Pioneer Knight

Chapter 184:

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The one hundred vampire bat kings sealed on the surface of the coffin were not as lucky as them. Because of the exposure, the long years have consumed the seal energy, and also consumed their vitality, but they are consumed more slowly than normal, so it will only go through 10,000 years, and there are still ten remaining.

This group of blood-sucking bat kings sealed in the coffin, because the sealing energy has been intact, so after 10,000 years, there is no loss of vitality, and it is still the same as when it was first sealed 10,000 years ago.

After they felt that the energy of the seal was lifted, they immediately wanted to spread their wings and wreak havoc.

I haven't sucked blood for ten thousand years, and the wonderful taste has already made them irritated!

But at this time, there was a silver light flying towards them. They knew that it was the sealing energy from the Seal Soul Card, and they flew around immediately, and sadly, they still did not escape the fate of being sealed again.

Seeing that the man holding the Seal of Souls was just a childish young boy, the leading bat couldn't help but utter a cry of sorrow. He was already an eighth-level pinnacle of Warcraft, and he would be sealed by a yellow-haired kid. It was really a shame!

Had he not possessed the Soul Sealer and could seal his hundred-headed seven-eighth-level Warcraft?

For the sake of shame and freedom, the leading bat conveniently challenged the teenager with the power of the soul: as long as the teenager did not use the seal card and sat cross-legged on its back without being thrown off, it would be the mount of the teenager for the rest of its life. One hundred bats are also under the control of the juvenile.

Sensing the challenge message of the leading bat, the teenager couldn't help laughing, and his face was angry.

Is this unclear if you want to read your own joke?

Sitting cross-legged on its back, there is no place to borrow, how can it not be dumped by it?

Even a strong man like "The First Sealer" has no such ability!

However, the teenager agreed to the challenge of leading the bat. This made the lead bat's heart dark and laughed at the childishness of the teenager.

This kind of unpromising challenge promises not to be naive? Is he really able to "sit like a clock without shaking"?

So, the previous scene appeared.

Not only did the teenager not fall, but he also felt the throbbing of his soul. It also finally understood that even if the teenager does not need to seal the soul card, he can kill it with one move!

"Master, how did you do it just now?" In the rapid flight, the leading bat couldn't help but be curious and asked a force of soul.

"Haha...forgive you if you want to break your head and you can't think of the secret. May I tell you, I just performed the magic of the earth system-rock art! It's like a rock sticking to you, no matter how you rock and swing, I don't even It will fall down. It is like a rock, but it is still. It is the realm of rock art." The boy said in a good mood. All of his magic skills were taught by the old Mr. Mood, and his favorite thing is to create all kinds of strange and strange magic skills. For example, there are more than 100 kinds of gold mirrors, earth mines, wood winding, and this earth rock.

"Is there such a magical skill?" The leading bat screamed in surprise.

"Haha...Follow me, you will see more wonderful magic skills!" The teenager laughed.

"Master, what about those tender and tender chicks? Why didn't we see them after we lifted the seal?" The leading bat suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"Chick?" The boy was stunned for a while, then remembered the beautiful groups of smooth and beautiful bodies, his chest could not help but the ears were red and purple. The leading bat clearly felt the sudden heat of the teenager's body, and couldn't help sneering: "The teenager is easily excited!"

This teenager is facing a group of beautiful young girls overwhelmed by Hughes.

Thinking of the beautiful girls, he couldn't help but reach out and touch a rectangular box. The box was actually cast together with Xin Anmu and Soul Lock Stone. A bat is carved on each side, and the claws are spread out, which makes people feel terrified at first glance.

However, Hughes was holding this box in shock. Because this box is the huge coffin, and the fifty naked girls lie on this box.

He could not have imagined that a coffin could be enlarged or reduced, and there was even an independent space like the Xuanlong ring inside. However, when he thought of the powerful power of the first sealer, he was relieved.

However, this also gave him a desire for strong power. He still remembers his shock when facing the powerful power of Lina Aisina, and the shock of the five holy sculptures at the entrance of the Imperial Warrior Academy, all of which made him long for it.

Is the Sanctuary really the end?

What secrets are hidden in the three thousand palaces in the Xuanlong Palace?

Who is the mysterious person sealed in the thousandth palace?

Why do weird things happen on the mainland for five thousand years without a sanctuary? Why are the remains left by the Holy Land destroyed? Where are the other seven dragon eye rings?

Where are Monasqin and Elder Carrick now?

Is Grandpa Laziborg really dead?


Hughes has countless doubts. He looked up at the Baiyun Qingshan that was retreating all the way, and looked at the people under the fly camp Gougou, and he suddenly sighed in his heart, and also produced an unprecedented sense of responsibility:

Since this is a mystery, let me crack it!

Three miles away from the east side of Ulank City, there is a huge stone yard, which is stacked with tens of thousands of huge stones, each of which has thousands of busy figures. They are all ragged and skinny with yellow skin. Shivering in the autumn wind.

"Hurry up! You low slaves, if you delay Lao Tzu's construction period, I will call you all to be buried!" One of the stone yards was wearing a black war armor, holding a black metal chain in his hand, and whipped on an abandoned stone. On the strip, the strip of stone suddenly cracked.

When everyone saw his awful look, he felt dazed and couldn't help but speed up his work.

On a avenue leading to the East City, there was a long line dragging a huge stone stubbornly and hard. Their bodies were almost parallel to the ground, their green muscles were exposed, the sweat was raining, and the thick rope was almost pulled into the meat, but the huge stone was moving at an amazingly slow speed, comparable to a snail.


The chain struck the person, and there was a clear sound.

Then there was a scream and a big curse: "All pull hard for Lao Tzu, otherwise you will die!"

The scolding came, and the whole team shivered.

"Some of these evil Xifeng dogs will not die well sooner or later!"

In the middle of the line, a shameless young man whispered a few words in hate, and at a glance saw the lean young man beside him, only to see his ragged clothes roaring in the autumn wind, face The sweat on it fell like a broken bead, and the muscles of the whole body rose up. He was clenching his teeth and endured the pain of the rope cutting into the flesh, and took a step forward desperately.

Seeing the tough eyes of the lean young man, the unshaven young man couldn't help but admire: "In such a bad environment, Mark can still persist, and he can't lose hope, I really don't know what monster he was born into!"

It seemed that the eyes of the shaggy young man had been sensed, and Mark didn't look over from him and whispered softly, "Rhys, how are you talking about the Black Devil Lin now?"

"Who knows, it should be destroyed?" Reese shook his head, some gloating in his expression.

It turned out that as early as ten months ago, the Xifeng army broke through the defense line of the Jinjiang battlefield, and marched all the way west, and when they reached the Ulank city, they had already hid with the Shenmo? The magic swordsman school-the headquarters of the Black Devils went to Mount Limon.

However, eight months ago, after the iron hooves of the million-strong Xifeng Empire broke through Ulank City, they did not stop and continued to go westward and attacked the foot of Mount Limon.

After more than a month of competition, both sides suffered casualties.

Seeing that Mount Limon was difficult to capture for a while, while other forces were in full swing to expand the site, the head coach of the Xifeng Army, Fan Dehaideng, could not sit still, and decided to leave only 200,000 troops to siege Mount Limon, and the rest of the army continued to Attack from west to north. When the overall situation is fixed in the future, come to clean up.

What van der Hayden didn't expect was that in less than four months, his army of Xifeng had occupied the five provinces in the southeast of the original black-gold empire like a broken bamboo. At this time, the situation across the continent has gradually stabilized. If you want to continue to seize the site, you must play steadily, so Van der Hayden decided to first eliminate the hidden dangers in Mount Limon, and then continue to attack other places.

Just two months ago, Van der Hayden led a group of masters and 600,000 troops to launch a fierce attack on Mount Limon. It was at that time that Mark and Rees were regarded as cannon fodder by the elders of Mount Limon and sent to the front to fight.

Fortunately, their lives were so great that they were not crushed by hooves, slashed to death with knives, and finally they were just captured by the captives to repair the walls.

"Although the other elders of the Black Devils are ruthless to us, Elder Karan is kind to us. Just at her, we should also wish Mount Limon a safe and sound." Seeing the resentment on Reese's face, Mark Said softly.

"Humph!" Reese was always unhappy, and he stopped snorting. After a while, he asked softly: "Brother, where are you talking about the little guy Hughes now? Will he be okay?"

"It won't be a problem. He's already a magician. It's too late for others, how could it be?" Mark said, but Mark's face was all worried.

"Brother, rest assured, he must be okay!" Liz hated his stupidity, which pot was really not open.


At this moment, a deep trumpet sound suddenly came from Beicheng.

Then I heard the horn of "Woo..." from all the towers, as well as the scream: "There is hostility! There is hostility!..."

Hearing the sound of the horn, thousands of supervising soldiers on the stone yard showed panic and all ran to the city immediately. The ragged people stayed on the ground and looked at each other.

"Going to war?"

"Did you hear the shouting and the galloping horses?"

"Are the senior magic swordsmen of the Black Devil Forest attacked?"

"No. They are all insecure. How could they appear here?"

"It may be that the newly formed Frostman Empire in the southwest has been killed! I heard that they have more than twenty wind magicians, maybe this time it was the twenty wind magicians who took the lead, so there was no sound. !"


There was a lot of discussion. Mark and Rees are also puzzled: after capturing the five provinces of the original black gold empire, this is already the sphere of influence of the Xifeng Empire. If there are enemies attacking from the west or north, tens of thousands of them are in front. The place inside should be discovered. Why haven’t you heard any noise? Is it true that the Black Devils launched a sneak attack?

Both of them looked involuntarily towards the sky to see if black smoke rose. This is the signal of the Black Devil's attack. However, at this moment the sky was blue, not to mention the black smoke, which was not even seen in a cloud.

"Look, what is that?" a thin man standing on a stone bar suddenly shouted with his finger to the sky to the north.

Everyone immediately looked up and saw that a cloud of black clouds was flying from the small sky to the north wall.

"God, that's the vampire bat king! The vampire bat kings in the Batlan Mountains are all above grade seven or eight!" one of the well-informed old men shouted in horror.

Hearing his roar, everyone was shocked, and then immediately looked around for hiding places.

Just kidding, the instinct attack issued by a group of seven or eight level warcraft is so powerful, a small Ulank city can definitely be destroyed in an instant!

At this time, if there is no hiding place, it will inevitably be hit by the vast energy wave.

"Brother, which force do you belong to?" Hidden in a stone pit, Liz asked looking up at the "black clouds" in the sky to the north.

"I don't know. It's possible to capture so many World of Warcraft, maybe only the northern Moran Empire has this strength!" Mark saw those bats the size of a calf getting closer and closer, and could not help reaching Reese's body down A little bit.

"Look, there is a young man sitting on the back of the leading vampire bat king!"

"Who is that boy? Are all the vampire bat kings his Warcraft?"

"It's too fierce! It looks like the teenager is only 16 or 7 years old, how can he have such terrible power?"


Everyone was stunned to see the teenager on the back of the vampire bat king. How powerful can it be to control so many and fierce World of Warcraft!

"Rees, do you think that boy looks like Hughes?" Mark shouted suddenly in shock.

"Brother, do you want Hughes to be crazy? Hughes is at most seven years old this year, and the boy is at least 16 years old, how could he be Hughes?" Reese shook his head.

"I can feel that I have a deep emotional connection with him. It's a blood thicker than water. Who would he be?" Mark looked closely at the gradual approaching teenager.

"Report Marshal, the Warcraft group was found outside the North City, and it is flying to the city quickly!"

There is a much more magnificent building in the middle of Ulanq city than other buildings. It was originally the main palace, but it has now been changed to Marshal's Palace. At the moment, a heavily armed soldier said loudly to van der Heyden who was looking at the map.

Van der Hayden's sturdy body suddenly shuddered, turning his head anxiously to stare at the soldier and asked, "Which force does it belong to? What Warcraft?"

"It's the vampire bat king that can only be seen in the Bat Lan Mountains!" said the warrior. "Which side belongs to it is unclear for the time being. However, the subordinate saw that the leading vampire bat was sitting on the back with a person he had never seen before. Mysterious boy!"

"Mysterious boy?" Van der Hayden frowned, reaching for the epee on the table and stepping out.

After a few ups and downs, he went to the north wall and looked closely. He saw a huge black bat outside the city, flying back and forth, circling left and right, the deafening roar was deafening, and the wind and waves of huge wings fanned up the sky. Soldiers with low cultivation level are blown directly into the air, and even fighters above level 5 must rise to their full power to stabilize their bodies.

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