Pioneer Knight

Chapter 917:

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Hughes urged his qi at the moment. In an instant, the cyan grudge dragon-shaped grudge wrapped Hughes in it, and he could only vaguely recognize the shape of his body.

"What happened? All of you are watching here." Ouyang Shishi asked everyone away. She was naturally also curious, but this had never happened before.

It turned out that Ouyang Poetry and Poems were sent back to the residence but they went back to the Douyuan. Huangpu Aloes was a student of the Academy of Literature, but her Ouyang Poetry was a student of the Douyuan Poetry.

Where did everyone dare to interface with Ouyang poetry and poems, but they came to see each other, they evaded Sanshe, and asked questions, one by one, they all pretended not to hear, but they were thinking in their hearts, but this woman must not fall in love with herself. Well, there is this fighting method that is about to start, I hope that he will not watch it because he is so agitated.

Seeing that everyone did not answer their own words, Ouyang Shishi’s expression was a little unpleasant. She really didn’t understand why this group of people were so afraid of themselves. Ouyang Shishi only looked for problems from others, but she didn’t know. The problem is with herself.

"Xia Houzhen?" Ouyang Shishi saw that all of these people pushed away as if they were seeing demons, and they dared not talk to themselves. Although they were extremely unhappy, Ouyang Shishi was miraculously held back this time. Well, this makes those students feel that the sky is about to collapse. It is incredible.

You can recognize Xia Houzhen from the grudge. It can be seen that Ouyang's poems are not only familiar with Xia Houtian, but also that Xia Houzhen, who has suffered a loss in front of Ouyang's poems, is also familiar.

"Poetry poetry, how come you come back, aren't you looking for Sister Xiangxiang?" Xia Houzhen answered Ouyang Shishi's tone, which was a little weaker in tone.

Hughes, who was also worried on one side, was very puzzled by the tone of Xia Houzhen, thinking that this kid was not quite right against the woman who called the poetry, but think about it carefully, if there is any unusual emotion for this idiot Knowing whether it is sorrow or tragedy, the purpose of Hughes now is to cope with the following Xia Houzhen and not to let this idiot find herself. The reason why the color of the body of this body changes at this moment is naturally because he was in that night. In front of Ouyang's poems is a green grudge, just in case, Hughes is fully prepared.

"Sister Xiang Xiang is a little uncomfortable today. Why, who are you fighting with? The students have rules, but only the students of their peers challenge. Unless the younger students take the initiative to challenge you, they will be punished by the students." Ouyang Poems always knew Xia Houzhen's temperament, and reminded him now.

"I naturally know that it's just that this kid isn't our college, but he didn't enter the Dou Yard without any permission. This is within the rules of our Dou Yen." Xia Houzhen said confidently at the moment

Ouyang's poems looked suspiciously at Huss, who was completely enveloped under the dragon-shaped grudge, and nodded, but did not ask in detail.

The crowd of onlookers almost fell when they watched the beads, thinking, when did the female Tyrannosaurus become so careful and kind? At this moment, some students kept rubbing their eyes, thinking that this might be an illusion, but Ouyang's poems still stood there alive, his mouth widened, his eyes protruded again, and the expression on his face was vivid. Author: Egg hurts.

"Boy, you dare to be in the light of day, sneaking into our fighting courtyard sneakily, don't you think our fighting courtyard is not good at all?"

I haven’t waited for those students to fully digest the words and deeds of Ouyang’s poems, but the nature of Ouyang’s poems is gradually revealed, even when he said hard towards Hughes

"Under the light of day, how come the sneaky sneaky? Furthermore, I entered the Douyuan brightly and honestly, I was looking for your Dean Zong Lan, unexpectedly your Douyuan students were rude, but they were thinking of being in embarrassment. To me, I thought you were a reasonable person as a girl, but you were also such a rude person. Don't Dongling Douyuan be such a student?" Hughes said coldly, listening to the idiot. As for the female, Hughes was really angry, and these words did not give the face of Ouyang's poems at all.

But Hughes said that looking for Zong Lan, the president of the Douyuan, listened to Xia Houzhen, saying that Zong Lan, the dean, came. The talent you are looking for is, so this is how it is said.

"Boy, cultivation is rampant, how can you be arrogant later?" Xia Houzhen saw that Ouyang's poems were so angry when he said that Hughes said, but he knew the temperament of Ouyang's poems. , It will certainly be uttered by Ouyang poetry and poems, so it just stays where it is, just to speak quickly.

Upon hearing Ouyang's poems, the pretty face was flushed and red, which was very ugly. After so many years in the Douyuan, no one dared to talk to himself like this, or in the face of so many people, they blatantly lost their face. It was okay, but there was some doubt in my heart, but the sound of this kid was so familiar.

"I'm going to see, how can you a big swordsman be able to spread wild in this Douyuan." Ouyang Shishi corrected his eyes, now he hated this kid in his heart, thinking there was one three days ago, but today he is It was hitting one, and my heart was even more depressed.

The onlookers immediately boiled out when they made a noise.

Some of the courageous students even shouted loudly: Brothers are kind? Enough? There are words like watching a play.

It's just that Ouyang Poetry was cold-eyed thinking about a blast around him, but they were dumb. They were bold, but they only said something behind their backs. How dare they say it in front of that Ouyang Poetry, now Ouyang Poetry eyes After looking at it, I was afraid she would be seen by her without paying attention.

"Drink, why can't you two get together?" Hughes said with a smile and couldn't help laughing.

When I heard Hughes speak again, Ouyang Shi poem frowned even more. Will she forget this voice, just to see that this boy's strength is still much higher than that of the smelly boy three days ago, thinking of this strength, obviously not, Could it be that I have been thinking about revenge every day these days, but I have an illusion?

"I can cope with the scum of the great swordsmen in your area." Xia Houzhen saw that Xius was only a senior swordsman's strength, and his heart was soaring in confidence. It was a good idea to be able to perform in front of Ouyang's poems. Choice, so without Ouyang’s opinion

"Who said that the two of us are fighting you alone, wouldn't it disgrace the reputation of our Dongling Dou Yuan, I will fight you with you, and within three strokes, you will definitely be beaten down." Ouyang Shi Shi Xia Hou Zhen said this, his face changed now, and Xia Houzhen gave a glare, but said

"Three tricks? Oh, what would happen if you didn't put the **** me after the three tricks?" Hughes sneered slightly, but thought that since things have come to this day, they just joke once.

"How? Joke, do you think you can beat me with the strength of your great swordsmen?" Ouyang's poems also showed no signs of weakness, and now the whole body is like a demonstration. Sri Lanka came all the way around.

Hughes had known her strength for a long time, just thinking about her next plan, but she deliberately showed her weakness and fled the coercion.

Ouyang Shishi sneered when he saw the movement of Hughes.

"Why? Do you still think you are my opponent?"

"What will not have a definite result before it's over, how can you think you have beaten me? You're just a junior swordsman." Hughes said lightly.

At the moment, the two of them were talking about the price, but the woman watching from the energy breath on the hood of Hughes, slightly aware of a little something wrong, thinking, this young man's strength is certainly not just what he showed. Senior swordsman, but this strange phenomenon is not what she can explain. Thinking of the girl's joy that didn't shift her eyes slightly to the side standing, she saw the girl's look nervous, full of worry, but her eyes were through the girl He was so happy that he saw another figure. At the moment, he recognized the man, but he saw that he was standing there and watching from afar, but there was no action to stop it, and he couldn't help but wonder, so she was not fine. Think more, look back, and look at the teenager.

Originally, I kindly reminded Hughes that the academy saw such a grudge when he saw Hughes, and the look was the same as that of the woman. The weak body was originally because of a slight change in the expression of the look, and the momentum was greatly changed, except that the surrounding colleges were all Focused on the three people in the center of the field, but did not notice the change of this person.

"So what do you want?" Ouyang Shishi sneered secretly, thinking that this kid must be thinking about the conditions, but since he knew that he would not lose, he was not afraid, but simply said.

"Girl you are so beautiful, I just miss a girl with costumes. If I am lucky enough to win a half-and-a-half trick, there will be only wronged girls." Hughes said with some pride.

"You dare." Xia Houzhen heard it and shouted.

"Oh, I'm talking to this girl. Are you qualified to intervene?" Hughes said lightly, without giving Xia Houzhen a face.


Xia Houzhen wanted to refute, but he was stopped by a sentence of Ouyang's poems.

"You go aside, I don't care about my affairs."

It's just that Ouyang's poems have a somewhat noble taste for Xia Houzhen. This thing was originally caused by Xia Houzhen, but now it has become the main character of Ouyang's poems.


The students who were watching around were now coaxing again, listening to the words of Hughes, the meaning was very obvious, but when they thought of this female tyrannosaurus stooping to become the young lady's maid, how exciting should that scene be.

Meixi was dissatisfied when she heard it, and her look changed slightly. She didn’t understand what Hughes meant, did Hughes fail to see this woman? In my heart, I'm so upset.

Ouyang Shishi's face changed again, thinking that this kid was really arrogant, but such conditions suddenly dared not agree.

"Why? Are you afraid?" Hughes asked when Ouyang's poems would not last long.

"Okay, I promised, but what do you do if you lose?" Hearing Hughes so excited, Ouyang's poems felt more uneasy, and now he gritted his teeth and promised.

"Okay, I like to listen to the girl's words. In this way, I naturally lost all respects." Hughes said without hesitation.

Everyone is in trouble now, thinking, this Ouyang poetry is also a powerful figure in the generation of the Douyuan, and this young man is just a senior swordsman. This way of fighting is not to hit the stone with eggs, but listening to the young man is very fearless and down. I'm also extremely interested. What unusual means did this kid fail?

"But you have to remember what you said, and you will regret it when you save." Ouyang Shishi really did not expect this kid to agree so readily.

"Hundreds of Dongling practitioners are present today. They can prove it. Are you still worried about my escape?" Hughes said he was going to escape.

The look of Ouyang's poems changed, and she didn't understand whether the kid had "escaped" whether the word was intentionally or unintentionally stressed.

"Since this is the case, don't waste your time." Ouyang Shishi said without thinking carefully

After that, he glanced at Xia Houzhen who was still on the side.

The latter was looking at the sullen complexion in the fighting hood over there, but when he saw Ouyang's poems, he had to walk away. The embarrassed look of Xia Houzhen made the hearts of those who had been oppressed by him suddenly refreshed. .

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Hughes smiled secretly, and then he saw how you idiot ended...

Hughes was at ease, but he didn't care much about Ouyang's ability in poems and poems, and his face smiled lightly.

Ouyang poetry is not like that. Although the strength of this stupid boy is much lower than his own, but how can I feel that something is wrong, but I can’t find the specific problem. What is the problem, but now, Hughes’s posture is so that she is basically I don't have the slightest time to think about this, but now I only hope that my feelings are wrong.

Hughes didn't take the lead. Naturally, Ouyang's poems didn't take this into account. At the moment, he was squeezing the tactics with one hand, and his whole body was agitated with orange anger. The fighting scene of Ouyang's poems.

I saw that a colorful wall of light suddenly appeared around Ouyang's poems at that moment, and suddenly Ouyang Shanshan repeated that Ouyang's poems and the main body of the struggle was too much, but this is not the end, just when everyone is stunned. But, I saw the colorful light wall again but it was still changing.


Unexpectedly, when everyone could see God, a roar of the beast came from the time when the light wall was transformed. Instantly, to everyone's surprise again, the colorful light wall is constantly evolving this form, In the blink of an eye, a colorful tiger with a height of more than two feet, resembling a tiger, appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the roar of the beast just now was the roar of the colorful tiger when it was formed. .

At this moment, Hughes’s expression was slightly changed, and he secretly thought that the strength of Ouyang’s poems is not weak. In this way, the fighting technique is presumably also the fighting technique of the above-level middle yuan, which is a kind of advanced fighting technique. It is also clear in Si’s heart that this Ouyang poetry is naturally a bit of a struggle to perform such fighting techniques, thinking that it must be the idiot who is eager to defeat herself to win some face, but this kind of fighting technique is the strength of Ouyang poetry It's a little deeper. It's certainly invaluable, but unfortunately, the strength of Ouyang's poems is only a junior swordsman. It is good to be able to exert the power of this fighting technique to 40% or 50% of them.

But the colorful tiger that saw the evolution of Ouyang's poems was a bit erratic in shape. This must have been caused by the fact that Ouyang's poems could not keep up with such fighting techniques. Furthermore, this colorful tiger seemed scary, But it is nothing more than an evolution similar to an air wall. How can the offensive power in the hands of Ouyang poetry be impossible?

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