Pirate Family

Chapter 983: The Most Chaotic Street in Fishman Island

But what you promised to others, you still have to do it after all.

After all, Lorne has never had the habit of slipping his tongue.

"There's one more clue."

Just when everyone was at a loss, Lorne stroked the blood stains on the coral reef and said slowly.

"That is, start with the person who attacked Shirahoshi."

As the princess of the Fishman Island, Shirahoshi is deeply loved by the residents of the Fishman Island. Who is it that will attack her?

A slave merchant who has no bottom line and likes to plunder murloc slaves?

A crazy careerist trying to stir up conflicts among the murlocs?

Or those bloodthirsty pirates?

There was a shadow of a suspect in Lorne's mind.

"It seems that we must go to Murloc Street."

Because of Yangshu Adam's backside, Murloc Street is much darker than Mermaid Beach, and various flags are flying around the street. These are the gangsters of Murloc Street, in order to distinguish their own territories. symbols of. The murlocs with scars on their faces sat in the corner of the street, polishing their weapons, and looked around with vicious eyes from time to time.

Among them, there are many murlocs who look extremely immature, similar to human children.

As soon as Lorne stepped into this street, he felt an inexplicable oppressive atmosphere. All the murlocs stopped what they were doing, raised their heads, and looked at Lorne.

Then he lowered his head again. Although it was only for a moment, Lorne still saw a trace of hatred in their eyes.

A trace of unconcealable hatred.

"very funny."

Lorne said so, and then swaggered into the murloc's territory.

"What are we looking for?"

Feeling the unkind eyes of the murlocs around them, Xia Li and Cammy felt a little uncomfortable. They looked at Lorne and asked hesitantly.

Xia Li was a little puzzled, because since Princess Baixing disappeared near here, then King Neptune must search this place again and again, but he has not made any progress until now, which means that there are no clues here.

So, what was Lorne doing here?

"Find someone."

The corner of Lorne's mouth curved slightly, and then he walked towards the group of murlocs who were closest to him. The way these gangsters looked at him just now made Lorne feel very uncomfortable.

"What are you doing here!"

After seeing Lorne approaching, a tall sea star murloc with dark brown skin stood up, looked down at Lorne, and said condescendingly.

He tightly held the sharp sword he had just polished, ready to chop off the head of the small and arrogant human being in front of him at any time.

"He's here to mess things up."

And Lorne didn't seem to care about the unkind eyes of the group of murlocs, and responded with a smile.

"You're courting death! How dare you provoke the murlocs with your meager human strength?"

A killing intent flashed in the starfish murloc's eyes. He raised his sharp sword and chopped it down towards Lorne's head.

In less than a second, the man's head would roll to the ground, and blood would spurt from his broken neck.

The starfish murlocs have done this kind of thing more than once, so they are quite familiar with it.


But the moment he raised his hand, the starfish murloc suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and then he flew towards the back involuntarily, hitting the wall behind him heavily.

Countless spider web-like cracks appeared on the wall, and the starfish murloc spit out a mouthful of blood, then slid off the wall and fell to the ground.

And his subordinates showed horror on their faces.

Because they didn't see clearly how Lorne shot, they just felt a flash of light before their eyes, and then their boss was blasted into the wall.

"It seems that my power is greater than you think."

Lorne said with a smile, then turned around, and said to the murlocs who were still watching behind him.

"Is there anyone who is not convinced, you can challenge me."

Facing Lorne's gaze, the group of murlocs did not flinch in the slightest. Soon, a four-clawed murloc with four strong arms walked out from the crowd.

"I am the boss of Murloc South Street, four-armed Noken."

The four-clawed murloc walked up to Lorne, about ten meters away, and then stopped.

"You are strong, human, but you alone cannot defeat the murlocs."

"Don't you murlocs only talk big things?"

But Lorne didn't care, he buttoned his ears.

"If I were you, I would have done it by now."

"You will pay for your arrogance!"

Facing Lorne's ridicule, the murloc named Noken flew into a rage, waving his four arms and rushed towards Lorne.

Then, his whole body was blasted into the wall, right next to the starfish murloc just now.

"Who else."

Lorne looked around and said lightly.

This time, the group of murlocs finally felt a bit of fear. It's not that they haven't seen a strong man, and it's not that they don't know that a real strong man exists beyond races. This murloc named Noken is not the strongest in Murloc Street. In this street, there are some more terrifying existences than Noken.

But among them, none of them was able to do this, blowing Noken away with a single punch, making him lose his fighting power.

This group of murlocs finally understood that the one standing in front of them might be an existence they couldn't provoke.

"Is there no one else?"

Lorne, on the other hand, was a little unsatisfied.

Because after all, this street has come out of Tiger, a strong man like Jinping, even the slightly inferior Aaron, is also a strong man.

He thought that here, he could meet some strong men who could make him stretch his fists a little bit, but he didn't expect that, that's all.

In fact, Lorne thought too much. After fighting against the strong, his combat experience was completely different from that of these street gangsters. Moreover, his body has been continuously strengthened by Jia Zhi, and he has also grown into a monster by incorporating the flesh and blood essence of "Adam" and "Man" who are born with perverted bodies.

Even if it's just a competition of strength, even a murloc powerhouse like Jinbe is no match for him.

This kind of power, used to bully this group of street gangsters, is still a bit too bullying.

However, at this moment, a murloc with a turban and three bloodstains on his face came out of the crowd,

"Boss Blood Shark!"

When he walked out, the surrounding murlocs subconsciously made room for him, as if they were very afraid of this murloc.

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