Pirate Family

Chapter 984 Vander Daken

Finally came a decent opponent.

Lorne looked at the murloc named Blood Shark in front of him. This murloc was very powerful. According to estimates, it was about the same size as the tens of millions of bounty pirates in the paradise.

This kind of strength is enough to dominate one side in Paradise, where the combat power is relatively weak.

It seems that he is the current ruler of Murloc Street, the boss of the gangsters.

"A strong man like you, coming here, shouldn't just want to show off his might."

Blood Shark was obviously not as impulsive as his younger brothers, he looked at Lorne and said cautiously.

He knew very well that he was definitely not the opponent of this extremely thin human being in front of him. One punch made Noken lose his combat effectiveness. This kind of strength was far beyond what he could imagine.

Perhaps, only the former Jinbei boss can achieve this level.

"Of course not. In fact, I'm here to find a trace of a person."

"one person?"

Blood Shark chewed on Lorne's words, feeling a little dazed.

And Lorne walked towards the blood shark and said softly.

"I want to find a clue of a murloc."

A quarter of an hour later, on Murloc Street, the headquarters of the Blood Shark Gang, Blood Shark took out a document and handed it to Lorne.

"This is the information on Daken you want."

On the information is a murloc wearing a top hat, beard and long curled hair.

"very good."

Lorne took the information from Blood Shark. The murloc in front of him was very interesting and saved Lorne a lot of trouble.

Daken, whose full name is Van der Daken IX, is the broad-striped tiger sharkman and the head of the Flying Pirates.

Vander Daken, who was born in the murloc street, is completely different from other murlocs. He claims to be cursed by the sea god. As a murloc, he cannot survive in the sea and must apply a waterproof layer on his body. To be able to live normally under the sea.

This kind of specificity also caused Daken, who was a child, to be squeezed out by other murlocs.

The murlocs thought that Daken was a freak, no different from humans who could only live on land.

Daken, who grew up in this environment, became very withdrawn and irritable.

However, due to his natural talent for marksmanship, the young Daken gained a firm foothold in Murloc Street and gathered his own power.

"Vander Daken?"

And Povar next to him was slightly surprised when he heard the name.

"What's wrong?"

Lorne asked.

"I've heard the name before,"

Povar said seriously that as the child of the Fourth Prince, she naturally knew many secrets that ordinary people did not know. She had heard the name from her mother's words when she was very young.

"Vander Daken was a great pirate two hundred years ago. It is said that his power at that time had reached an unprecedented level. He almost ruled the entire sea." Bovar looked at Lorne, hesitant to speak. end.

Lorne smiled slightly, he knew that this little girl wanted to say that she was no different from herself now.

"However, he failed in the end and was defeated by a rookie pirate who rose like a comet, and finally died with regret."

"His boat sank into the sea and disappeared."

"Here is the story of Vander Dyken."

It's short, but it's a matter of course. After all, only the names of the winners will always be remembered in history, and those losers will soon be forgotten by history.

If Lorne had died in Wano Country, his fate would be no different from that of Van der Daken.


Blood Shark nodded, and he said slowly.

"According to our information, it shows that this Daken is indeed the descendant of that Daken, and that Daken did not die after being defeated and the ship sank into the sea, but fell in love with a mermaid .”

"His blood has gradually been passed down, so Daken has human blood flowing in his body, and the other murlocs reject him for this reason."

"Is that so?"

Lorne showed a slight thoughtful expression.

The reason why he was looking for this Vander Daken IX was because in his memory, this murloc seemed to have an almost morbid obsession with Shira Hoshi, as well as a crazy possessive desire.

If Bai Xing went out and was bumped into by him, it was indeed possible to be attacked by him.

"Then, can you tell me where Van der Deken is now?"

"A few years ago, to be precise, Boss Tiger brought back news of the disbandment of the Murloc Pirates when he returned from the sea."

"Later, Boss Aaron and Boss Jinbe parted ways due to different ideas. Boss Jinbe chose to stay on Fishman Island, while Boss Aaron chose to take people out and set up his own family."

"Before he left, Boss Aaron asked Daken if he was willing to leave with him, but Daken rejected Boss Aaron on the grounds that he didn't like being subordinated to others."

Blood Shark paused and continued.

"This is also the last time I saw Daken. After that, Daken also left Murloc Street with his men. Not long after, I heard the news that he established a new flying pirate group."

"That is to say, even you can't be sure where Daken is?"

Lorne frowned slightly, and after reading the information about Daken in his hand, he said softly.

"Yes, but one thing is certain."

Seeing Lorne's displeased expression, Blood Shark hurriedly continued.

"Daken must still be wandering around the Fishman Island right now."

"I see."

Lorne put down the information in his hand and got up slowly.

"I am very satisfied."

After saying this, Lorne took his men and left the headquarters of the Blood Shark Gang, and the other murlocs were obviously afraid after seeing Lorne, and they all made way for Lorne .

Seeing the back of Lorne gradually leaving, Blood Shark finally breathed a sigh of relief, and slumped on the chair.

Cold sweat completely soaked his vest.

This man definitely has the strength to wipe out the entire murloc street!

I am really close to death.

At this time, a wretched-looking murloc walked in with an aggrieved face. After seeing the blood shark, the murloc showed surprise in his eyes.

"What are you doing, Marcus?"

After understanding the murloc, Blood Shark was obviously a little upset. Just kidding, he was almost killed by someone, but this Marcus hid himself.

"Boss Blood Shark, I don't want to either! It's just that I just met a group of humans, and they are really deceiving people! They don't take us murlocs seriously."

Marcus pointed to the bruises on his body and said with an aggrieved expression.

"Boss Blood Shark, you must avenge me!"

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