Pioneer Knight

Chapter 195:

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As long as the four-headed vampire bats fall into the attack range of the three-headed vampire apes, they will definitely die. Because Vajra Ape is best at melee combat, even a big mountain can be destroyed with one punch. You know, even if it is a nine-level World of Warcraft, their defense is definitely not comparable to a mountain. How can the Vampire Bat King withstand the power that even mountains can destroy?

Seeing the falling vampire bat king, Kedev, who was guarded in the center, couldn't help smiling.

But, suddenly, his smile froze.

He saw a strange picture.

Kedf stared at the Vajra Ape territory a hundred miles away, his eyes full of doubts and disbelief: "He dare to challenge the three-headed Nine Vajra Apes alone... this is too powerful... this... "

The twelve people around him were equally stunned, and their hearts were shocked: "That's the ninth-level King Kong Ape!"

In their understanding, Vajra Apes are the most powerful warcraft in all the reptile warcraft on the mainland. Their natural skin and flesh are as hard as King Kong, even the fifth-level King Kong ape can resist the full blow of any nine-level warrior. What's more, it is the ninth-level King Kong Ape!

It is estimated that the Sanctuary strongmen would not dare to challenge the three-headed nine-level King Kong Ape at the same time.

The thoughts of the thirteen of Kadev all rose up. But in front of them hundreds of miles away there was a black figure thin like dry wood that was doing such a crazy move. The strength of this shadow is just just breaking through to level seven.

This person is either having a brain problem or being too desperate!

Except for Kedev, the other twelve people all think so.

Only Kedev knows who the shadow is, and only he knows that this little guy caused a sensation in the entire continent ten months ago, which caused the current turmoil, that is, this little guy once let him and his Uncle Ahler was seriously injured and suffered the greatest shame in his life.

But to his surprise, why did this little guy abandon his magic skills instead of using combat skills? Does he think he can defeat the three-headed nine-level Vajra Apes, which is a headache for the Sanctuary strongmen, with his seventh-level combat power? Or is it that his magic skills are not as powerful as his combat skills?

There was a wry smile in Cadve's heart, and he suddenly realized that he knew very little about this little guy.

The lack of understanding of the enemy means that he is not responsible for himself. He can not help but watch the changes in the field more attentively.

It was at this time that the battle in the valley changed so that everyone was dumbfounded.

Hughes is also quite helpless.

He didn't want to provoke these ancient apes, who are known as the "hardest diamonds" on the mainland. Morans also told him that these ancient apes are not only terrifying in defense and combat power, but also shockingly, they are born from the seal, and also have a strong immunity to magic skills and soul swallowing.

Therefore, Hughes decided to bypass them and go directly to the cave with the ruins of the Holy Land.

However, reality is often contrary to hope.

Moore had forgotten the escape route.

But think about it too, after ten years, and at that time it was a fleeing life and death, who would remember so clearly. Plus, it hasn’t been the same here for ten years, and Morson can’t even remember it.

However, he vaguely remembered that he had fled towards the west of the territory. Because he feels that he can escape from the pursuit of King Kong apes only if he enters a more powerful Warcraft territory. If he goes to a weaker territory, those King Kong apes will have no scruples and will always pursue them. However, he did not remember the specific direction of the southwest, the west, or the northwest.

In desperation, Hughes had to order the Vampire Bat King to take everyone around, hoping to let Morsen see some familiar scenes and remind him of something.

Who knows, as the central territory of the Vajra Apes became closer and closer, the ape howling in the valley became even more intense. Even Hughes and others who did not understand the animal language heard a strong warning and threat. Some King Kong apes above level 5 threw powerful stones directly at them.

"Boo babble..." The sound kept coming, the intensity was like a rain of stones around.

However, for the anger of the Vajra Apes, Hughes did not care too much. After all, it was his own party that intruded into their territory without permission, and was responsible for his own. In addition, he had more important things to do, and there was no need to spend Time is entangled with these unwise beasts.

However, the vampire bat king under him doesn't think so, they can understand the provocative meaning in the cry of the ancient ape. What makes them angry is that these low-level Vajra Apes even dared to throw stones at them. You know that they are now level 9 Warcraft. On the Golden Phoenix Continent without Sanctuary Warcraft, they are already the peak position of Warcraft, actually How can they not be angry at such treatment?

"I'm going to kill them!"

This was a scream from the head of the Vampire Bat King to the King Kong Ape before he rushed to the King Kong Ape.

Hughes immediately wanted to stop it, but the leader of the vampire bat did not listen to his cry, and rushed directly into the Vajra apes group for a while. The other three vampire bat kings hovering in the sky were killed at the first sight, and they were already angry. They also rushed to kill them regardless of the master's order.

This fight, attracted more and more powerful Vajra apes, 7th, 8th, and even three heads and 9th level leaders were attracted.

It must be said that the toughness of the vampire apes is really terrifying. The instinct black light attack of the ninth-level vampire bat king can casually blast a huge deep hole on the ground, or even blast a large mountain in half, but they are dumbfounded in the face of Vajra Apes.

As long as the Vajra Apes above level 3, their black light attack can only kill the opponent, but not the opponent.

If they are above level 5, they will only be seriously injured and will not die.

If you are above level 7, you will only be slightly injured and your movement will be hindered.

At level 8 and above, it can't cause any damage to them at all, even the skin can't be broken.

For the 9th-level King Kong Ape, the black-light attack of the Vampire Bat King is like tickling.

Seeing such a strong defense, Hughes was speechless. What makes him speechless even more is that Vajra Apes are inherently immune to seal energy and soul engulfment. In other words, Morans, Allie, and Morson can't get in the hand, and the "sealing soul card" in his hands has failed to work.

It also made him understand why Morson would be chased and fled.

After three days of fighting, the vampire bat king not only didn’t feel a little tired, but instead became more and more fierce. Even if he knew that the Vajra Apes’ defense was very strong and their combat power could not be underestimated, but they were like headless flies, no scruples. Ground, rushed again and again.

Hughes, who has soul induction with the head of the vampire bat king, can clearly feel the violent anger in his mind, and the raging anger is like a wildfire. This made Hughes very confused, what the King Kong Ape yelled, so that the Vampire Bat King would be so angry.

"Why are you so angry?" Seuss asked quickly, seizing a gap.

"They dare to openly humiliate me in broad daylight, and I..." A huge wing of the Vampire Batman's leader suddenly raised a gust of wind to blow back all the stones thrown by the Vajra apes and took time to say.

"Mocking?" Hughes stunned.

"How can the beautiful princess of the vampire bat king race let these inferior pariahs be humiliated!" The vampire bat king's whole body is black and black, and then a beam of black light blazes towards the vajra ape group. At the same time, it He also retreated to an altitude of five or six hundred meters and took a rest. The instinctive attack of the Vampire Bat King is very magical. Even the 9th-level Bat King has to rest and recover for a period of five times.

"Pretty Princess? You are the mother..." Hughes was dizzy.

"Mother? You also use such earthy words." The vampire Batman's tone contained obvious contempt, and then said proudly, "I am a noble and beautiful princess, and the ninety-nine of my subordinates are also flowery. Girls, otherwise they will not let the first sealer'Master Kane' choose to accompany his sweetheart."

"You know what happened ten thousand years ago? Then you know..." Susie suddenly realized that the leader of the vampire bat was also sealed ten thousand years ago, that is to say, they knew something about the mainland situation at that time.

However, before he finished speaking, he heard a sharp howling burst from the "beautiful princess" under him, and then ran straight down.

Hughes looked closely, and it turned out that the three-headed nine-level Vajra Ape leader appeared.

This fight was a thousand times more violent than it was just now, and it was so dark and dark that the landslides were cracking. The violent and powerful air waves smashed all the surrounding rocks and trees into pieces, even some low-level King Kong apes It was also screamed repeatedly, and suffered heavy casualties.

Hughes did not hesitate to display the golden defensive magic skills around him-the golden bell and the Vajra armor. At the same time, he also included Moran, Morson and Ally in the Xuanlong ring . Mira, who had floated a long time ago, rushed towards the Vajra Ape below level 5.

Glancing at Mira, seeing that she was not in great danger, Hughes dropped her heart and paid full attention to the battle between Vampire Bat King and Vajra Apes.

This level of battle was the first time he saw it, but he was a little excited and worried. After all, the Vampire Bat King has been fighting for three days and three nights, but the Vajra Ape leader has just joined. Fighting a fresh army of the same level with a tired body, you are already at a disadvantage before you fight.

Fortunately, the Vampire Bat King can fly, and can easily avoid the attack of the Vajra Ape, but the Vajra Ape does not seem to have the black light instinctive attack like the Vampire Bat King, and can only continue to wield slender and thick forelimbs and make a sound. Roar. Attack methods are very scarce.

However, Hughes would not naively believe that Vajra apes have no instinct to attack. He knows that after Warcraft reaches a certain level, there will be some natural instinct attacks, and the power is very great. It's just that he still doesn't know what the instinct attack of Vajra apes will be, but he has a hunch that the instinct attack power of Vajra apes will definitely not be much lower than that of Vampire Bat King.




On the moonlit night of early autumn, it was cold and bleak. Suddenly there were three violent roars of ancient apes, but all the birds and beasts in the mountains of the mountain were awakened. The terrified eyes even had some loneliness and sadness, and they all screamed and suppressed. It's like venting inner dissatisfaction, but more like crying.

Yes, just crying.

Although these three days and nights have never stopped their roaring fights, but all the previous roars have not made them sad like the three roars just now, as if they are in extreme danger. In the environment, life is dying and we cannot help crying.

Hughes, who had been sitting on the back of "Pretty Princess", also appeared in these three roars, with a short dizziness, and an extreme sorrow suddenly rose in his heart, making him suddenly want to cry. But "Princess Liang" and the other three-headed vampire bats just passed out, and quickly fell down.

"This... what's going on?" Fortunately, Hughes had two souls, and the magic crystal was protected from the soul, so he quickly woke up and knew that all emotions were just hallucinations. When he found that he and the vampire bat kings were falling down quickly, he was immediately frightened with cold sweat, and he also understood what the instinct attack of the Vajra apes.

Ape Xiaowai!

There was a cry of ape, full of infinite sorrow, the light ones made tears flow, the expression was low, the severe ones were too sad and directly comatose, and even the sad ones would die.

Hughes never imagined that the instinct of the Vajra Apes was actually a sound, and it was a tragic way of directly hurting the soul and affecting the mood.

Why is only the ninth-grade Vajra apes sending such sorrow?

Suddenly a strange question rose in Hughes's mind, but he didn't think about it carefully, because there was no time at all.

Seeing that the Vampire Bat King was about to fall within the attack range of Vajra Apes, he was very anxious. He knew very well that the three-headed 9th-level Vajra Apes seem to lack the means of attack. They come and go by waving their forelimbs and throwing stones, but the power is very terrifying. If you get a punch or get thrown once, you will immediately be in danger of life, not to mention being in a coma.

It is possible to be directly broken into slag.

"What should I do?" Hughes thought anxiously.

I can't fly, I have to fall down inevitably, and the vampire bat king is in a coma again. The situation is really urgent.

Even Mira, who was twenty or thirty miles away, was in a coma. Fortunately, the floating technique she performed could still last for half an hour, stopped in the air, and would not fall for a while.

Hiding in the Xuanlong Ring?

Obviously not.

Although you and the "beautiful princess" underneath can easily enter the black dragon ring, what about Mira and the other three vampire bat kings? What do they do? Do you watch them torn to pieces by King Kong apes?

Hughes obviously would not do this.

Although, in order to become the first nobleman on the mainland recently, he has become somewhat bloodthirsty and brutal, but that is also to treat the enemy and those who do not want to submit to himself. For those who submit to him, he not only thinks of ways to increase the strength of the other party, but also His own vampire bat king distributes to powerful people as mounts.

He was kind-hearted and generous from an early age. Even if he doesn't know him, he will help, not to mention Mira and the three-headed nine-level vampire bat king.

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