Pioneer Knight

Chapter 977:

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Xia Houtian was at the moment concentrating on the gods above him. This was a little relieved in his heart. Because of the power of the magic sky, Hughes made the move of Fengming wide, and at this time, Hughes was temporary. Entangled by his own fantasy sky.

Xia Houtian's heart was also very trembling just because of Hughes's move Fengxia Kuo, Xia Houtian also improved slightly at this moment, but his heart still had no hope that he would be trapped to death by this magical sky. After all, Although this phantasmagoria is a Hui-order fighting technique, however, he is not proficient in the use of phantasmagoria, and at this moment, he can only exert his general strength.

However, even with such a lack of general strength, Hughes was already stretched to deal with it at this time.

In the eyes of everyone, it was also waiting for how Hughes would react.

It's just that Di Ling and Huangpu Chenxiang who are not far away are only slightly out of their respective strengths at this time. Seeing that, they have a slight upper hand. At this moment, the two are slightly happy to look at Hughes. The situation, after all, although the energy explosion just did not hurt the two people, but the impact on them is still not small, and the matter of Hughes’ injury is also clear, and the behavior of Ouyang’s poems is also observed. In anxiety, I saw that Hughes was swallowed by Xiahoutian's illusion and was unable to move. Although he was worried about it, he was overwhelmed and lacked strength.

Ouyang's poems were stopped by Xia Houzhen at this time, and they were repaired to stand upright, that is, they stared at Xia Houzhen with cold eyes, and his face immediately sank.

"Xia Houzhen, do you really want to stop me?" Now Hughes' situation seems to be very urgent. Furthermore, Hughes is still seriously injured because he wants to protect himself. At this moment, Hughes and the fantasy are swallowed. I'm afraid it's been a long time. Hughes can't resist the power of fantasy.

But now Xia Houzhen is a prisoner, but he stopped himself at this time.

"Poetry poetry, I don't want to do it with you." Xia Houzhen thought slightly, and said.

The strength of Xia Houzhen is actually comparable to that of Ouyang's poems, except that Ouyang's poems have a natural shield-the golden armor shield. In this way, Xia Houzhen's poems are inferior to Ouyang's poems, but since they are It is hard to resist, but Xia Houzhen still has a way to clamp Ouyang's poems, so that Xia Houtian has enough time to deal with Hughes.

"Since you don't want to do it with me, then don't stop me now." Ouyang Shishi's thoughts were completely on Hughes at that moment, but where did he notice Xia Houzhen's expression at this moment, and said coldly, not giving at all Xia Houzhen face.

"But you insist on going forward to help Hughes, then there is no way for us to avoid doing it between us." Xia Houzhen looked at Ouyang Shishi at the moment, his eyes were not on himself, he was envious, but it was helpless, He had to talk lightly.

Ouyang Shishi still doesn't want to play against this Xia Houzhen, because the situation of Hughes is not optimistic, but Chen Xiang and Di Ling are unable to free their hands to help Hughes, and they are controlled by Xia Houzhen, but they themselves He is also the most promising person to help Hughes. However, once he has played with Xia Houzhen, then the result is that the time under the battle does not know how long it is, so after a battle, Hughes can still support By that time?

"Then you are determined to stop me." Ouyang Shishi was very anxious, thinking that he hadn't really been the same thing as Xiahou Zhen in the past, but today Xiahou Zhen became a key.

"As long as you launch Bidou now, I won't stop you." Xia Houzhen was also worried about the temperament of Ouyang Poetry. If he couldn't say a few words, he would really start with himself. There would be too many in the contest. I'm afraid that it's not a good cause of failure.

"Fight, fight! Fight."

At this moment, the people recovered slightly from the sound of Hughes's Fengming, but through the pale golden enchantment, they saw the two in the enchantment dimly. Ouyang poetry and Xia Houzhen finally collided, and immediately It was interest, and even more so that they screamed, just like watching cockfights, calling one after another.

They are now very courageous. It is impossible for Ouyang poetry and poems to hear their own calls. Furthermore, under this pale golden border, Ouyang poetry and poems are also unlikely to see someone in them, so At this time, they seem to be a little unscrupulous.


However, when Ouyang Poetry was anxious and everyone was interested, he heard that Hughes, who was still stalemate at the moment, yelled suddenly, and everyone's eyes were once again attracted to the past.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but be surprised. In between, it was originally the silver-white grudge Hughes. At this moment, it was actually a purple grudge change. Under the purple grudge, he saw that after Hugh's roar, he screamed a dragon. The sound followed closely, that is, seeing the body of Hughes wrapped in a purple bucket and turned into a purple dragon of more than ten meters, but the dragon that saw it continuously spiraled and twisted on the lower right and upper sides, becoming a meandering trend.

Everyone didn't understand what the purpose of Huss was at the moment. Furthermore, why Huss could form two different grudges between the dragon and the phoenix, and at this time, the dragon grudge of the battle of Huss was obviously lower than before The phoenix's arrogance at the moment, at this moment, is it possible to use this slightly lowered dragon's arrogance to make yourself more defeated?

But when everyone was puzzled, Hughes used practical actions to give everyone an explanation.

At this time, I saw Hughes under the shape of a dragon, winding upwards, but it turned to a long hiss, but it was under the faucet, following the strong attraction of the magical sky, just like the purpose It is to swallow towards that illusory sky and take the initiative to be swallowed in.

But just as everyone held their breath and looked at Hughes in surprise, who thought that the phantom-shaped dragon body was once again in a sharp turn at this time, and it was stunned when it was about to be attracted into the phantasmagoria The birthplace turned into purple light along the edge of the fantasy sky and told to go around the fantasy sky.

Hughes’ behavior at this moment is to let everyone understand that Hughes’s previous behavior is not self-defeating, but what is the purpose of this around the fantasy sky?

At this time, Ouyang Shishi saw that Hughes had a move, and his heart was a little loose, at least it showed that Hughes should have a way to deal with it, but she was still worried about Hughes’s injury. After all, it was a hidden danger. If the match is not over immediately, the internal injury will surely be the key to Hughes' victory or defeat, even the key to life and death.

Xia Houtian saw Hughes' movement at first, but his mind was unclear. Therefore, he and everyone thought that Hughes was self-defeating, but then the dragon-shaped phantom turned into purple light again to surround this phantom Swallow told the spin only that Xia Houtian finally understood what purpose Hughes had at this moment.

At this time, Hughes must have understood some of the information of Phantom Sky. The dragon reversal at the moment is just wanting to rely on its own high speed, even faster than the speed of Phantom Sky swallowing and expanding. It is a dozen times and hundreds of times of rotation speed to produce a strong centrifugal pulling force. Taking passive counterattack as the initiative, with its own high-speed centrifugal force, the magic sky is swallowed and forced to tear off.

Although such a move by Hughes is very risky, but without the ability to forcibly break away from the engulfing power of the fantasy, it is also possible to take a risk. Fortunately, the situation is still relatively optimistic so far, at least he is grasping that The timing of the rotation is in place, and he has not been forcibly pulled into the phantom by the swallowing force because of his dive.

At the moment, Hughes is constantly accelerating, and the force of centrifugation also increases rapidly with the purple light that tells the rotation.

At this moment, Xia Houtian looked ugly again, so the two of them had their own strengths, and no one asked for a bargain. Although he can exert nearly half of the power of this fantasy, he is still too light for Hughes. At this time, he also felt the continuous centrifugal pull produced by Hughes, Xia Houtian knew that Hughes It doesn't take much time to swallow this fantasy sky. When it is broken, Xiahoutian decisively swallows the fantasy sky, and Husky in the sky also perceives the disappearance of the magic sky's power in a timely manner. The speed of contraction, after dozens of revolutions, Hughes’ entire body was steadily stopped in the air, and at this moment, the silver-white phoenix's fighting spirit was replaced by the dragon's fighting spirit again. Caused everyone to exclaim.

Everyone speculates about how these two grudges are cultivated by Hughes. If the two grudges want to rush, it is not a big disaster, and even if there is no daily dike, the collision of the two grudges will be disturbed and live. The days of thin ice.

Hughes looked quiet at the moment, but there was no slightest relief because Xiahoutian took the initiative to withdraw from that fantasy sky, because he was just taking a risk just now. Although he can play the dragon reversal, but he can reach the speed of rotation is also limited, just below that speed is already approaching the limit of speed, and this way he is also hoping that Xiahou Tian can swallow the magic sky to the initiative Withdraw, and withdraw when your speed reaches the limit. If not, you are afraid that you are really going to be trapped by this fantasy.

Fortunately, Xia Houtian withdrew in time. It can be seen that the centrifugal pulling force generated by the speed just now made Xia Houtian's heart also terrified. Once this phantom swallow was forcibly broken by the other party, the damage to the body of the surgeon should not be underestimated. Xia Houtian is a wise man, and naturally he will not continue such a thankless practice.

My heart eased a little, but I didn't dare to exhale. Xia Houtian's fighting technique was stronger than one. Just now, it was already the case with Phantom Tiantun. What's behind? I really didn’t know that I could cope with it completely. It seems that my previous estimation still made mistakes, not to mention that I was seriously injured now. Although it has improved a bit under the care of Yin Yang and Zhen Yuan, the situation is not optimistic.

Hughes did not choose to attack immediately at this moment. After all, he was not allowed to do so after the body, but Xia Houtian was different. Although he was slightly injured by Hughes’ energy body and Feng Mingkuo, it did not hinder Today's competition, when seeing Hughes paused, he didn't pause, but he didn't want to continue to struggle with Hughes like this. Immediately, he saw Xiahou stepped forward and said aloud:

"Shuss, you and I have tried so many moves today but still have no victory or defeat. You are weak and courageous. It is better for me to use my strongest strength. How about the last move?"

Under Xiahoutian's shouting, everyone could not hear it, only the enchantment could hear it, and everyone didn't understand what Xiahoutian was talking about. At that time, Ouyang Poetry and others heard it clearly.

When Huss heard it, there was no turmoil. For Xiahoutian's remarks, Huss was given a chance. After all, Huss's current situation is still not allowed to continue to fight, otherwise the old injuries will not be recovered, and the new injuries will be added. , The result is extremely detrimental to yourself.

After thinking for a while, he also held back the injury and shouted towards Xiahoutian below.

"Don't you dare? You and I will be the winner in the next move? But you have to remember my words before the two wars, today you lose me and don't want your life, but your life is exhausted, I Lose, life and death have you."

Xia Houtian saw Husse saying this, even though his heart was slightly angry, but after so many back and forth, although he did not win Huss, but he did not lose the battle. Presumably the next two will use their whole body. The power is certainly the same, even if there is a force in Hughes's body that has not been tried so far, but why not!

"Nature." Xia Houtian finished thinking, it was Shen Sheng replied.

"Hughes, are you crazy! Do you know that you are now..."

"You can go on now, you have no effect in this fight now."

Ouyang's poems show that Hughes dare to agree to Xiahoutian's condition, and immediately he was anxious, and he promptly exited, but whoever wanted Hughes to say suddenly that he was speaking towards himself, his eyes were extremely cold, without any emotion.

At the sight of Hughes’s eyes, Ouyang’s poems also shivered, as if she had lost something. She was risking herself to protect herself before daring to imagine that Hughes had such a look at herself. It was indifferent, it was indifferent, it was ruthless again.

Listening to the words of Hughes, Ouyang's poems were full of uncomfortable feelings, but at this time the concerns about Hughes still exceeded everything, and had to be secretly suppressed again, even if it was Ouyang's poems, he wouldn't think he would be like this One day he was wronged because of a man.

Xia Hou Zhenyue saw the expression of Ouyang poetry and poems, and listened to the words of Ouyang poetry that cared about Hughes, the more unhappy he was, but he still did not understand why Xiahou Tian would hate Hughes and why he thought so To defeat Hughes, is it just because Hughes's seemingly inadvertent fame at Dongling College for half a year? Think about it, Xia Houtian does not seem to be such a person.

The reason why Hughes interrupted the words of Ouyang's poems in that way is that a large part of the reason is that he does not want Xia Houtian to know his situation at the moment. After all, the internal injury caused by the energy impact just now has only himself. Clear with Ouyang's poems.

"Poems and poems, since he doesn't accept your feelings, you don't have to mix them in again. This fight is between the two of them. It is meaningless for you to forcefully blend in." Xia Houzhen still doesn't want to match Ouyang's poems after all On the other hand, I immediately persuaded to see a turnaround.

At this moment, Ouyang Shishi didn't even care about Xiusi, but he still ignored Xia Houzhen's remarks. I saw that Ouyang Shishi's eyebrows raised her eyebrows, and she stared at Xia Houzhen, obviously listening to Xia Houzhen's remarks. Ouyang's poems are very uncomfortable, but Ouyang's poems also did not take the time to scold Xia Houzhen, but his eyes turned to Hughes again.

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