Pirate Family

Chapter 1005 The Flame of Hatred

"The most unsightly King Neptune is dead, and no one can stop me in the entire Murloc Island!"

"Stop me, fall in love with Shirahoshi!"

Daken's crazy laughter echoed in Hoddy's ears.

But Huo Di smiled slightly and continued.

"Don't be too happy."

"The show isn't over yet, my ally."

"Huh? Didn't King Neptune die in that big explosion? There are still a few seriously injured princes left, nothing to worry about, what else can stop us?"

Daken asked suspiciously.

"On this island, there is a big man hidden that you can't even imagine."

"Sea Xia Jinpei, one of the Seven Martial Seas under the king? That's really troublesome."

Daken thought of that powerful murloc. He was born in Murloc Street, so of course he knew Jinbei's strength.

The current self, in a one-on-one situation, is definitely not his opponent.

"No matter who it is, it can't stop me and Bai Xing from falling in love!"

But Daken's rationality was defeated by his perverted possessiveness towards Shirahoshi, he yelled crazily.

"Even if Haixia Jinbe stands in front of me, he can't stop me!"

"No no no,"

However, Huo Di shook his head and said slowly.

"As I said, the big man hiding in the fishman island is not as simple as a king under Qibuhai."

"He's an emperor."

When the word "emperor" was mentioned, Hodi paused, not hiding the sarcasm in his tone.

The Pirate Emperor, the emperor of the sea, have you asked them the opinion of the real master of the sea, the Murloc?

As the emperor of the sea, but afraid of sea water, is there any more absurd joke in this world?

But Daken was completely infatuated with Shirahoshi, and couldn't listen to Hody's words at all.

"No matter who the opponent is, as long as he chooses to stand in front of me, there is only one result."

"That is, death!"

"Besides, don't I still have the secret weapon you gave me?"

Daken's confident voice came from the other end of the phone bug.

"It's good to have such confidence."

And Hody obviously didn't want to continue to warn Daken, he smiled lightly.

"I hope that in the end, you can share the fruits of this victory with me."

"Beep beep."

After the phone bug hung up, Huo Di suddenly covered his stomach, bent his body, and laughed loudly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

He was laughing so wildly that even tears came from the corners of his eyes.


After a while, he finally recovered, and then said something to the phone bug.

"Stupid idiot."

He never really regarded Daken as his ally, and this idiot didn't know that he had been used.

Neptune's death was just the first step in his own plan.

Hody's smile gradually subsided, revealing a look of madness.

The monitoring phone bug in his hand seemed to feel his master's madness, and woke up from sleep, and the scene that happened in Dragon Palace City just now appeared in front of Hody again.

He didn't think that Daken would be Lorne's opponent, even if Daken used the secret weapon he gave him.

In fact, even if he played by himself, Hody wasn't completely sure about facing the vicious Pirate Emperor.

This is also the reason why he chose to hide in the dark and did not appear for a long time. It would not be ironic if Lorne slapped him to death as soon as he showed up like an ant.

Howdy is crazy, but that doesn't mean he's stupid.


Huo Di muttered to himself, he said the name that made him extremely afraid, with a blank expression on his face.

If he fought at sea, he might indeed not be that man's opponent, but that man's mistake was that he came to the deep sea, to this fishman island located 10,000 meters below the sea.

No matter how powerful human beings are, they all have a shortcoming, a fatal shortcoming. That is, he can't swim, and he can't breathe freely on the bottom of the sea like a murloc.

This is Hody's hole card, and also his bargaining chip for daring to pull Lorne into this chaos.


Hody seemed to remember something, and said to his subordinates.

"Has the matter of linking the entire Murloc Island to monitor phone bugs been done?"

"It's been done. We now have complete control over the monitoring phone bug on Murloc Island, and we can play whatever we want at any time."

A murloc soldier said respectfully that in this short half a day, he had already seen his boss's madness, and he could only survive if he obeyed Hody's orders.

"That's fine."

Huo Di handed over the phone bug in his hand to his subordinates, saying so.

"Let me add another flame to this chaos."

"The flame of vengeance has been ignited, now, let it burn blazingly!"


Fishman Island, street.

Because many pirates went to attack Dragon Palace, the pressure on the murlocs was reduced a lot. Under the leadership of some strong murloc residents, these murlocs began to fight back.

Roaring, the sound of gunfire being pulled, the wailing of flesh and blood, countless voices echoed all over the Murloc Island.

The blood dyed the originally beautiful Murloc Island, like a fairyland in a dream, into blood red.

It's like purgatory.

"It's over, the Fishman Island belongs to us."

A pirate general pinched his head, lifted up a murloc who resisted him, and said indifferently.

"You will all become our slaves!"

The murloc struggled in mid-air, but due to the lack of oxygen, the murloc's face became extremely red.

Seeing that the last rebel lost consciousness, the pirate showed a smug smile on his face.

They finally conquered this fishman island and the golden cave in the eyes of this slave trader.

But his smile didn't last long and froze.

The moment he let go of the murloc's head against him, the murloc who should have lost consciousness suddenly opened his eyes, and then sent his weapon into the pirate's chest.

"You. Why, no, die?"

The pirate looked at his pierced chest and said in disbelief.

"Murlocs are different from humans! Inferior species!"

The murloc said indifferently.

"I can not be reconciled……"

The human roared unwillingly, but the murloc obviously didn't give him the idea of ​​struggling, and a sword ended the pirate's life.

After doing all this, the murloc looked around, surrounded by fellow murlocs and the morale of the pirates. In the whole street, he was the only standing person left.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

He roared in despair, then raised his head and looked at the human in front of him.

A flame called hatred burned in his pupils.

And he is not alone.

All the murlocs who survived the disaster burned with a flame.

The flames of hatred.

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