Pioneer Knight

Chapter 921:

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Zong Lan saw Xia Houtian's appearance, but he didn't look a little strange, but sometimes Shen Sheng snorted coldly. He knew the kid's family power in his heart, but he wasn't any family that he could provoke at will. Furthermore, this Xia Houtian It's because the fighting spirit practice is a rare wizard. This is in his early twenties, but it is the peak state of cultivation as a great swordsman. Although there are not many students who have achieved great sword master training in Douyuan, Xia Hou Tianxiu alone is the most profound standing group.

At this moment, Zong Lan saw Xia Houtian's expression and smiled slightly. He gave the boy a small loss today, but the arrogance to kill him was now full of coercion and restraint, and his thoughts also moved immediately.

That Xiahou Tian was thinking about breaking away from the imprisonment, but suddenly realized that his whole body was relaxed, and the tight breath was also exhaled, only to realize that the back of the gown had already been soaked in cold sweat at the moment. The reduction was a bit out of breath again.

At this moment, the onlookers did not dare to say anything, they did not understand the dean and the relationship with the boy, but he did not hesitate to offend the Xiahou family, to speak for the boy, whisper in his heart, that girl But the smile is pretty, which makes the female students around her very puzzled, thinking, why is this Aya sound today so rich in expression?

Lingyin looked at Zong Lan, and his mind was already guessing. At this moment, Zong Lan secretly taught Xiahoutian, and he couldn't help but shift his eyebrows to Hughes again, but he was once again covered with a confusion.

Hughes now feels that he is a bit superfluous, thinking, now that the old man is completely the protagonist, a bit sorrowful, but whispered a few words toward Sister Joy, so that Sister Joy is relieved. Although she does not have a cold, she cannot always be lukewarm in the face of her concern.

"Go! I will not pursue you for the matter of today." Zong Lan Shen Sheng said towards Xia Houtian, looking at the ugly Ouyang poetry.

That Xia Houtian and Xia Houzhen glanced at Hughes one after another. The matter was more insidious in Xia Houtian's eyes. Hughes was secretly secret, but it was unknown. So, why did Xia Houtian look at himself like this? ?

Everyone was also afraid of the prestige of this Blue Dean. Although he still did not want to leave at the moment, he had to separate in groups of two or two. So far, the abnormal fighting ended like this.

Although Hughes finally won, he was not easy to win, but Ouyang's poems were completely defeated. At this moment, there is a problem in front of the two, that is the agreement before the two fight, of course Hughes had no pressure, but Ouyang's poems were very embarrassing, and he thought he was too arrogant at first, but when he thought that this boy was deliberately hiding his strength and attracting himself, he couldn't help but secretly hate, thinking back and forth Both of them were planted in the boy's hands. Beautiful eyes glared fiercely at Hughes, but his pretty face highlighted paleness, and it seemed that the internal injury was not bad.

When Zong Lan saw it, he slightly patted the back of Ouyang's poem Shan Qian weakly, and immediately Hughes was surprised to find that the extreme golden light appeared in Zong Lan's hand, and he was shocked.

Ouyang's poems only felt comfortable for a while, but now they have improved a lot. He looked at Zong Lan gratefully.

"Little brother, are you here for me?" Zong Lan ignored Ouyang's poems, but turned to look at and asked Hughes, his smile prominent. Although his expression changed sharply, Hughes didn't feel the slightest sense of doing.

Now Hughes nodded.

"Three days ago, I met a predecessor of Jianzong Xiuwei. He gave me a jade card to let me come to find the predecessor, but unexpectedly what happened today, the boy was incapable of offending your hospital, and I hope the senior will forgive me. Hughes could speak, saying it sentence by sentence, and stopped in Zong Lan's ears, his smile more brilliant.

"Oh, where's the little brother, what's the truth today? I'm over the court. It's rare that the younger brother is so sympathetic and admirable at this age, but the old heart admires, but I don't know, who is the Jianzong you mean?" Zong Lanbai Said the skinny hand

"I'm sorry, I don't know, but this jade brand, predecessors should know it." Said Hughes was to pull out a white and round jade brand from the sleeve bag, but the gold seal font on the jade brand was somewhat The shine is eye-catching.

Ouyang Shishi listened to the words of Hughes, but he understood in his heart that the jade card must have been given to the young man by the sword sect. Then, what they said that night must have been the dictation of the young man just now, but now again Thinking of the nasty boy's words that night, my heart was even more bitter, but the internal injury was not yet complete, and his pretty face was white again, but it was a pity.

Zong Lan took the jade card in the hands of Xiusi and fixed his eyes. The muddy eyes that had been restored to the general shape of Ricki suddenly appeared bright again, which was out of line with the shape of Ricki.

Seeing Zong Lan's expression like this, Hughes secretly said in his heart that the old man certainly knew the identity of Jianzong, and silently waited for Zong Lan's reply.

Zong Lan looked at it for a long time before his eyes recovered, but the expression was a little excited.

"He asked you to practice in the Douyuan." Zong Lan's speech at this time made Xiusi a little disappointed. Unexpectedly, this old man was surprised for so long, thinking about it, he should always give himself a bit of color, who thinks that this old man is like this A word that is painless and itchy.

Hughes pouted, some disapproving. This sentence was expressed by Jianzong in the beginning, but now Zong Lan repeats it.

"What is his identity?" Hughes asked in curiosity. Although knowing this is very presumptuous, Hughes is now one of the parties, how can he be so confused about this matter.

When Zong Lan saw Hughes asked, he smiled, shook his head, and then waved his hand mysteriously, saying: "Not to say, not to say, if you can still meet, he is willing to tell you that it is, not I."

Hughes' heart is slandering, thinking that your old man can still play mysteriously with me?

Ouyang Shishi is now even more confused when listening to the words of several people. However, Meixi is confused from beginning to end. In this matter, she is completely an outsider.

Seeing the appearance of Hughes, Zong Lan smiled

"Since you came to see me today, you must have planned in your heart. In this way, you will settle down in the Douyuan. I will let you arrange other matters. What is the name of the little brother?"

"Shus." Huss explained again

Meixi smiled softly again, but she felt more obsessed with Hughes.

Ouyang's poems heard the name of Hughes' self-reported house, and now he secretly engraved his heart, and at the same time, he already threw the hateful words he knew in his heart to the name of Hughes, but his heart was self-entertainment, and he laughed slightly.

Although Hughes was talking with Zong Lan, his attention had never been sent to Ouyang's poems. At this moment, when he saw the expression of Ouyang's poems, he had a bitter smile in his heart, but he raised the doubt again? Can't wave away for a long time.

"Girl, since the battle between us is over, should you fulfil your promises?" Hughes remembered the agreement between the two before and said with a smile.

The former courtyard, different backs, white clean long yarn groups, dark black lubricious hair, set off the slim back of the woman on the rockery in the courtyard, describing the already haggard. In these days, I am used to not used to it. No meaning at all, only know that Zi Yue has been in such a trance every day since Xius left Kun Youshan for more than ten days. It seems that he lost his goal in life, and the hatred that once hidden in his heart It was also the complete concealment by Hughes, and the days when Hughes was lacking in life turned out to be so uncomfortable.

Feng Qing is observing Ziyue's situation every day. This is not the case that Feng Qing has seen once or twice. Thinking of Zeng Jin's Hughes, he likes to sit alone in the courtyard somewhere. Looking back in confusion, he is now Ziyue. This little girl who was active in life now thought, this child seems to have finally grown up, but she doesn't know what happened to Hughes now?

"Xiaoyue." Feng Qing called softly

Zi Yue's slender body shivered slightly, and the haggard face was slightly reversed, which made Feng Qing feel sorry for her.

"Mother." Zi Yue shouted weakly, but turned his face back.

"Xiaoyue, you haven't eaten much for a few days, so your body will collapse. What would you think if Brother Xiusi came back to see you like that?" Feng Qing still persuaded. Although it took so many days to work down, I knew that it had no effect at all.

"Brother Xiaoxiu still cares about me?" Zi Yue said with mist in her eyes, very confused.

"This" Feng Qing was also a meal. Every time she faced this question, she didn't know how to answer it. Although you can tell a good lie like coaxing a child, but? Feng Qing didn't want to do this, because she didn't know about Hughes's thoughts. If she lied now and would be exposed in the future, she would be afraid that Zi Yue's heart would be hurt more deeply, and why not.

"Mother, why did Brother Xiu not want to marry me?" Zi Yue said quietly again, but his voice was more choked, and her body was slightly trembling.

With a pity in his heart, Feng Qing walked over slowly, holding Zi Yue's slender body in his arms without any words. Now Feng Qing just hopes that Zi Yue can survive this hurdle, others can't help What busy.

"Nian~~" Feel the warmth in Feng Qing's arms, but Zi Yue burst into tears, and the confusion and sadness that squeezed in her heart for more than ten days suddenly broke out, and the tears hit the pretty pretty uncontrolled Flawless face.

Feng Qing suddenly panicked, but when he thought about it, the child had always been repressed, and perhaps it would be better for him to do so.

Feng Qing just patted Zi Yue's back constantly, without any words, Zi Yue cried for a while, then gradually got better, twisted his head in Feng Qing's arms, broke free, busy busy The hand wiped the moist corners of the eyes, but the tears on his face couldn't be wiped as well.

"Mother, I want to go to Brother Xiaoxiu. I want to ask him why he didn't say goodbye. Isn't the sentence so annoying to me?" Zi Yue said pleadingly.

When Feng Qing heard it, he couldn't help but hesitated at the moment. Before releasing Hughes from Kunyou Mountain, he was worried about Longyang's attitude. However, Longyang didn't even listen, just asked. Did you tell Hughes the location and cracking method of Kunyou Mountain's enchantment? You didn't hide anything at all, but Longyang just didn't say anything about it. Nothing else was said. Feng Qing was puzzled in the heart, but Longyang was more There is no expression in this way, but he is even more worried in his own heart. At this time, I did not expect Zi Yue to tell me this way, and it is more difficult in nature.

Feng Qing couldn't grasp Longyang's mind, otherwise, would Hughes enter the mainland of Tangling as easily as possible last time, after all, Longyang's cultivation base was simply what Hughes couldn't imagine.

"Xiaoyue, there are hundreds of millions of miles in the mainland of Dongling. If you step into the mainland of Tangling, it will be difficult to adapt. Furthermore, we don’t know where you are, Brother Xiusu. You are so rash. Youshan, it must be like a needle in a haystack, it doesn't make any sense." Feng Qing advised

"But I want to try it. I believe I can find Brother Xiaoxiu, and I can sense the breath of Brother Xiaoxiu." Zi Yue said without giving up

"Xiaoyue~~" Feng Qingchang sighed and shouted: "Brother Hughes may not be back in a long time. Didn't Niang tell you? He was doing a very important thing. Moreover, he also promised his mother that he would come back immediately after finishing that matter, and he also mentioned the matter of your marriage."

"But I can feel that Brother Xiaoxiu will not come back so easily this time, otherwise he wouldn't tell me, which shows that the main reason for Brother Xiaoxiu's departure is still me." Zi Yue was still so quiet. Said: "Ah! Brother Xiu really mentioned the marriage between me and him?" Just after that, Zi Yue was surprised again afterwards.

"Exactly, the mother does not hide from you. The dragon and phoenix dance skills you cultivated require the **** of men and women before you can practice further. If not, the two of you will practice rashly, and it will certainly be discarded due to the fact that the qi is biased and the meridians are damaged. The repair is done." Feng Qing said

"What's that mother and father?" Zi Yue asked

When Feng Qing heard it, his face suddenly became ashamed. Although he and Longyang were called the mother and father by their two children, they knew clearly that it was just a question of title, which had no substance, but when asked by Ziyue, how could Feng Qing not囧 in my heart.

"My father and I are due to our own constitutions, so we don't need to have **** with each other. It's just that you and Hughes aren't as good as your father, so that's what we need. If not, neither father nor mother Will force you, after all, this kind of emotion between men and women is your child's own thing, we can't control it." Feng Qing covered his face with shame, said, fortunately Zi Yue did not notice this.

"Oh, that brother Xiu Xiu walked on the mainland of Tanglin, and he must break through the cultivation behavior. In this way, is Brother Xiu Xiu very dangerous?" Zi Yue didn't consider his own problems, but he still ranked Hughes in himself. Front, said worriedly now

"This?" Zi Yue asked, Feng Qing was embarrassed again, I don't know if I should have cultivated the dragon and phoenix tactics by Hughes, so that this kind of **** between men and women can be avoided. Yue didn't know how it affected. Although Feng Qing is also clear in his heart, Zi Yue does not want to use this kind of thing to bind Hughes to himself. Judging from the reaction of these words, Zi Yue can judge it. Furthermore, Feng Qing is looking at Zi Yue grew up knowing Ziyue, but of course, it is an exception for Hughes. Feng Qing has not seen Hughes so far.

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