Pirate Family

Chapter 990 Divination

The outskirts of Fishman Island.

The blood stains on the battlefield have been cleaned up by Hody's men, leaving only the wreckage of some ships floating in the deep sea.

The escaped mermaid girls patted their chests with fear on their faces. At the same time, they looked at the tall man standing in front of them with admiring eyes.

Hody Jones, because of his tragic childhood, grew up in the notorious Murloc Street. When he was in his prime, he chose to follow Haixia Jinbe and joined the guard of Dragon Palace.

Because of his personality, he has an inexplicable hatred for humans. Once he encounters a conflict between murlocs and humans, he will definitely rush to teach these humans a severe lesson. For this reason, Hody has suffered a lot of punishment.

However, because of this reason, Hody has mixed reputations in Murloc Island.

Those who like him think that he is the savior of the murlocs, a hero who can save the murlocs, and even compare him with the murloc hero Fisher Tiger.

Those who hate him think that Hody is an out-and-out violent maniac, bloodthirsty, no different from those vicious pirates. These people even thought about driving Hody out of Murloc Island.

It's just because Haixia Jinpei came forward later, and the incident finally came to nothing.

As for Huodi himself, he doesn't care about the prejudice of the murlocs towards him. What he really wants is for those "inferior races" on the sea to pay a painful price for what he has done. Goal, he can sacrifice everything.

Even the Murloc Princess, Shirahoshi is no exception.

"Go back. Don't be caught by humans next time."

Huo Di took a deep breath, then turned his head, and said to the mermaid ladies behind him.

These mermaid girls bowed gratefully to Hody, and then quickly swam back to the fishman island. This experience left a deep impression on them. In a short time, these mermaid girls will not Leave Fishman Island again.

"Boss, what about this?"

A murloc soldier walked up to Huodi, and pointed to a shivering little girl who was tied up next to her.

This was the daughter of the slave trader, her parents had just died at the hands of Hody a few minutes ago.

The seven or eight-year-old girl trembled while looking at Hody with hatred.

"Just a little human girl."

Huo Di said with a blank face.

"Let her go."


Huo Di's men wanted to say something more, because the hatred in the eyes of this little human girl was hardly concealed. But what followed was Hody's cold snort. The murloc soldier trembled all over, and then he remembered.

Boss Hoddy is a truly ruthless man, cruel to his enemies, and to his disobedient companions... as well.

The murloc soldier tied a bubble film to the little girl, and then filled it with air.

The little girl's body involuntarily floated up, floating upwards.

If nothing else happened, she would float to the surface of the sea after two hours.

As for whether it will be discovered by the human fleet in the end, or whether it will be eaten by some terrible monster during the floating process, this is not what Hody cares about.

After the battlefield was dealt with, the murloc soldiers gathered in front of Hody.

"Boss, are we still patrolling around Fishman Island?"

A soldier who looked like a deputy captain looked at Hody and said in awe.


Huo Di shook his head. His purpose of coming out was not to inspect Murloc Island for King Neptune, but to meet... that person.

"where are we going."

Hoddy said so.


Lorne left from Dragon Palace City because he didn't get the information he wanted.

He wasn't in a good mood.

And because it is located in the 10,000-meter-deep Murloc Island, it is surrounded by sea water. Lorne's ability was greatly restricted. The perception ability that could easily cover the entire island was now limited to one block.

That's why Lorne didn't use his perception ability to directly scan Murloc Island, looking for the trace of White Star.

"My lord, what should we do now?"

Ying Gongli chased Lorne and said calmly.

She has never had her own opinions, and she will do whatever Lorne asks her to do.

"Go find Charlie."

Lorne thought for a while before continuing.

Xia Li's divination ability is his only hope now.

This time, he wanted to change the method, not divination about Bai Xing's traces, but divination about the traces of people related to Bai Xing.

At this point, it was already morning.

Sunshine shines through Adam Yangshu, evenly swaying on the long street of Murloc Island.

Xia Li stretched comfortably, then sat up from the bed, and was about to make breakfast for herself.

But at this moment, the door of the apartment was suddenly pushed open, and Lorne walked in from the outside.

"Ms. Charlie, I need you to do me a favor."

The two looked at each other and fell into a long silence.

Because she just woke up, Xia Li was dressed very "cool". In Lorne's eyes, Xia Li's perfect figure could be seen at a glance.


A pillow was thrown towards Lorne, Lorne frowned, and then avoided it directly.

"Get out!"

Xia Li screamed, Lorne had no choice but to turn around and leave, closing the door slowly.

In fact, he didn't have any evil thoughts. There were quite a few beautiful women around him, and there were even many expressing or implying that they liked him, but Lorne didn't take it seriously.

Therefore, after seeing Xia Li, Lorne didn't have any evil thoughts.

After working in the room for a long time, Xia Li opened the door. At this time, she was neatly dressed and even put on a light makeup.

But it was still hard to hide the blush on his cheeks.

"Tell me, what's the matter with me so early in the morning."

Xia Li looked at Lorne and forced herself to speak in the same calm tone as usual.

And Lorne nodded.

"I need your help."

Xia Li was stunned, and then her face quickly turned extremely crimson. She clenched her fist and said through gritted teeth.

"You bastard!"

If it wasn't for knowing that she was definitely not Lorne's opponent, and there was a Sakura Miyari who had a good relationship with him standing behind Lorne, Xia Li would definitely have had a seizure at this time.

"I'm not interested in your body."

Of course, Lorne understood that Xia Li had misunderstood him, and explained slowly.

After a pause, he continued.

"I need you to use your divination skills to help me find something."

"Something related to Shirahoshi."

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