Pioneer Knight

Chapter 922:

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"Mother, in this way, I should be out of Kunyou Mountain even more, otherwise Brother Xiusi will be in danger at any time. Zi Yue hurriedly followed and said

Feng Qing couldn't help smiling, wondering if the girl was deliberately giving this suit to herself, but seeing Ziyue's expression was worried at the moment, but she looked better. With a sigh in her heart, she thought, Ziyue was destined to be It would be to involve Hughes for a lifetime.

"It's just that your dad isn't good to say?" Feng Qing thought, as he said to Hughes, to push the question to Longyang who was not present.

However, Ziyue's practice in Fengwu tactics far exceeds that of Huss. One of them is a question of qualification. Furthermore, it also shows that Ziyue is naturally smart, how can she be inferior to Huss? It is to understand the cause and effect.

Immediately, Ziyue's pale face slightly squeezed out a smile, hugged Feng Qing's arm, and said gruffly

"Mum~~ good mother, do you help Xiaoyue to intercede wherever you are? Besides, after the last time Brother Xiu left, didn’t he have the same reaction? This shows that father doesn’t seem to care about this matter, That is to say, Dad acquiesced in Brother Xiusi's behavior. Besides, it was the mother who let Xiaoxiu Brother away from Kun Youshan. Now, Brother Xiusi is not here. You have to accompany me."

When Ziyue came back, Feng Qing had some feelings. It seemed that Ziyue was back to the former Ziyue at this moment, the little girl who likes to speak in front of herself with a delicate voice, no sentimentality, no sorrow. Sudden distress, only carefree life.

Feng Qing squeezed on Zi Yue's pretty face, but saw that Zi Yue's face was still not very good, a little harder, and pityed.

"Your girl, I was interested when I mentioned your brother Huss."

"That mother meant to promise Xiaoyue slightly?" Ziyue deliberately misunderstood the meaning of Fengqing.

"I haven't said that when Brother Xiusi left the mountains, your father didn't care much, but the mother didn't dare to guarantee that you left your father. You just asked." Feng Qing wouldn't understand the girl's thoughts, and she was light-hearted at the moment. He smiled and said, in fact, in my heart, I naturally thought that this girl would take it alone in Kunyou Mountain. Sooner or later, there would be a problem. It would be a way to let her out of Kunyou Mountain. It was just a little worry in my heart.

"Ma'am, you just have something to say to Dad." Zi Yue said, shaking Zi Yue's arm

Feng Qing was really helpless. The line of defense in his heart was already overwhelmed by Zi Yue at the moment. Originally, he had no love for this girl.

"Your dad can't promise me if I can't agree. Also, you have to make up your body in these few days, otherwise, the mother will not agree."

When Zi Yue heard this, the meaning was very obvious. Now she was excited, and her pale face instantly regained a touch of polish, and she immediately agreed.

"Xiaoyue listens to his mother."

Within the Dou Yard

Those who are scattered. Although it seems to be talking inadvertently, it is the situation of looking at the people here from time to time, but they have not forgotten the agreement between the two before the fight, but want to see how the Ouyang poetry mother Tyrannosaurus reacts, Think about it, the Douyuan will be bright from now on, and it is no longer a man to be crushed by this Ouyang poetry. However, Ouyang poetry is so beautiful, but it is a girl for the young man, and he can't help but make a loud voice.

Ouyang Shishi now has the heart to want to die, and thought, why didn't the kid just kill himself just now, it was better to kill himself.

But who would have expected Hughes to listen to her in her heart, and said with a smug smile at the moment.

"I killed you, how can I make you fulfill your promise."

Ouyang's poems glared beautifully, seeing the expression of Hughes, not to mention much anger, and wished to take a block of bricks to kill this abominable stink boy.

Meixi said this from Hughes, her face has never been better, and her hostility towards Ouyang's poems has grown even greater.

Zong Lan saw that the two were like this and could not help but coughed softly.

"Shuth, this matter is, in my opinion, a request made by the two of you to be angry. It is not as good as this matter. You come to my study room and discuss well. After all, you are all onlookers here, and the impact is not very good."

As soon as Hughes heard it, he didn't care. He was thinking about deliberately angry with this idiot. Where to talk about it or not.

Ouyang Shishi thought that Zong Lan would stand on his side and say something strong. Unexpectedly, Zong Lan was patting his buttocks, standing in the middle, and it was even more unpleasant.

"Humph." Even so, Ouyang's poems still snorted at Hughes.

"Hum what hum, give me a good wait in the future, maybe I am happy that day, and it may not be necessary to dismiss you, but you still ask God to worship Buddha."

Seeing Zong Lan lead the way, Huss listened to Ouyang's poems and snorted. The rise of the last world suddenly burst out of consciousness, and immediately said such a sentence without control.

When she heard it, she couldn't help but glance at Hughes. For so many days, she had never heard Hughes say anything like this. Furthermore, it was unlikely that Euse's temperament could say such words, but then he would All this is blamed on the Ouyang poetry and poems. At the moment, he also stared at the Ouyang poetry and poems. When he passed by the Ouyang poetry and poems, it was quiet but just enough for Ouyang poetry to say: I want you to be a maid, I don’t agree."

"You" Ouyang Shishi heard this, the anger at that time, but then came the internal pain and his face changed: "You"

The slender white tender little finger tremblingly pointed to Meixi, and then to Hughes, his face changed from time to time, unable to speak.

Zong Lan's study room, Hughes still smiled intentionally and unintentionally. Now the situation of the two of them is not the same as the two people have to fight before the other party is dead. The horse is nervous and terrible.

"At the beginning, we all said yes, it is impossible to become a girl, you want to regret it, but there is no big deal, anyway, I don't care about such a maid." Hughes is aware that a woman like Ouyang Shishi, the heart is I especially don't want to hear other people say such things. To put it bluntly, it is particularly easy to be stimulated by human speech.

"If you lose, you lose. Did I say I'm going to regret it?" Sure enough, I only listened to Ouyang's poems loudly.

"Shus, why do you want her to be your maid, do you think she can do that?" Mei Xi said sarcastically again.

Hughes sweated and thought, "This idiot can't do it. You can't do it anymore. You just keep getting me into trouble."

"Everything has a beginning, just to adapt, I believe that this poetry girl's ability is absolutely competent! As long as you spend 30% of your cultivation time to study how to do a due diligence. I believe, in a few days, the poetry girl will do a great job." Hughes said that he also gave his thumbs up deliberately, and the gesture was to say to Ouyang poetry, you must cheer!

It's just that at the moment, Ouyang's poems are very in his eyes and angry in his face, but now, he is justified by himself and he can't refute.

"Speak! How to do it?" Ouyang Shishi bit Zhu Zhu's lips.

"How do you say that a maidservant should do that? Serve tea, pour water, rub shoulders, beat back, and pinch feet. These are all within your responsibilities." The more Xius said, the more proud he was on his face.

However, Hughes was also very surprised. After that punch, he felt that Ouyang’s poems were not as bad. Now, it’s actually that for more than a decade, he has wanted to make a joke with a person like this. His temperament of the last life, and, in this way, can not be suppressed.

Seeing the pretty face of Ouyang Shishi as the liver color, Hughes thought that this idiot was more interesting.


Zong Lan became a spectator on one side. At the moment, seeing that the two completely regarded themselves as air, he coughed a few times at the moment, reminding them that this is my brown-blue site.

Hughes River Ouyang poems shut up as soon as they heard the coughing.

"Susius, in my opinion, you and Poetry are both making jokes about your temperament. It is better to leave this matter alone. I will let Poetry apologize to you and pay the favor." Zong Lan still said to Ouyang Shishi

When Hughes heard it, he secretly wondered what the relationship between He Lan Ouyang's poems and the blues was. The old man had good strength, and although Ouyang's poems might be the gold of a large family. Although there are various cultivation methods of the family, she is still sent to this Dou Yard. The reason for this is certainly not shallow, and it is likely that this Zong Lan, and that Dou Zong, also called herself to this sect. blue.

"I said, I don't care, it's just Ouyang's poems~~~" Hughes said, his words hesitant deliberately, watching the expression of Ouyang's poems was even more provocative.

Ouyang's poems are now absolutely sensitive to Hughes' expressions and expressions. How can he not understand Hughes's mockery and provocation at the moment.

"No, I would like to gamble and lose. I, Ouyang Shishi, are not a person who likes to be rude."

"I don't know if it's ridiculous, but rudeness has already been remembered." Meixi said very lukewarmly that she would seize the opportunity

"You~" Ouyang's poems changed, her face changed a lot. She was said twice by this woman twice today, even the Mud Bodhisattva has a bit of anger.

"Who are you? Why do you say that to me?"

"I think everyone can be rude to say something, is it right, Senior Zong."

My sister is not stupid, and now Ouyang poetry and poems are coming up, and she is pointing at herself boldly, and she is not the opponent of this woman at all. However, she is not as good as arrogance, is it possible that the woman will lose , Even if Zong Lan turned this hairy head to the side very wisely, and Mei Xi knew that Zong Lan, as the dean of the Douyuan, was naturally a sympathetic and reasonable person. Partiality, moreover, I have previously identified some signs of Zong Lan's actions, and this is so certain.

"This? This?" Zong Lan Wanwan didn't think that he was so old, and now he was still being teased by this little girl. Now he looked at the girl's helplessly helplessly, I don't know what to say.

The moment is hesitating and not speaking.

"Poems and poems are difficult for Xiusi to be wrong, but? This girl is so ridiculous that poems and poems are also unreasonable, and besides, poems and poems have been punished. If not, the two would take a step back." Without saying it, Zong Lan is of this age after all. Naturally, he has seen more things in the world than Mei Xi has eaten. At this moment, he has a strategy to cope with, so he said

Meixi was still proud, but I didn’t expect that the old man could speak like that, he could not help but snorted, no longer speaking, but the beautiful eyes had been staring at Ouyang poetry poetry, and Ouyang poetry poetry was also nothing. Unyieldingly waiting for the girl's joy.

Seeing that two women were fighting, Hughes didn't even bother to ask. After all, it's better not to intervene as a man. Otherwise, it's very possible to suffer from pond fish. Hughes is not a pond fish and doesn't want to be a pond fish.

"How about the poetry girl? Now you make your own decision! But I first declare that I don't care about whether you are my maid or not, so you should never have any psychological pressure." Hughes It was still so flavorful to say that at this time, even a 25,800,000 brain stump can still use his toes to understand the meaning of Hughes, provoking, and provocatively naked.

Although Ouyang Shishi seems to be an idiot with Hughes, Ouyang Shishi can have such cultivation, and his family is certainly part of the reason, and that qualification is absolutely indispensable. How can he not understand Hughes Meaning, and this is the second time Hughes has spoken to himself like this.

"Hum, just do it, don't you just serve tea and pour water? The girl is still afraid of it?" Ouyang Shishi said, not to mention more tangled in her heart, just to suppress the anger.

"Okay, okay, the poetry girl really is a woman who keeps her promise, and I think Hughes is impressed today." Hughes didn't give Zong Lan any chance to speak, but now he said loudly, so Zong Lan even It is impossible to maintain Ouyang's poems again. Furthermore, there is no escape route for Ouyang's poems to repent.

Zong Lan looked very helplessly at this image of Hughes, thinking that this kid had eaten up Ouyang's poems today. The poems were put together in such a way that I couldn’t help but think about the competition between the two in the future, but then I quickly erased my mind. As a dean of the Dongling Douyuan, how can I think of students like this? The old face also couldn't help but red, but fortunately, his face was dark yellow, withered, but there was no physical pain and he noticed the change in Zong Landi's expression.

"Tomorrow, you will always wait for my assignment, but today I have to specify a few rules for you as a maid's code of conduct, lest you be dissatisfied." Hughes said again with a slight smile

"What~~" Ouyang's poems broke out immediately, and the tone was lengthened, waiting for Hughes to say

"Still have rules?"

"That's natural for you. Haven't you heard that, as a maidservant, you are always subject to regulations? But rest assured, I won't make things difficult for you. Listen, and listen to me later. , You call me Master in the future, no, only Master." Hughes thought about it.

"You don't have the right to refute now, because you have promised to be my maid, so only I have the right to instruct, but not the right to speak." Seeing Ouyang's poems again, Hughes saw the appearance, and immediately Say

"Okay." Ouyang Shishi responded with his teeth clenched.

"Everything the young master said is right. You can't have an opinion. Even if you have an opinion, you can't speak it out." Hughes smiled slightly, and said again

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