Pirate Family

Chapter 998 Crazy Pirates

Outside Fishman Island, all the pirates were stunned when they heard Daken's voice. Then he looked at the gradually rising valve at the main entrance of Murloc Island, and greedy eyes flashed in his eyes.

The nature of pirates is greedy, as long as there is a little flame, their hearts can be completely ignited.

I don't know who yelled.

"Rush in! Loot all the wealth of Murloc Island!"

Then, all the pirates in the entire pirate gathering place boiled up.

"Very well, that's it!"

Hody looked at the pirates pouring in from the valve of Murloc Island, and the corner of his mouth curved slightly.

These pirates wrestled with the murloc soldiers who came to support the control room, but the number of pirates was too many, or in other words, the side of Dragon Palace City didn't realize that things would evolve to this point at all.

These soldiers were quickly devoured by the pirate army, and countless pirates rushed into the fishman island, with crazy eyes flashing in their eyes!

The entire Fishman Island, like a girl with her legs spread out, is being ravaged by pirates.

"In this way, will it be too much..."

One of Hody's subordinates, watching the various atrocities of the pirates in the surveillance screen, said with some anxiety.

After all, he is a murloc, and those who are being bullied by pirates in the picture are after all his own clansmen.

"Are you scared?"

But Hody just turned his head and looked directly at the murloc soldier.

"No, I just..."

The murloc soldier was stared at by Hody, and trembled all over. He was about to defend himself, but Hody had already raised his pistol.

The muzzle of the pitch-black gun was aimed at the murloc's forehead.

"No! Boss Hoddy!"

The murloc soldier shouted in despair, but Hody pulled the trigger emotionlessly.


Blood sprayed out from the back of the murloc soldier's head, and with white sticky objects, it sprinkled all over the monitor screen in the control room.

"Clean it up and take this coward down,"

After finishing all this, Hody put away his pistol, and said coldly to the other stunned murloc soldiers.

"I don't need disobedient subordinates. Put away your meaningless pity. If you want to change history, you must pay a little sacrifice and blood."

"We have no way out."

After Hody finished speaking, all the murloc soldiers realized something.

That is, after they attacked the control room, they had no other choice but to follow Hody. If Dragon Palace City suppresses the pirates' riot, they will soon find out about their "rebellion".

At that time, no matter how benevolent King Neptune was, he would not let them "traitors" go.

So, now, they have no other way to survive except one way to go to darkness.

The monitoring screen was quickly wiped clean. Hody saw that the pirates rushing to the front had already arrived at the hinterland of Murloc Island. The horrified Murloc residents were in a mess and fled in all directions. Some "lucky ones" happened to bump into Looking at the hordes of pirates behind, these pirates were stunned for a moment, and then raised their butcher knives with a smirk on their faces.

"Put on a slave collar, or, die."

The pirates only gave the murlocs two choices, because each murloc can be sold for more than 30 million Baileys in the black market at sea. In his eyes, it is no different from gold mountains that can move.

And it doesn't matter if this group of murlocs refuse to wear slave collars, the pirates will wave their butcher knives without hesitation.

In war, no one can stay out of the country.

There are countless fish in Murloc Island, even if one or two die, it doesn't matter much.

"Is Dragon Palace City's reaction so slow?"

Looking at the surveillance screen, Huo Di frowned slightly.

The pirates have already arrived at the center of the Fishman Island, looting wantonly in the busiest streets of the Fishman Island, but the Dragon Palace soldiers who should have appeared here have not appeared for a long time.

"It seems that old fellow Neptune, is he scared?"

Huo Di thought so, and then a sneering smile appeared on his face.

"Do you think that if you hide in Dragon Palace City, you will be able to survive?"

According to Huodi's plan, King Neptune will definitely die in this catastrophe. If he doesn't appear, then Huodi will try to make him appear.

He said coldly to one of his subordinates.

"Notify Daken and let him add another fire to this disaster."


Dragon Palace City, the main hall. King Neptune picked up his weapon and wanted to rush out to wipe out the group of pirates who had invaded Murloc Island, but his two courtiers, Prime Minister Zuo and Prime Minister Right, firmly held onto his clothes.

"Let go of me, my people are suffering, how can I hide here?!"

King Neptune couldn't get rid of these two clingy courtiers, and said angrily.

"Your Majesty, the princes have already brought the soldiers from Dragon Palace to Fishman Island. These pirates will be wiped out soon."

"But you are the pillar of the entire Murloc Island. If something happens to you, the entire Murloc Island will be leaderless!"

Prime Minister Zuo tightly hugged King Neptune's fishtail, and said with snot and tears.

But King Neptune, who was furious, couldn't listen to the advice of his courtiers at all. He directly picked up the left and right prime ministers, and then threw them away.

"My courtiers need me, my daughter needs me! I can't hide in this kind of place!"

King Neptune roared, he is the great knight of the sea, the patron saint of the deep sea, and the patron saint of the fishman island.

How can there be a patron saint who hides behind when the people are suffering?

Besides, after so many days, King Neptune finally heard the news of his daughter, Princess Shirahoshi for the first time.

As a king, as a father, Neptune absolutely did not allow himself to hide in the so-called "safe" place, and only got the news from the reports of his subordinates after everything subsided.

He must appear on Murloc Island.

The left and right prime ministers fell heavily on the hall. They looked at each other with a bitter look on their faces.

They knew that they could not persuade King Neptune no matter what.

But at this time, a tall and strong murloc slowly walked into the hall.

"Jinbei! Are you also here to persuade me not to take risks?!"

King Neptune looked at the visitor and said angrily.

"No," Er Jinping just shook his head.

He looked at King Neptune and said slowly.

"I'm here to warn you that this chaos may not be as simple as it seems."

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