the first empire. He also restored his original surname-Simon Mex, And claim to be "Simon Emperor"!

The original Western-French empire occupied more than ten countries in the west of the human race, the Xifeng empire occupied more than 20 countries in the east of the entire human race, the black gold empire and the Yeruk empire were divided, and the other small countries were either annexed or forced to adhere.

The Ritchie family and the Frostman family also established their own countries, respectively controlling the southwest and south of the human territory.

Although the forces have been clarified, the rebel forces in various countries have emerged in an endless stream, and the major forces are not satisfied with the immediate site, so the war is still tragic.

There is an unnamed valley sixty miles outside the eastern capital of the former black-gold imperial city of Saskono. The valley is overgrown with weeds, the breeze is coming, swaying from side to side.

In a deep pit hidden by these weeds, a dark coffin was displayed. The coffin was fifty meters long and twenty meters wide, standing quietly in the deep pit, which seemed very strange and terrifying.

If the tomb robber sees this coffin, his eyes will definitely shine, his mouth drooling, and his heart shouts: "Sent, sent!"

Because this coffin was cast by the most valuable soul lock stone and Xin Anmu on the mainland, its value is incalculable. Five thousand years ago may not be valuable, but now it is absolutely sky-high!

It is a pity that this valley is very desolate. No one has passed by for more than ten days. Even the birds are reluctant to stay in this desolate valley.

On this day, the always fine sky was suddenly covered with clouds. After a while, heavy drifting rain began, and the big raindrops fell down "ping pong".

A pile of weeds about 50 meters away from the coffin suddenly heard a sound of learning, and then saw a 16-year-old boy stand up. He shook his body a few times and coughed violently before slowly standing up straight.

He looked around and saw a desolate surrounding in the puddle of rain, except for the sparse weeds, only yellow and yellow mountains and rocks, nothing.

Suddenly, through the cover of a pile of weeds, his sharp eyes found the dark coffin.

"Ten thousand years coffin?"

The teenager suddenly remembered his battle with the ten-headed vampire bat king.

At that time, he quickly displayed dozens of taboo defensive magic skills in front of him. He thought it was a solid soup. Who knows, the power of the ten vampire bat kings is too strong. Almost at the moment when the black light touched the defensive magic skills, those magic skills were immediately torn apart, and then his body also had the illusion of fragmentation at that moment.

Fortunately, at this time, there was a strong force that wrapped his body. It was at this time that the teenager's consciousness fell into a coma.

"Ten heads and ninth level peak Warcraft, it's really not what I can contend with now!" The teenager shook his head and sighed, then looked around again, only to find that this desolate valley was the original Jersey and Black Blade two old, Brook The valley where the three faced each other. Unexpectedly, more than ten months have passed, and here is still not fully restored to life.

After the teenager understood the environment, he quickly walked towards the coffin. Every time he took a step, he felt the next tear in his body. Bean's big raindrop hit his body even more so that he hurt his teeth.

Obviously, the fragmented feeling was not an illusion, but a real existence. If it were not to be wrapped up in time by that powerful force, it was estimated that he had turned into a pile of ashes.

Desolate valleys, heavy rain and lightning, thunder and thunder, a teenager with a broken body was walking towards a coffin with difficulty.

Anyone who sees this scene will find it strangely indescribable.

The teenager seemed not aware of it. He just wanted to see what kind of person the first sealer in the coffin was. Why should he exert such a powerful seal energy outside his own coffin, and also let a hundred heads Vampire Bat King buried!

Just 20 meters away from the coffin, suddenly, a silver lightning struck straight down, and the strong silver light made the teenager have to narrow his eyes.


Lightning even chopped directly on the coffin, making a huge roar, hundreds of miles away. The teenager even suffered a brief hearing loss, and his ears buzzed like tens of thousands of flies.

It took a while for the teenager to get used to it and looked towards the coffin. I saw that the coffin was still intact, but some of the energy waves that had originally wrapped around the periphery were gone. Looking at this moment, the coffin is no different from ordinary coffins except for the large and precious materials.

The boy was shocked in his heart, knowing that the energy of the seal around the coffin was more than one hundred thousand yards. A lightning bolt could break its seal. I can imagine how great the energy contained in the lightning bolt was. Thinking of this section, the teenager didn't dare to go over again, in case of a lightning again, with his current state, he will definitely be broken into pieces!

Heavy rain like lightning, frequent lightning.

The teenager found a level place in the grass and sat down, gradually entering a state of meditation.


Just before his consciousness dived into his mind, he suddenly found that he was wearing a black dragon ring on his right ring finger.

The boy quickly infiltrated his consciousness into the ring. The scene inside is very familiar, it is still a space of four or five hundred meters long and wide, surrounded by misty smoke, and the invisible seal wall in the smoke. In the corner of the seal wall, there were four people lying crookedly, it was Morans and Harry.

Seeing that everything was the same as before, the boy's heart suddenly lifted down. He did not wake Morans to them, but withdrew from Ruby and began to absorb the elements of heaven and earth to restore his body.

He once swallowed the ecstasy beads in large quantities, the recovery of the body is very fast, and the body has recovered as before in less than a tea time. It was just that his weak soul recovered quite slowly.

The teenager was not in a hurry, slowly absorbed, and slowly recovered.

In the dusk six days later, the rays of light were vast.

The teenager opened his eyes slowly, and a bright beam of light suddenly shot out of his eyes, hitting a stone surface in front of him as if it were real. A "poo" sounded softly, and a slight gray mist was raised.

"I didn't expect a great improvement in strength. No wonder so many people like to sharpen life and death. Although this is very dangerous, the progress is obvious. Compared to my carefree cultivation in the Xuanlong Temple, this One improvement is very obvious."

A satisfied smile appeared on the young man's face, and the power of the soul spread out instantly, and continued to extend until the fuzzy area appeared only five thousand miles away.

Five thousand miles!

In other words, as long as the power of the soul spreads out, any changes within these five thousand miles cannot escape his induction.

"Huh? The city of Saskono was destroyed? Did the black gold empire be broken? What about Grandpa Ben Jersey?" The feedback from the information within five thousand miles surprised the teenager, hungry for thousands of miles, and the ruins were visible everywhere. Depression everywhere. What shocked him even more was that the emperor capital with flowers was turned into a ruin!

No wonder this valley will be deserted and no one will be here for six days!

The boy immediately condensed a golden mirror in the magic crystal, and then transmitted the message of Benz Jersey. After a while, a wave of light flashed, and Benz Jersey's fat figure appeared in the mirror. I saw his solemn expression, the magic around him seemed to be confronting the strong. The young man controlled the perspective of the mirror as Benz Jersey's gaze moved past. Sure enough, he saw an old man in a dark green robe, with a solemn expression and magical power.

Seeing the magic around the old man, the boy couldn't help being relieved. He knew that the strength of the old man was not enough to hurt Grandpa Benzei, so he did not pay any attention.

He walked in front of the coffin in a single step, calmed his mind a little, and pushed the thick coffin lid open with a palm.


The coffin cover fell to the ground, raising a large area of ​​yellow sand.

The teenager's right hand gently waved, and a gentle breeze blew past, and the yellow sand that flew over seemed to be unable to get close to an invisible barrier. Looking at the yellow sand blocked by himself, the teenager smiled slightly, his eyes immediately looked into the coffin.


The teenager couldn't help but exclaimed, and his eyes straightened immediately, staring blankly at the coffin.

I saw fifty corpses of glamour girls in the coffin. Even after tens of thousands of years, their skin was still white and smooth, watery, and elastic. There are two vampire bat kings beside each of them. The dark body is in stark contrast with the girl's snow white, and it is even more visually striking.

Hughes was completely dumbfounded, and the male instinct exploded sharply.

"Silly boy, do you see enough?"

Suddenly a voice appeared that made Hughes's heat rise to a freezing point, as if he had been caught in a bad faith, he immediately turned around in a hurry.

"Who are you? First sealer?" Hughes took a deep breath and asked with his back.

"It's not who I can still be. But this is just a ray of consciousness that I left. My body died out as early as 10,000 years ago." The first sealer said, "You can open this coffin to show you Fate with my Feng Ling Temple, I will send you a set of "Seal Master Handbook", and the fifty young girls in this coffin hope you can protect them. They are the essence of my Feng Ling Temple, and they will revive my Feng Ling in the future. Dian Xiongfeng's hope."

Wind Spirit Hall? Sealer's Manual?

Hughes was dumbfounded and wanted to ask, but found that the other party had been telling, and he was not allowed to intervene. Finally, when the first sealer stopped talking, and Hughes was about to speak, he suddenly found a thick illusory book and a silver sign flying out of the coffin.

As soon as the book came into contact with Hughes's mind, it instantly turned into a stream of light and burst into his mind. The speed was so fast that Hughes couldn't react at all. Soon after, Hughes found that there was a lot of new knowledge in his mind, which gave him a refreshing feeling, and also gave him a sense of transparency.

The silver sign fell in the hands of Hughes.

While he was looking closely at the sign in his hand, a series of screams of girls suddenly came from the coffin behind him.

Hughes couldn't help but glance back, suddenly turned back in a hurry, dare not move a little like a chicken.

It turned out that just now, all the fifty girls were awake and stood up one by one.


"who are you?"

"How are we naked?"


As a result, there was a cry of exclamation, and Hughes was even more afraid to look back or speak out. This kind of thing became darker and darker, and he could only pretend to be dumb and deaf.

But what surprised Hughes was that the girl behind him suddenly stopped talking, and then heard a uniform kneeling and worship sound: "See the Lord!"

"The lord of the palace? That first sealer has also been resurrected?" Susie's scalp tingled for a while, and secretly turned his head to look at the coffin behind him.

"I'm going to drop a dad!" Hughes yelled out of his heart, and hurriedly put his head back.

After the fresh rain in the empty mountains, the weather is late for autumn.

After another burst of autumn rain, the whole world was refreshed, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

Suddenly, a black pressure flew out of an unnamed valley. A closer look turned out to be all calf-sized bats. The black wings stretched out to be three meters long, as if a dark cloud crossed the sky.

On the front bat, there was a handsome young boy sitting still. He neither hugged the bat's neck nor clamped his body, but sat cross-legged on his back, as if sitting on flat ground, not worried about falling.

And the leading bat seemed to desperately want to drop him from his back, constantly changing direction in the air, and then dive up and down ninety degrees, and then turned 360 degrees in the air for seven or eight weeks, anxious Stop flying quickly and it's staggeringly fast. But no matter how frustrating it is, the teenager is still sitting like a mountain, as if taking root, without shaking at all.

He changed his left and right, swooped up and down, turned back and forth, and after some tossing, the leading bat finally calmed down, and seemed to have accepted his destiny. For the teenager on his body, he finally admired the five-body cast, and made his mount willingly.

"Haha... Take it? Then listen to my orders and march towards Ulank City!" Seeing the bat finally flying smoothly, the teenager knew that it had conceded and couldn't help laughing.

The leading bat also seemed to want to vent the depression in his heart, and with a hula, he quickly flew towards Ulank City with ninety-nine bats behind him.

It turned out that the group of bats was the one hundred blood-sucking bat kings sealed in the coffin by the "first sealer". Like the fifty girls, they have been sealed for 10,000 years. These long years have not consumed their vitality, and once the seal is lifted, they can be resurrected again.

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