Pirate Family

Chapter 1000 The Pirate's Voice

"Are these pirates crazy?"

Fishman Island, a dark alley.

Xia Li leaned over, looked at the chaotic street outside, and said blankly.

She didn't understand why things turned out like this. Didn't everyone be fine just now, why did this group of pirates rush in, and then waved butcher knives at the residents of Murloc Island with a ferocious expression on their faces.

"Also, who is that Daisy? Wasn't Vander Daken IX the one who hijacked Princess Baixing?"

Charlie felt her head was in a mess.

"The muddier the water in the fish pond, the more you can fish in muddy water. It seems that there are people who think they are fishermen."

A trace of sarcasm crossed the corner of Lorne's mouth. Daisy, just listening to his words from the radio, Lorne could smell the disgusting fishy smell on his body.

"It seems that I still underestimated him."

There is no doubt that he is Van der Decken.

And the reason why Vander Daken IX left the hideout before is about to be revealed, not because he noticed that Lorne was investigating him, but because he was plotting the chaos.

He returned to Murloc Island with Shirahoshi, but he just wanted to create this chaos with his own hands.

"Who is he? Vander Dyken?"

And Xia Li was still confused. After watching Lorne nod slowly, the woman exclaimed.

"But why did he do this? Isn't he a murloc? Why did he let the pirates in and kill his compatriots..."

"Not everyone is very conscious of their identity."

And Lorne said lightly.

"The abnormal possessiveness has completely blinded Daken's eyes."

Lorne got up, patted the shoulder of Xia Li who was still confused, and then continued.

"Let's go meet that crazy person together."

"Where is he?"

Xia Li followed Lorne and walked out of the dark alley. After seeing them, a few pirates who were still wandering in the street rushed over with greedy eyes, brandishing weapons and screaming.

"I don't know yet, but he will show up soon."

Lorne looked around, the originally peaceful and beautiful Murloc Island was now surrounded by war. The magnificent corals and shell buildings are covered with red blood stains.

I don't know if it's human or murloc.

Several pirates shouted and rushed towards him, but Lorne just raised his hand slightly, the movements of these pirates stopped, then turned around, brandished the weapon in their hands, and pointed at their companions He cut it off without hesitation.

Blood splattered, and Lorne walked across the street full of stumps with a calm expression on his face.

"No one will miss such a grand opera, especially, this opera was created by myself."

Lorne said calmly.

The matter has come to this, he does not need to find the traces of Van der Daken, he just needs to follow the footsteps of these pirates, and when the opera reaches its climax, Van der Daken, or something else is hiding behind the scenes people will appear naturally.

Then, Lorne wanted to make them understand the consequences of annoying themselves.

Coincidentally, he is also a person who believes in power supremacy.

Moreover, he happens to possess the most terrifying power in this sea.


"Block them!"

Dragon Palace City, the main entrance.

Countless murloc guards were firmly resisting the gate, but this heavy gate began to vibrate violently at this time, countless small cracks appeared on the gate,

"Don't let these pirates invade Dragon Palace City! As long as the princes come back, it will be fine!"

A murloc commander roared passionately, but the crack above the gate gradually spread, as if it might collapse at any time.

The murloc commander didn't understand why the group of pirates suddenly turned their spearheads and attacked in the direction of Dragon Palace City.

The few guards staying in Dragon Palace City could not resist this group of vicious pirates at all.

"Princes, when will they come back!"

At this time, the murloc commander dropped his phone bug and was about to go into battle in person when a steady voice sounded behind him.

"The princes may not be able to come back for the time being."

"I just got the information that the princes were dragged by a group of pirates and couldn't get away for the time being."

The murloc commander turned his head and saw a tall murloc with blue skin and a kimono walking towards him.

And beside him, there was a male mermaid with a huge figure and a crown on his head.

"Boss Jinbe, King Neptune..."

The murloc commander recognized the comer. Facing Neptune, he knelt down slowly.

"Please rest assured, even if you die in battle, we will protect your safety!"

Neptune is well-known in the murloc island and is deeply loved by the murlocs, so these words of the murloc commander are from the heart.


Jinbe shook his head slowly, and patted the murloc commander on the shoulder.

"You've done a good job."

"Now, you take the others and escort King Neptune to a safe place."

"Then what should we do here?"

The murloc commander looked at the precarious gate and said worriedly.

"this place."

Jinbe twisted his neck, then walked towards the door step by step.

"Here, leave it to me!"

After finishing speaking, he put one arm against the door, and the door, which was constantly shaking, stopped shaking now!


"There is a secret passage in Dragon Palace City!"

Dragon Palace City, a certain intricate corridor.

Neptune said slowly, his face uncertain.

The entire Dragon Palace City was built on top of the Murloc Island. Apart from the main entrance directly in contact with the Murloc Island, the Dragon Palace City also had a way to leave this place.

"Through that small path, we can leave Dragon Palace City and come out from the coral beach at the bottom of Fishman Island."

King Neptune's face was full of humiliation. As a king, he was in his own territory. He was so aggrieved that he could escape the enemy's pursuit by using this method.

"This time, it's just that group of pirates caught us off guard!"

And the left and right prime ministers are still comforting Neptune,

"When we come to our senses and gather our forces, we will soon be able to wipe out all the pirates who are raging on Murloc Island."

"Murloc Island, after all, is an island of murlocs! It's not the turn of these pirates to wreak havoc!"

The defenders of Fishman Island are not only soldiers of Dragon Palace City, but also local troops stationed in various places.

When these murlocs come to their senses and gather together, this group of pirates is definitely no match for the murlocs.

Neptune didn't say a word, he didn't know whether he agreed with his subordinates or because he was too angry to speak.

A door appeared in front of them, but they couldn't open it.

Because, a man appeared in front of this gate.

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