Pioneer Knight

Chapter 916:

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"Rules? I have always followed the rules, but I only follow my own rules." Hughes said with a cold look at the male student.

"Oh, okay, that's good." The male student's face changed, his eyes glared, and he gritted his teeth, but his gaze was intentionally glanced at Meixi, but when he saw Meixi, she still stuck close to Hughes. His eyes have always been fixed on Hughes, not to mention much discomfort.

"Brother, he is Xia Houzhen, his brother Xia Houtian is a first-class student in the Douyuan, and his family background is also very extraordinary. If you don't have a strong family background, let's breathe in one breath! The days are over." Unexpectedly, Hughes was coldly refuting, but he saw a male student in a gray gown approaching and whispered to himself.

Hughes froze for a moment, seeing the student's image, could not help but stunned slightly, but then was a little surprised, but there was some touch in the vagueness, it was the touch of Yin and Yang Qi in the body, but it was the kind that touched it carefully. Feeling disappeared, I looked at the male student again, nodded slightly, but turned my head to see that Xia Houzhen looked a little bit dangerous, and immediately knew that Xia Houzhen was definitely the same person as Zhao Yu.

"It turned out to be the son of Xiahou's family." Hughes' tone changed suddenly, with a slight smile on his face.

"Why? I don't know how to do it now." Xia Houzhen didn't speak, but a male student beside him said, his tone was also extremely arrogant, but Xia Houzhen saw the sudden change of Hughes's expression, but it seemed extremely Complacent.

The crowd of onlookers, seeing such performances by Hughes, could not help but plunge in interest, shook their heads one after another, and some disappointed thoughts were sitting on the ground again.

Meixi is also puzzled. Why did Hughes behave like this?

"Knowing and not knowing, for me, there is no slight difference, I always only deal with things wrong, if the son Xiahou wants to have trouble today, I will lay down my life to accompany the gentleman." The Hughes tone changed again. , The expression looked even colder toward the still proud Xia Houzhen

Listening to the words of Hughes, everyone could not help but be surprised at the same time. When those who had already done it on the field and continued their own topic, they came to interest again, and turned their heads around, secretly wondering, where is this young man? It turned out that he knew Xia Houzhen's identity, but he still acted his own way, not giving Xia Houzhen any face.

However, it is also clear to everyone's minds that Xia Houzhen, in addition to eating a little loss in front of that Ouyang poem, really never brushed his face like this in the North Central in front of other people, I must have relied on Xia Houzhen. There is definitely a good show in temperament, but I hope that the teenagers who are more arrogant than Xia Houzhen will not let themselves down.

Sure enough, as people thought, Xia Houzhen's face was ugly to the extreme, his expression was cruel, his teeth were critical, and his expression was like a hate.

It seems that even if Xia Houzhen's reputation in the Douyuan is not worse than that of Ouyang's poems, then it will certainly be no different, otherwise, how can those students understand Xia Houzhen's temperament like this?

At the moment, the student who asked before Xia Houzhen was also learning Xia Houzhen's expression, but he was not as calm as Xia Houzhen, and he cursed at the moment.

"Your boy is so short-sighted. Since he knows the identity of Xiahou, he is still so rude. I won't let you suffer a bit today. I wrote the king backwards."

Listening to the words and deeds of the man, Hughes sneered immediately, and looked at someone with the surname of Wang with a smile on his face.

"The kid is so smart, he knows that Wang Zi is the reverse Wang Zi, how come, such a trick still wants to play tricks in front of everyone?"

Upon hearing the words of Hughes, the students who were onlookers laughed, but they still did not dare to be in front of Xia Houzhen's group. They were too expressive, but they also felt a little bit happy in their hearts, thinking, the young man in front of him Some clever, it seems that this is really a good show.

Among the gang of female students, at this moment, they were women with a deliberate and elegant look. They stared at Husi in the field. They were originally cold and frost, but, listening to the words of Hughes, they were slightly moved, but then disappeared. I never let the female students around me find anything, but my eyes still fell on Hughes.

Meixi was also happy in her heart, thinking that Hughes was not a master who would whisper. The original doubts and slight dissatisfaction in the heart disappeared.

In fact, although Meixi thinks that her acquaintance with Hughes is the longest person, naturally, she is the most familiar with Hughes, but will she know that Hughes is a man, that is, he grew up with him Da Ziyue, even Fengqing and Longyang, who raised herself, couldn't see through. How could she be known to someone who knew Hussy ten days and a half months.

Hughes didn't care about everyone's laughter. He sneered and looked at the student with the surname Wang's face as if it were the color of pig liver, which was quite interesting.

"We have a rule in the Dou Yard. As long as the other party sends out invitations to the students in the Dou Yard, the other party must not shirk anyway. Therefore, today I challenge you, do you dare to accept?" What I did not expect is that, The student with the surname Wang didn’t have time to refute Hughes’ speech, but listened to Xia Houzhen’s sullen face, and looked at Hughes with fierce eyes. Presumably, at this moment Hughes was regarded as a thorn in his eyes, just because of these things. Positioning the eternal enemy, it can be seen that Xia Houzhen's heart is naturally not wide.

Hughes didn't care at all, but he heard the cries of the onlookers, thinking that since Xia Houzhen dared to challenge himself openly, the group of students was also full of cries. It’s not weak either, but from the moment I saw this kid to the current observation, the strength of Xia Houzhen should be comparable to that of Zhao Yu, so I didn’t care about it. Of course, I didn’t care if it was Xia Houzhen’s. Personal strength, after all, the family background of Xia Houzhen is different. I also heard that his brother is a first-class master in the advanced class of Douyuan. So, for these, Hughes had to guard against it. After all, he came to Deng with purpose. There is no slight background in identity, so it is against Xia Houzhen, the consequences can be imagined.

"Huh, I am not a student of the Dongling Douyuan, nor a student of the Douyuan. They are naturally not subject to your rules of the Douyuan, so I can naturally turn a blind eye to your challenge, so I reject your challenge "" The tone is extremely disdainful.

As soon as Hughes said this, Xia Houzhen's face could not hold even more, and finally the students suddenly booed, and the female student who was originally full of peach blossoms and with perfect eye hair couldn't help but plunge in secret. It turned out that the young man's fundamental strength was not good, even the woman who was watching quietly was also extremely different.

Listening to the words of Hughes, he immediately believed that Hughes certainly did not dare to compete with Xia Houzhen, and the group of students beside Xia Houzhen did not understand the behavior of Hughes and the tone of Hughes, so it was a boo. , And then laughed loudly and pointed at the words of Hughes' curse.

Unexpectedly, every time Xia Houzhen heard a curse, his face became more ugly, just like the curse was pointing at his nose.

"Enough." Xia Houzhen, who was intolerable, suddenly shouted lowly at the group of fools around him: "A group of stupid pigs."

Hughes didn't even care about the gang's scolding. He naturally looked at the clown-like characters. He only heard Xia Houzhen's low scolding, and the smile on his face was a little more exuberant.

"It seems that this kid is not stupid, and is always better than the woman who came out that night." Thinking of the idiot that night, Hughes was particularly unhappy.

"Dongling Douyuan has rules. Anyone who is not a student of this school should not enter in private, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk." Hughes never expected that Xia Houzhen remembered this Dongling Douyuan's rules so clearly, and he was in his heart. Depressed, how could the Dongling Douyuan have such a rude manner that no one should enter without permission, and then you will be at your own risk, and this will be like a gold medal that kills before you play, and you can waste it at will.

Soon Hughes felt depressed, and looked at her side still frowning at her sister's happiness, thinking secretly, you woman don't know yet, because you and I are going to cause trouble again.

The meaning of Xia Houzhen's words is very obvious, that is, you have to accept it today, and you can't accept it if you don't.

Hughes would not understand the meaning of this, thinking, Xia Houzhen was just because the girl next to him wanted to come and talk, but he gave himself to die.

"Oh? I don't know about this, but I presume that the rules of Dongling Douyuan are not just these! And what you said just now is just for those who might threaten Dongling Douyuan's secrets or comfort. "Sius thinks secretly, this Douyuan rule is certainly not as overbearing and barbarous as Xia Houzhen said, immediately said tentatively

However, Xia Houzhen is naturally not a fool. Since Hughes admits that he is not a student of the academy, how would he know the rules of the Dongling Douyuan, he immediately said that he did not care

"No matter how you explain today, the battle between you and us is inevitable. It's what happened today. Dean Zong Lan once again, certainly this is the same comment, no harm to me." Xia Houzhen said lightly

In fact, Hughes's speculation is that there are seven or eight points in line, but looking at the look of the crowd of students, whispering, I know in my heart that Xia Houzhen is hardened and wants to take a good meal. That's it. Since this avoidance is meaningless, Hughes's hands spread slightly, and he seemed a bit depressed. Thinking about it, it was uneasy to enter Deng Di.

"In this case, I broke the rules first. Since you insisted on fighting against me, I naturally gave up my life." Hughes said right now.

The woman onlookers listened to Xia Houzhen's words and frowned, but only after hearing the young man's tone, he understood the truth and saw that he did not want to refute the posture, but instead accepted Xia Houzhen's challenge. She She was also very happy. Besides, she was still curious. What kind of surprise did this inexplicable teenager have to himself. Now Zhu Lip slightly squeezed and looked at him again.

"Brother, are you sure you want to accept it?" Hughes just asked, but he heard the students around him worryingly.

Hughes turned back immediately, thinking that he had ignored this student's rebuttal just now. Hearing his words, he felt grateful in his heart, thinking that this is because he came to Deng Di to see the best one. Although there was a emperor before Pu Yuxiang, just, because of the alertness in Huangpu Yuxiang's heart, he naturally no longer considers it, and there is no alert for this student, presumably because he just noticed a certain strength in this student's body and the yin and yang real energy in his body. Resonated.

He smiled slightly and nodded.

"If you can't hide, you will naturally face it with pleasure, and escape is not a way."

The student's expression was a bit worried, but listening to Hughes' words was very relaxed, and there was some expectation in his heart. Some nodded noddingly, and then stepped aside.

Although Meixi hoped that Hughes would hit the arrogant Xia Houzhen, but seeing Xia Houzhen's proud self-confidence at the moment, he couldn't help worrying about Hughes.

"Be careful, don't be too brave in everything." Mei Xi said softly, and then she saw Hugh's stance and stepped aside.

Hughes was a bit stunned listening to Meixi's words, secretly funny, how the tone of Meixi is very similar to that of Fengqing.

The students who were close together now saw that they were fighting, and consciously stepped aside, forming a huge circle, but the two stood relatively in the middle of the center as if they had their own thoughts.

Xia Houzhen was used to being arrogant in Douyuan. In addition, his generation really didn't find an opponent in Douyuan. Naturally, he was too confident in his strength.

I just saw Xia Houzhen looking proudly at Husi, who didn't care. On this occasion, I thought that this kid would blatantly lose his face in front of so many people. Even if he didn't kill the kid, he would have to scrap the kid. Cultivation is imperative, let him be a waste person in his life.

Thinking about it, Xia Houzhen was actually an orange-yellow grudge, forming a strange shape to wrap it in. The grudge exudes a clever and strong breath in the space, which is very scary.

Hughes was also surprised. From the point of view of Xiahou Zhen's fighting spirit, this kid was a lot stronger than that of Zhao Yu. First of all, this fighting strength was only a junior swordsman, but his strength was not just such a junior swordsman.

However, even so, Hughes, by virtue of his own strength, naturally does not have to fear this Xia Houzhen. He is now preparing to urge the grudge, but unexpectedly the voice of the big scene sounded in the whole field.

"What are you doing?" It was a woman's voice with a curious and domineering tone.

Everyone heard this voice, and the whole body couldn't help but tremble, especially the group of students who were excited, their face had not changed, and the deterrence of the coming person must be not small, but Hughes was a little puzzled when he heard this voice, thinking secretly, this Where does the sound seem to have been heard.

It was when I tried to find it in my head, but I heard the woman shout again

"what happened?"

The voice was much closer, but I saw that the group of onlookers all retreated several feet, thinking about pulling away from the source.

"Isn't that a coincidence?" Hughes was the master who recalled the voice at the moment, and he said with a sad heart.

Hughes instantly remembered that the hostess of this voice was the idiot she met three nights ago, and she was bitterly smiling, thinking that the world is really small, and it was only in these days that she met again, no I know how the woman felt about herself after she said that she had run away from idiots, but think about it, she must have hated her teeth, because after all, a young woman was said to be an idiot by others. How can this be accepted, but Hughes really thinks so, that woman is not an idiot, who will be an idiot?

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