Pirate Family

Chapter 1010 Sowing Discord

"Bastard, villain!"

The murloc looked at Lorne, and although his eyes were full of fear, he puffed up his chest and said with a firm face.

"I will definitely kill you."

"A roar without power is meaningless."

Lorne frowned. He didn't understand why this murloc was full of murderous intent towards him. It would be fine if there were only one or two murlocs. The problem is, when he returned to Murloc Island, all the murlocs regarded him as an enemy. , while roaring, rushed towards him.

"It doesn't matter if you tell me or not, because I'll find out soon."

Lorne said lightly, he snapped his fingers at the murloc, and the fear in the murloc's eyes disappeared, and he became confused instead.

"Don't be afraid, my child."

The murloc looked at Lorne and was slightly taken aback, then his confusion disappeared, and he became very scared.

"Mother," the murloc looked at Lorne and muttered to himself.

"Tell me, what happened? Why did you attack that human being?"

Lorne slowly induced that he changed the perception of the murloc. In the eyes of the murloc, he was the person he trusted the most.

Namely, his mother.

"what happened!"

The murloc's tone gradually became angry, and he said through gritted teeth.

"I will definitely kill that man!"

"kill him?"

"Why, kill him? Is it because he is a human?"

"More than that!"

The murloc growled.

"Because he... killed the king."

Boom boom boom!

The moment the murloc finished speaking, there was a burst of war drums behind Lorne, and then, countless murlocs came out from every corner of the street.

They held all kinds of crude weapons, but without exception, they all looked at Lorne with angry expressions in their eyes.

At the top of the street, there is a phone bug projection screen. The screen flickers a few times, and then a picture gradually appears on the screen.

It was a dilapidated castle, the original luxurious and exquisite decorations were dumped on the ground like garbage,

Blood flowed across the ground, and countless human and murloc corpses were intertwined, as if they had just experienced a tragic war.

Even through the screen, one could smell the pungent smell of blood. One could imagine how brutal this battle was.

In the center of the battlefield is a Jingguan piled up with human and murloc corpses, and a strong murloc hangs from the top of the Jingguan.

Any murloc in Murloc Island knows who this strong murloc is, that is their king, the great knight of the sea, Neptune!

But now, Neptune's body was covered with terrible wounds, and he was so weak that he was weak.

And opposite him stood a human being, a human with black hair.

The human raised his hand slightly towards Neptune, a trace of determination appeared on Neptune's face, and then the next moment.

The explosives buried underground exploded, and the entire Dragon Palace City was reduced to ruins.

"Is that so?"

Lorne said to himself, he finally understood why these residents hated him after he returned to Fishman Island.

It turned out that someone got in the way, edited the scene of his meeting with Neptune, and then put it on the big screen.

The residents of these fishman islands mistakenly thought that they were the murderers who killed King Neptune.

Originally, after the pirates invaded Murloc Island, these murlocs harbored hatred for humans. After seeing the scene of Lorne "killing" King Neptune, this hatred became even more violent.

Lorne had to admit that the mastermind behind the tragedy was not as stupid as he thought.

"Do you want me to stand on the opposite side of all the murlocs? Let the murlocs in the entire murloc island and all the pirates regard me as a murderer."

"Very smart, but you miscalculated a little."

Lorne said to himself, this "behind the scenes" miscalculated a bit, that is,

Lorne didn't care about these murlocs or pirates at all.

Because they can't pose the slightest threat to themselves!

This is his biggest mistake!

"Kill this murderer!"

The murlocs roared and rushed towards Lorne, but Lorne just snapped his fingers, and then walked towards the murlocs as if no one else was there.

And these murlocs, as if they didn't see Lorne, did not move at all when they passed by Lorne, but continued to rush forward.

Until Lorne completely left this place, no murloc noticed that Lorne had disappeared.


"Damn! How is he so powerful?"

Somewhere on Fishman Island, Hody saw what happened on the street through the surveillance phone bug on the street. Through the field of vision of the surveillance phone bug, he could clearly see that Lorne just snapped his fingers. The group of murlocs let him leave calmly as if they would never see him again.

Hody knew that any Pirate Emperor was the absolute ruler of the sea, such as the white beard who had a deep friendship with King Neptune and left his flag on Fishman Island.

But he didn't expect that Lorne was so strong that he could easily defeat Kai Xia Jinpei, one of the king's seven martial arts, and his crowd tactics were useless to Lorne.

"It appears that plans must be changed."

Huo Di muttered to himself, what he originally thought was to stir up conflicts between Lorne and the murlocs, and then make the murlocs completely disappointed in humans. When both sides were exhausted, he would appear with Daken again, Play the role of murloc savior.

When necessary, Lorne can even kill Shirahoshi in front of everyone, so that the conflict between murlocs and humans becomes completely irreconcilable.

This was Hody's original plan, but judging from Lorne's current strength, Hody's plan is not fundamentally different from playing house.

"Let Daken come forward and lure Lorne to that place."

Huo Di said slowly to his subordinates.

He must activate the second set of plans. Since I can't control Lorne at all, I must completely remove this obstacle in my plan.

No matter how powerful Lorne is, he is a capable person after all, and any capable person has a fatal flaw, that is, he is afraid of sea water.

As for the sea water, there is no essential difference between the murlocs and the air for humans.

He wants to lure Lorne to the agreed place by bewitching Daken, and then use the sea water to completely ruin this Pirate Emperor!

But at this moment, Hody's subordinates let out an exclamation.

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