Pirate Family

Chapter 991

"Divination is not as omnipotent as you think."

A few minutes later, in a certain room of Coral Apartment, Charlie sat up straight, looked at Lorne, and said slowly.

"If you want to know something, you must pay something corresponding. The more specific you want to know, the greater the price you will pay."

"What do you need to pay?"

Lorne said lightly.

"I can provide you with it."

The Vinhill family has a big business, and their wealth is almost inexhaustible.

Even Lorne himself doesn't know how much money he has now. He only knows that there are very few people in this world who can match him in wealth.

"Then can you give me your life?"

Xia Li gave Lorne a blank look, and said coldly.


"Can you, change my fate?"

Xia Li repeated her own words, paused, and continued.

"Every time I do a divination, my fate will undergo an unknowable change. The more detailed my divination, the greater the magnitude of the change."

"Although there is no way to verify it, I do know this. The more times I do divination, the more completely my fate will be changed."

Xia Li looked at Lorne and said so.

Lorne remained silent. With things like fate, he really couldn't help Xia Li.

Sure enough, there is nothing in this world that can be obtained for nothing. If you want to get something, you must pay for it.

It's like a balance, weighing everything in this world in the dark.

"Now, you can tell me what you want to know."

After seeing Lorne's silence, Xia Li suddenly smiled, changed her voice, and continued.

"Man," Lorne said without hesitation.

"People who have been in contact with Princess Baixing recently."

"That's a lot."

Xia Li frowned. Although Princess Baixing rarely left Dragon Palace City because of her natural shyness, she had contact with many people.

And knowing that before she was hijacked, she had just visited the murlocs in Murloc Street, and it was almost impossible to pass divination checks one by one.

"Then narrow it down."

Lorne thought about the price of "fate" that Xia Li just said,

"I want to know who Princess Bai Xing met after she was hijacked,"

"Let me try."

Xia Li nodded, then stroked the divination crystal ball with her slender fingers, closed her eyes, and whispered some vague spells in her mouth.

The scenery above the crystal ball was constantly changing, Xia Li began to frown, and a cold snort continued to seep from her forehead.

Finally, she finally let go of her hand, and at this moment, her clothes were completely wet with sweat.

"Sure enough, as you said."

Xia Li said weakly, through the divination crystal ball, she saw that among the people Princess Baixing had contacted recently, there was a tall black figure. It is eight or nine points similar to Vander Daken IX.

"The one who hijacked Princess Baixing was Vander Daken IX."

"I know that."

Lorne nodded, expressionless.

"Princess Baixing was locked in a very dark place. It's strange, this is the second time I've done divination. Could it be that there will never be sunlight in that place?"

Charlie said with some surprise.

"Shirahoshi is locked in a place of eternal darkness?"

Lorne captured the key words in Xia Li's words, which could greatly narrow the scope of the search.

Near Fishman Island, is there any place where the sun can never be seen?

Lorne didn't know, but he was sure that King Neptune, who was the ruler of Murloc Island, should know where it was.

"So, the people Shirahoshi contacts can only see one Van der Daken?"

Lorne said with some disappointment that he wanted to find out the source of his uneasiness, and based on his hunch, Lorne guessed that Xia Li might be able to give him the answer.

"let me think again."

Xia Li nodded, trying to recall the scene she saw through the divination crystal just now.

Princess Baixing was restrained in the darkness, curled up, and Vander Daken was laughing wildly.

Beside him stood countless black figures.

Xia Li frowned tightly, cold sweat dripping out.

She seemed to see that behind Princess Baixing, there seemed to be someone hiding.

"See anything?"

Seeing Xia Li like this, Lorne asked.


Xia Li slumped on the chair all of a sudden, and it took a while before she continued.

"I saw that Princess Baixing was protecting someone."

"Who are you protecting?"

Lorne repeated Xia Li's words, he felt very puzzled, Bai Xing himself was a prisoner, who else could she protect?


Xia Li nodded affirmatively, and then continued.

"She's protecting a human woman, a human woman with golden hair."

Perhaps feeling that her description was a bit inaccurate, Xia Li found out a piece of paper and drew what she saw through the crystal ball.

And when Lorne saw the woman's head drawn by Xia Li, he stood up in shock.

"How could it be her!"

"Why is she here?!"

Lorne never imagined that that woman would be in this place!


On Murloc Island, somewhere, the wreckage of countless ships was floating in this gloomy environment.

A half-broken ship was transformed into a residence, and some murlocs walked through the ship.

And in the innermost part of this ship, there is a secret room, which vibrates constantly, as if something is hidden in it.


A man's high-pitched laughter echoed through the ship.

Then, a tall murloc staggered onto the ship, and he casually threw a human woman onto the deck of the ship.

"You almost ran away, little girl."

The man looked at the woman on the ground who was constantly struggling due to lack of oxygen, and said slowly.

"If you run away and let that old fellow Neptune know about this location, then I won't be able to live with my beloved Shirahoshi."

After mentioning the word Shirahoshi, the man barely concealed the nostalgia and possessiveness between his brows and eyes.

Several murlocs took out the iron chains and bound the woman completely before putting the bubble wrap on her. Prevent her from dying from blood loss.

"By the way, I haven't seen my favorite woman for so long, I don't know if she is missing me."

The man was humming a ditty, as if remembering something, and walked towards the secret room.

The door of the secret room was pushed open, and a female mermaid about ten meters tall was bound by iron chains!

"My dear Princess Baixing, do you miss me?"

man, said so.

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