Pirate Family

Chapter 999 Guiding Voice

Jinbe has great prestige in Murloc Island. Even King Neptune would take Jinbe's thoughts into consideration when issuing orders.

Sure enough, after Jinbe finished speaking, King Neptune calmed down. He looked directly into Jinbe's eyes and said slowly.

"What did you find out?"

"There is a control room at the main entrance of the fishman island, which controls the switch of the huge valve at the door. This place is also the only place where pirates can enter the fishman island."

Said very calmly.

The entire Murloc Island is surrounded by a huge row of membrane bubbles. If the pirates want to enter the Murloc Island from other places, their ship's membrane coating will be absorbed by this layer of membrane bubbles, and then repelled.

A ship that loses its coating will soon be destroyed by exposing itself directly to the deep sea.

King Neptune nodded, of course he knew about this huge valve.

"However, the attacking pace of this group of pirates is too violent. We have already invaded the hinterland of Murloc Island before we could react."

"Even the control room that controls the huge valves can't afford to send back the early warning information."

Jinbe saw clearly, he looked straight into King Neptune's eyes, and said slowly.

"This shows one thing. There is some force hiding inside the Fishman Island and cooperating with the pirates outside. This is a conspiracy!"

"If it's a conspiracy! I should appear in Murloc Island! I can't let my people suffer in vain!"

And King Neptune became even more disturbed after hearing that there was a conspiracy against Murloc Island.

"Please calm down, Your Majesty."

Jinbei took a deep breath and continued.

"This conspiracy may not be aimed at Murloc Island, but at you."

That is, if one wanted treasure, there was no need to create such a big mess. Although he didn't want to admit it, Jinbe, who had been adventuring at sea for so long, still knew how much a murloc could sell for in the black market.

If you want wealth, even if you go hunting near Murloc Island, you can catch many murlocs who are alone.

And the person hiding in the shadows led the pirates to this place, maybe what he wanted was not just wealth, but what he wanted was to completely subvert the entire Murloc Island.

As for King Neptune, who is the pillar of the Fishman Island, there must be no accidents now.

So Jinbe came to this place, and he wanted to personally guard the safety of King Neptune.

King Neptune pouted and wanted to say something, but found that he had no way to refute Jinbei's words.

But at the same time, he was also very unwilling, because he felt that he was hiding in this place, and he was ashamed of his people and his daughter.

At this time, a murloc soldier rushed in from the outside, holding a phone bug in his hand, and said to King Neptune with a look of horror.

"Report to Your Majesty, the pirate who kidnapped Princess Baixing has spoken again!"

"Greedy pirates!"

Daken's voice came from the phone bug, he coughed twice, and then continued.

"Now, you should be immersed in the richness of Murloc Island."

"Enjoying the thrill of burning, killing, looting, and capturing an island."

All the pirates, after hearing Daken's words, stopped their actions one after another. They had to admit that without Daken, they would not have been able to invade Murloc Island, let alone snatch such a large amount of money. Much wealth.

As for the residents of Fishman Island, their faces were full of bewilderment and horror. Anger, all kinds of intertwined expressions.

Some of them didn't know what happened, and they were walking around the street, when a group of vicious human pirates rushed in, brandishing their weapons, clamoring to capture this place!

The unarmed murlocs can only submit to the tyrannical force of the human pirates, but, in this oppression,

A flame called anger gradually burned deep in the murlocs' hearts.

"You think this is the life a pirate should have."

Daken's words hit the hearts of these pirates word by word, but he changed his voice and continued.

"However, you are just enjoying my charity. All of this is just what I bestowed on you. Without me, you would still be hiding in the darkness below the fishman island, like the people in the shadows. Live like a mouse."

After the group of pirates heard Daken's words, they were angry at first, and then began to shout crazily.

"Find this bastard!"

"kill him!"

"Let him taste my fist!"

All kinds of angry roars came and went.

No one wants to be underestimated like this, even what Daken said is the truth.

"Don't be angry."

Daken's words continued to resound through the broadcast speakers.

"If you want to prove yourself, why not go to Dragon Palace City."

"Over there, the wealth that is the largest in the entire Murloc Island is accumulated. It is piled up like a mountain, enough to fill your cabin."

"Over there, there are countless young and lovely mermaid ladies. If you catch one, you can sell it for an astonishingly high price in the black market."

"There lives the ruler of the entire Murloc Island, an old mermaid known as a sea knight. A pirate who wants to prove himself, go to Dragon Palace City to take his head, and then, come see me."

Daken's voice echoed in the hearts of all the pirates. The pirates were taken aback for a moment, and then a crazy smile appeared on their faces.

They put down the movements in their hands, and then walked towards one direction at the same time.

That is... the direction of Dragon Palace City!

"woo woo woo woo!"

Yangshu Adam's canopy, Bai Xing began to struggle violently after listening to Daken's words, but because her mouth was sealed with a piece of tape, she couldn't say anything.

After trying to break free and failing, she finally gave up, two lines of tears slipped from the corners of her eyes. The poor little girl looked at Daken pleadingly, as if begging him not to hurt her father.

As for Daken, he walked slowly in front of Bai Xing, and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"My love, when you cry, I can't help but cry with you."

Daken said with a sincere face, just like a person in love whispering to his lover.

Bai Xing almost thought that Daken agreed to her request, but Daken's next sentence made her fall into an abyss.

"Don't worry, wait until that old fellow Neptune dies."

"There will be no one in the entire Fishman Island who can stop us."

"We shall love each other and live forever."

Daken stroked Shirahoshi's hair lightly and said softly.

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