Pioneer Knight

Chapter 934:

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Huss remembered the screams when Huss was destroyed, as if it were right in front of him. The monstrous fire caused the Xiu Family to ruin from the ruins, but Meixi also remembered the slaughter in Putian Mountain Village. No one survived except yourself, even those old women and young women.

As everyone knows, looking at all this, Meixi has invisiblely planted a seed that can never look back.

Hughes looked at all of them coldly, and his heart was even more confused. For a long time, those great swordsmen flashed back to the imperial city. Seeing them, they were returning to the armored man. The man looked at the imperial city indifferently. The **** stump under the head nodded slightly, so indifferent to life, it made Hughes tremble, but at this moment, the man took the dozen guards to the Imperial City again.

"Let's go." Hughes clenched his teeth and looked at the end of all this. He took a deep breath and said, things are already like this. These tragic dead souls will certainly not be killed in this way. The Eastern Xia Empire will do this great reversal. Even if the power of the regime is too strong, it will eventually be destroyed. This is an eternal law. The killing of the people is equivalent to the sky. Hughes knows that water can carry a boat, but it can also overthrow it. The moment when the grievances of the people broke out was the beginning of the winter and summer dynasty.

"Perhaps, the chaos of the Tanglin Continent is coming." Hughes secretly speculated in his heart, and did not know whether it was the right time for him to enter the Tangling Continent, but he had already done so, and he regretted it.

When she turned back, she was still in the form of a child who was still crying when she was surprised. At this moment, Hughes felt a slight shock. When she first saw her, she saw the woman crying, but she didn't feel that way. At this time, why is there a life of pity in my heart, who wanted to reach out and wipe away the corners of her sister's eyes, but suddenly remembered what happened? Putting his hand down again, he sighed.

"Don't cry, I know that your heart is sad, but the past is gone, and what can you do?" Hughes said, just crying in disregard of Meixi, and pulling her thin and tender hand again, leaving.

"I know your heart, but who knows my heart?" Hughes said miserably.

The emperor carried out this great rebellious move, spreading throughout the capital of Dengdi when pedaling, and spreading all over Dongxia in various channels, and even no corner of the entire mainland of Dongling.

All of a sudden, all the forces of Deng's clan were surging undercurrently.

However, at the moment, within the Dengdi Huangpu family, in the deliberation hall.

The head of the family, Huang Puyuan, looked at the 13 elders sitting with dignity and pondered for a long time, watching these people are powerful and capable people in the family, thinking secretly, but what happened to Deng Di today is Just found an opportunity for them to wait for thousands of years.

"Elders, now there is no way to win the king. As we all know, I was not obliged to fight, and with the power of my Huangpu family, there is no ability to fight against the dynasty of the government, but it is undeniable that this incident has provided us with an opportunity , You are all veteran figures of my Huangpu family, and some of the secrets in the family should understand that the family has been working tirelessly for thousands of years, and you should also be aware of it, so I will not talk about it, we will discuss it now. How to perfectly fit this matter with our family's plan for hundreds of years." Huangpu Yuanlie said this, but the golden light around him was great, and suddenly the invisible coercion spread to everyone.

Everyone changed their colors one after another. Looking at Huangpu Yuanlie, they naturally understood what Huangpu Yuanlie said, but they were still worried. It was easy to say, but it was very tricky. In the past millennium, how could the efforts of dozens of generations of the Huangpu family have not yet been realized.

"Homeowner, I will understand this matter myself, however, this matter is involved in too broad, and one move is not necessarily a complete loss, so that our Huangpu family will be put to the point of nowhere." The elder Huangpu Yongye got up and said

Huangpu Yuanlie's face remained the same, listening to Huangpu Yongye's words, but nodded silently.

The people were silent, and there was no more words. They knew that after a question, the habit of the head of the family was to think quietly, and they could not speak until the family had finished thinking.

"If it was still a hundred years ago, our Huangpu family would not dare to do this. However, unlike the past, our Huangpu family spent nearly a thousand years preparing, but they figured out one thing." Pu Yuanlie glanced at the elders.

"The Huangpu family has such an idea. Don't you think that the family that survived the catastrophe is not such an idea. As far as we know, the Dengdi capital, the Xiahou family, and the Ouyang family are the surviving families of the catastrophe. It’s just like ours, we have changed our faces. What’s more, today, don’t you really think that this is the act of Jie, hum, if I guess right, Jie is just a chess piece, those royals behind him The old guy must be the real murderer, but Guan Longfeng worked hard for the Eastern Xia Empire in his life. In the end, it was just the **** of those old guys, which was ridiculous and sad." Huangpu Yuanlie said

The elders' faces changed suddenly.

The word "old man?" The word is that these people can feel like a thunderbolt on that sunny day, so that these three words are like the vast peak, and they can only look up to them.

"Don’t be so surprised. Although the old guy is powerful, it’s not the only way to kill those who rely on strength. If not, how could they spend all their energy to do so, but they have to build it with their own hands. The Eastern Xia Dynasty destroyed them, but they knew why this was the end. I think its intention was simple. Over the years, the four emperors of the imperial courts certainly did not believe that the catastrophe would bring the Tombs to the mainland. The ancient family on the whole is destroyed, there must be some remaining forces, and how they inspired the catastrophe at that time I think it is clear to you in your hearts. Although we did not feel the catastrophe of that catastrophe, our ancestors experienced it personally. We can’t forget the ancestors’ legacy. The four empires and the three old evil families, if they were not secretly colluding with the god..." Huangpu Yuanlie said this, but he stopped immediately. When he saw his face, he knew that it must be The latter words are inconvenient to speak in public.

Although the elders did not hear the unspoken words of Yuanpu Yuanlie, however, their hearts were very open. What was that?

Now nodded one after another.

"Homeowner, even if we know Xiahou and Ouyang, this is the same thought, but, after all, this matter is only secretly carried out in a family, no one has disclosed the details, what should we do?" Seven elder Huangpu Changxing gasped questioned Tao

Huangpu Yuanlie nodded again

"That's why I said this is our opportunity. Since we can think of it here, then Xiahou and Ouyang are not stupid people. How could they never think that they are just waiting for a better drug introduction." Huangpu Yuanlie said meaningfully

"What do you mean?" The elders looked at Huangpu Yuanlie in confusion.

"Humph." Huangpu Yuanlie snorted softly: "I heard Xiaoyu Yuxiang mentioned a few days ago that he met a strange boy in Dengdi." Speaking of this, Huangpu Yuanlie deliberately sold a pass , Waiting for the expression of the elders.

"Strange boy?" The expressions of the elders did not disappoint Huangpu Yuanlie, and asked immediately.

"Yes, Yu Xiang described the strangeness of that young man's cultivation on that day. The young man was not Deng Di's man, but his surname was Xiu."


Everyone was shocked at once, and then several elders who were slightly lowered stood up and looked at Huangpu Yuanlie, surprised.

"Exactly, everyone must be aware that in the Deng Dixiu clan, it was erased quietly with the weird tragedy more than a decade ago, but today a young man suddenly appeared in Dengdi and claimed to be surnamed Xiu. Although there is such a coincidence, this young man's cultivation is a bit interesting. Yu Xiang said that the young man can change the color of the body and the fighting, and dare to ask you to be like you. Do you have such tolerance? "Huangpu Yuanlie asked with a smile, but his self-esteem was not angry.

The elders were stunned.

"More discoloration?" The elders could not sit still and exclaimed.

"Don’t talk about you, even me. I don’t have that ability either. Although the size of Dongling is too difficult for us to reach, so far, it hasn’t been reported. Whose practice can change the color of Dou Mang arbitrarily, and as far as I understand, it can be changed. There are only two kinds of people in color, one is a breakthrough person, and the other is a lower person, but neither can be said to be an arbitrary change, but the former is mostly common, while the latter is the Tangling Continent For thousands of years, there has been only one case, and only this one, you know?"

After listening to Huangpu Yuanlie's question, the people were puzzled, and they knew it by the confused expression, and they certainly did not know who this person was.

Huangpu Yuanlie also didn't care about the expression of the whole person, but also pondered a moment

"Di Tian." Huangpu Yuanlie said unhurriedly

"Di Tian?" Everyone listened to the name at the time, but they were still dazed.

"Yes, why, you haven't thought about it yet?" Huangpu Yuanlie seemed not very satisfied with the expressions of the elders at the moment.

"Is it the Di Tian who was the ultimate grudge cultivator of the God of Swords who sought a higher cultivation practice 170 years ago?" exclaimed the three elder Huangpu Lingdao and the eighth elder Huangpu Chenyang exclaimed.

"Exactly? Since the prevalence of fighting spirit practice on the Dongling Continent, who has cultivated to the point of that kind of sword god, only Di Tian 170 years ago, but since that Di Tian has been self-abiding There is no more sound..." Huangpu Yuanlie said that there was some loss in his expression.

"Dongling was rumored at the time, and after Di Tian repaired it at his own expense, the Chou family sought it, and it was already killed." The three elders continued

"This is a rumored message, not to be taken lightly. At that time, who took the Di Di head as a proof, so this Di Tian is still a mystery, but what we are talking about at this moment is still that young man. It is powerful, but it is past. Moreover, it is not what we have to care about." Huangpu Yuanlie stopped everyone's words and said that everyone also nodded and said yes.

"Homeowner, it's not surprising that the young man has this weird fighting spirit. After all, the homeowner's words, the mainland of Dongling is so vast, and the number of talents and strangers among them is unknown to us." Jiuchang Huangpu Qian said

"If this is the case, I am only surprised, but, you know, that boy is just like us." Huangpu Yuanlie looked at everyone and said

"What?" When the words came out, the elders were startled again, and they all stood up again, looking at Huangpu Yuanlie with his eyes wide, and his face was incredible.

After that catastrophe, how many ancient families wanted to exist under the rule of the Four Tombs of Dongling, but they were not allowed to practice fighting spirits. So for thousands of years, many of them have evolved into the prosperous families in the current four empires, but they have failed. Thinking of their true identity during the period, it was difficult to shake the status of these families easily when the old monsters of the imperial power were discovered, but in addition to these families, there must be some high-cultivated people who would not let go of their minds and practice. This kind of fighting qigong practice is hiding mountains or the deep sea around the Tanglin Continent. According to legend, there are many hermits who existed thousands of years ago in the west of the Dead Sea. Of course, it is just a legend. No one knows the whole story.

"Will it be a hermit of a hermit?" Elder Nine continued to ask

"For so many years, let alone you, it's just so many generations up and down the family. It hasn't been said that some people have heard that there is a single hermit after the catastrophe. After that, there is no way to save lives without holding a group together. Those who had strangled the ancient families of the Four Empires." Huangpu Yuanlie immediately asked rhetorically

"So what does this have to do with that teenager's surname Xiu?" The three elders got up and asked

"Don't you forget the rumors of the Son of Ten Thousand Years?" Huangpu Yuanlie asked again.

"Ah~~Isn't it~~" These 13 elders can be described as one sentence after another by Huangpu Yuanlie, and they almost shocked the heart. There were dozens of elders who got up again. Standing, exclaimed looking at Huangpu Yuanlie.

"The Son of Ten Thousand Phases!" The thirteen elders exclaimed and looked at Huangpu Yuanlie, with a shocked expression on his face. It was unbelievable. Originally, the Son of Ten Thousand Phases was just a rumor, but after the door was destroyed, it was The disappearance disappeared, and everyone could not understand it. Who would have expected that Huangpu Yuanlie had mentioned the matter again today? Isn't this a rumor?

"Yes, otherwise you think that the Xiujia could not be destroyed just because of a rumor? ‘Huangpu Yuanlie Shen Sheng said, but there was a trace of doubt in his heart.

At this moment, everyone's expression was even more wrong, and it seemed that each had its own problems.

"Homeowner, how about she?" Huangpu Yongye said hesitantly at this time.

Suddenly, the other twelve housekeepers also looked at the elders, and their expressions were the same as those of Huangpu Yongye. Presumably, several people were thinking about such problems at this time.

"How can I know about this matter? My ancestors didn't quite understand what the vision of Agarwood came down to represent? This is also the main reason why I didn't intervene to repair the family more than ten years ago. It has been more than a decade since this incident happened. The child of Chen Xiang is not the same as other children, except for her weak personality." Thinking of Huangpu Chenxiang, Huangpu Yuanlie's heart was slightly warm. Although his wife died because of the child's dystocia, fortunately, the child was gifted with extraordinary talents, but she was born like her mother.

"Is Chenxiang still not aware of the lotus seed in her body?" Huangpu Yongye asked again.

"No, the lotus seed armor has not responded since the advent of agarwood. Even the ancestors did not have the lotus seed armor that can resist the body of agarwood. Although the current strength of agarwood is the leader of the younger generation, the current strength is still far from being enough. It's not time to move the lotus seed armor." Huangpu Yuanlie said for a long time but said

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