Pioneer Knight

Chapter 806:

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After a few years, they did not expect to meet in such a scene. It was really impermanent.

"Shuth, didn't expect you?" Sanliao said in surprise.

"You can actually pass through the blocked gate of God Realm and break through the two lines of defense arranged by God Realm. It seems that your strength has reached the top level of the Emperor Continent." It seems that it is emotion, but more admiration Some people are destined to be looked up, and Hughes is such a person.

"I just want to know where the fallen leaves are now?" Hughes asked.

"She is now rushing to Huangyang, wanting to stop the troublesome powerhouses, but you are now too late to get rid of it. Once the nine-day ten-place formation method is turned on, there is no way to stop, there is only a dead end." Three Liao said with a sigh.

"Why do you betray?" Shen He was very calm, not violently screaming, but responded calmly and calmly.

"Drink, you guys are so kind to ask us who is the one who betrayed us first, don’t think I don’t know what you are doing, I know all the dirty and mean things you did, why did the Holy Heavenly Clan Escape? And why did the'Four Que Guards' suddenly die? Who is there in this God Realm? Have no such skill? Don't tell me you don't know how our father died."

"How many dirty things have you done in these years, and the establishment of a killer organization like "paradise" is actually to eliminate dissidents, to prosper and to pervert us, and all four of us are your victims, and you How many people betrayed, let’s not talk about the Seven Star Gate, stealing the Seven Star Swords and Seven Star Cards from others, and wanting to destroy the ancestry of others. Now they are betrayed by others like this, it’s really a retribution."

Quanjie said a little madly, venting all the depressions that had been hidden in his heart for years.

"Every race, every denomination, every family, etc. has his darkness and all the pain he has to bear. This is the inevitable way for the race to develop, the sect to progress, and the family to consolidate, but what we have to do It is to believe in my race, no matter what the race needs us to do, no matter what darkness we endure, I am still a member of the race, and there is still a place for me to exist in the race, that is the meaning of my life."

"The four of us have the'Four Elephants' Veins', especially the fallen leaves of the'True Tigers' Veins' are desperate. The last step in the cracked area of ​​Huangyang is to "condemn", and then get rid of all the accidents of the temple. It must be destroyed and become a Hunyuan. This is a punishment and a kind of supremacy. At that time, the temple was the most holy and mysterious holy place, enjoying the grace of heaven and earth, and actually enjoying the peace we exchanged with blood, don’t you Is it really calm?"

"Is this what Lulu told you?"

"Er" is very excited and full of results, but it is a piece. He didn't expect that Shen He directly said it was Shen He. He thought that this was a very secret matter. He didn't expect that Shen He actually knew that they had a kind of Very bad hunch.

"I didn't expect that all these things were actually caused by Shenlu's ghosts, and they encouraged you. Now I want to say that Shenlu is a traitor. I guess you have a lot of doubts, but I still want to say that all these things are related to God. Lu has a relationship, he is the real traitor, and we are all in the dark." Shen He said with a sigh.

"It's impossible, Shenlu is so good to us, how can it deceive us." Quanjie said in disbelief.

"Actually you should believe it." A very clear voice came out leisurely, said.

Before waiting for Sanliao, Quanjie reacted and saw a figure behind them, very slender and young with a proud face. I saw him pointing at Sanliao with two fingers, and at the position of the eyebrows of the whole knot, blood burst into a blood column, but there was an extra blood hole in Sanliao's head.

"Why?" Quanjie said very unimaginably. I can't believe this was the "good man" who had protected them when they were young and taught them, the one who gave them warmth, but now it seems so cold. Let their souls seem to be frozen.

The person who came was Shenlu, the person who had represented the Protoss to the Seven Star Gates, was the captain of the Protoss Divine Guardian, and the strongest Protoss.

Shenlu didn't mean to answer their questions at all. Gently wiped off the blood on the fingers. In Shenlu's hands, there were gold-like sparkling crystals placed in the mouth, filled with a very satisfying feeling, but But it is terrible and terrifying.

But just in a moment, Hughes felt that there was some change in Shenlu, but this was just Hughes' momentary feeling.

"Why?" Shen He asked.

"It's very simple. I want to see the landscape above, and I want to see the unexpected world of God Realm. Only when I become the Divine Lord can I make the Protoss more glorious. He is not as good as God, why should he let his waste come? The split domain is king, I am not convinced, why should I be a supporting role, I should be the protagonist, ha ha ha ha." Shen Lu said very crazy.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you now. I want you to take a good look at how I have become a domineering industry. My good father, wait here slowly." Saying the figure of Shenlu Completely disappeared, as if not yet.

"Falling leaves is really dangerous?" Hughes asked directly.

"Well, Sanliao's Four Elephants' Veins has great benefits for practitioners. What Shenlu got just now is Sanliao's "Suzaku Vein" and Quanjie's "Xuanwu Vein", if you let him Get'Qinglong Juemai', plus Jiyue's'True Tiger Juemai', then you will be able to yin and yang and mix the elements to generate the'Four Elephants Juemai', then he can become the emperor of the Four Saints Those who can be added to Emperor Shitian become the strongest demon emperor."

"But now we are trapped in these nine days and ten places, and we can't go out at all. Even if we are willing to help, we are unable to do it."

Hughes said with a light smile: "Relax, others have no way, does not mean I have no way."

Hughes, who has the "Sky Array Catalogue", has a very clear understanding of the formations of the heavens and the earth. In the eyes of others, it is the "nine heavens and ten earths" of the invincible formation, but in the eyes of Hughes there is no So much awe and fear.

"Really?" Shen He is puzzled. This is a forbidden battle in nine days and ten places, and he has a deep understanding of the power he possesses.

Even if it is a divine, it can’t be broken without the help of artifacts. This is the only strongest formation in the world. It is the terrifying director ranked fifth in the sky array catalogue. I can't understand it.

Hughes has no redundant explanation, the fact is the best proof.

Nine heavens and ten earths imply the order of the heavens and the earth, simulating the normal state of the heavens and the earth. They are the roots of the heavens and the earth.

The sky is nine-que, nine-fold heaven, ten hells, ten squares of hell.

It can be said that Hughes understands the horror better than Shenhe, but the current Hughes is not the fledgling bird who was not familiar with things before. The current Hughes is undoubtedly standing in the front row of this world. With extremely powerful strength, it is the existence of a tycoon.

With the improvement of Hughes' realm, Hughes's understanding of the whole world became more thorough and clearer, and his understanding of the Tao became closer to the essence and reached a mixed artistic conception. And what is not clear about the "Sky Array Catalogue" is that it is suddenly accessible, and Hughes definitely reaches the level of a master.

With a glance at the past, the world in front of me turned into lines, so clear that the position of each eye where Husse clearly saw it, it didn’t take much effort.

Hidden Yuanjian and Tianshu sword appeared in Hughes' hands. The sword shone like a flash of light, and the ice was as cold as the shadows. The sword's finger pointed to a big explosion, and the eyes burst and collapsed suddenly.

Shen He's eyes widened. This was a scene he couldn't have imagined. Such an invincible formation was like cutting watermelons in front of Hughes. This was a forbidden formation. Shen He shouted in his heart.


The hidden element sword in the hands of Hughes even set off a storm, the storm swept the Quartet, and the wind was split, and there was a roaring sound in the wind, like a dragon chant, like a tiger roar, spreading in all directions with the strongest attitude, nine days Digging in ten places with seven and eight elements on the ground, the formation was broken.

When the wind was flat, the Protoss people were shocked to find that the hills, Heze, etc. of the altar disappeared completely, but the remaining gullies were several meters deep, and there was a terrifying sword gas in them. The air could not dissipate for a long time. Someone approached a little, and felt something dense on the face, which was hot and hot, and it was blood.

Can the remaining sword qi actually hurt people? This is really an unprecedented thing, people are terrified.

And when they went to see Hughes, there was still Hughes' figure. Hughes had long since disappeared, heading for the wild sun and rushing forward, and there was Shenhe.


Huangyang falls, and the world is shocked.

Huangyang touched everyone's heart, Huangsi circled all over Xihuang, linked everyone's soul, and wanted to transform and reshape their ethnic soul.

The divine spirit is separated from the thoughts, and the thoughts are connected to the Huangyang. The mind outlines the entire Xihuang scene, and is imprinted on the bottom of the heart. After completing the last step of this split domain, the Huanghuang masters the entire Xihuang.

This requires a magnificent Jing God, which consumes a huge amount of mind, and needs a whole group of people to sacrifice for him to clear his thoughts and become accessible. Only then can he get enough Jing God, but suddenly that Jing Jing channel Collapse, all the burden needs to be borne by Shen Di, this situation makes Shen Di a little caught by surprise, but Shen Di is the one side of the hero, but there is no panic.

But this made Shen Di a little conscious, feeling that something bad was about to happen. Shen Di thoughtly sensed the Sifang, but found nothing abnormal.

"Is it an illusion?" Shen Di whispered, breaking the domain to the end, making him a little nervous.

But at this moment, a cold light came abruptly, directly splitting on the divine thought in the center of the wild sun, the divine immediately felt the cold breath, the dangerous feeling swept the divine The whole body is not good.

"Sky Tower"

The simple, lonely, heavy, and mysterious Linglong Tower appears around the divine body, protecting the divine spirit.


It was a dagger with a dragon fish pattern on the handle of the dagger, but what was surprising was that the dragon fish seemed to be alive, swimming around on the dagger, the cold breath was caused by the dragon From the fish, the dragon fish breathed, the ice moved, and the fog filled the sky.

"Dragonfish dagger, a hundred daggers."

Shen Di whispered "Who is it?"

Dragon Fish Dagger, Teng Snake Dagger, and Yan Qi Dagger. These are the three most powerful daggers forged by the Forge Clan. They have very strange and powerful functions. The Dragon Fish Dagger is extremely cold, and the Teng Snake Dagger is Extremely intense, Yanxi dagger is extremely fast.

The three daggers of the Bai family possess the extreme abilities of cold, fierceness and speed, which makes people unpredictable. The three daggers disappeared mysteriously along with the forging clan at the end of the Bai Clan. I haven’t heard of it in the future, but it was here, but I was shocked at how it didn’t stop Di Di.

But what shocked Shen Di was still behind. He fluttered the snake mist and flew another cold light. This made Shen Di feel a little scorched. In this desolate sun, Shen Di has such a strange feeling. Shen Di knows things. It's not that simple, and it's very likely that this is the Snake Dagger.

There is nothing wrong with what Shen Di thought, it was indeed a snake snake dagger.

"Shen Zhao"

This completely annoys the divine spirit, and the divine spirit wants to give the man a very powerful look. The wild sun is reversed, and the black flame photos should rise to the rising snake mist. The **** photos are the next level of the sky photos. The flame is the ultimate blaze bred by Huangyang.

Those snakes sensed that the **** photos were all annihilated and turned into ashes.

"Huh" Shen Di smiled coldly: "Dare to dare to show ugliness at this point, even if you have an artifact, the beam-jumping clown is ultimately just a clown."


The speed is the geese dagger, which is like a big goose, and it is an urgency. It is like an imminent horizon. Shenzhao can’t capture the strangeness of the knife light at all, only hear the sound of breaking the sky, and then see a black Point into that Huangyang.

Looking at Shendi again, it was found that the dagger pointed to the heart of Didi's eyebrow. There was a little blood left in the heart of Didi's eyebrow, but it was only scratched, and at the last moment, it was taken by Didi.

"It's really a Yanqi dagger that I can't even capture." Shen Di said with some emotion.

"Papa" came out slowly with a figure. The man was not frustrated because Shendi caught the three daggers of the Bai people. His face was full of smiles, as if this was expected, and it was more like a small test .

"The patriarch, what a good skill."

"It's you." The figure walked slowly, Shen Di exclaimed very much.

That’s right, the person who came was Shenlu, who wiped out Quanjie, Sanliao, and withdrew their bloodline strength, Shenlu, the betrayer of the Protoss.

"Don't be shocked like this. I'm very impatient to wait for this day. It's too long to wait." Shenlu was answering, and even said to himself.

"Well, no wonder Siquewei died suddenly, and there was the defection of the Holy Celestial Clan. At that time, I felt that things were not as simple as that. I knew that there were black hands behind it, but I didn't expect it to be you." Shen Di said a little Said slightly coldly.

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