Pioneer Knight

Chapter 976:

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But in addition to the two above, there is also a Hughes. Hughes’ identity is unknown. It’s just that this teenager frequently surprised people and was always shocked. The fear of this teenager’s Xiuwei has also been passed, so Today, the people in the imperial city must have come to one or more of these three people.

But at this moment, Di Yang thought about it for a while. Yeyue said that he was here to chase down the thief and go to Guan Longfeng’s corpse. At this moment, it is very likely that Lai was Hughes. Guan Longfeng's body is unlikely, but Hughes is different. Although he was not in Dengdi when this incident happened, it is extremely possible to judge this by his observation of Hughes.

"In this way, Yeyue is at ease." Yeyue actually told himself whether this matter would be jealous or not. He didn't care much at all, but he still had to pretend that he was holding a jade as a shield: "This person Yeyue had been searching for half a year before she had eyebrows in the first few days. I learned that this person was a student of your college. I hesitated to come here after hesitation. After all, the emperor's destiny could not be done. , Hughes."

Yeyue also wanted to pretend to match this matter with herself, but when she looked at Di Yang's expression after hearing the word Hughes, there was still no slight change, and she couldn't help suspiciously thinking about the emperor. What is Yang thinking? Does he simply don't know if this Hughes will fail? But if I think that Hughes' reputation is higher than the recent competition, I can't help but think it's impossible.

Di Yang had already guessed Hughes in his mind. Hearing Yeyue's words, he naturally didn't care much. He looked like an ancient well, and couldn't afford the slightest ripples.

"Is it possible for Emperor Dean to give Yeyue a convenience." Seeing Yeuyue for a long time at Yeyue, this Emperor Yang still didn't respond at all. At this moment, the more he thought, the more he felt that something was wrong.

In fact, Yeyue's eyes were attracted by Di Yang, but they forgot that Zong Lan was still on the side. Although it is difficult to see any change on Zong Lan's skinny face, as long as Yeyue pays a little attention, it is found that Zong Lan still has some facial twitching when he listens to the two characters.

"Xus! I do have this person at Dongling College. I was afraid today that I would like to let you come here in vain. Today I can't let you take Xiusi away from Diyang anyway." Diyang Mo has finally spoken, but his voice is even colder.

When Yeyue heard it, he felt bitter. This old guy was too high. I was afraid that it would be ineffective to break into his own hands. Besides, there are many masters at Dongling College, and these people really have no confidence to break through.

His face changed slightly, but he recovered immediately. After all, he was still not too obvious in front of Emperor Yang.

"Emperor Dean is embarrassed by Yeyue." Yeyue chose to show her weakness.

"It's not Emperor Emperor that embarrassed you. At that time, my Dongling College also had the rules of our college. During the competition, our school has the responsibility to ensure anything for any student. After the competition, adults can come to take people, At that time, our college would not interfere." Di Yang said aloud, but his eyes were very deep, staring at the back but a few people, and those people shrank slightly, as if being pierced, it was very cumbersome. .

"That night and moon only..."

Yeyue was about to speak, but she didn't want a deep, choking energy at this moment to come from destiny and speed.

"The Technique of Escape."

Immediately Zong Lan and Yeyue were calling, but the energy fluctuated extremely quickly, and in a flash, they entered the gate of Dongling College.

Di Yang's complexion changed and his heart sank. Although this energy fluctuation seems to be strong and weak, it is surprising at this speed.

Di Yang felt that the energy fluctuation was like a college away, and immediately shouted.

"Where to go!" The golden light in the whole body was just under the glare, and the energy fluttered away.

After all, Diyang was cultivated to a high level, and Zong Lan and Yeyue didn't want to understand it until Diyang chased away from the old world.

Only at this moment, everyone was anxious, but they did not realize that there was another wave of energy coming, and this energy was coming from the giant phoenix in the sky.

Although Ouyang's poems are now full of grievances, seeing the expression of Hughes at this moment, he has to secretly press on his heart, but Hughes tells himself to go down now, but it is extremely reluctant. It was just that Xiushe Xiahoutian's character was tied, but now he is seriously injured because of his reckless behavior. At this time, he will be assured that Xiusi will deal with Xiahoutian alone.

"You are seriously injured now, where will be Brother Xiahou's opponent." Ouyang Shidang even anxiously persuaded.

For Xiahoutian, Ouyang's poems are still called Xiahou's big brother. After all, over the years, the relationship with Xiahoutian is still good.

"This is not something you have to manage." Hughes was not in a mood to cope with the stubborn Ouyang poetry at this moment, only to feel that after a moment of energy explosion, there was a vague energy fluctuation of the Xiahoutian body.

At this moment, Hughes looked at it, and his face was frozen. Under the urgency again, his face was even paler, but his face was as red as bloodshot.


I saw that Hughes coughed a few times at this time, and then coughed up a few sips of blood. Presumably, the shock of the shock just now was not shallow.

"Don't you try to be brave enough." Ouyang Shishi looked at it, but it was an unknown and distressed, when even persuaded again.

However, Hughes just glanced impatiently at Ouyang's poems. Under his flashing figure, he greeted Xiahoutian below, leaving only Ouyang's poems with a silver-white figure.

Ouyang's poems are sour, to say that he was reckless before, but he was not at fault at this moment, but he just wanted to help him, but seeing Hughes has already greeted Xiahoutian below, Ouyang's poetry is anxious In the following, Hughes' words were not taken into account, and they followed him immediately.

Everyone saw this shape, and even if it was uproar again, I thought that these two people would not be because of the feelings of the battle last year, but when they saw the actions of the two, they should be Ouyang. Poetry is wishful thinking.

Xia Houzhen has always been paying attention to Ouyang's poems, but the situation just now, he is also aware of Xia Houtian's possible behavior at the moment enclosed in the energy body, and the extremely irregular situation of the energy body, that is I didn't dare to go up to block Ouyang's poems, and after that energy body exploded, Hughes was protecting Ouyang's poems, which made Xia Houzhen grateful to Hughes to a certain extent, so I did not take this opportunity to step forward and stop repairing Action.

However, I am grateful that since Xia Houzhen gave up the previous opportunity, but at this moment, he will not be a woman’s benevolent. Seeing Ouyang’s poems also followed Hughes immediately, and immediately remembered that Xia Houtian was in Hughes’ war. Those previous words, with a subtle look in their eyes, looked at the swooping Ouyang poetry and poems. With the gums biting tightly, there was also a whole body of grudges, even thinking of Xiahoutian approaching.

The pattern on the field at the moment is that Emperor Ling Huangpu Agarwood dealt with Duanmushuo and Kuangshibla respectively, while Xiusi Ouyang's poems are against Xiahoutian and Xiahouzhen.

However, everyone knows that Ouyang Shixia and Xia Houzhen were plugged up.

But for this comparison pattern, everyone was more interested. They wanted to see how Hughes led the Ouyang poetry against the two brothers of the Xiahou family.

Although Hughes responded quickly and wanted to meet Xiahoutian’s fortune-telling attacks, he was also very clear about Ouyang’s poems. He immediately frowned deeper. He originally planned today’s battle plan in his heart. It is quite clear that he and Xia Houtian faced each other, Di Ling and Huangpu Agarwood were welcoming Duan Mushuo and Kuang Shiblai, and Ouyang's poems happened to be against Xia Houzhen, and Ouyang's poems were in this game. It is indeed the key person in Hughes's mind.

First of all, Xiushou’s true strength is not clear. He is not sure of his superiority, but he is also confident that he will not lose to Xiahoutian. As for the strength of Huangpu Chenxiang and Di Ling, they should come across with each other. It would be a slight advantage. Although the two sides are at a standstill, this is only the beginning. Therefore, it is possible to pull the remaining Xia Houzhen into the three-player game except for Ouyang Shishi’s accident. It is because there is such a person as Ouyang Poetry. When the battle swords of both sides are critical, Ouyang can highlight its role.

But this Ouyang poem is a sudden move of ghosts and gods to break his own plan, which does not matter, because I just wanted to protect Ouyang poems, I am now seriously injured, even if there is automatic maintenance of Yin and Yang Zhenyuan, but at the moment Below, there will be no way to return to the original situation at one-and-a-half, as a result, you will already be in a disadvantage.

However, since Ouyang Poetry has kept up, Hughes is helpless, there is no way, now Xia Houtian attacked, Hughes can not spare the time to deal with the woman Ouyang Shishi.

"Feng Mingkuo"

After Hughes's thoughts were over, it was under the rapid rotation of his mind that the thoughts were urged, preempting Xiahoutian and launching an attack.

Suddenly, it was the sound of Fengming that replaced the sound of the roaring tiger. This kind of sound of Fengming was extremely sharp and harsh, hurting the opponent's mind, but it was also the same as that of the Tiger Zhen. Attack the opponent.

The sonic energy attack has an advantage, that is, the sound can oscillate in a space with a medium, so there is no special boundary layout space, there is no way to block the sonic attack.

Although the enchantment on the martial field removed part of Xiahoutian’s sonic energy attack of the sound of the tiger’s trembling, some still impacted the students who watched out of the field. Among them, those with low training levels were already irritable and almost fainted. past.

At this moment, Hu Zhen had just passed by, and the sound of Fengming came sharply. A wave of invisible sonic energy impacted the eardrums of everyone present. In this way, how many people can support two consecutive sonic shocks, at this moment Below, there is already a considerable number of students who have fainted, and even bloodshot blood oozes out.

However, compared with the off-site teachers who maintain the enchantment, the status of these students is quite good. At this moment, the teachers did not expect that these two people were one after the previous tiger quake, followed by a fengming sonic attack. The teacher has already realized the limit of the enchantment, and a large part of the energy of the sonic attack directly impacted on the enchantment set by him. Therefore, his feelings are harder than those of the students. Language.

Moreover, Hughes’s Fengming is sharp and piercing, and the Tiger Shock is slightly bold, although it is also a shock to the mind, but this sharpness is much better than Fengming’s.

Seeing this situation, another faculty member's face was also ugly to the extreme. He really did not expect that although Hughes and Xiahoutian were not as good as their own faculty, they used the fighting technique. The attack was so powerful. Seeing that the teacher who maintained the enchantment was about to reach its limit at this time, the golden cape of the whole body was under a flash, and the golden energy of the hands gathered for a moment, but it was Seeing that the trainer's hands pushed towards the central Yanwuchang was an effort to push, and everyone saw a huge pale golden enchantment formed on the invisible enchantment before that.

As soon as this enchantment was set up, the teacher who maintained the enchantment was soft, and he collapsed on the ground, and the latter teacher suddenly changed his face. The limit reached by the faint faculty member is to disappear, and the energy in the enchantment suddenly hit the enchantment of his own at this moment, and it is not good to feel nature, and the few people in the center of the field Cultivation is not shallow.

At first sight, everyone looked calm, because this pale gold enchantment clearly blocked most of the attack energy inside. As for whether the lecturer is now alone The impact of that energy was unknown to everyone, but it seemed that this teacher had changed his expression just now, and there was no such change. Everyone's mind was guessing again at this moment.

When Xia Houzhen had just used this trick, he had already intercepted Ouyang's poems that followed him. He still didn't want to face up to Xiusi, and he didn't want too much for Xiahoutian. Help, but Ouyang Shishi cannot fight side by side with Hughes.

Xia Houtian's face changed at this moment. Hearing the sound of phoenix from Hughes, he lost his mind almost, and immediately consciously woke up secretly, but still had palpitations.

"Fantasy swallow."

Xiahoutian's mind was a little stable, and he did not hesitate. He was urged by the trick, and it was a trick to swallow the sky. At first glance, I saw that Hughes' dive line of defense suddenly appeared a perfect circle. The huge gap, and from the perfect circular gap, there is a continuous flow of white energy breath. Under the flow, everyone is surprised that the external material is opposite to the white energy. The flow of direction engulfed the north into that perfect circle.

Hughes swooped very quickly, and when he saw this situation, his face was slightly dark, but his heart was reminiscent of the meteor used by the Jianzong Xiuwei person he saw that night when he first entered Deng. It is this kind of energy swallowing, but now Xia Houtian’s fantasy sky swallowing you is far less than the power of the meteor, and there is no evil power of the meteor. The heart is slightly calm, and the speed of diving is also sharply reduced. Relying on his own grudge, he resisted the increasing strength of the fantasy sky and wanted to gradually pull away from the swallowing range of the fantasy sky.

However, under this backlash, Hughes could not help but feel cold. Although the power of this phantom swallowed as if it became stronger, but along the direction of the gap of the phantom swallowed, it was like an inexplicable invisible force. Help, already imprisoned myself in general, and his own recoil can only hold the balance, but he has not been able to stay away, but as the power of the illusion is gradually strengthened, I am afraid that the consequences are extremely unoptimistic. .

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