Pioneer Knight

Chapter 196:

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Mila was a subordinate who followed him 10 years ago. It can be said that he grew up watching him. Although he has not had any in-depth exchanges and contacts, he has long regarded her as his own. Now that Mira is in danger, how can he not die?

Even the three-headed ninth level vampire bat king can not care, but Mila can't care.

The point is, he still has a hard work.

Vajra Apes are inherently immune to seal energy and soul engulfment, and have certain defensive capabilities against magical attacks, but who is Hughes! His gold magic skills are almost instantaneous!

As long as he continues to display the magical skills of the gold system to block the attack of the Vajra Apes against Mira and the three-headed vampire bat king, he can successfully put them into the Xuanlong ring.

Moreover, his body is as powerful as the Sanctuary, and may not be as powerful as the nine-level King Kong Ape, but the difference is not far away. Coupled with the "Breeze Boxing" he learned, it is also a special combat skill, and is still suitable for group fighting and close combat.

Just a short moment, Hughes made a quick decision.


As a result, Kedev, a hundred miles away, saw a black figure leaping from the back of the vampire bat king, while the huge vampire bat king disappeared without a trace at the same time.

With his body still in the air, Hughes exhibited the third-level magic skill of the gold system-gold sword. In addition to flying needles, Hughes' most skilled gold magic is gold swordsmanship. The situation was critical, and he unfolded it without thinking.


Hundreds of gold knives suddenly flew out of the void, and under the clear moonlight, the light of different pasts flashed, and the rich golden light showed a chilling cold light.

Seeing the rapidly flying golden sword, the three-headed nine-level Vajra Apes seemed to care nothing, and a round of sarcasm appeared in the round eyes.

A seventh-level magician also wants to be arrogant in front of them. Isn't that death?

The forelimbs of the three-headed nine-level Vajra Apes only waved at will, and the golden sword with the cold light appeared like a pile of broken copper and rotten iron, and it crashed to the ground. Even if there were one or two gold knives chopping on them, it was like a straw chopping on the stone, so weak that there was no mark on it.

Hughes does not care about the ridiculous gaze of Vajra Apes, after all, his strength is two levels different from them. Although one-on-one, Hughes definitely has a certain victory, but it is clearly at a disadvantage. If you want to be arrogant at a disadvantage, that is to force yourself. Pretending to be compulsive will provoke thunder. Hughes is not that silly.

His purpose is also very simple, that is to collect the other three-headed vampire bat king and Mila into the Xuanlong Temple. As for defeating or conquering the three-headed nine-level ancient apes, he never thought about it.

Therefore, when he saw the arrogant look and powerful strength of the three-headed apes, although he was shocked in his heart, he was more happy.

As long as the three-headed ninth-level ancient apes think he has no threats, they will not give him a heavy hand at once, and he will have time to achieve his purpose.

Seeing that his golden sword had no threat to the Vajra Apes, Hughes immediately exhibited the fifth-level magic technique-Golden Cone, a cold golden awl like a ghost in the night, quickly and violently toward the three heads and nine The ancient ape stabbed.

At the same time, Hughes instantaneously began a fascination step, rushing towards the other three vampire bat king where it fell.

The three-headed vampire bat is not far from him, and the farthest is only 500 meters.

On the way to rush past, Hughes suddenly found that thousands of low and intermediate Vajra apes were lying down on the ground, unconscious, and those 7 and 8 Vajra apes were also in a low mood, standing on their own, alone Tears.

This discovery made Hussden understand that "Ao Xiaowai" is not an instinct attack of Vajra apes, but a talent attack that suddenly awoke after Vajra apes reached level 9. Therefore, even the Vajra Ape itself, if it does not reach the ninth level, it will be infected by the powerful sadness.

What is the real instinct attack of Vajra Apes?

Hughes thought about it, but the fascination step was not slow at all, and soon reached the first vampire bat king, and then extremely quickly put it into the Xuanlong ring.

Seeing this behavior by Hughes, the three-headed nine-level Vajra Apes immediately understood that the seven-level little croaker was here to grab their loot.


The three-headed Vajra Apes immediately gave a roar, the roar shook the earth, and the already ruined valley was even more ruined by the roar. The sadness in the roar filled the valley instantly. Those 7th and 8th grade Vajra Apes also completely languished in this sorrowful roar, sitting paralyzed on the ground, sad.

Hughes was also a stagger, standing unsteady. The sadness in my heart was so fierce that he drowned the entire mind and invaded into the soul. Even if the "devil" and the "golden spirit" tried to resist, they were still rushed into it by the sorrow-like sadness. .

Sadness, depression, powerlessness, tiredness... a mind flooded his mind, making Desius want to cry, want to rest, everything seemed to be meaningless.

"This is an illusion, it must be an illusion!" There was a strong voice in Hughes's heart, and then the call became louder and clearer, and finally turned into a roar in the rest.


The sound penetrated through the rocks and passed through Jiuxiao. The valley that was originally filled with sorrow and mist became clear and bright in this scream, and the moonlight of Qinghe spilled down, making the valley brighter and fresher.

The three nine-level Apes were also taken aback by this sudden shout.

Since their talents attacked the "Ape Howling" society, they have never encountered opponents who are not affected by them. Whether it is nine-level Warcraft, or nine-level magician and magic sword division are not immune. Even if it can withstand it, at least it takes one or two breaths to faint or lose combat power. And this time is enough for them to tear up their opponents!

However, the seven-level little chatter in front of him not only resisted their "scream", but also issued a more wild and clear roar, although unlike them, the roar entrapped in the sorrow that was thick and inseparable, but The roar made people feel refreshed, like a cloud of cloudy sky suddenly shot into a beam of sunlight.

Nine-level ancient apes already have some wisdom, knowing that they have met their enemies, and their contempt and ridicule have long disappeared. Instead, their faces are dignified, and three pairs of big eyes stare at Hughes.

A hundred miles away on the cliff.

"His Royal Highness, that man's strength is so great that he can break through the "Ape Xiao Ai" issued by the three-headed Nine King Kong Apes at the same time." Ginaster's expression was incredible, and he secretly compared and found himself. It's too far away from the shadow power!

I was trying my best to resist the "Ape Howling" of Vajra Apes, and it was a hundred miles away. The shadow can not only resist, but also counterattack. The thing that made him silently ask Cang Tian is that the shadow's strength is the same as him, and it is also level 7, but the burst of power is far from what he can do. Ginaster couldn't help but feel itchy, and his hands clenched into pale fists.

"Unexpectedly, ten months, no, it should be ten years for him. His strength has reached such a point. No wonder he can capture Ulank City and the Black Devil Forest in less than a day." Cade Husband twitched his eyes and said in shock, but his heart was full of worry and anxiety. Suddenly he thought that if he, Thirteen, met Hughes, would he be able to escape? The conclusion was that his face was instantly pale and his mood was down.

"His Royal Highness, who is that man?" another magic sword master asked.

"Sius Liku." Kedev's tone was full of bitterness.

"The name is so familiar. By the way, ten months ago, the little slave that made the whole continent is not the name?" Ginaster said.

"It's him, the **** little slave!" The more he thought about Kadev, the more afraid he was. Those who could contend with the three-headed nine-level King Kong apes are absolutely capable of killing them all.

"It's him. He's not only six years old, why..." Ginaster asked in shock, but then realized at a moment's thought that this little slave must have had some kind of adventure, such as breaking into the ruins of the Holy Land, Or break into the time and space left by the predecessors, and so on.

Standing on the outermost periphery, the eight iron guards who rose up the magic of the whole body did not say a word, but their ears were listening to the dialogue behind them. When they heard the name of Hughes, they all shuddered: "The little slave had grown to such a great extent!"

On another towering mountain, there are four ugly little men dressed in strange costumes. They all stood on the treetops like a floating cloud, swinging around with the night breeze of the valley.

"Brother, the boy's strength is very strange, not like a seventh-level magician, but like a ninth-level peak magician. Does he have the legendary black dragon ring on his body?" said one of the dwarfs wearing bark-like costumes .

"The elders in the gate said that the king of the Golden Phoenix Continent, King Xuanlong, had his servant Modlijeki Krizzanasi make a total of eight Xuanlong rings, originally intended to store things, but did not expect The war of 10,000 years ago beat them terribly and fled into the desert. However, their enemies were not willing to let them escape, and they always wanted to kill them so much that they chased them for two hundred years. On the mainland of Xigo, and then from the mainland of Xigo to the continent of the fire, and even from the realm of the world to the sun and the moon, they hunted all the way, and finally they disappeared suddenly. It is said that the Xuanlong King used supreme magic power, Sealed him and his seven subordinates inside the Xuanlong Ring."

The little man called "Big Brother" is a middle-aged man with two mouse whiskers in the corners of his mouth. He looked at the front and said, "However, for ten thousand years, both their enemies and friends have been here. Looking for the eight Xuanlong Rings, I never found them. Until ten months ago, I heard that Jinfeng Continent’s ninth-level pinnacles had fought for a ring, and then it was reported that someone had a “human treasure”. So Dozens of continents in our spiritual world have sent people into the Golden Phoenix Continent. Maybe, soon, forces from other sectors will come to the Golden Phoenix Continent."

"It turns out this way. Brother doesn't say, we thought the elders in the door let us enjoy the delicious food. Don't say, the hearts of the little's delicious..." It was a little dwarf with a thin neck and pointed head. He said, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips.

"Your kid knows to eat!" The mouse-swarf drank coldly, and then said, "This kid is only a seventh-level magician but has a second-order body in the sanctuary. It is really not simple, maybe there is a black dragon ring."

"Brother, whether he has it or not, tie him up first," said the dwarf wearing bark who spoke first.

"Don't worry, look again." The dwarf squirrel waved his hand.

"Be careful of other forces." Standing alone, the silent little dwarf suddenly made a sentence, causing the other three dwarfs to turn their heads and look at him in surprise.

"Little Heizi is right, you pay attention to observe whether there are other continent forces around, I will go down to "help" the little boy." The little mouse must have said, and disappeared into the void immediately.

"Brother's strength is getting stronger and stronger, it should reach the seventh level of the sanctuary." The other three saw the strength shown by the dwarf squirrel, all envied and shocked.

"Boss, chop them! Chop!" Susie's mind continued to sound the excitement of "Remnant Demon". What it likes most to see is the brutal appearance of Hughes. The more cruel the Hughes is, the more beneficial it is, because it is the result of the brutal force itself, so all emotions such as anger, brutality, and bloodthirsty can help it condense its strength.

"Noisy!" Hearing the cheating of "Remnant Demon", "Golden Spirit" hated his teeth. If it were not to help Hughes to condense the power of the magic of the gold system, it would have been used to display a golden bell. "Remnant Demon" covered it so that it could not make a sound.

The refining ability of "Remnant Demon" has not been as full-bodied as "Golden Spirit". Usually, he is often ridiculed and mocked by "Golden Spirit". At this time, seeing that it is busy and busy, he has no time to take care of other things. How can such a good opportunity be missed?

The demon immediately ridiculed: "My name is cheering and cheering, don't mess up if you don't understand."

"You..." Jin Ling was about to refute, and suddenly a message came from the main soul of Hughes: "Condensing the Forbidden Magical Technique of the Gold System-Big Golden Cone Technique". Jin Ling immediately read the mantra, absorbed the golden elements of the world, and then condensed the golden elements that flowed into the body of Hughes into a golden cone.

All this is done in an instant.

As soon as Hughes' thoughts flashed, gold awls began to appear around him.

In the past, he used gold magic skills, relying on the master soul to absorb gold elements. Although the main soul is a 100% affinity of the gold system, after all, it is not a condensed gold element, so the speed of absorption is still slow. However, it is his soul, Jin Ling, who is now helping him absorb the golden elements. Jin Ling is an energy body that is completely condensed by the energy of the gold element. Therefore, it absorbs the gold element like a summoning, and the speed is staggering.

I don't know if it was influenced by the demon, Hughes' eyes were red, and a brutal breath came out of the body. Even the Vajra apes, who had always been known for committing violence, were shocked for a while.

However, they only restored the Qingming in an instant. After dozens of fights, they have figured out the strength of this seventh-level little buddy in front of them.

He is just a freak magician who shows his magic skills very fast, and his body toughness is equal to them.

It is with this idea that the three-headed Vajra apes will wave their upper limbs and copy three breads to surround Hughes in the center.

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