Pirate: 100 Times Practice Cheat

Chapter 112 Door-To-Door Service [5 More For Subscription]

"It's an eventful autumn!"

The royal palace of Alabasta.

Cobra, whose full name is Naferutali Cobra, is the twelfth king of Alabasta. He can be regarded as a king who loves the people like a son and is dedicated to the people.

Naihe ability is not very strong.

In other words, in a country like Pirates, where personal combat power is exploding and one person can be the enemy of the country, the country does not have a strong person to be the anchor and protector; or it is too difficult to survive if it is attached to a powerful force.

Just when the pirates arrived in Alabasta, the king's army couldn't do anything to suppress the powerful pirates.

What's more, being targeted by a pirate like Crocodile who is a Seven Warlords of the Sea, Cobra has no other options.

Knowing that Ye Kai, who is also the Seven Warlords of the Sea and offering a reward of 1 billion Berry, has arrived in Alabasta, and heard that Marine Admiral has also arrived in Alabasta.

Cobra sighed with emotion that it was indeed a troubled time~.

Once something goes wrong, any one of Crocodile, Ye Kai, and Kizaru will fight, and the damage will be huge.

At the same time, Cobra hopes that Ye Kai can do it and get rid of Crocodile

After all, it was rumored that Ye Kai killed Gekko Moria, who was also Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Cobra didn't know what Ye Kai was doing in Alabasta.

As the same Seven Warlords of the Sea, if Ye Kai and Crocodile can't get used to it and a conflict breaks out, it would be better if Ye Kai handles Crocodile smoothly.

At the same time, Cobra was able to ask for help from Marine Admiral Kizaru who arrived at the Marine branch, so that Kizaru could help suppress Crocodile.

As the king of Alabasta, Cobra can feel that there is an invisible pusher in the current Alabasta, making the whole country into chaos.

This invisible pusher has no one but Crocodile.

"Come on, I'm going to visit Kizaru Admiral!"

Cobra called the guards, and then took them to the Marine branch, ready to seek help from Marine Admiral Kizaru.


"I don't know much about Alabasta, and I won't help you."

"If you think Crocodile is causing civil unrest in Alabasta, you can ask World government for help..."

"Seven Warlords of the Sea is the right and qualification given by the World government. They know that Crocodile has problems, and they will definitely remove Crocodile from Shichibukai!"

For Cobra's request, for a lazy guy like Kizaru, he can shirk it if he can.

If it was Akainu who came here this time, or even if it was Aokiji... Cobra made it clear and explained the harm, they might help.

But it's Kizaru, he doesn't care about such troublesome things, he prefers to watch the show from the sidelines.

What's more, this is not the future after Luffy goes to sea, there are still three or four years before Luffy goes to sea.

In this world now, things in Alabasta have not reached that level.

Many things are still in Crocodile's plan and have not been officially used.

In the current Alabasta, it has not rained for about a year at most. Some people use "dancing powder" and put it on the king's army, which makes people very angry. Even the rebels have not appeared, and Crocodile's plan has not yet been implemented. .

In this case, Crocodile can stop at any time.

There is no real evidence, Crocodile as Seven Warlords of the Sea, Marine will not do anything to him.


As long as Crocodile successfully "steals the country" and accuses Alabasta, if he succeeds, the sea will not do anything to him!

This is the right and advantage of his status as Seven Warlords of the Sea.

But as long as he fails, the result is different... Crocodile, who failed in the original book, was caught by Marine and imprisoned in Impel down.

In short, Marine's attitude towards Seven Warlords of the Sea is: if you succeed, if you have no problems, you will be left alone.

Once you've failed and been defeated, it's time to kill you, catch you, and put you in Impel down.

For example, Doflamingo, even though Dressrosa Island was in charge of the Donquixote Family 900 years ago, he took back the control of Dressrosa Island by force and became king, and Marine ignored it;

But Doflamingo, like Crocodile, was captured by Marine after being defeated by Luffy and put in Impel down.

This is the attitude of Marine.

It is impossible for Cobra to ask Marine to help the team uniform Crocodile at this time.

"excuse me!"

Cobra left the Marine branch very disappointed.

Although upon arrival, one would have guessed that the marine would not bother.

Unexpectedly, Marine didn't ask at all, and didn't even investigate, and asked him to seek help directly from the World government.

It's strange that the world government would take care of such a thing.

…0 for flowers………

There are so many member states of the World Government, and every country seeks help from the World Government. How many countries will the World Government help with?

Even if the member states of the World government are eliminated and the king is replaced...as long as the succeeding king continues to attend the World Summit, it doesn't matter whether the king is changed or not.


Cobra sighed when he walked out of Naval Headquarters, looking a little helpless.

The fourteen-year-old daughter—Princess Vivi, comforted her father very sensiblely.

Cobra had no choice. At this time, Alabasta was indeed not very messy, so he decided to take a look first.

There is no need to think too much about Marine, Kizaru will not bother.

Alabasta's Marine branch doesn't care, and they can't manage it.

The opponent is Crocodile from Seven Warlords of the Sea.

A Marine branch just wants to manage it, but it doesn't have the strength!

He World government, he can't ask Ye Kai for help, can he?

You must know that Ye Kai is an evil pirate who likes to kill without batting an eye in Marine's publicity!

It is impossible for Cobra to ask Ye Kai for help, so he can only wait and see what happens in the future, trying to calm down the current chaos.

It's a pity...... Waiting like this, Alabasta will only become more chaotic. In the end, as in the original book, the check is succeeded by Crocodile.

However, Cobra didn't go to look for Ye Kai, Ye Kai came directly to the door.

"It seems that King Cobra needs help, I wonder if there is anything that can help!"

Ye Kai, with Nami and Perona, suddenly appeared on Cobra's way back to the palace, and took the initiative to find him.

"Who... Ye Kai?!"

"Ye Kai from Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

"The guy who offered a reward of 1 billion!"

The kingdom guards protecting Cobra and Princess Vivi were holding cold weapons or hot weapons. Seeing Ye Kai's hands trembling, he swallowed, protecting Cobra and Princess Vivi, and unconsciously moved step back.

On the contrary, Cobra, as the king, was a little courageous when he saw Ye.

In other words, he knew that with Ye Kai's strength, if he wanted to kill him, the Kingdom Guard would be a joke.

"Mr. Ye Kai, what's the matter?" Cobra didn't retreat, stood under the protection of the guards, and asked Ye Kai calmly.

Ye Kai nodded, and said very authentically: "I'm here to help you........loosing".

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