Pioneer Knight

Chapter 933:

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"What you mean is that if I accompany you to the street today, you promise to fulfill your promise." Hughes asked for confirmation.

She was so happy to see that Hughes was so arrogant in tone and expression, how could she feel well in her heart.

"Well... that's how you behave today." Mei Xi said quietly, she didn't understand why Hughes' attitude towards herself was like a hot potato, eager to transfer herself out, but, Meixi's remarks left room for herself.

"Okay, I promise you." Although Hughes knew that Meixi was buying a back path for herself, she still promised, Meixi was first happy, thinking that she had succeeded again, but looked at Hughes's expression, I thought Hughes didn't know what he meant, so that is to say, Hughes wanted to get rid of himself, and when he thought about it, his little feet stomped fiercely, with a pretty face, but he was helpless. .

Hughes finished speaking, and did not give Meixi reaction time, but went out first.

Meixi was a pretty face again, but the tiny mouth was slightly upturned, looking at the back of Hughes, his nasal voice hummed and followed.

Hughes’s heart wasn’t like what Simei thought. Only Meixi promised that she no longer relied on Hughes and promised to accompany her to go out with her. Instead, Hughes had a purpose in her own heart.

What was the purpose of his coming to Dengdi? He will not forget that he now has an identity in Dengdi and settled down, so now he has to look for the old house where he repaired his house.

For more than ten years, Hughes clearly remembered the address of the old house, but Deng Di had a different appearance after so many years. Is the old house still there?

Although Meixi was extremely dissatisfied with Hughes's attitude towards herself, but think about it, she can now go on the streets alone with Hughes, and it seems a little joyous.

Deng Di's prosperity no longer speaks, Hughes does not have such a mood to appreciate all this, but the sister behind is back to the little girl's heart again, and the same as the previous days and Huangpu Agarwood and Ouyang poetry When poems look like a grudge, they are not exactly the same.

"Miss Xi girl, can you not look like this everywhere?" Hughes was anxious in his heart, but he could not drop this sister Xi, so he said impatiently.

"You have to wander around the streets. There are people who are just like you who are foolish on the street and only look around but don't look around." Mei Xi retorted.

Even though Sisd was speechless, he looked at Meixi and glared again, but he was helpless and sighed out of breath and turned to continue his own way.

The girl was happy to see that Hughes was deflated in front of herself, but she couldn't help but be proud of her pretty face. She spit out her little tongue and grimaced at Hughes's back. The woman's cuteness was obvious.

"Come on, come on, let's take a look at the clay figures."

Hughes immediately heard it, and secretly smiled bitterly. How come he met the merchant of the clay figurines today, secretly, I hope this girl would not even think about spending her own silver today. Hughes is not an iron cock, but I definitely don't want to spend money on such useless places.

But what made Huiston speechless was that the sister-in-law shouted again as Hughes thought.

"Shuth, come here, come here quickly! Look, there is another clay figurine that looks like you."

"Is there another?" Hughes almost fainted at the moment.

Turning around, he looked intently, his chest sullen for a while, and it was really like what Mei Xi said, but at the moment, Mei Xi had already pinched the clay figure in his hands, and Huston was uncomfortable.

He is now very skeptical whether this vendor deliberately pinned the clay figurines into his own way, and his mind suddenly flirted, but looking at the merchant's spring-like smile, Hughes could not help lifting this person's booth immediately. However, in line with the principle of being low-key in life, it is the impulse to repress the heart.

"Shuth, you buy it for me." Meixi looked at Hughs pitifully but said

Although Hughes doesn't have a cold for Meixi, he really can't help the expression of Meixi, but he sometimes doesn't understand that he can really fight against Huangpu Agarwood.

Although Hughes was one hundred and ten thousand reluctant, he still involuntarily extended his sinful hand toward the silver in the sleeve.

"Don't set up a stall here next time." Huss gave some more money, and then said the glaring merchant. He didn't forget to add a sentence in his heart, and let me see it in the future.

At that moment, the merchant only recognized the silver two, and pricked the rice with the chick on his head, but didn't listen to it for half a minute, thinking in his heart, if the girl would come with the boy every time, then she I didn’t rely on these two people to develop in my life, and I was thinking about whether I would haunt in a specific place for the two of them. Especially this woman, who was beautiful and made herself happy, was able to help her earn a silver coin. At this moment, I wish I could give my sister Xi a devotion.

"Ah! I remember you bought one last time." Hughes just gave away the silver. This is regret, and his heart woke up and asked.

The girl smiled triumphantly: "How is it, you see this clay figure is more like you, I have one is not enough." The tone of the speech is very tender, and those eyes also looked at Hughes specially.

Hughes shunned himself, and now he doesn't want to talk about this issue at all. He is not an elm pimple, how could he not understand what Mei Xi thought in her heart, but the beauty is intentional and the boy is ruthless.

"Secretary Guan Cheng was chopped off by the emperor Yunjunjun during his deliberations in the DPRK and China.

When Hughes was depressed, the girl was happy, and when the merchants were happy, they didn't know who uttered such a sentence, and suddenly the whole street was rioted.

When Huss heard it, his face was so heavy now, the prime minister? He had never heard of it, but when he looked at the expression of the people around him, he suddenly felt grief at the news, and some even knelt on the ground with angrily, some were full of anger, but he understood a few things in his heart. Points, secretly speculating.

"Shus, who is this prime minister?" Mei Xi listened to this, and even when asked, she found something in these people's expressions.

"How can I know." Hughes said lightly.

"Ah! Xiongtai, why was the prime minister beheaded by the emperor?" Hughes asked a man beside him.

Unexpectedly, the man's face was full of grief, but the seven-footed man fell into tears. He looked at Hughes and choked with tears.

"Guan Chengxiang was the veteran of the Eastern and Western Dynasties. The first emperor around the emperor Tianqi Emperor. Unexpectedly, when the dynasty emperor was incompetent, he heard the traitors, but today he killed the Guan Cheng. "But the man was talking about the prime minister, but he did not respond positively to Hughes' question.

"So what's going on today?" Hughes asked in a hurry.

"We don't know very well, but the rumor came out in the palace that it was said that 100,000 fires were rushing to the military department in Bianguan. Unexpectedly, Li Shilang in the military department was making fun wine with the emperor in the middle of the dynasty. Holding the 100,000 urgent documents of the border pass in person, he went to the Chao Yi Hall to play the emperor. Unexpectedly, he never returned and died in the imperial city." The man said that he wiped a few tears, like this Excited, but forgot, this is Dengdi, the capital of the Eastern Xia Dynasty. He publicly stated that the imperial court was indifferent and innocent, but it was a sin of great disrespect, enough to exterminate the nine races. Fortunately, everyone is in the same mood as this man. Avoid the suspicion of that wall ear.

"How can the emperor be so indifferent?" Although he heard this, Hughes was furious. He didn't understand the inner empire of this world, but he was filled with righteous indignation at this moment. After all, this kind of people is the prime minister. The death was crying with tears. Presumably the prime minister was certainly a good official, a good official, and a good official in the hearts of the people.

Hughes was furious, but his face did not change. After all, this is a land of right and wrong. It is extremely dangerous to say nothing. Although he is angry, he feels different from this group of people. Furthermore, Hughes does not know the importance of this.

"Guan Cheng's body was dumped out of the imperial city by the faint monarch. The folks, the two emperors of the Guan dynasty, were people everywhere, thinking about the Eastern Xia empire everywhere. Unexpectedly, it is today's monarchy, Tu Zhu Zhongliang, I wait Although he can’t save the prime minister’s life, he can see him off at this moment to show his love for us.” I don’t know who is shouting in the crowd again, listening to this person’s words is irritated, I don’t care about the occasion and the place. Suspicious.

As soon as Hughes frowned, the gang of people responded in a rage, knelt and stood up, weeping, rushing towards the end of the street, and screaming incessantly.

In a short time, only Xiushui and the merchant were left, and they looked at each other, and each was somewhat inexplicable, thinking that the merchant was still thinking about earning money.

"Let's go, let's take a look at the past." Hughes now gave up the heart of finding the old house of the Xiujia, and now it was actually pulling up Xiaoxi's small hand, but waiting for Meixi to respond, following the gang of people go with.

Meixi didn't expect that Hughes would pull up his hand, and his heart was swaying, and his pretty face suddenly turned red, but he had to be pulled by Hughes like this.

At the end, Hughes could not help but take a breath of breath, but he saw that the gate of the imperial city was closed, the city was full of guards, and just above the gate of the imperial city, there were some human remains hanging. At the moment, under the imperial city, the knees were full of people, and they were all cursed and cursed and cursed, and did not put this majestic imperial city seriously. Presumably this group of people was very angry.

When Meixi saw the **** human stump, her face immediately changed and she almost vomited, but Hughes pulled Meixi behind her, so that she no longer saw it.

But he was frowning at the stumped body, and secretly said in his heart, this is still impossible to kill? Is this actually a corpse? How dare the emperor of the Eastern Xia Dynasty treat the veteran of the two dynasties like this? Thoughts in my heart.

"East Xia Empire will also be on the decline." Such painful cries continued from the people.

"God! When are you willing to destroy Dongxia, and I am willing to die with it." Someone shouted angrily again.

However, after listening to these words, Hughes immediately frowned deeper, and secretly said that people like this were really bold. They dared to curse the Eastern Xia Empire under this imperial city, so it was not a dead end.

However, Hughes hadn’t thought about it, but he was slightly touched in his body, but he was above the tower of the imperial city. At this moment, he walked up with a man in armor, along with a dozen guards, Hughes immediately looked at him. Shen murmured secretly.

That person's momentum is already extraordinary, but it is full of murderous spirit between the eyebrows, but Hughes is most concerned about the man's cultivation behavior, because he can't understand the cultivation behavior of men and men, so to speak, This person's cultivation is certainly above himself. It seems that within the imperial court, it can maintain a country's political power, not only by the rule of culture, but also by the martial arts. The person who cultivates this way is actually the imperial royal. Selling his life, Hughes didn’t understand it. What Hughes knew from Longyang was that the grudge cultivators of Dongling mainland and the weak ones were looking for that sect family, and the students sought refuge, but the strong ones traveled east. The Ling Continent seeks to break through itself and cultivate a higher fighting spirit.

But the man above the imperial city is attributed to the category of the strong, but it should not be greedy for the people of the royal court, so it would only be wrong to cultivate yourself.

And the strength of the dozen guards around the man is not low, most of them are in the peak state of the big swordsman. There are so many characters around this man. It can be seen, how does this man cultivate?

"Let's go for now." Hughes once again looked at the man above the imperial city, and then looked at Guan Longfeng's remnant human body above the imperial city, which was pulling some trembling sisters. Say

"Why?" Meixi asked unclearly.

"If you want to bring in the scourge of killing, then watch it here." Hughes did not want to explain, but said coldly

Where did Xi Xi dare to stay here, letting Hughes pull himself away, but his heart was full of joy.

"Kill." And Hughes had just pulled sister Xila away from the gang of people who bowed and cursed and cursed the Dongxia dynasty, but they were listening to the armored men above the imperial city, and they slammed toward the people below.

As soon as the words fell, the dozen masters beside the man were full of anger, and instantly jumped into the gang of kneeling people.

All of a sudden, screams kept coming, and blood was splattering, as if a massacre had begun...

Hughes and Meixi are across the street, watching the miserable moment, those people who are helpless. Despite the large number, how could they be the rivals of these great swordsmen? I saw that those blue figures, like the Shura in the Abi hell, arbitrarily searched the lives of these ordinary people. There was a scream, and some even hadn't had time to scream, but it was already in a strange place under the blood of the Imperial City.

Those blue figures saw blood splashing, and now they were as if they were killing their eyes. They were even more forgiving than before. They were more prosperous than before, and they still knelt down to the people of Guan Longfeng who had died intensively. It is already in a different place in the head of the escape, and there is no living mouth left. Under the imperial city, it seems to have experienced a purgatory at the moment. It is so dark and terrifying. Suddenly Hughes and her sister frowned, reaching out slightly. Covering his nostrils, the thick **** air rushed to his face.

Meixi stayed beside Hughes, looking through it through the gap in his arms, his eyes were full of tears, Hughes clenched his fists to watch it all, but he was like that Helpless, he couldn't save them at all. At this moment, he really felt the importance of strength.

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