Pirate Family

Chapter 1004: Neptune's Awakening

Neptune's body was covered in battle scars.

The armor was tattered, covered with traces left by the battle, and blood flowed out along the armor.

However, at this time the entire hall was completely stained red with blood, and it was hard to tell whether the blood stains on Neptune's body were the enemy's or his own.

With his eyes closed tightly, he was hung on top of the pile of corpses, presenting a strange atmosphere.


Several murloc princes saw this scene, their eyes were tearing apart, and they roared and wanted to rush towards Neptune, but they were stopped by Lorne.

"I smell danger."

Lorne said calmly.

At this time, everyone, including the murlocs and human pirates, was lying on the hall, except for them, there was no standing creature, so where did the dangerous aura come from?

Lorne didn't know, but he trusted his intuition.

"It seems that someone left me a surprise."

However, Lorne quickly figured it out. He casually picked up a spear from the ground, weighed it in his hand, and threw it in Neptune's direction.

"what are you doing?"

Shark Star roared and said, if he hadn't been afraid of Lorne's tyrannical force, he would definitely rush over and break the head of the pirate who attacked his father!

"Trust Lorne,"

And at this time, Jinbe, who had been silent all this time, also spoke. He looked in Neptune's direction with a complicated expression.

After wandering in the sea for so many years, he certainly heard a lot of rumors about Lorne, one of which he remembered very clearly.

That is Lorne can never go wrong.

He has an almost fatalistic instinct that guides him to do the right thing.

It was so before, and it is the same now...

The spear drew a graceful arc in the air, and then accurately hit the corpse of a pirate under Neptune, piercing it, and blood spurted out.


The pirate didn't seem to be dead yet. After the spear penetrated his body, he struggled a few times, but he didn't have the strength to move anymore.

"My sons..."

However, the pirate's dying struggle awakened the unconscious Neptune. The king of the murloc clan opened his eyes with difficulty, and saw his sons in a daze.


Hearing Neptune's words, Shark Star and the others couldn't bear it any longer, roaring and rushing towards the pile of corpses.

But a thick arm stopped them.

That is, Jinbe's arm.

Jinbe looked at Shark Star and shook his head bitterly. Then he looked in Neptune's direction. Sha Xing and the others didn't know what to say.

The next moment, King Neptune seemed to wake up, and he roared.

"do not come!"

"Hodi... left a bomb here, as long as... you come over, it will... detonate."

King Neptune said with difficulty.

"But... father."

Shark star pouted, wanting to say something, but couldn't speak.

"For my people...for the Fishman Island."

King Neptune raised his head and scanned Lorne and the others in front of him. It's just that his vision has blurred, and he can't even tell his son apart.

"Must...stop Hody!"

Neptune coughed up a big mouthful of blood, then suddenly covered his chest, and broke free from the pile of corpses.

"I see."

Jinbei nodded solemnly. Then he suddenly hit the necks of Sha Xing and other princes, and the bodies of these princes stiffened slightly, and then fell to the ground.

"Thank you."

King Neptune nodded to Jinbe,

Jinbe is his most trusted subordinate, just like Tiger before.

"I will fulfill my previous promise."

At this time, Lorne spoke slowly. He glanced at King Neptune and said lightly.

"Bring Bai Xing back."

After hearing Lorne's words, King Neptune nodded gratefully, and then slowly closed his eyes.

"It's time to leave."

Lorne spoke slowly to Jinping, and the latter nodded his head, carried the princes on his shoulders, turned and walked towards the entrance of Dragon Palace City.

Feeling the breath of them gradually going away, King Neptune broke free suddenly as if he had made up his mind, and then rolled down from the pile of corpses.

The next moment, countless red flames flickered from the gaps in the pile of corpses. Then, it seemed that 10,000 tons of explosives had been buried and suddenly ignited.

Boom boom boom!

The entire Dragon Palace City vibrated violently, as if a magnitude 10 earthquake had occurred, the ceiling shook, exquisite decorations fell from the ceiling, countless cracks appeared on the walls, and then collapsed suddenly, the floor was cracked inch by inch, huge The rift keeps spreading.

This ancient building with a history as long as the world government began to slowly collapse.

Boom boom boom!

Jinbe turned around, raised his head and looked at the gradually collapsing Ryugu Castle with a complicated expression.

There seemed to be an unknown flame accumulating in his heart, which could be ignited at any time.

"Next, what should we do?"

"Everyone is dead."

A murloc soldier asked a little at a loss.

Dragon Palace City collapsed, and the king was buried in the ruins. He didn't know what to do next.

"Stop this riot."

Jinbe took a deep breath and said slowly.

"Then catch the culprit and use his head to pay homage to King Neptune."

He stood at the end of the incomplete Royal Palace Avenue, looking down at the still chaotic Murloc Island, with a silent expression.

A flame burned in his pupils,

That is, the flames of anger.



Fishman Island, somewhere. Huo Di looked at the screen sent back from the monitoring phone bug in front of him, and a sneering smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. In the picture, Lorne and the others just found Neptune.

Shark Star wanted to save King Neptune who was hanging on the pile of corpses, but Lorne stopped him indifferently.

Next to it, there are countless corpses.

Countless, pirates and...the corpses of murlocs.

"The stage is set."

Hody looked at the black-haired man in the picture with a mocking expression.

"So, are the actors ready to be seated?"

He picked up a phone bug next to him, and said softly to the other end of the phone bug.

"Now, the script has been written, please start your performance."

"Vander Daken IX."

On the other end of the phone bug, Daken's indifferent voice came. He smiled and said so.

"Sure, you won't be disappointed, my ally."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

His crazy laughter echoed in Hoddy's ears.

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