Pioneer Knight

Chapter 975:

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Suddenly the corner of the mouth was a little bloodshot in the music.

Hughes's mouth twitched quickly, removing those bloodstains, and the Yin-Yang Zhenyuan in the body also urged himself at this moment, that is, quickly repairing the meridians damaged by Hughes at this moment, and then stabilized for a moment. internal injury.

Hughes finally knew at this moment that even his phoenix's fighting spirit was more than Jianzong's strength, but it was still so difficult when he was also at the same time as Jianzong's peak strength. After practicing together, the meridian was injured by Xiahou Tianhu's sonic energy today, but fortunately, the unique ability of Yin and Yang Zhenyuan can be quickly repaired.

Hughes was surprised, but he did not know that although he was a multi-cultivator in one body, the number of Xiahoutians exceeded that of a single grudge, but this also directly led to the confrontation between the two grudges, making the cultivation true. There is no such height as a single fighting spirit. Even at this moment, he and Xia Houtian are also the peak strength of Jianzong Zhongge. In addition, the strength of dragon and Phoenix fighting strength is increased, and the strength is doubled, but Xia Houtian is even more. Profound, in addition, Xiahou Tian, ​​as the person of the Xiahou family, is also the successor of the next generation of the head of the family, so the temperament he cultivates is naturally not bad. Furthermore, under the extraordinary talent of Xiahoutian, the temperament accumulated in his body It is also stronger than ordinary people to practice the same grudge, which caused it. Even if Hughes cultivated the dragon and Phoenix grudge, he did not get anything cheap in front of Xia Houtian.

Both Huangpu Agarwood and Di Ling have to deal with each other's opponents, so at this moment they have not been able to distract themselves from the situation of Hughes. Therefore, they are not clear about Hughes' situation at the moment, but they did not join on the side. The fighting Ouyang poetry is different. She didn’t care much about the fight between Huangpu Agarwood and Di Ling. Only the battle of Hughes was highly concentrated. At this moment, Hughes’s subtle action is naturally Did not escape the eyes of Ouyang poetry.

But seeing the blood on the corner of Hughes' mouth, Ouyang's poems were anxious. Although I don’t know to what extent Xia Houtian’s true strength is, but one thing is certain, far beyond the expectations of Ouyang’s poems, Xia Houtian’s move at the moment is very terrifying, it’s an appearance battle. She can't stand the impact of the sonic energy. Fortunately, she is a cultivator. Cultivation is not high strength, but it will definitely not be bad, so Ouyang's poems will not be defeated by that sonic energy.

"Sius." Ouyang's poems, at first sight, opened his mouth lightly, that is, he shouted that his body could no longer be stopped. The words confessed by Huss before, at this moment, were Ouyang's poems. Completely forgotten.

I saw that Ouyang's poems were filled with purple grudges, and they quickly moved towards the direction of Hughes.

"Ling Yu appears."

At this moment, everyone noticed the figure of Ouyang Poetry under the dazzling purple fight. When he turned his eyes, he listened to Ouyang Poetry, but he saw that Ouyang Poetry appeared out of thin air. Purple crane-shaped bird.

But seeing that the crane-shaped bird is a pair of purple big wings, it is an effort to wave, and in an instant, it is to see that it is flying in conjunction with Ouyang's poems, and the goal is Hughes in the mid-air.


Everyone couldn't help but it was an uproar. Although Hughes and Ouyang Shishi are in the same team, I think I heard that Hughes has been in a bad relationship since he defeated Ouyang Shishi. It was such a dramatic scene that Ouyang Shishi, a woman who even met with a bad situation, was anxious to help Hughes. What is going on? Could it be that the gossip news in the past was not plausible? Between Hughes and this Ouyang poetry, is there anything else that doesn’t make you tired?

Immediately after everyone was in an uproar, the same smile appeared on their faces-interesting.

Although Ouyang Shishi is also a beautiful woman, people who have experienced in Dongling College, especially men, will know that Ouyang Shishi is a beast in beautiful skin, which can only be viewed from a distance, not close to play.

At this moment, it seems that there is a symptom between Hughes and Ouyang Poetry. They are naturally interesting in their hearts. I thought to see how you can rectify the beautiful beast of Ouyang Poetry after Hughes.

Hughes is slightly better at this moment, but the energy body is now approaching its limit again under the attack of Tiger Zhen, and is trying to regulate the frequency of energy oscillation, but who wants to, under the purple light, it is The birds that have evolved from the crane-shaped fighting technique have taken Ouyang's poems to their eyes.

When Hughes saw Ouyang's poems coming, his heart sank. This was the crucial moment. Wasn't Ouyang's poems coming up trouble? I was about to scold, but I didn’t want Hughes’ eyes to condense, his face changed a lot, his body was thinking about Ouyang’s poems, and the flash of silver awning was the purple color of that Ouyang’s poem. Dou Mang swallowed away, completely covering the past.


When it was said that it was soon, then, under the silver-white fighting mantle, which completely covered the fighting mantle of Ouyang's poems, it was heard that the energy wall beneath there thundered a loud bang, and it turned out to explode. At that time, the breath of terror energy hit the surroundings.


Not daring to stay, continuously driving Ouyang's poems and flashes a few times, but still unable to escape the impact of the energy explosion, suddenly felt that the five internal organs were as if turned over, and a spit of blood spewed out.


At this moment, Hughes was injured again. Who would have expected that the trainer who maintained the battle boundary outside was also spitting out blood at this time.

Immediately, I saw that the teacher was pale, and everyone was surprised, and I saw another teacher who was quiet, but with a clear heart, he was forcing his luck and trying to stabilize the teacher. Injury.

Everyone was worried for a moment, but they saw that the teacher was gradually recovering under the care of another teacher, but his face was not pale, but it was not good-looking, but fortunately, the enchantment was still forcibly stabilized by the teacher. Down, it can be seen that the training of the teacher is not shallow, but it also shows how the force generated under the energy explosion just now. This enchantment accounts for most of the area of ​​the performance martial arts field. Such a large space can actually be used outside the field. The strength of the trainer who maintains the enchantment is indeed not to be underestimated.

Hughes was not so lucky.

Even if there were repairs of Yin and Yang Zhenyuan at this time, the impact force caused by this time was too great. At one and a half times, I was afraid that it would be difficult to recover, but how could Xiahoutian give himself the slightest chance?

"Sius, are you okay."

Seeing Hughes spit out blood again, his face was so ugly that Ouyang Shishi asked in a hurry.

Hughes was really angry at the moment. However, now that the enemy is now, he has no free time to scold this Ouyang poetry, but just took a cold look at Ouyang poetry and said:

"Let me go down now."

The voice was extremely cold, and this was the first time Hughes spoke to others with such a cold voice.

Ouyang's poems suddenly felt wronged when he heard it. After all, he was anxious to repair Sisi's injury... but then he thought about it, if he was not so reckless, he would not be injured again. Containing water mist, but forced to hold back, did not come out of the eyes.

Dongling College seemed to be the gate, but it was not the gate of the gate. Di Yang and Zong Lan had already established a foothold there.

At this moment, seeing more than two dozen people walking in front of him, Di Yang and Zong Lan looked at each other, their expressions were very heavy, and they nodded to each other, and then turned to look at the other party.

"On the orders of the imperial emperor, came to arrest the corpse of Guan Longfeng, a thief who robbed the chaos."

The visitor was Yeyue, who was instructed to come. At the moment, they saw the two people in front of the Dongling College. Yeyue did not give them any chance at the moment, just shouting while walking.

Zong Lan and Di Yang shouted as soon as the listeners shouted, they understood their intentions, but they did not change their face until the group approached.

"Wei Yeyue, Governor of the Imperial City Guards, handed down the imperial emperor to come to the Tangling College to arrest the corpse of Guan Longfeng who was stolen openly last year."

Yeyue didn't respond to seeing the two of them, but seeing that they were already waiting here, and they understood that they were prepared, but why only they were here, but Yeyue couldn't think of it. Come, immediately shout again.

Although I haven’t seen Emperor Yang, I have heard of it. At the moment, the person in white robe must be Emperor Yang, because, according to rumors, Emperor Yang is dressed up, but others at Dongling College are not. As for Zong Lan, Yeyue was also known, so it was already recognized.

"Adult Moon Moon is at my Dongling College, so I can wait and see." Di Yang said first, his tone was deep, and his face could not see the slightest expression.

"Emperor Dean, this is the emperor's oracle. I waited to be ordered to act, which is really helpless." Ye Yue couldn't understand the meaning of Di Yang's tone, but he also knew that Di Yang Xiu was profound, and he didn't dare to rely on it immediately. This jade's oracles broke out, but his tone slowed down, and the expression was also somewhat helpless at this moment.

"Since adults are ordered to act, can Emperor ask if this is the order of the emperor who came to my Dongling College this time?" Di Yang didn't care about Yeyue's tone, but his heart was clear at the moment Yes, this night moon is famous for its meticulous color, but it is precisely because of his meticulous color that you have to be more cautious.

"This?" Ye Yue frowned, naturally hesitating, not wanting to talk about today's purpose, and she was afraid that she would not even be able to enter the gate of the Tangling College.

"Why? I'm ordered to come to our hospital to arrest people. Doesn't our hospital even have the right to know who this person is?" Di Yang's voice remained. Although Yeyue is very deep in her heart, Yeyue is still too tender compared to Diyang, who has lived for nearly 100 years.

"Emperor Dean, this person's identity is too special. Moreover, the emperor strictly confessed before I waited for the imperial city, and this matter should not be announced, so as not to alarm the thieves." Yeyue didn't want to say, but put this responsibility there The emperor pushed.

It's just that such a move won't work in front of Diyang. After all, although Dongling College has no intention of rebellion, it is also clear to its own heart that the imperial power has no ability to override the court. After all, the empire is a military officer. Almost all the civil servants came from this Dongling College. From this point of view, the strength of Dongling College is not movable by the imperial power, but the Dongling College is an existence that has freed the imperial imprisonment and is an individual. , Does not belong to any power jurisdiction.

Therefore, the words of Yeyue, Emperor Yang will naturally not mind, but heard Emperor Yang snorted, and under the blink of an eye, the whole body's momentum is slightly changed, and suddenly your nameless coercion is attacking Going to Yeyue.

Yeyue Xiu was not low, but Emperor Yang was even deeper, and under pressure, Yeyue felt a dull chest and panted.

"Special? The identity of everyone in my Dongling College is special. Lord Yeyue, how can this be good?" On the one hand, Diyang put pressure on Yeyue invisible. Shen Sheng asked, it was obvious that Yeyue was telling you today that you wouldn’t say the reason. Today you guys don’t want to step into the door of the Tangling College.

Yeyue was strong at the moment, but Diyang didn't make full use of it, just put a little pressure on it, but seeing Yeyue's face became more and more ugly now.

"Emperor Dean, at this time is of great importance, but Dongling College is an imperial close force. Today, Yueyue said to you and Emperor Dean, but Emperor Dean must not pass on this matter, if not, Yeyue must have eaten in front of the emperor and walked away.” Although Yeyue was not satisfied with Haishu’s heart, it was not because of any special status, nor because of the slightest order of Jie, but his secret mission. Yang knew that then he would be alarmed by Hughes, who was fighting inside, so that the characters confessed by the three masters would be upset.

"This adult can be assured that my Emperor, although not talented, also knows the basic principle of being a man." Hearing Yeyue's words, Emperor Yang nodded in satisfaction, Shen Sheng said.

Although Diyang had already notified the street, he did not know what it meant to send people out of the Imperial City at this moment. There is a vague guess that it is Huss, but it may be another picture. After all, there are too many unexpected things in this competition, Mu Shuang and Nangong Xue. Cultivation is very disturbing.

Nangongxue’s idea and double-cultivation have never been heard since the history of Dongling’s mainland civilization, so some people have always thought that these two are inherently opposites, and the trend of growth and decline, but Nangong The emergence of snow has broken such a ban, so the practitioners on the Tanglin Continent naturally feel excited and coexist.

Although Mu Shuang did not have any peculiarities in cultivation, but Mu Shuang actually held the blood sacrifice spirit of Blood Demon Venerable at that time, why this blood evil demon Venerable disappeared at that time was a big mystery, knowing that there is no solution today, but Mu The appearance of Frost has given everyone the imagination. Although the Blood Demon Venerable is called the Blood Fiend Demon Venerable, it is not because the Qiren Demon Qi is flourishing, killing the innocent indiscriminately, but because he was practicing Blood grudges are extremely spooky and strange, and they are a rush in the Tangling Continent, but they also disappear in a hurry. No one can know the whereabouts of everyone. With the passing of Blood Fiend Demon Venerable and regretful to this point, although Mu Shuang did not practice Blood Fiend Mortality, the appearance of the Blood Sacrifice Spirit shows that there is a relationship between her and Blood Fiend Demon Venerable, and it is closely related, so as long as you catch This Mu Shuang may have found the whereabouts of Blood Fiend Demon Venerable, waiting for the opportunity to get the practice of Blood Fiend Demon Venerable, but this is also extremely risky. After all, it is unknown whether the Blood Fiend Venerable is in the world, time has passed. In the past 100 years, who can confirm that when the crowd starts, it is inevitable to fight, and once the blood evil deity is still alive, then the practice of the blood evil deity is already like that, the advanced is certainly not bad, then The cultivator who covets the blood and grudges is to carry his head to the path of this unknown life-and-death robbing cultivation method.

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