Pirate Family

Chapter 989 Heroes and villains (2)

Hody didn't expect that the current human beings would be so bold as to rush to Murloc Island to capture slaves.

He couldn't hide his anger. If he hadn't happened to be here, his compatriots would have been taken away by this shameful human being.

The mermaid ladies hid behind Huo Di as if they saw a savior.

It's a very ironic thing, because of extreme racism, Hodi can't understand anything that is not good for the murlocs, so he often takes action to clean up this group of humans who harass the murlocs. This also gave him an extraordinary reputation in Fishman Island.

"We, maybe we can talk. I can give you Baileys, lots of Baileys."

The man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at Huo Di, and said slowly.

After being caught by this group of murloc soldiers, the man remembered his usual tricks, just like when he was caught capturing slaves in a human kingdom before, he used Bailey to bribe the group of guards, and then he was able to escape .

Now men also want to use this method. There is no one in this world who is not interested in Bailey. As long as the murloc in front of him shows the slightest bit of greed, then the man will have a chance to leave this place safely.

Perhaps, it might not be possible to bring this group of captured murlocs back together.

Sure enough, after the man finished speaking, Huo Di stopped his movements.

"You may not know that a murloc can be sold for an astonishingly high price in the human black market. If you ask me to bring this group of murlocs back, we can share the proceeds fifty-five, sixty-four,"

After seeing the terrifying murloc in front of him stop moving, the man thought his trick had worked. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said calmly.

"You six and four, believe me, you can't earn this money in your life as a guard."

But while saying these words, the man was also thinking in his heart, if the murlocs really foolishly listened to his words, then this slave hunting trip would be a great harvest.

As for the 60% profit allocated to him?

When he got to the sea and sold the murlocs, how could he snatch the money from him?

The big deal is that I will never go to sea for the rest of my life.

"Six Fourth?"

The corner of Hody's mouth revealed a trace of sarcasm, looking at the man as if looking at a fool.

"You seven and three, I can't make any more concessions!"

The man gritted his teeth and continued.

This is a small negotiating skill. No matter whether he will fulfill his promise in the end, he must convince this murloc now.

And too many concessions will make people feel too fake. Only such unwilling concessions can gain the trust of others.

"Hehehe." But it was Hody who responded to the man with a mocking laugh, and not only Hody, but also the other murloc soldiers started to sneer.

The man was about to continue the negotiation, but Hoddy had already moved.

The next moment, the murloc rushed in front of the man, raised his huge triangular halberd, and stabbed heavily at the man's chest.


The sharp triangular halberd pierced through the man's chest, nailing him to the huge mast of the slave ship.


And the man's wife and daughter, seeing their husband and father dead, uttered a sharp cry.

But the shouting did not stop Huo Di at all. Huo Di waved his hand, and the murlocs under him swarmed up, rushing towards the remaining slave hunters.

And the high-tech weapons in the hands of those fighters did not have time to exert their due power in the deep sea, and the murlocs easily tore their protective film.

Then, because of the high pressure in the deep sea and the lack of oxygen, these fighters were massacred by the murlocs without any resistance.

"The waste that is extremely dependent on the environment, the inferior species that can't even breathe in the sea, actually tried to negotiate with me."

The sea area was stained red with blood, Hody said sarcastically as he looked at the human beings who were constantly struggling in the sea.

"You do not deserve."

At this time, he turned his gaze to the mother and daughter who had lost their souls because of fear.

Slowly walked towards them.

In his eyes, a bad light flashed.


"Still...haven't found anything?"

Lorne looked at King Neptune in front of him and said with some disappointment.

I don't know why, but there is always a kind of uneasiness in his heart, and this kind of uneasiness seems to be inseparable from the Dragon Palace, so he brought Yinggong Li here.

But from Neptune's mouth, he didn't get any valuable information.

Shirahoshi's search has not made the slightest progress. As for Van der Daken IX, it seemed that he had also evaporated in the world of Murloc Island, without the slightest clue.

"After our investigation, I did find signs of Vander Daken IX's activities. He did not leave Murloc Island, or in other words, did not leave Murloc Island too far."

"So, he must be hiding somewhere."

King Neptune said with some self-blame that as a king, he couldn't find a clue of a subject in his territory when needed. It's a pretty humiliating thing to do.

In particular, this person is also related to the whereabouts of his most precious daughter.

"Is that so?"

Lorne nodded, unable to see his emotion.

"I see."

After finishing speaking, Lorne got up and prepared to leave Dragon Palace City with Ying Gongli.

Since King Neptune couldn't help him, he had to take some other measures.

In Dragon Palace City, everyone hurried past, not noticing that Lorne's expression gradually became gloomy.

Only a few people who knew Lorne knew that when Lorne showed such an expression, it only meant one thing, and that was that he was angry.

Lorne didn't know why he was angry, but the consequences of his anger were serious.

It was so serious that even the entire Fishman Island couldn't afford it.


The outskirts of Fishman Island.

in a coral reef.

A woman with blond hair hides among the coral reefs from the sharks outside.

Because the bubble film wrapping him was broken, the blood flowed out along the gap.

Attracted the top predators in this group of sea.

The woman held a huge coral block in front of her, resisting the sharp teeth of the shark.

However, due to the lack of oxygen, the woman felt that her consciousness was becoming more and more blurred, and she almost couldn't even hold the coral block in her hand.

"Absolutely can't fall here."

The woman muttered to herself, even though she was abandoned by the guards of Dragon Palace City, she still did not give up her inner hope.

At this time, a man's laughter came from her ear.

One, in her life, she absolutely didn't want to hear the second man's laughter.


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