Pirate Family

Chapter 1001: The Voice That Changed the Times

"I know you!"

Neptune looked at the young murloc in front of me, his pupils shrank, and he said in disbelief.

"You are a guard of Dragon Palace City!"

"Hoddy Jones!"

King Neptune said word by word the name of the young murloc standing in front of him. The reason why he had an impression of this murloc was because the opponent was stronger than many ordinary murloc soldiers and performed well. , are often rewarded. On the other hand, it was because this murloc, his confidant, Fisher Tiger, and Jinbei were all born in the special place of murloc street.

Even a long time ago, Tiger had mentioned this young murloc to himself and wanted to train him to be his heir.

"I never thought that my name would be remembered by the respected sea god, King Neptune."

Huo Di bowed slightly to King Neptune, and then said lightly.

"Why are you here!?"

King Neptune said sharply, at this time, the soldiers of the entire Dragon Palace City were either sent out earlier to suppress the pirate riots, or they followed behind him.

And Hodi, who appeared here, seemed extremely abrupt. Coupled with the ironic smile on Hody's face at this time, King Neptune felt even more uneasy.

"Why am I here?"

Howdy smiled sarcastically.

"Of course it is to send the respected king to the place where he should go."

A group of murloc soldiers came out slowly from behind King Neptune, armed with weapons, walked towards Hodi and surrounded him.

As long as King Neptune gives an order, they will rush forward and behead the traitor who offended their king.

And Hody didn't seem to notice at all that he was surrounded by many circles, still looking straight into King Neptune's eyes, and said to himself.

"It should be, the place where you will be executed!"


A few murloc soldiers heard that the murloc in front of them dared to insult the king, and rushed towards him with weapons in their hands, roaring.

And the mocking smile on Huo Di's face did not disappear at all. He snorted coldly, took out something from his arms, threw it into his mouth, chewed it a few times and then swallowed it.

Then, the muscles that were originally solid expanded a few circles visible to the naked eye, and blue blood vessels emerged from his skin.


He directly grabbed the body of a murloc soldier rushing in the front, lifted him up, and then waved it in his hand as if it were a weapon.

Before the other murloc soldiers could react, they were sent flying by their companion's body and smashed heavily on the wall.

Boom boom boom!

"This time the pirate riot was planned by you!"

When King Neptune saw this scene, he finally reacted, looked at Hody, and said with disbelief.

"But why, aren't you a murloc? Why do you want to help humans and slaughter your own compatriots?"


After hearing King Neptune's words, Hody finally showed a rare trace of anger on his face. Howling like a beast, he squatted down slightly, his thick calves exerted strength suddenly, and his whole body rushed towards King Neptune like a bullet.

In an instant, he came to King Neptune's side,

"Because you are really too weak."

Hody looked directly into Neptune's eyes and said word by word.

"Murlocs can't coexist with humans at all!"

"Murlocs are a species higher than humans! Why do you want to accommodate the inferior species of humans?"

All the murloc soldiers took up their weapons and aimed at Hody, but none of them dared to act rashly.

Because, at this time, the distance between Hodi and King Neptune was only one centimeter.

They were sure that their hands were definitely not as fast as Hoddy's. Especially after Huo Di showed such a terrifying explosive speed just now.

"Because peace is what everyone wants to see."

"It was also at the beginning, Otohime has been working hard..."

After hearing Hody's roar, King Neptune said with a bitter face.

Peace is everyone's wish, and it is the murloc's long-standing pursuit to have equal rights with humans.

It is also what Princess Othime has been pursuing all along, for which she even gave her own life!

Even though she was killed by humans, Princess Otohime never hated humans. Before she died, she specifically asked herself to fulfill her long-cherished wish.

long-cherished wish for peace.

This is why, until now, King Neptune has not closed Murloc Island and refused to supply human pirates here.

Because Otohime said that only by treating people with sincerity can you get the sincerity of others.

"Princess Otohime?"

And Hody seemed to remember something funny, and whispered something in Neptune's ear.

Neptune's face was blank at first, then gradually became solemn, then turned into shock, and finally was completely covered by anger.

"It's funny, isn't it?"

Hoddy laughed sarcastically, and then punched Neptune hard in the stomach before Neptune could fully attack.

This powerful man with the title of Sea Knight was so shocked that he didn't have time to defend himself, and was directly punched by Hodi, and hit the wall heavily.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

And Hody, who had done all this, was holding his stomach and laughing crazily.

"I am going to kill you!"

The exquisite decorations on the wall slid off and piled up on Neptune's body, while this great sea knight struggled to get up from the ground. He completely lost the composure he had before, but said angrily.

"I must kill you!"

The soldiers under him seemed to feel the anger of their king, picked up their weapons, and rushed towards Huodi.

"Oh, right."

And Huo Di seemed to remember something, and said when these soldiers were about to rush in front of him.

"You don't think I'm alone, do you?"

"I'm not the only one eager to take off your Neptune's head."

When Huo Di said so, he paused, and continued talking to the group of soldiers.

"You guys, did you hear something?"

The murloc soldiers looked puzzled at first, some of them pricked up their ears, and sure enough they heard something.

It sounded like something was gliding quickly in the sea, rubbing against the sea water.

boom! boom! boom!

Something slammed heavily on the wall of Dragon Palace City, and the entire Dragon Palace City began to vibrate.

"This is the unwilling voice of this era."

Howdy, said so.

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