Pirate: 100 Times Practice Cheat

Chapter 111 Coaxing And Deceiving【4 More Subscriptions】

Perona's words are just to annoy Nami, who told Nami that the big devil often bullies her?

Seeing that Nami is uncomfortable, Perona feels relieved!!

Fortunately, Perona's words... are not so ambiguous, and it didn't mean that Ye Kai likes Robin.

Perona said: Our Master Ye Kai likes you very much...

It can also be understood here: Ye Kai values ​​Robin very much, at least Robin understands it this way.

Nico Robin shook his head for Ye Kai's invitation, and said with great regret: "I am very grateful to Mr. Ye Kai for his attention. My cooperation with Mr. Crocodile is very pleasant, and I don't want to leave Baroque Studio for the time being."

Indeed, now that Nico Robin is living well in Baroque Walker Studios, and Crocodile can shelter her, there is no need to jump ship to Ye Kai.

Although Ye Kai is stronger than Crocodile, he can protect her.

But Nico Robin has been a manager for so many years, and has seen too many intrigues and blackmails. Now he can live a good and easy life. There is no need to destroy the current life. Join Ye Kai

"I'll give you time, you can think about it..."

Ye Kai said: "If you want to interpret historical texts, you want to interpret Void Century, which is absolutely not allowed by the Marine [or the World government."

"One more thing... Among those who can interpret historical texts, you are the only scholar left in Ohara!"

"In addition to you, in the New World in the second half of the Grand Line, the Kozuki family who can interpret the historical text is also the makers of the historical text. The inheritance of interpreting the historical text has been broken!"

"The only person who can interpret historical texts now, except the World government, is you."

Looking at Nico Robin's puzzled and slightly indifferent expression, and listening to Ye Kai say these news, it seems that it has nothing to do with her.

Nico Robin really likes to interpret this historical article, and also wants to understand Void Century.

For the New World Wanokuni and the Kozuki clan, she doesn't know.

Robin didn't know that besides her, there was another family that could interpret the historical text, and was also the maker of the historical text.

The news was of great interest to her.

But just interested, as a story to listen to.

Ye Kai also saw Nico Robin's attitude towards his words, and continued: "You may not know what this represents?"

"In the second half of the Grand Line, which is the New World, there are four signposts with historical texts.

"These four signposts are different from other historical texts!"

"The four signposts in the historical text are the routes.....the routes to Raftel."

"If you want to go to Raftel, if you want to become One Piece, you must read the content above to reach Raftel."

"You will become a key point..." (dabf) "Follow me, only I can protect you, whether it is other pirates, Marine, World government, it is impossible to do anything to you from me!"

"If you want to interpret historical texts, or want to know Void Century, I can help you!"

Those who can interpret the historical text originally belonged to the Kozuki family.

One Piece——Gol·D·Roger was able to become One Piece and arrive at Raftel, thanks to him digging Kozuki Oden from the Whitebeard Pirates.

I am also fortunate that Gol·D·Roger was able to listen to the voice of all things and heard the content of "Landmark History Text" from the BIGMOM pirates, so that he could reach Raftel smoothly.

Now that Kozuki Oden is dead, the way of interpreting historical texts has not been passed on to Momosuke, and Kozuki's ability to interpret historical texts is considered broken.

Robin became the only person known to be able to decipher the historical text.

If someone wants to become a king of thieves and interpret the historical text of road signs, he needs someone who can understand the historical text.

Now only Robin is left!

Marine doesn't want to see the new One Piece appear, and he doesn't want anyone to go to Raftel, and he doesn't want anyone to interpret historical texts to understand Void Century.

At the end of the day, the thief wanted Robin!

Marine wants to kill Robin!

"That is to say...my situation is actually not good?!"

Hearing Ye Kai say so many "secrets"

Thinking about it for a while, Nico Robin also knows that his situation seems to be... really not good,

Nico Robin doesn't know if Ye Kai's "Signpost History Text" is true.

But there is no need for Ye Kai to lie to her, right?

If it's true, she might be in a really bad situation.

Now that the situation in New World is stable, and the Four Emperors are working hard, no one can break this balance and launch an impact on One Piece.

But in the future... Once this balance is broken, someone who wants to challenge One Piece must interpret the history of the four road signs.

At that time, a person who can interpret historical texts will be needed.

According to Ye Kai, the family that created the historical text in New World has lost the method of interpreting the historical text.

Apart from World government, there may be only Nico Robin himself in this world.

Of course, there may be hidden characters who will interpret the historical text.

It's just too much trouble to find these people. There is one person who already knows and can interpret the historical text...that is Nicole Rhoda herself,

Wouldn't it be better to go to Nico Robin instead of looking for the hidden person?

Nico Robin can be sure that the balance of New World will be broken in the future.

And who is it that breaks this balance?

she does not know!

Maybe...even Ye Kai.

Once the New World's balance is broken, if you want to become One Piece and go to Raftel, you must get an important key.

Robin is the key!

"I'm going to think about it..."

Robin was not persuaded by Ye Kai in this way, but chose to think about it for a while, and at the same time investigate to see if what Ye Kai said was true.

It's just that this kind of secret thing is not so easy to investigate.

Probably not even Crocodile.

Robin has never heard of it before. There are historical texts and road signs historical texts. If you want to become One Piece and go to Raftel, you must interpret the contents of the four road signs historical texts?

Is this information known to ordinary people?

Ye Kai was not in a hurry, nodded and said to Nico Robin: "I will give you time, and at the same time... tell the sand crocodile, let her use the power of Baroque Walker Studio to help me find a Logia's —— Thunder Fruit!"

"If you want, I will bring it for you!"

Nico Robin took down Ye Kai's words and turned to leave.

Return to the "Rain Banquet" casino in the rainy land, and Nico Robin will tell Crocodile what Ye Kai said.

Of course, I only talked about finding the Thunderbolt fruit.

As for Ye Kai's invitation, as well as the closed news such as the history of the signpost, of course Robin will not reveal it.

"This woman is so thoughtful, and she is a little moved...Are you happy?!"

Looking at the back of Nico Robin leaving, Nami turned his head and said to Ye Kai.

It's just that her tone was a little strange, she was obviously jealous, she didn't hide it, she became so direct.

"Hehehe~" Perona floated in the air and Chūnin couldn't help mocking Nami: "It's useless for someone to be jealous. Who told you that your body is not as good as Nico Robin, and your legs have no parents. You are fierce and not as beautiful as others. You have no chance. Already, give up!!"

Nami gritted his teeth and looked at Perona floating in the air, and said word by word: "I haven't trained you for a long time, right? I will give you an extra practice today [Practice Observation Haki!

Ye Kai was used to the bickering between the two, and chose to ignore it. .

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