Pirate Family

Chapter 988 Heroes and Villains

The murloc named Huo Di slowly left Dragon Palace City in a seahorse carriage.

Originally, they had just completed a round of patrolling, and they could have a half-day rest in the Dragon Palace City, but after Hody knew the address where Vander Deken IX was hiding, he couldn't hold back his excitement at all, and returned to the city. After arriving at Dragon Palace City, he rested for a while, then found an excuse and left here again.

According to that human woman's information, Shirahoshi is not dead, not only that, but she is living a good life, except for not being able to gain freedom, Vander Daken has met almost all of Shirahoshi's requirements.

"Stupid guy."

But the murloc who attacked Shirahoshi received such an evaluation from Hody.

In Huodi's view, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If the revered Princess Baixing dies in the hands of humans, then King Neptune will be furious, and the residents of Fishman Island who love Princess Baixing will also fight with her. Humanity is completely broken.

This is a good opportunity to change the history of the murlocs, to wake up the murlocs from Princess Otohime's stupid thoughts, and to understand that murlocs are inherently noble, and it is impossible for them to coexist peacefully with humans!

But Vander Daken, that idiot, actually missed such a good opportunity in vain and indulged in his children's affair.

If he hadn't heard that human woman, Huo Di would not have believed that Vander Daken IX fell in love with Shira Xing at first sight, and was madly infatuated with this princess of Murloc Island, even for the sake of his perverted possessiveness, taking advantage of Bai Xing When leaving Dragon Palace City, he suddenly attacked her and hijacked her.

Hody despised this kind of behavior, but he didn't have the slightest thought of saving Shirahoshi. What the murloc was thinking at this moment was how to let Shirahoshi's death stimulate the hearts of the residents of Murloc Island, and let them take this anger away. turned into hatred for humanity.

Although there is no specific plan yet, Hody already has some clues, that is, to let Shirahoshi die at the hands of a famous, or a human being whom the Fishman Island respects very much, in full view.

Moreover, it was still the kind of tragic death that suffered humiliation, that kind of torture to death.

A crazily smile appeared on the corner of Hody's mouth, and the most urgent task now is to find Vander Daken IX and determine his location.

Fortunately, Hody already knew where Vander Daken IX was hiding.

"So it's there? No wonder the guards of Dragon Palace City patrolled around a few times, but they didn't find any trace of you."

The seahorse carriage came to the edge of Murloc Island, and there was a commotion ahead.

A human ship wrapped in membrane bubbles is floating near the fishman island.

And some strong humans in diving suits jumped out of the boat and rushed towards the mermaid girls wandering around the fishman island.

The mermaid ladies fled in all directions, but they couldn't escape the huge slave net that this group of humans had premeditated, and were quickly caught by the net.

This is a slave hunting team that dived deep into Murloc Island!

"Catch them all!"

On the deck of the slave catcher, stood a middle-aged man in a dark purple suit, with curly white hair and a slightly raised beard, like a gentleman.

He looked at his men and shouted.

This man is one of the famous slave owners of the Great Route. Some time ago, he got what seemed to have happened on the Fishman Island. The defense force was empty. This businessman keenly grasped this key point. Then he used all his wealth to replace this slave ship and the well-trained soldiers on board, in order to get rich overnight.

Because the price of an ordinary human being on the black market is no more than 500,000 berry, but any murloc can sell for more than 30 million berry in the black market.

A 50% profit is enough to make a businessman take risks, and a 100% profit is enough to make a businessman trample on all laws in the world.

Now more than sixty times the profit, completely blinded the slave owner's eyes. He looked at the lovely mermaid ladies who were constantly struggling in the slave net, as if he saw Baileys shaking constantly.

"So, isn't it too dangerous..."

Next to the man, a woman in a long blue dress said worriedly. She looked at her husband with worries in her eyes.

In fact, she did not approve of her husband's action. She was born in the Red Earth Continent, a marquis family, and the slaves she came into contact with since she was a child were all poor children. They served as servants of noble families in exchange for food to satisfy their hunger. It's not that my husband forcibly deprives others of their freedom.

For some reason, a woman always feels that her husband's behavior is wrong.


And beside the woman, there is a little girl about seven or eight years old standing.

The little girl hid behind the woman with a face of fear, stretched out half of her head, and watched everything that happened in front of her.

Her father's crazy smile made her feel a little strange.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"It will take at least half an hour for the guards of Dragon Palace City to rush to this place, and by that time, we have already finished everything and fled."

"Moreover, these guards under me are well-trained and equipped with the most advanced weapons of the Vinhill family. Even if those ugly murlocs come, they are not incapable of fighting."

"What's more, we can choose to escape when necessary, so don't worry."

The man turned his head to look at the huge slave net that was constantly being drawn in, and the greed in his eyes was even worse.

This time, it can be said to be a great harvest. As long as they return to land, this boat full of sexy and lovely murloc ladies will surely be able to sell for a jaw-droppingly high price in the black market!

At that time, I will really make a fortune.

The man looked at the Murloc Island surrounded by various coral reefs, and a gleam of light appeared in his eyes.

It's like, a pirate, saw the legendary big secret treasure, ONE-PIECE.

But at this moment, the man suddenly heard an angry roar.

A gap was torn open in the huge slave net, and those murloc ladies also took advantage of this opportunity to escape in all directions through the small gap.

"Damn it! Who is it?!"

The man's eyes were tearing open, there is nothing more irritating than a boiled duck flying away, and he was going to see who messed up his good deeds.

But suddenly, he couldn't speak.

Because a tall murloc with dark skin was floating in the deep sea, holding a huge triangular halberd, looking at him indifferently.

It was him just now who tore through the slave net.

Looking around, there was cold sweat on the man's forehead.

Because at some point, his ship was surrounded by a group of murloc soldiers.

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