Pioneer Knight

Chapter 805:

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The domain master showed his invincible posture and broke the "Sifang World" by domineering means, and the figure escaped like the wind and disappeared into the sky.

The other strong men did not sit back and wait for the further development of the matter. The matter has progressed to the final stage. If there is any delay, the "good show" will end.

The black pagoda floating in the hands of Emperor Shitian is very simple, with a breath of ancient air, and the black pattern is even more ancient. This is the treasure of Heavenly Death Sui.

The dark gusty winds were cold and the ancient inscriptions touched, and Tian Sui Sui even had the sound of the sound of the "treading" and the sound of the sonorous sound of the heavens, just like nine days, like a sensitive mind. The blockade of the Sifangtiandi was in chaos and crashed. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Emperor Shitian disappeared locally, but appeared outside the formation of Sifangtiandi, and stepped away.

The ancestral ancestors, Wan Letian, and the Dark Lord are unwilling to show their weaknesses, each showing their magical powers, and the means of pressing the boxes have exploded. The rich accumulation and long history, the killer skills they have are also very terrifying.

"Broken! Broken! Broken!"

The "Sifangtiandi" formation was broken one after another, which shocked Shi Zhe and the others. It was their last resort. It was so easily broken that they could not imagine. thing.

They did not know that the people who came this time were the top places on the emperor's continent, and they had no worse heritage than their protoss, and some were even longer than the protoss. Although the Sifangtiandi array was indeed Very powerful, but this is not a complete formation, and the main reason is that their practice is so poor that they simply cannot exert the power and original appearance that Sifangtiandi should have.

Shen Jiyue knows that things have become very serious. It is no longer necessary to stay here. Sifangtiandi is no longer useful. Now all they have to do is to tell the elders and others of this news, so Shenjiyue is busy. Said: "Quanjie, Sanliao, you two go to the Shenhe priest to inform this matter, and Shi and I will help Shenlu to see if they can help."

"Yes." Everyone else knew that the matter was serious, and his expression became very serious.

Shen Jiyue quickly put away the "Godstone Jade Stone" and saw that the groove marks on the big stone had become pale red. He knew that this was just the accumulation of energy absorbed by the powerful people. Shen Jiyue did not say much, just thought This may be a bit useful, and then quickly headed towards the line of defense where Shenlu was located.



Hughes entered the shrine through the Jiu Xu silkworm ants in a very concealed situation. Only after entering Hughes, he heard the stunned singing sound, which was a chant of sacrifice.

Hughes hides in the void, and his figure is hazy, like a dream bubble, in the real and illusion, little by little, this is what Hughes should have according to the non-phase of the extraterrestrial creature "sacral". Previously, Hughes could only change his appearance. , But now Hughes can touch the threshold of the law and can hide in the void.

All the Protoss people were chanting sacrifices, with a faint yellow halo on their bodies, and heading towards the altar at the center. It was a very ethereal power, a faith, a blessing, a prayer.

Connected to the channel of the yellow halo, Hughes felt the scorching heat, Hughes suddenly felt that the virtual pearl was a little trembling, Hughes understood that the fragments of the plane bead were outside the channel. But Hughes also felt bad, and a cold light came towards him. This was a terrible attack from the old man beside the altar.

The virtual pearl sensed the debris and had a strange movement, but it exposed Hughes, while Shen He was keenly aware of the change of the void and shot abruptly.

Moving in time and space, Hughes avoided the blow and quickly said: "This is a misunderstanding. I am the owner of the Seven Star Gate. I came to find the fallen leaves and cut them."

"Seven Star Gate Master?" Shen He looked at Hughes seriously, but more of a scrutiny, said: "Why are you here? And you can actually hide my eyes, how could the Seven Star Gate have this?" Powerful master."

"This is my seven-star card. When God first established a friendship with my patriarch, I should know." Then, Hughes took out a very delicate token with a star map engraved on it, with seven concaves. The marks represent the "Seven Stars", and there are many thin lines connecting the "Seven Stars". On those lines, there are a lot of drip dents, which are not very obvious. In general, they are gorgeous.

"Really?" Shenhe's face did not change, but moved towards Hughes, wanting to see clearly. But when Shenhe walked only half a step away from Hughes, he suddenly shot towards Hughes, clean and unrelenting, and wanted to put Hughes to death.

"Shenyan Hand"

Shen He’s hands became gray, like rock, vacant and dazzling, and the rolling laws impacted around Hughes. Hughes felt a kind of suffocation, and then saw Shen He’s hands pressed like sky. Next, Hughes was unable to move.

"Shenyan Shou", the **** is the highest, the coriander is the best, and the interpretation of Taoism. This is the earth path that Shenhe has comprehended, and it is Shenhe's self avenue.

Hughes did not expect that Shenhe actually shot. This is the crisis that Hughes encountered. Even though Hughes had many means, but now there is no time to show him, this feeling is very suffocating, but yet Helpless.

But Hughes did not give up, Hughes’ head was running crazy, his mind was beating rapidly, thinking of a solution to the problem.

Surrounded by imprisonment, the power of the law is completely suppressed by the avenue. The mysteries of various laws have no use, and only the power of the soul is used.

Just when Hughes was going to use the Ten Halls, the plane bead at the heart of Hughes' eyebrows moved first. The law, the divine rule, and the Tao rule are all conceived by the Promise, Tai Chi is born, and the Tao is everywhere, but the form he presents is the rules of all planes, and the nature reflected is very different.

Now Shenhe uses the Avenue to imprison the face bead. This seems to be a completely irresponsible act. This is completely challenging his prestige and cannot be forgiven.

The plane bead rioted, and the laws around them dared to block in the slightest way, avoiding them one after another. This allowed Shenhe's "Shenyan Hand" to quickly dissolve, like a punch of a heavy blow on a stronger steel, God He was directly injured by the power of the plane bead and mounted on the altar.

The channel where the shining rune was opened by the altar collapsed instantaneously, and the chanting came to an abrupt end. The Protoss people all sobered up, watching the scene they could not believe in front of them, the powerful Shenhe priest was actually knocked down to the ground .

Shenhe flew to the ground and spit out a lot of blood in his mouth. He looked at Hughes with a shocked look at the moment, and his heart was full of horror. This was his own self-esteem, his strongest move, even if he was a divine Under such a move, such a clean line is not possible, and this is still in the case of his sneak attack. The opponent simply does not have too much reaction time and can't reach the defense.

"What do you want to do? Why did you suddenly shoot?" Hughes was very depressed. What he just said was okay, but he didn't expect the other party to suddenly shoot, if he wanted to put himself to death, or if he had a face bead, even if he himself It is undead, and is now seriously injured. Hughes is annoyed.

At this time, the awakened tribes are sober, seeing such a scene, this kind of result naturally occurs in their hearts, and it becomes obvious who is good and who is bad.

"Dare to bully our holy land, and also hurt our priests, stop our priests, and let us kill him."

People rushed up, each performing their skills, and traversing the sky, all rushing towards Huss.

Hughes is in a bad mood now. I didn’t expect them to let themselves vent so quickly. Hughes was not polite, he didn’t use big moves, just used his fists and kept waving. Hughes entered the unmanned state, and the gods But he was constantly beaten down and moaned on the ground, unable to stand up.

Hughes didn't hurt the killer, that was not Hughes' original intention. There was obviously a misunderstanding, but Hughes was not willing to eat Coptis with such dumbness.

"All stop." Shenhe shouted loudly.

The opponent is so strong, it is very easy to kill these ordinary Protoss people, there is no need to waste time here, and the opponent does not have a killer at all, which makes Shen He a little believe in what Huss said. , But this is inconsistent with the facts he knows, which makes Shen He full of doubts. The thing to do now is to figure out the beginning and the end of the matter, and not to be confused by others.

Shenhe still has prestige, and all the tribes stopped their hands and looked at Shenhe.

"You said that you have the symbol of the Seven Stars, Seven Stars, but as far as I know, the Seven Stars have disappeared a long time ago, and it is impossible for the Seven Stars to have Seven Stars." Shen He's eyes looked directly at Xiu Si is reviewing, and even more convinced.

"Uh, there is such a thing." Hughes didn't expect it to be a problem in this place.

Hughes turned over and took out the "Seven Star Card", instilling spiritual power into it, and then saw that the seven most obvious dents were shining with the equipment, and the pits around the grains also followed the seven. A dent and a dazzling movement, the various routes slowly recovered, showing a huge three-dimensional pattern in front of Hughes, like a real sky, very ethereal, very illusory.

The hidden element sword in the body of Hughes, but the Tianshu sword is not controlled by Hughes and heads towards the seven-star card. Hughes can clearly sense the joyful emotions expressed in the Yinyuan sword and the Tianshu sword, Just like they are one.

Hughes was shocked to find that the dent filled by the Tianshu sword completely disappeared and re-exhibited a new strange pattern. It was a new nebula, and the same was true of the Yinyuan sword. Like being activated by Yinyuan sword and Tianshu sword.

Just when Hughes and Shenhe were shocked to see what was happening in front of them, the domain master, Emperor Shitian, psychic ancestor, Wan Letian, and the dark palace master also had very strange things happening. They The Seven Star Sword obtained by breaking the "Seven Plow Star Sword Array" suddenly burst out a strange look, like being summoned to fly away.

But their strength is very strong, and they have the treasures in their hands, forcibly suppressing the Seven Star Sword without letting him fly away.

But this made their hearts full of shock, who is actually capable of summoning the Seven Star Sword, is it the Protoss? Is it someone else? In short, they feel that things have become very complicated, and it seems that things are far simpler than they think, and there is a black hand hidden behind the Buddha, which is controlling all this.

"This is true, really Qixing card." Shen He murmured in shock.

Suddenly, Shen He's face changed a lot and shouted: "Oh, there's something wrong with the patriarch. I didn't expect that he was lying."

Hughes heard what Shen He said, although he felt misty, but he heard that the Protoss seemed to have a big thing to happen, and it was for this reason that Shen He's sudden shot just now.

"What the **** is going on." Hughes asked quickly.

"Don't ask now, we have to hurry to the Huangyang side, and the changes will happen later." Shen He said hurriedly.

But just here is the whole temple, but it emits a strong "bang" sound, the temple shakes, and intensifies, in the ten directions of the temple, there are rumbling ten ten heavenly poles, and the dark sky mist Ze, accompanied by the sound of chain collisions, connected to each other and surrounded the whole temple, as if laying a net in the sky.

"Oops, this is'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths'. It is the strongest formation of the formation. It has the ability to reverse time and space, and it can outline the legendary power of the nine heavens and ten hells." Shen He said with some despair .

"Nine Heaven Realm is the Hundred Yuan Heaven Realm above the nine heavens, the origin of life in the chaos of all universes, and Ten Hells is the legendary Ten Fang Hells, which is the Ten Temples, the origin of death, which is the root of the avenue, and it is strong. The strongest point that the person is looking for, and what is communicated in nine days and ten places is the essence of the most root."

"This kind of power is a forbidden force. No one can crack it. Only the power of the same origin can be lifted, or you can find a way to get rid of the Array of the Sky Array."

"Who the **** is it? Come out to me, hum, I didn't expect my protoss to actually appear as scum to you, what a shameful act." Shen He shouted out loudly towards the outside.

"Why? Dare to do it but dare not come out." Seeing no one came out, Shenhe's eyes became cold and said.

"Second brother, he is now in the "Nine Heavens and Ten Earths" lineup. He can't appear at all. We don't need to be afraid of them. We just watch how they die." A very clear voice said, The voice was very young, but it gave Hughes a familiar feeling.

When Hughes saw that face, it was really familiar, it was Sanliao and Quanjie, and he really spoke Sanliao.

"Sanliao, Quanjie didn't expect it to be the two of you. It seems that it is nonsense to stop you from those people." Shen He said with a deep voice.

"Where are the fallen leaves." Hughes had no time to deal with their internal affairs, so they asked Sanliao.

Hughes's voice seemed a little awkward. At this moment, who wants to ask such a question that is not so marginal? Obviously, it is not consistent with the situation at this time.

Sanliao, Quanjie followed the source of the sound, and suddenly saw Hughes not far from the Shenhe priest.

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