Pirate Family

Chapter 985 Lorne's Worries

After hearing Marcus describe his experience in detail, Blood Shark was silent for a long time, and then asked slowly.

"Are you sure, the person you saw before is a young human with black hair!"

"It's true!"

Marcus's face was full of grievances and resentment for Lorne's beating of himself.

"After beating me, he was quickly taken away by the people of Dragon Palace City, but according to the style of the people of Dragon Palace City, that human should be released soon."

"At that time, Blood Shark Boss, you must help me decide,"

Marcus immediately threw himself in front of the blood shark, with snot and tears, as if he had been greatly wronged.

"It's not just me he despises, but our entire murloc clan!"

After the crying, Marcus raised his head and observed the expression of the blood shark boss. In Marcus's memory, the blood shark boss was a racist. Like the original Aaron boss, he had great respect for human beings. If he provokes him like this again, the blood shark boss will definitely fly into a rage, and then bring his own men to settle accounts with that arrogant human being.

At that time, even if that human being is released by the people of Dragon Palace City, he will directly meet the boss of the blood shark and be severely taught by the boss of the blood shark.

It would be even better if both sides were to lose out in the fight, and he could logically inherit the position of the blood shark boss and unify the entire murloc street.

Marcus was thinking about his little Jiujiu in his heart, but now he noticed that after hearing his words, Blood Shark's face became extremely livid.

"Boss Blood Shark? What's wrong with you?"

Marcus saw something wrong with the blood shark boss's expression, and asked tentatively.


Blood Shark shook his head, then looked at Marcus with a slight smile.

"You're doing very well, very well."

Blood Shark was originally a tall man with sharp fangs, so when he smiled, he looked a little perverted.

But Marcus felt that the blood shark boss at this time was not only intrusive in appearance, but also an inexplicable sense of oppression shrouded Marcus, which made Marcus shudder.


Blood Shark repeated his words again. Then with a wave of his hand, two strong murlocs stepped forward, clamped Marcus, and dragged him down.


"The clue is broken again."

After leaving the murloc street, Lorne spoke.

At this time, the sky was getting late, and countless fish lights lit up all over the Fishman Island.

Lights up Murloc Island which should have been darkened.

"However, one thing is certain, this matter should be done by Van der Deken."

Lorne said to himself, after finding the clue of Vander Daken, he had a vague intuition that his direction was not wrong.

Lorne trusted his instincts.

Therefore, as long as one finds Van der Daken IX, one can be traced by Bai Xing.

"It's getting late now, why don't you go back and have a rest."

At this moment, Xia Li spoke in a timely manner.

Murloc Island is not safe at night, without the protection of light, many deep sea creatures accustomed to darkness will wake up and wander around, so the residents of Murloc Island do not have the habit of going out at night.

Lorne looked at Xia Li, then nodded slowly.

Everyone returned to a coral apartment located under Mermaid Bay. This is where most mermaids live.

Charlie made room for Lorne and his men. After saying goodbye to the sexy cafe manager, Lorne lay on the soft bubble bed and began to think about today's experience.

In this world, there is no perfect crime, as long as something is done, it will definitely leave traces.

As for Daken, it is impossible to disappear in the fishman island out of thin air. As long as he is still active around here, he will definitely be found.

So, where is Daken?

Lorne began to think, and he had a vague sense of anxiety in his heart, as if if he slowed down, he would miss something extremely important.


In the middle of the night, the sea area outside the Fishman Island was completely dark.

A thin figure walked through the darkness, and with the help of the faint light of the lantern fish, it could be vaguely distinguished that it was not a murloc, but a young female human.

This female human has big golden wavy hair, even among the murloc ladies, she can be called outstanding.

With the help of a thin layer of bubbles on her body, she walked through the deep sea like a murloc, turning her head to glance back from time to time, as if something extremely dangerous was following her.

After a closer look, I saw that her body was covered with wounds. The biggest wound was located on her abdomen, which almost split her whole body in two. Blood gushed out along these wounds, tearing the originally transparent bubble film Stained a strange crimson.

"Be sure, hurry up... go back."

The woman said to herself, a look of anxiety flashed in her eyes.

At this time, there was a whistling sound from behind the woman, as if something huge had crossed the deep sea and was chasing after her at high speed.


A three-meter-long giant sword shot from behind her, the woman flashed nimbly, and the sword shot past her body, but the woman did not take it lightly, and the sword cut across her body. After that, it flew tens of meters away, slowly began to slow down, then turned its head strangely, and flew towards the woman again.

"This sword must be stopped."

The woman muttered to herself that her physical strength was on the verge of limit at this time, if she was hit by this sword, she would only be reduced to food for some creatures in this sea.

She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid that she has not fulfilled her mission.

The sharp sword was getting closer and closer to the woman. The woman gritted her teeth and swam towards the bottom. There was a coral reef with a hollow in the middle. When it was time, it got into the coral reef.


The sharp sword suddenly plunged into the coral reef, and then was pinched by the coral reef, shaking non-stop.

After slowly moving forward a few centimeters, it finally stopped moving forward.

And the tip of the sharp sword is only one centimeter away from the woman.


The woman was relieved, and struggled to get out from the coral reef, the sharp sword behind her was still moving. The woman breathed a sigh of relief, and when she was about to move on, she suddenly turned pale and looked at her waist.

When he drilled into the coral reef just now, the bubble film covering his body was rubbed out a crack.

The air in the film is constantly being lost, and along with the air flowing out, there is also his own blood!

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