Pirate Family

Chapter 1011 I am here to find you

"What is he doing?"

One of Hody's subordinates looked at the surveillance screen and exclaimed.

"He seems to have found us!!"

Huo Di saw that Lorne, who had disappeared into the street surveillance screen, turned back suddenly, then looked around for a long time, and finally saw this surveillance phone bug in the corner.

Lorne walked towards the monitoring phone bug slowly, and finally stopped about three or four meters in front of the monitoring phone bug.

"What is he going to do?"

Huo Di frowned and said, he didn't understand what Lorne wanted to do.

And Lorne in the picture searched around, finally found a steel bar inside the building, and then pinched the steel bar, and carved something on the collapsed wall.

He sketched for a long time, and finally put the steel bar aside, turned around, and left the monitoring range.

"Zoom in, take a look, what exactly is he carving!"

Huo Di ordered to his subordinates, the picture was getting closer and closer, and Huo Di finally saw clearly that Lorne didn't engrave any pattern, he just left a line of words on that wall.

"Wait...wait...I, I'm here...to find...you..."

Huo Di read out the words left by Lorne word by word. When he finished reading the last word, he stood up abruptly, and he was no longer as calm as before.

"Get out of here quickly!"

"Lorne seems to have spotted us!"

In this sea, there is nothing more terrifying than being targeted by a Pirate Emperor.

If there is, it is that this Pirate Emperor has malicious intentions.

And Huodi obviously didn't think that Lorne wanted to come to him for afternoon tea as simple as that.

All the murlocs moved quickly, putting away all the things that could be taken away, and quickly smashing the things that could not be taken away.

"Boss, outside!"

But when the group of murlocs just walked out of the building where they were hiding, a murloc exclaimed.

They saw a stone pillar several meters thick flying straight towards them.

"Get away!"

Hoddy rolled over and rolled out of the room.

The stone pillar hit the building accurately, and then the entire building collapsed as if unable to withstand the huge impact brought by the stone pillar.

"That man is rushing towards us quickly."

A murloc looked at the surveillance screen in his hand and shouted.

"He's going fast, he's three and a half blocks away now, three blocks, no!"

A trace of despair flashed in the murloc's eyes.

"Only two streets left!"

Lorne's speed was too fast, completely beyond their imagination!

"It's too late!"

Huo Di shouted, even though he had greatly overestimated Lorne's combat power, the strength Lorne showed was completely beyond his imagination.

Whether it was throwing a stone pillar at them from three streets away, or the speed that could not be captured at all, it was far beyond the range he could handle.

"You must get out of here quickly!"

In order to spread the edited scene of Lorne "killing" King Neptune to all parts of the island, Hodi deliberately chose this hideout in the middle of Murloc Island, and now this hideout has become a hidden danger .

Because this place was too far away from the sea outside Murloc Island, with the speed Lorne showed, they couldn't escape this ghostly place before Lorne found them.

"I can only go there!"

Howdy shouted, he jumped forward and rushed forward.

There, there is a towering tree with a huge canopy that can't see the end, almost growing beyond the sea.

This is the dependence of the entire Murloc Island, Yangshu Adam, and the entire Murloc Island depends on the sunlight transported by this Yangshu Adam to survive.

This tree, for all murlocs, is like a mother.

This is why, after the disaster, all the murlocs subconsciously gathered towards Yangshu Adam, and then built a shelter at the root of Yangshu Adam.

But now, Hody was about to rush towards the shelter. Only by hiding among the murlocs could he hope to avoid Lorne's pursuit.

"Then, inform Daken that it's time for him to perform!"

When Huo Di was running wildly, he seemed to think of something, turned around and said slowly to the murloc soldiers behind him.

"I hope he won't disappoint me!"


"Right now, there's nothing stopping us."

"It stopped us from falling in love."

On a certain trunk of Yangshu Adam, Daken looked at the flames burning in Dragon Palace City in the distance, and said to himself.

"Have you heard? That old guy, your father, died at Lorne's hands."

"Maybe you haven't heard of Lorne, but I can tell you that Lorne is a famous big pirate in the New World, a very vicious big pirate."

"In other words, your father died at the hands of a human pirate."

Next to him was Princess Shirahoshi who was bound. After hearing Daken's words, Princess Shirahoshi shook her head in disbelief.

"No, father will not die."

She couldn't believe that her wise and powerful father had just died like this.

"This has nothing to do with me, although I really want to kill your father, because he is a stumbling block that hinders our love, but I haven't had time to do it yet."

Daken shrugged his shoulders and said innocently.

"Now, hate humans, humans are inferior species that should have been eliminated by this world."

After getting along with Huo Di for a long time, he was gradually infected by Huo Di.

It is believed that humans cannot coexist peacefully with murlocs.

Or it can be said that he was born on Murloc Island, and he harbored resentment towards humans, and Hody just awakened the hatred buried in his heart.

Underfoot, the entire Murloc Island was ablaze with fire.

The wailing of the murlocs and the rampant roar of the pirates could be vaguely heard.

"This is an era of change. After today, the murlocs will undergo a complete change."

Daken yelled.

"The murlocs led by me will never be oppressed by humans again."

He still remembered Hodi's promise to him that after Neptune's death, he would inherit Neptune's position and become the emperor of the murloc clan.


But Shirahoshi seemed not to have heard Daken's words, still immersed in the grief of his father's death.

"Forget it, let you be quiet for a while."

Daken looked at Shirahoshi and said helplessly.

He looked down at the Fishman Island below his feet, his eyes full of possessiveness.

And at this moment, the phone bug on his body suddenly rang.

Hoddy's anxious voice came from inside.

"Prepare for one last plan, Daken!"

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